398 -
I don't think Virtue was completely shafted. I'd heard some people saying that folks that were AFK got the code, and I think someone else posted in this thread that they were on Virtue and got the code. But Virtue did have 7 Pocket Ds, and Avatea did show up in all of them, and apologized for not having enough codes.
Quote:You're right, they don't have to do it. But when you're not even given the chance to win because they gave away all the prizes before getting to the room you're waiting in, you might feel disappointed, and want to make sure that your voice is heard. It's a matter of fairness. When they say you get the chance at winning something for free, and then you don't get the chance... you see where I'm going with this?The OCR team doesn't have to do these type of things, nor do they have to give away booster codes to players
We're glad they do these things, but this particular one wasn't handled to our expectations proven by previous giveaways. Yes, they could have decided to not give away the booster pack, hell, if they gave away 100 packs over all the servers, that's a profit loss of $1000. So it's appreciated, it just needs to be done better. -
Well... gotta say I'm disappointed. And I'm saying this constructively, not to be whiny complaining. Not that I'm saying anyone else has been, since I didn't bother to read anything else in this thread.
But I want to be heard here.
I'm not disappointed that I didn't win one of the codes for the animal pack. I was planning to buy it anyway, and honestly, had forgotten about the give away until right about time for it. But when I do log on, and there are seven instances of Pocket D, and six of them are full, that makes it impossible for me to even get a chance at winning a code. Sure, I could have logged on the second I got home from work, and waited around, and hoped for the best, but what about the other fifty people in instance 7, or the fifty people in 6, or 5, or however many there were that didn't even get a chance at the code because they were given away in the first two or three instances? My beast costume may not have won(I was a yellow chicken doing /em chicken over and over) but maybe mine was better than someone who got a code in one of the lower instances. But to not even get a chance to find out is what's disappointing.
Also... I felt bad for Avatea. She was the one giving out the codes, and then the bad news on Virtue. Most people seemed to be ok with the bad news, but there were a few people who were not grateful for the gold titles. It's not her fault that the free codes were in short supply, but she had the unfortunate job of telling people that they showed up for nothing.
Hopefully in the future there will be better planning, and more codes. Like checking out how many instances there are of the meeting zone, and divide the number of available codes evenly over them.
I can handle not winning, but not even getting the chance to compete... -
Quote:I had this happen on a Kahn I was on this morning. One of the people on our team was a rogue, and everyone had zoned into Ouro to use that instead of the train. Well, the rogue went to the redside Ouro, and so for every person on the team in the blue side Ouro, it showed that many mission entrances in the Ouro listing. As soon as the Rogue went through Pocket D and into Talos, the list shrank back to 1, and we were able to enter. Prior to that, we couldn't enter the mission.Possibly related but on one of the train mishes I had 8 instances for the mision to select from on the zoning menu last night.
I don't know if that same type of thing was what caused yours to happen, but since we effectively had someone on the team in a villainous zone for a non-villainous mission, we couldn't enter the mission. -
Didn't see a post about this, so thought I'd ask and see if I was the only one.
On Sunday I ran a Kahn TF(So prior to it being the WST) I had to manually set the missions, rather than them auto-setting after talking to Kahn like they do in every other TF I've ever run. Ran one again today, and same thing.
Not a big deal, or even a slight annoyance, just something I noticed and thought might be a bug. -
Quote:Ok.. that doesn't sound like what I'm really wanting then. I can live with the extra button click, but just wondered if there was another way.you can get rid of the pop up by right clicking on each of the coh programs...and changing the attributes on them in the properties menu to have them run as an administrator.(check the box next tot he option to run as administrator)
That should eliminate the first pop up window....but you should know...any changes that happen to thos programs like patches and whatever will require you to change the program properties again....because the program will get altered and thus the default setting to run as an administrator will be changed.
Quote:As for the mouse wheel issue...since this has only started happening since you upgraded to windows 7...then what you need to do is go into your windows 7 configuration for your mouse and make sure it is set for a wheel...and not some generic standard mouse setting.
Thanks anyway! -
So with my IRS refund I upgraded and got a new graphics card, and upgraded from XP to Windows 7. Ever since then when I've played CoH my scroll wheel won't zoom in and out on my characters. I've checked the options menu for everything and had it set at default, but nothing changed.
Also, whenever I click on the updater, I get the pop-up to allow the updater to run since it could change things on my computer. Overall I still want that pop-up to help with unwanted downloads from web surfing, but I'm wondering if there is a way to disable that pop-up for just the CoH updater.
Any thoughts? -
Quote:Just to note, the pictures Shadow State is talking about are on page 15 of that thread, not on page 8 that the link takes you too.warden_de_dios has some pictures over here.
I read the patch notes when this came out, AND it was put in the MOTD of one of my global channels for a while... and I STILL can't remember what the colors mean. I'm too focused on having fun to want to bother to pull up a browser, find the patch notes, find that section of the patch notes only to find out what a yellow name means! -
I soloed him on my SD/Axe tank by loading up on red inspirations. Soon as he was the last mob on the map, hit a few of them to max out my damage, pounced, wailed, jumped off him onto clone, lather, rinse, repeat.
My first time tanking LR, I was on my shield/axe tanker, and while I was soft capped, I knew I couldn't stand toe to toe with him, and we didn't really have a support to help keep me alive. So I whipped out my old jetpack that I hadn't used in ages, and just taunted the daylights out of him while staying away from the towers the team was working on. I kept him jumping around, trying to get to me. Every once in a while he'd hit me with something, and I died twice, but still a decent tactic. Especially since you hosp in mission.
Also, something I didn't see mentioned here(Though I skimmed) is you gotta keep your eyes open for the Arachnos Flyer. Even if you take it down before you go after Recluse, it still can respawn, and cause you to wipe if you're not prepared for it. -
Quote:It would be a nice change? No.. no it wouldn't. It would be an unnecessary change. Tell me, what are the benefits to a level cap raise?i hate how this game pledged not to raise the level cap when all the people QQ'ed about it going from 40 to 50 it would be a nice change to keep leveling getting to 50 is not even remotely hard anymore.
More content? We get new content every issue. It may not be the content you want, but it's content.
Become more powerful? Well, we already have a ton of powers at 50, and the devs have said they don't see a need for more enhancement slots. Not to mention they just started the new end game content to make your lvl 50's more powerful. So... let's negate all that and just tack on an extra ten levels.
Also, just because you find it to be easy to get to 50, doesn't mean everyone does. Even if you play a low damage, low defense character, and play it solo through non-power leveling fashions, and it doesn't feel like it's hard for you to get to 50... what will raising the level cap do? Just takes you longer to get there... then what? You get all your 50's up to the new cap, and you'll be asking for another cap raise, and another, and another. For this game, level cap raises are not needed.
So again, what are the benefits of a level cap raise in this game? -
Quote:fixed that for you. Also only level 50's that have unlocked the alpha slot get a 3rd build. I've heard there are some PvPers who disable XP and stay in their 30's.Since we have 3 builds available now, it'll be easy for a player to make a build exclusively for PvP (esp. since most pvpers do this anyways).
Quote:It would be nice to be able to IO a pvp toon for 100 mil. -
And responding in kind to your second post
1) A good add, and if this system were integrated, then that's probably how the devs would do it. But they'll also consider people who have multiple accounts, and therefore multiple globals. If that could be too much of a concern for people to exploit or not. Really there's no way around that, or just friends doing it with multiple characters. But the devs might not see that as too big of a problem.
2) Then I would recommend that something get added to the missions created in the MA that can be turned on/off by the author that would allow the nemesis to enter the same mission, at a different spawn point. Whomever is successful in the mission hero or villain gets the rewards. Might be that it's more tickets than normal, or maybe it could be treated like Dev's choice missions where you get actual drops.
3) Conceded.
4) For base raiding, it was under used by the players. Yes there are SGs and VGs that did base raiding, but it was a small minority. I don't remember the particulars, but I believe that base raiding was taken down shortly after the PvP 2.0 came out in I13, and that it won't be coming back until the devs figure out how to get PvP working in a way that will satisfy the majority of PvPers, and be able to bring in PvEers.
As for this coming in I21, while it would be nice, the devs do plan plan things many issues in advance. I'm really not trying to poop on your intent, but expecting your new idea to be released in the game so quickly is kinda implausible. But then, I'm not a dev, and if I was, I probably wouldn't be the person who could make those choices. It could be something fairly simple to put in, or it could be incredibly difficult that could take many many months to even figure out how it could be done.
5) Yes, I said as much, that Praetorians can choose to stay and exemplar down to get XP. I don't really see a need to reduce it down to 25. If you want to drop it, I'd say drop it to 20, but I think 30 would work fine.
6) And while this could do just that, I wouldn't expect it happen before a new revamp of PvP comes out, which as I mentioned before, is low on the devs priority list.
7) No apology neededIf you'd insulted me, intentionally or not, then go ahead, but this is a discussion, and not everything is going to fly just the way you want. I'm just trying to help by pointing out the problems I see, and what others might take issue with. Now if when you ding 30, you automatically get a nemesis, and have to fight him/her, that would be forcing that I would not abide by. But by making the choice to get one, you should know what you're getting yourself into.
For your additions, I don't really see too much of a problem with them -
Quote:This can be done either via the mission architect, or by simply finding someone in game, and working it out with the player that your two characters will be enemies, and hunt each other in PvP zonesWhat would be cool is if when you reached level 30, you picked a nemesis. And you could customize their look or you could pick another player, either hero or villain, who is also looking for a nemisis.
Quote:A villain nemisis makes missions for their hero counterpart to deal with in a certain time period, otherwise, the villain gains XP and influence.
Quote:The villain can be contacted when the hero enters the mission and enter into a player versus player mission, or they can just leave a computer version of themselves there. The villain can also hire other villains for influence to be put in their missions to make it harder for the hero to succeed.
Quote:And these villain missions keep popping up every now and again, so the hero would have to take care of his/her nemisis on top of their other missions. Also, Heroes can bring in others as well.
Quote:Villains could also raid super hero bases and tear it appart. This idea could also raise the player versus player interaction because what im getting from this game is that the player vs player is kind of unnecessary. This way, there could be forced interaction between heroes and villains.
Quote:Praetorians could pick nemisis to, and when they choose alignment, the villain goes to the opposite. If a hero or villain switches sides, they succumb to their nemisis and join them and pick a new nemisis. That way, everyone still gets a nemisis.
I think this would be a very cool addition to the city of heroes/villains family. Issue 20: Nemisis. It sounds really cool.
Now, I'm not saying that this is a bad idea, but it has come up before. Not recently from what I recall though. But there are flaws with the idea. The big one being PvP. No there's not much emphasis on it, and for some people that's sad, and a lot of PvPers left the game due to the I13 changes that were made to PvP.
Also, someone might pick on you for having said "forced pvp" and forcing PvP is a bad idea. Generally I'd agree, but I look at it like this. If you pick a nemesis, someone you choose to fight with, then it's not really forced. -
There is no Zuul there is only... him!
One of my favorites that I was blown away by when I heard it was...
Extra merits for TF challenges.
I was on a team doing a Synapse TF, and we got a bugged mission where one of the clockworks in a defeat all was spawned in the map geometry. We had the red cursor on the map telling us where it was, and so I tried using Self Destruct to kill it. I then got yelled at by my teammates because my Self Destruct put us over the 5 death limit the leader had set up. They were vehement about how if you set up those challenges like the time limit, death limit, enemies are buffed etc etc, that you get extra merits when you complete the TF. I almost believed them. -
Just wanted to add on.. that you should be glad that there are some sliders for the model manipulation. In every other MMO I've played, you could change a few bits of their appearance, but not height, not muscles, and certainly not boob size. Would you honestly prefer if everyone had the exact same body type?
Quote:The solution to the root issue is... don't play a buffer. If you don't like applying buffs constantly, then don't put yourself into that situation.Well there's some pretty clearly defined problems with my suggestion, but the root issue I'm trying to solve is having to constantly re-buff people all mission long, one at a time. Any suggestions for fixing it besides what we have now?
An AOE buff would be a problem, because sometimes people don't want it. -
Make leveling faster? Meh. I don't mind what it's at now.. but if they make it faster, I won't mind. Besides, if you make a toon on Freedom, and hang out in Atlas, you'll find the latest AE exploit quickly.
F2P? Hell no! Honestly, CoH/V/GR is going to have a hard time keeping me once SWTOR drops, but if they go F2P, I'd just vanish altogether. I've tried F2P games before, and I don't like them. I played LotR before it went F2P, and it lost my interest before that happened. It going F2P did not draw my interest back to it. It didn't make me think that I could enjoy it now that I didn't have to pay for it. It made me think that game was even less desireable now that all the GOOD stuff would be blocked from me until I paided for it.
This is an MMO, not a console game, and your definition of a "casual gamer" is not the same as everyone elses. -
Quote:I too would like to say a few things.I would like to say a few things before I begin.
Firstly, I am a girl in real life.
Secondly, I am a fan of making both male and female costumes.
Alright, let's roll.
1: I'm a guy in real life
2: I also make both male and female characters to play in CoH/V/GR
3: Even though I've read the thread to it's fullest at the time of this posting, I'm responding to the OP only to avoid the drama, and debates.
Quote:The City of Heroes costume creator. One of the most amazing parts of the game. The literal millions of options are astounding, yet I can still find few faults.
Quote:Namely, the abilities to make your cleavage larger then your head. Real girls, in real life, don't have breasts that big. And that bothers me a lot. I'll admit I'm sensitive to that stuff, I am not as.. endowed... as others, but still! I imagine that feature was developed by males, for males. All the females I know set their cleavage at a minimum, because thats an actual size.
I find it offensive that you assume the only reason the boob slider is set the way it is, is because of men. That statement is more sexist to me than the thought of that statement being true. While yes, many men, and adolescent males are drawn to, and desire large breasts, so are a lot of women. No I don't mean lesbians, but regular every day women. There are women out there that are not well endowed, that wish they were. If there wasn't, there wouldn't be much of a market for breast implants.
Now I hope you don't take that the wrong way, as I don't know you, and most certainly wasn't implying you were one of those women. But this is a game about fantasy, and so for that fact, all the body models are made to be remarkable! If you try, yes you can make someone who's old/ugly/overweight, but this game is made for super heroes. Not your everyday Joe and Jane.
Quote:Another thing: Why can't girls have chest icons as big as boys? They are almost impossible to see, and really effect some 3D elements. I'd prefer it if they were the same size. Or, at least, large enough to see.
Quote:And yet another thing: The shoulder items are tiny compared to males. What if I want a heavily armored girl, with huge, thick armor and a normal, unarmored head?
Quote:And yet ANOTHER thing: Why do all the female hairstyles look somewhat the same? Can we please get one that doesn't look like it's being held up by over a ton of hairspray? Can't we get spikey, short hair that doesn't click into our details? And why is the first hair "Medium?" It is the ugliest hairstyle I've seen, ever, and it's the first thing that shows up when I reset my costume.
Quote:I'm sorry I sound like a brat, but that just really pisses me off...
In short, I must simply say... Stop trying to interject your reality into my fantasy! -
Does anyone know if the qualifications for this badge must be made in a single run, or if the three badges can be obtained through multiple runs to get the Master of badge?
That's one thing I've never really understood. You can store enhancements for later use, and you can store salvage for later use, but not recipes for later use?
Could be I teamed by level 30, with some level 50s. The recipe drops I get are going to be 50, but I can't use them yet, and I don't have the salvage to craft them. So I have to hold them for another 17 levels before I can use them?
It just doesn't make sense... but then no one ever said I had to understand.