3209 -
Then that was a bug and not marty. Marty is timed, not location-based.
Quote:What you are missing is that in other games recipes are part of the crafting sub-system. In City they are the loot. In a fantasy MMO you might get a magic sword from an enemy you defeat. In City you will get a recipe instead. No fantasy MMO gives you infinite magic swords. You have to earn them each time. If you can craft them, you have to earn the materials and those are typically hard to come by or only drop from certian enemies.Can someone explain to me the logic behind making recipies expendable? In any other MMO with recipes as part of the crafting system, your character just learns them permanently, why does this game make them an expendable part of item creation?
In City all of our materials drop from basically any enemy. there are low-level, mid-level and high level, and tech or arcane. But that's it. No Farm this specific enemy with .002% chance to drop uber-leet item or uber-special material. You just do anything you want. Kill a random peon from the council and you might get any piece of salvage at all. Or even the most powerful purple recipies. That recipe is the limited resource. The materials are all pretty common. Even the ones called "rare" drop very often. -
Quote:Well that is correct except the impossible bit. When you get a fame point you get credit in your progress bar. The fame point expires, the progress doesn't. And you DO need 10 fame points. Heh. But I agree it can be confusing.cool...
they should probably think about re-wording their description.. it SOUNDS like you have to get 10 Fame points, but that you can only do 5 a day and they expire in 20 hours, making it sound like it is impossible...
Quote:also it says one acquires 'reward merits' but then loses all '<alignment> merits' when switching alignments... which sounds like one might lose 'reward merits' too (which i'm pretty sure is not the case)... maybe the word 'merit' should not be used to mean two totally different concepts that are acquired in the same sub-system of the game... hehe
The idea is that being able to play both hero and villain content is a huge benefit to any character. So there needed to be something to reward people for staying true to one side or the other. those are alignment merits. Also the hero and villain powers are very good, while the rogue and vigilante powers suck.
Quote:but i think i'm starting to understand... after 10 alignment missions one get a morality mission that has to be complete to switch alignment...
question... can these morality missions be soloed?... i have no problem soloing Tip missions... are they about equal in difficulty, or does one need a group to do morality missions?
also as a bonus if you team and the group does a morality mission before you are ready, you get credit for it as if it were a tip. So it's not wasted. -
Quote:Doms aren't buffer/debuffers. They're really not close to a /rad of any type except maybe a blaster rad/. Dominators have control powers, but really, it is best to think of a dom as a weird cross between a blaster and a scrapper with the primary being your "ranged armor".I really like the idea behind Dominators, but I just cannot seem to find one that I like. The closest 50 that I could relate is a Ill/Rad Controller which is pretty big shoes to fill.
Also, PSI is no longer low damage.
Quote:1) What exactly does power boost boost besides the controls? I know it effects heals (Aid Self) but what other powers? Def Powers? Resistance? At level 50 its a 97% boost so that means it double the effectiveness approximately? Does it effect Carrion Creepers? I am mostly just curious what it effects that Dominators get access to? (Stamina? Health? Etc)
Quote:2) Would anyone care to summarize the pets in the various primaries? IE, Fire Imps are known to do the most damage, how significant is it to the number 2 damage pet? (Whatever that may be) How survival is the pet (Meaning any of the pets) in the late game? IE, I'd make a choice on a more survivable pet over damage if the damage pet is usually a corpse.
Then there is Singy from gravity. He is almost indestructible. He stays by your side NO MATTER WHAT. He is what all pets should be. Except he is crap for damage. Excellent protection and secondary source of controls though. He chucks people around like they are toys in a toddler's hands during a temper tantrum. Total rockstar that one.
Electric's gremlins are nice and there are two of them for decent damage. If you are incarnated with reactive (or one of the soon to be released alternates) they do spectacular damage. Imps with reactive (or one of the net alternatives) do over 95dps as measured on rikti pylons. That is, half the damage output of a decent scrapper. Gremlins are #2. Keep in mind that the pylon is a funky thing to test on and far from ideal so take the damage with a HUUGE pile of salt not just one grain.
I am very fond of my plant. It takes the -res proc and deals pretty substantial damage. It can solo +1 cim lieuts albeit not fast.
All pets are coded to attack un-mezzed enemies by preference. This is why they are famous for aggro issues. I love them and would never skip any of them.
Quote:3) What about summarizing the various control of the primaries?
Fire/Plant: best mix of control plus damage
Mind: most utility, very cheap to permadom, able to solo LRSF
Gravity: lowest damage, middle of the road controls, lots of unique powers. Has a bad rep it doesn't deserve. Not easy to play, but rewarding.
Ice: hardest to play. Fewest hard controls. Loads of utility. Has a sleep = good vs AVs.
Quote:4) Finally, could someone summarize the various secondaries? Basically, overall damage with a range / melee mix, damage with going pure range, and damage with melee.
Fire = most damage
Psi = drain psyche is totally broken if you go that route
Thorns = crap damage but lots of AoE
All the rest are just flavoring.
Quote:Edit: Also could you include thoughts on the AOE capability? -
Quote:I agree 100% that it will be a while. But I disagree that there is nothing planned. I think they have talked about it but not assigned developer hours to it. And I don't think they plan to devote developer hours to it for a few more months.Nor am I. However, I am expecting many or all of the other ATs to be given even more new power sets while Doms are stuck waiting for one. Forget "months"; its already been over a year, a year in which everyone else was given multiple new sets. Even if Doms were given a new set tomorrow, they'd still be far behind. At this point I have serious doubts that there ever was anything new in particular planned for Doms, it seems more likely they just tossed out that line to placate people who were disappointed at Doms being left out.
Probably the best you can do is see if anyone still has their character from the currently fixed bug way back when respecs let you slot infinitely into kheldian form powers. Then find one who still has one of their characters with 40+ slots in nova blast. Buy the account of that person. Wait for a new bug that disables ED to kick in. One-shot Hamidon before the dev's fix it.
Of course you note that I am not recommending you do this, just speculating that it is possibly the best way.
Now the most feasible way within the existing rules and not breaking any of them is to get a pair of defenders (1 kin, 1 rad) and your best CEBR character and see if that works for you set to +4/x8. If not, then the only other thing I can think of would be to get a fire/rad superteam and a group of 3 or 4 tanks. Use the tanks to herd and the fire/rad team to steamroll. By keeping the tanks unleagued and unteamed all the exp goes to the superteam. And they can kill things faster than the game intends I believe. Probably the Rikti Warzone's far north is the best place for this activity. -
Quote:I for one would way prefer they buffed the crashing nukes rather than convert them to crashless. I love blizzard and inferno and they wouldn't be the same after."Proved" is a bit strong. What I believe I can show is that if the nukes were treated like any other power, factoring in their long recharge and crashes, that the current power balancing rules would specify that they do something between somewhat more, and massively more damage.
Which means that the crashing nukes do less damage than that because of a special case rule that limits the maximum damage they can do. That's not unreasonable, but that has to be balanced against the question of whether we actually need to be reducing blaster performance, when blaster performance has always been datamined to be lacking. -
Quote:Fame points are just a way to track how fast you can do tips. You can never have more than 5 at a time. Fame points can be of any of the 4 alignments, you don't get 5 of each, it is 5 total. They go away after 20 hours. this is how the game limits your tip missions.i'm not exactly sure what Fame points are for...
my best guess is that they give an indication when you can do another Tip mission once the 5 in one 'day' has been done... that is, you can't do a Tip mission unless one of the Fame point boxes is empty...
so if I'm right... the system is NOT that at like, say, midnight you can now do 5 more Tip missions... it is once you have done 5 you can only do another one when the longest one was at least 20 hours ago... so in a sense, Fame points are what you WANT to go away!
but i don't know if this is true, it's just a guess... but i don't think Fame points are spent, nor do you get some benefit from having them (like, say, 1.5X experience for kills)... am i close?
Please note that the halloween tip, the tip to unlock mortimer kal's strike force, and the morality tips do not count against fame points and you can have all of those at once. -
Quote:In my mind, the mind set of the good tanker players and the mechanics of gauntlet means that tankers will never be obsolete. Or at the very least, I will always have a spot for one on my teams.Yup. That's why I like my Tanker. A lot of people like to say that Tankers are obsolete now because Brutes do more damage and can be buffed to the same levels of survivability, that with all the Destiny buffs floating around almost any character can be made nigh-indestructible anyway, etc. In theory, those people are right; there are situations where I think maybe I'd have been slightly better off on a Brute.
But there's just no substitute for knowing that you're as survivable as you can possibly be without outside intervention.
Brutes are great and Tanks are great, and they both overlap some and they both have a place in the game. -
Quote:This bums me out to no end for many outfits, not just the steampunk stuff. =(If you bought the costume bundle then it should include all of the pieces, if you bought individual pieces then, well...
Also not that not all pieces are available for Male, Female & Huge body types, much to the dismay of many people who want their huge men wearing dresses... -
Quote:Regen requiring skill comes down to knowing to anticipate incomming damage. Sometimes you use dull pain for the big heal. Sometimes you need it before diving into the spawn so you have the extra hitpoints to survive dual crits from a Cim boss. Sometimes you use IH and sometimes you look at the big room just past your current spawn and realize that if you use it now, it will drop half way through that room, so save it. Sometimes you just mog and dive into the middle of a spawn. Sometimes the spawn is spread out and has very wimpy ranged attacks so you hit dull pain for a HP boost and rush one dude on the side, then pop MOG right before his buddies surround you.I don't know if I'd go so far as to say Regen requires a lot of 'skill', but then that term is always loosely defined anyway. For me, Regen basically boils down to: Hit Dull Pain. Not enough? Hit something else.
Willpower is good, I probably like it more then Regen, but I also feel kind of... helpless, if things aren't going my way. Aside from inspirations and maybe Strength of Will, there isn't a lot you can do to remedy a situation with Will Power aside from running away and trying again. Regen, on the other hand, feels like it always has one extra 'god-mode' I can turn on.
The two most common ways people die with regens is that they use every click too fast. Or they die and have a bunch they didn't use but should have. Finding that balance in-between is a lot harder than any other secondary I've played. It really, really rewards getting hours on your character and knowing what you can and can't survive with each combination of powers. And knowing which enemies deal the spike damage and how it impacts you.
WP, is literally toggle up and go kill. regen will never be that. Even the build I have which is about as close as you can get to that. -
How will you be playing? If you're looking for really big spawns, you will probably want to pair with the swords so you can cap defenses reliably. If you are soloing at mid-sized enemy groups, you can use any form of mitigation as Valuur mentions.
Here's a quick and dirty explanation: Pretend you have 10 enemies attacking you and you use parry for some bonus defense. All 10 have a lower chance to hit. If instead you use stone melee for knockdown. that ONE dude is not attacking at all, 9 others no impact at all. no attack at all is better than even softcapped defenses which still have a 5% chance to hit and might cause some secondary effect (placate, confuse, etc). But if 9 dudes still get to wail on you, it might not be enough to shut down a few of them.
So, are you soloing, teaming, are you the main meatshield or just an extra source of damage? What role are you looking to fill.
Second, becuase of your other threads. Are you clear on the difference between regen and will power and are you 100% SURE you prefer a regen build for this? -
they are actually very very much alike. They are not defense sets, they are not resist sets. both function via replenishing hit points directly not by preventing damage.
In the same way that fire and elec are alike so too are regen and will power.
If they were the same there would be no reason for them to exist. Will power is pasive, regen is active and valuur gives a great breakdown of how that impacts experience.
But the point is that if you want a secondary that lets you recover hp and endurance fast, you have two options: regen and will. and will will do a better job of it. regen, you may or may not find more fun. -
Short version: Regen is a good set for scrappers even better on brutes thanks to more HP. Unfortunately willpower does everything regen does and it does it better. Doubly true if redraw comes into the picture.
Long version: Look in the scrapper forum for the thread on help with top-end kat/regen. And track down Arcannaville's posts about buffing regen vs -regen debuffs and replacing the IH effect with a heal over time.
I'll try to edit with some links. -
I never seem to have this bad endurance problem. I do slot IOs starting at level 7, but I'm just putting random junk in until the 20s or 30s at which point I do the boring, reactive armor 4-slotted (res, end, res/end, res/end/rech) in all the armors. Lower level, I try to get two or three res/end or res/end/rech into each armor. I put a bit of end reduction in my attacks, and I run the proc and 1 endmod in stamina. I usually have numina but not miracle in health. And I do fine unless I have a heavy primary (like my axe/dark needed a bit more than this).
I run all my toggles all the time as soon as I get them. And that includes not only the armors, but damage and sometimes adding tough/weave and assault later on. -
I haven't used it in energy drain but I did have two in ela and found them very disappointing.
The chance to fire is half that of a damage proc (only 10%) and low mag low duration. It does work but for so short a time and only on minions, so I pulled them both out. Now you have a stunning build so might have different experience.
In ela's aoe powersink whose name I forget, it tested on each individually. I never got "everyone around me stunned". Just every once in a while one minion was stunned for 1 or 2 seconds. -
Quote:Not meaning to be rude, but complete waste of time and a bad idea. Do it at most once for each reward. The reward lasts to level 20 and doesn't stack. You get no drops in the sewer but some SOs. If instead, you run AE, you get tickets. I've had most of my characters do the tutorial, do sewer once for Accuracy, then rune AE until 12, then go do story arcs and real taskforces. I average 20 million inf by level 15. My record is 280 million @ level 17 on a character who pulled dual low-level stealth IOs.after we did a server swap she wants to roll a new dom. Shes not full sure what thow. Shes not a min*maxer.she is just lookin for a good strong dom to play.
Ill give u the basics shes lokin for.
-smoth ride from 15-50 she plans on sewer runing first 15 or so lvls for all the buffs ut gives.
The right AE mission will be faster exp, more inf, you can slot some of those IOs in addition to selling them so you won't have to worry about DOs/SOs expiring, and you don't have to stand around doing nothing while waiting.
You can farm, you can team, you can make yourself a custom mission. I have one I made for myself that lets me fight level 1 bosses that gives about 1 level per run up through level 7, then 1.5 runs per level to hit 12. And that one is considered bad experience.
Quote:So atm earth/ mind/ elec/ all catch her eye. Assaults shes unsure. Dosnt want /thorn at all but open to the rest.
Earth will be the easiest, but really those will all work.
Assault, fire is the most damage. Earth is the most melee and it has stuns, knock, etc for more mitigation and defense. Ice is very solid, but I recommend you skip frostbreath. Psi is a bit late blooming but it gets powerful melee attacks, some long-range blasts, and later on a fantastic heal/end recover plus debuff. It does do a LOT of melee though.
Personally I recommend either earth/fire or mind/fire or earth/earth. -
Quote:And for this game, months is nothing. By their track record, "soon" means "hopefully before this time next year, but don't quote us on that".It's not just a phase; Dominators are well behind everyone else in the number of available sets. Even if they added a new one tomorrow, Doms would still be behind. Especially since I see no reason to assume that they will stop releasing sets for other ATs, maintaining or increasing the lead they already have.
I have been patient; I waited, and waited, and waited. Months ago I was one of the people telling people to wait and see; the result has been months with barely a word.
Months is nothing. We know whatever it is will not be in i21.5. I'm not expecting it in i22. I'm not expecting it to be announced until i22 is mostly done being tested if not live. That means, I'm not expecting anything, not even a heads up until something like March 2012. -
Quote:On average two boosted IOs give more end over time than the proc. But I'll still use the proc. I do have an addition to crashing nukes and T9s so. There is never a bad time to use blizzard or inferno or Wail or, well you get the idea.Here's a related question: Now with the advent of Enhancement boosters, a single Endmod IO can have a little extra kick. So, assuming one has 2 slots in Stamina, what's better: 2 lvl 50+++++ IOs (which gives 49.98% recovery), or one lvl 50++++ with the Perf. Proc (which is 38.5, but the proc gives an automatic 10 points if/when it goes off)?
Looking at the numbers, 2 fully boosted End Mods would give a bit more mileage than one with the proc... the only mitigating factor is that AFAIK, the Proc isn't affected by Recovery debuffs (because it's not a recovery bonus, it's just a straight, flat infusion of 10%), which might be handy.
Thoughts? -
Does he have a really bad loading time? Because if you're not on the mission long enough you don't get credit.
I've been on a few fast missions where I didn't get through the door quickly enough to get credit. -
Quote:Honestly, I don't see any of the powersets as godly.I realize now I shouldnt have used the word natural since I wasnt speaking about an origin or even a race (human) In fact I often create alien characters (think good ol fashion blood and flesh retro aliens) and take the natural origin since they are perfectly natural on their planet. So what I more specifically meant was non-godlike powers.
Furthermore I do think the melee sets are dialed in pretty good as far as secondary/primary balance, options and being theme-able friendly. So the areas where I find myself wanting something else would definitely, as many of you identified, be with the Controllers, Some of the Master Mind sets without a matching themed secondary, and to a lesser extant blasters where having god-like powers in both primary and secondary doesn't make sense for the idea. And then of course the villain side ATs that are in line with these.
In Xmen, when buried alive Storm once craeted a hurrican stretching across the atlantic big enough to hit both europe and the USA at the same time. Our storm controllers can make one cloud. At ground level. For less than a minute. It does shoot lightning, but far far weaker than natural lightning. they can create wind able to blow people around. But nothing like Katrina or Ike.
Superman altered the orbit of the earth and survived nuclear missiles. Our SS/Invulns can be killed with enough machine gun fire (though it does take a LOT it can be done) and they can't knock down buildings, at best they can make cars and trucks explode. Lifting 2 or 3 tons is beyond anything any of the characters in CoH can accomplish.
In myth, Thor drank so much that he reduced sea level worldwide. Jehovah caused the plagues of egypt and the great flood. Krishna lifted a mountain with one finger. Hell, Arjuna, just a human, was firing off arrows capable of destroying the entire universe (see his duel with Ashwathamma when the latter murdered his children). No power held by any player in CoH can impact areas farther than "around the corner" or "down the hall". with enough range enhancements a few can get "almost the whole room".
Godly, we definitely are not.
Which always makes me laugh when people try to RP like they are godly. Or even like they are specific deities. -
Quote:regen is clicky and it causes redraw which is an issue for both claws and DB.I looked at both Regeneration and Will Power, they do have many similarities. Mind I ask where your conclusion was drawn?
/wp is higher performance by every metric. more survivability, more reliable, more passive healing, easier to plan a build, etc. Even has some DDR. consumes a bit more endurance but thanks to quick recovery that's not an issue. /WP is reliably counted as among the top 3 or 4 secondaries for melee classes by the best munchkins/minmaxers on the forums and by the numbers both Werner and Arcannaville have calculated purely objectively. On stalkers though, it is, I think if not the worst performing secondary, then the second worst despite being quite good for scrappers and brutes.
Regen relies upon the player to have the skill to anticipate need and use the powers proactively and intelligently. If you just click them all, you'll die alot. /WP is just toggle up and go kill things.
Regen also benefits strongly on scrappers and brutes, from the +hp in dull pain. On my scrappper that takes me from a base of 58 hp/sec into the 80s along with giving me capped HP, enough to absorb a whole extra crit from a cim boss or a vicky. for stalkers, you get functionally zero +hp, so no +hps either, and all it is good for is a big heal on a really crappy timer. As this represents more than 30% of the power of /regen's clicks (only IH is more important to long-term survival, MOG is just an alpha absorber and reconstruction is basically a reusable medium green) the loss of dull pain for stalkers is pretty crippling to performance of the set.
Now, Some people like the clicky nature of regen and the reliance upon skill. The better you play the better it performs. It rewards smart power decisions and that is what attracts a lot of people to stalkers in the first place. For them, regen is a great power. It is strong enough, even if inferior to other options. Combined with the IO right sets and primary it can do almost anything. /regen scrappers have solod the ITF and I'm pretty sure a regen stalker could too. Only the autohit aoe nictus would be a pain.
But unless the person is deliberately looking for a challenge, wp is always the way to go. And in particular, for weapon sets, the redraw is a huge reason to go wp. -