question on bought content
Did you buy the whole set or just the specific pieces for the costume you made? Many of the individual pieces are gender-specific...
So I bought the Victorian Steampunk costume set for a toon and picked it up for my Mastermind. Well I decided to make another toon using the same costume only made the new toon a female instead. According to the costume generator, it is now locked again and I have to purchase it again. Is this accurate? that the costume is only available on one toon? or is gender specific? I am a VIP account if that matters or not.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
Right, it's account wide, but if you only bought the male pieces, and not the whole pack, then female and huge models won't have pieces available. Also, male pieces that you didn't buy won't be available either.
Generally it's cheaper to buy the whole pack, although I haven't looked at Steampunk in particular. I don't even know if a "pack" is available for it, or if you have to buy all the individual pieces.
If you bought the costume bundle then it should include all of the pieces, if you bought individual pieces then, well...
So I bought the Victorian Steampunk costume set for a toon and picked it up for my Mastermind. Well I decided to make another toon using the same costume only made the new toon a female instead. According to the costume generator, it is now locked again and I have to purchase it again. Is this accurate? that the costume is only available on one toon? or is gender specific? I am a VIP account if that matters or not.
Also not that not all pieces are available for Male, Female & Huge body types, much to the dismay of many people who want their huge men wearing dresses...
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And he's not kidding about this part...
Also not that not all pieces are available for Male, Female & Huge body types, much to the dismay of many people who want their huge men wearing dresses...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
This bums me out to no end for many outfits, not just the steampunk stuff. =(
If you bought the costume bundle then it should include all of the pieces, if you bought individual pieces then, well...
Also not that not all pieces are available for Male, Female & Huge body types, much to the dismay of many people who want their huge men wearing dresses... |
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
So I bought the Victorian Steampunk costume set for a toon and picked it up for my Mastermind. Well I decided to make another toon using the same costume only made the new toon a female instead. According to the costume generator, it is now locked again and I have to purchase it again. Is this accurate? that the costume is only available on one toon? or is gender specific? I am a VIP account if that matters or not.