Regen build *Request*




hey all,

I am asking for help to anyone here who knows about regen for a brute and scrapper, is there a difference, whats better a brute regen or scrapper regen?
i know shadow meld helps with the cycle on a scrapper between mog and smeld and barrier.
im lookin to see what sets go good with regen for survivability, i need someone to make me a build as ive tweaked with mids all day and cant get sc to s/l at all.
without sacrificing too much.
its for my namesake which has been in the making for ages and cant decide thematically what sets would fit him.
his background is that hes a god from a race which he rules.
claws is really good on a scrapper but cant decide whether to go brute or scrapper.
pl help.

thank you.



Well, Regen on a Brute is "better" numerically in that it will give back more HPS because Brutes simply have more HP to begin with. Scrapper Regen is "better" though in theory because of Shadow Meld (which is somewhat offset by Darkest Night) and the fact that Scrapper Integration doesn't have a taunt aura (IIRC) which means you will typically have less incoming attacks.

As far as primaries go, you need some form of mitigation. Claws is ok, but you'd probably get more mileage out of a sword set (for Parry), Kinetic Melee (-Dmg), Dark Melee (-ToHit), or Street Justice (Stuns and Knockdown). Those sets help to make up for the lack of defense and resistance in Regen. Getting a Regen softcapped to anything without Parry would be hard. I would expect 32.5% should be enough defense on a Regen though. That's a good amount of defense on its own and also happens to be one small purple away from soft cap for those emergency situations where you actually need it.

A big part of surviving on Regen is understanding your weaknesses and knowing when to use your click powers. That makes Regen counter-intuitive to a lot of players. Something I learned early on my /Regen Brute was that killing minions was more important than killing bosses. On every other character I take out bosses first because they deal the most damage per hit, but on a Regen it isn't the high amounts of slow damage you have to worry about - it's the minions and their fast lower damage attacks.

It seems like you are putting too much emphasis on the soft cap. While it is a useful part of survival, it is only one component of the larger survival picture.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



How will you be playing? If you're looking for really big spawns, you will probably want to pair with the swords so you can cap defenses reliably. If you are soloing at mid-sized enemy groups, you can use any form of mitigation as Valuur mentions.

Here's a quick and dirty explanation: Pretend you have 10 enemies attacking you and you use parry for some bonus defense. All 10 have a lower chance to hit. If instead you use stone melee for knockdown. that ONE dude is not attacking at all, 9 others no impact at all. no attack at all is better than even softcapped defenses which still have a 5% chance to hit and might cause some secondary effect (placate, confuse, etc). But if 9 dudes still get to wail on you, it might not be enough to shut down a few of them.

So, are you soloing, teaming, are you the main meatshield or just an extra source of damage? What role are you looking to fill.

Second, becuase of your other threads. Are you clear on the difference between regen and will power and are you 100% SURE you prefer a regen build for this?

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



i want to have regen, i want to deal damage and survive and be able to solo fine.
if regen is not the answer to this then plz suggest a set i will be comfortable, thank you vauluur and gavin for the info.

EDIT: i want a set that can do everything, thats my question so to speak, that can solo mobs fine, got good damage and mitigation, the has no end problems, can solo av's and gm's and hold his own on solo content aswell as teams.



Originally Posted by sypher_vendetta View Post
i want to have regen, i want to deal damage and survive and be able to solo fine.
if regen is not the answer to this then plz suggest a set i will be comfortable, thank you vauluur and gavin for the info.

EDIT: i want a set that can do everything, thats my question so to speak, that can solo mobs fine, got good damage and mitigation, the has no end problems, can solo av's and gm's and hold his own on solo content aswell as teams.
I would reccomend kat/wp or some other /wp. I love regen a lot, but I consider it more challenging than survivable.



i want a set that can do everything, thats my question so to speak, that can solo mobs fine, got good damage and mitigation, the has no end problems, can solo av's and gm's and hold his own on solo content aswell as teams.
They haven't released uber/godmode yet, check back after issue 66 and two thirds.

It seems like you want both the best offense and the best defense. You don't typically get the absolute best of both in the same package. If you want an intersection of both good offense and good defense, then you either have to define best intersection, or you have to decide a preference for which one is slightly more important than the other. I erred on the side of survivability and ease of play.

If you are anything other than the two extremes mentioned later below, then you probably want Katana/Willpower. But you will need at least some IOs for at least some moderate recharge and -resistance. Kat/Wp is good on SOs. It's good leveling. It's good on moderate IOS. Eventually you can build it up with a moderately priced moderate IO build to be capable of taking down a good selection of AVs, though not all AVs, and certainly not All AVs at +4. I expect there are plenty of +4 AVs that can't be taken down solo even with Lore Pets, but the Lore Pets do make most, if not all Avs doable at +0, even on squishies.

There are many other combinations that will fill most of your needs as well, but we would need to have some information about how you play, what kind of budget you have, if you're looking at mostly SO, Generic IO, Moderate IO, Advanced IO, or Extreme IO builds. DM/Shield, DM/Inv, Claws/SR .... lotsa combinations.

If you're SO Only, then you may want Sword/Regen, but Sword/Willpower would be my next pick at least defensively. Regen was king beore IOs and before WP. WP on SOs is pretty equivalent to Regen. Sword typically means Katana, but Broadsword works almost as well. Please be aware few combinations solo AVs on SO only without incarnates. You may in-fact want to look at Claws/SR if you're SO only without incarntes and interested in AVs. As I recall, Claws/SR was the original AV killer back on SOs. But you'll also want to talk to people with better memories than mine if you're stuck on SOs.

If you have an unlimited budget, multiple purple sets combined with multiple pvp sets don't even make you blink, then you may want regen. Honestly, I think 3 out of 4 high level players still pick something other than regen to spend their money on. While regen at that level may be able to stand in Battle Maiden's damage patches and laugh, I can also build 3 or 4 willpowers that are 80% to 90% as effective for the same price tag. They won't be able to laugh at Battle Maiden, but they may well survive other challenges that the regen can't, and laugh all the way to the bank while doing it.

Note: I do not recall if any Scrappers can currently solo high level GMs without Reactive and/or Lore (But then Iggy or Nihilli probably have). I could be mistaken, but as I recall high level GMs regenerate ~350 hps, and I don't recall any scrappers that have hit ~350 dps without Reactive/Lore (I'd have to go check the pylon thread and double check the regen on GMs.). DM/Shield with Reactive and an Envenomed Dagger would likely be your best choice for that.



Originally Posted by Linea_Alba View Post
They haven't released uber/godmode yet, check back after issue 66 and two thirds.

It seems like you want both the best offense and the best defense. You don't typically get the absolute best of both in the same package. If you want an intersection of both good offense and good defense, then you either have to define best intersection, or you have to decide a preference for which one is slightly more important than the other. I erred on the side of survivability and ease of play.

If you are anything other than the two extremes mentioned later below, then you probably want Katana/Willpower. But you will need at least some IOs for at least some moderate recharge and -resistance. Kat/Wp is good on SOs. It's good leveling. It's good on moderate IOS. Eventually you can build it up with a moderately priced moderate IO build to be capable of taking down a good selection of AVs, though not all AVs, and certainly not All AVs at +4. I expect there are plenty of +4 AVs that can't be taken down solo even with Lore Pets, but the Lore Pets do make most, if not all Avs doable at +0, even on squishies.

There are many other combinations that will fill most of your needs as well, but we would need to have some information about how you play, what kind of budget you have, if you're looking at mostly SO, Generic IO, Moderate IO, Advanced IO, or Extreme IO builds. DM/Shield, DM/Inv, Claws/SR .... lotsa combinations.

If you're SO Only, then you may want Sword/Regen, but Sword/Willpower would be my next pick at least defensively. Regen was king beore IOs and before WP. WP on SOs is pretty equivalent to Regen. Sword typically means Katana, but Broadsword works almost as well. Please be aware few combinations solo AVs on SO only without incarnates. You may in-fact want to look at Claws/SR if you're SO only without incarntes and interested in AVs. As I recall, Claws/SR was the original AV killer back on SOs. But you'll also want to talk to people with better memories than mine if you're stuck on SOs.

If you have an unlimited budget, multiple purple sets combined with multiple pvp sets don't even make you blink, then you may want regen. Honestly, I think 3 out of 4 high level players still pick something other than regen to spend their money on. While regen at that level may be able to stand in Battle Maiden's damage patches and laugh, I can also build 3 or 4 willpowers that are 80% to 90% as effective for the same price tag. They won't be able to laugh at Battle Maiden, but they may well survive other challenges that the regen can't, and laugh all the way to the bank while doing it.

Note: I do not recall if any Scrappers can currently solo high level GMs without Reactive and/or Lore (But then Iggy or Nihilli probably have). I could be mistaken, but as I recall high level GMs regenerate ~350 hps, and I don't recall any scrappers that have hit ~350 dps without Reactive/Lore (I'd have to go check the pylon thread and double check the regen on GMs.). DM/Shield with Reactive and an Envenomed Dagger would likely be your best choice for that.

tbh it doesnt even have to be a scrapper per se,any AT aslong as its capable of holding out amnd giving it back.
i will probably scrap the regen business and go along a completely different AT because of my playstyle has changed, i used to want to jump into groups n use fire so thats my main thing right now is fire.

io's is not a problem, money wise i dont blink so if its extreme builds then bring em on.

so my main thing is fire right now but i also like dark miasma so might roll a corr instead, thanks for the advice guys.



I've had a Regen BS/scrapper as my main since Issue 2 and it's fairly resilient if you don't carelessly throw yourself into battle. Key is to maximize as much recharge as possible to make sure that Dull pain and Reconstruction is ready when you need it. Dull pain is probably the most helpful power in my opinion of the set. Broadsword also provided me the defenses to help me ensure I last longer in the fight with +DEF.

Try and optimize your recharge through Luck of Gamblers, set IO bonuses and Hasten, then focus on raising defenses through set bonuses.

In all honesty you RARELY ever need to ever touch MOG or Instant healing.

1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY



Regen can handle anything in the game, just look at Iggy and Shred if you have any doubt about that. For my part, I'll go ahead and recommend that you brute it up in this case. The HP advantage is especially significant for regen of all sets and you get a taunt aura which not everyone likes but which everyone should like.

Regen is still great for scrappers, of course, so I suppose it comes down to which primary you're looking at too. Something with a constant large damage buff such as claws or dual blades is in my opinion much more desirable as a scrapper set. There's been some minor disagreement about this in the past, but I feel that 9.2 second recharge on scrapper spin is not compensated for by the other alterations the set received for brutes.

So wow, I've not been helpful at all! Claws/regen... The brute is tougher, the scrapper is scrappier. Honestly I'd go with a non-weapon set with regen because redraw bothers me and in that case most of the sets are just fine in brute form, but if you want to know if claws/regen is any good, again, just look at Iggy or Shred, heh.



A high end regen build is insanely resilient. If you build it right on a Scrapper you can get upwards of 300 HP/s regen going. Now if you play claws or something other than a single sword set 32.5% def is plenty. If you build a sword power set parry will cap you out.

Regen builds are expensive to be high end, but nothing can overcome the regeneration. We are talking near GM regen rates. You cannot sustain everything full time, but regen is built to be ready for the odd damage spikes especially with a boat load of recharge redux. You will not "need" your click heals when you're cruising only when you're in trouble and they will be there then. Regen is quite possibly the most amazing set in this game from a pure survivability stand point. But there is a learning curve and the faster you figure it out, the faster you will slay mobs. My claws/regen has tanked in cases where the tank fell in eb and AV granted that was running dull pain and hit MoG for a boost but you will find it a very. Survivable set to say the least.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Regen's low resists means you can easily get 2 shotted befre you can even react. If your going soft cap s/l with perma DP you're really going to sacrifice other defs like erg/negative which Regen also happens to have barely any resist again.

I'd go with /wp tbh.



Originally Posted by sypher_vendetta View Post
tbh it doesnt even have to be a scrapper per se,any AT aslong as its capable of holding out amnd giving it back.
The in that bussiness is a Brute, either /will or /ElecArmo but I strongly recomendyou to pick up a SoA. They are the best AT in the game interm of versatility. You can get soft cap on and over +40%res on on anything. They do exelent dmg from range and melee.

I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
A high end regen build is insanely resilient. If you build it right on a Scrapper you can get upwards of 300 HP/s regen going. Now if you play claws or something other than a single sword set 32.5% def is plenty. If you build a sword power set parry will cap you out.
Thats pretty intense. My mid level regen is at ~150 hp/sec with IH and he does fairly well.



Originally Posted by sypher_vendetta View Post
i want to have regen, i want to deal damage and survive and be able to solo fine.
if regen is not the answer to this then plz suggest a set i will be comfortable, thank you vauluur and gavin for the info.

EDIT: i want a set that can do everything, thats my question so to speak, that can solo mobs fine, got good damage and mitigation, the has no end problems, can solo av's and gm's and hold his own on solo content aswell as teams.
Originally Posted by Linea_Alba View Post
They haven't released uber/godmode yet, check back after issue 66 and two thirds.
Robots/Traps MMs say hai. No need for stinkin' IOs.