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  1. Didn't see this posted, but my search-fu sucks. Why is there a fee for emailing large amounts of influence? doesnt seem to apply to under 100 million. But when I tried to email 220+mill from atoon I was deleting got a messege that I didnt have enough Inf to email. So dropped it to 200 mill and saw that my remaining influence was lessened. This is just an annoying process, now we have to send 2 or more emails to avoid the charge instead of just 1, Dont really see a point in this.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    How? Cimerora is a one-story sort of place: there simply isn't anywhere to attach more content. They can increase the ties to the rest of the game, but that's about it.
    Ok easy!

    1) a GM of some sort plenty to pick from in Greek/Roman Mythology.

    2) How about a different type of TF/SF. A PvE and Pvp type. Put the 3 fates as a contact on top of the mountain. Set the TF up like an Arena event. each team has 4 timed events to gain a goal (PvE) this will make speed runners happy. Then mission 5 would be the PvP.
    Heroes go on a quest to help the Olympian Gods while at the same time Villians do the same for say the Titans. The last mission would square the heroes and their allies verses the Villians and theirs in a PvP winner take all the merits fight.

    3) take a ship over to Egypt and continue the battle with giant scorpions, mummies, and other Egyptian myths.

    4) story arc to Atlantis

    See plenty to add to Cim.

    ---- Back on topic. Good read and now I want an Electric/storm controller and a Hero Bot mastermind NOW!
  3. Ok bought the pack, only for the temp power and the fox tail. em growl is nice.

    But, must say worse PAID add-on so far.

    If you are going to do weapons do more than swords. Hell its a mutant pack and no new claws?

    No new beast or mutant type heads, bah!

    No new skin tones.

    Boots/gloves look like well boots and gloves not a seemless from main body.

    Organic face should of been an overlay to put on any face.

    Rikti monkey? really? if you're going this route with buffs why not give inseperations a 5% chance to backfire as well. Surprised you dont recon the Valkarie mission TP to give a chance to send you to wrong zone.

    Even in the tell fortune "fool" at least gives you a run bonus.

    Pack seemed rushed and just a money grab to finance GR production.
  4. Can we get a Toilet paper version of the Crapper Wrapper?
  5. Dumb promotion idea.

    Let me guess marketing came up with this idea listening to some top 40 radio with listen now for the secret phrase that pays, then be the tenth caller after song "X" plays.

    I'll just buy the pack like always.
  6. Any chance for free character transfers again before the release?
  7. GPBunny

    TF toon

    Rad/* Defender
    */Rad Controller

    A Rad is always welcome. (Heals/Buffs/Debuffs)

    But 2 things you should have. Some type of Stealth and Teleport Friend.
  8. Wow,

    Simply its your toon take what you want, live with your choice.

    I don't care what set you have there is always some power that you want to skip completely or leave to last. There are powers you never slot beyond the first dot.
    If others don't like how you play they can quit, or not choose you. It really is that simple, after all its just a game not a job.
  9. Meh, why piss off half the player base just make 3 simple changes.

    1) remove except prompt
    2) add a (Do you really want to cast this prompt?) make the caster waste their time.
    3) Nerf power to recharge time of 24 hours and duration to 15 seconds.
  10. I'll toss my vote in for Fire/Rad Troller also. This was my main for over a year. Still pick it up to play now and again.

    Another choice and what I'm playing now is Ill/Storm Troller. (Pets, Chaos, and Damage)
  11. Ok that worked Carnifax. Thanks.
  12. Just logged a toon was able to get a couple of my recipes off of Wents. But I still have 8/16 that wont come off. I left wents then came back a little bit later. Still cant claim my recipes. Logged off toon relogged 5 minutes later, and still cant claim my recipes. Hearing in local chat others who cant get recipes they bought or have stored. Sent petition. Just wondering how many others are having same problem.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    I cant really remember an issue where there wasn't a bunch of bugs.

    Just look at it this way, If your picnic has bugs that's a sign that the food is good!
    Or you eating on a pile of rotting dead animals.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
    I have to agree with the last three posts. Prices are too high based on a variety of things. Three of the biggies are:

    1 - Poor reward drop rates
    2 - An over abundance of money in the system and
    3 - Very few sinks to remove extra money from the system.

    This should be addressed in my opinion and already has in some ways such as nerfing ticket rewards in the AE system and nerfing the merit rewards (at least red side, can't really speak for blue side on that one).

    Unfortunately, that doesn't address the three problems listed above. Anyone have any suggestions for those other than "Double the drop rates" or something along those lines?

    Keep in mind that our toons do not need to eat or sleep. They don't HAVE TO have a home or pay the electric bill and taxes are null as well. Real word economics can only very broadly be applied here, but I would like to hear some ideas.
    Ok here's a couple.

    1) A new additional market, where the poster actually lists their price for an item and then a buyer can decide from whom they purchase. Here the buyer pays the 10% tax unlike WW/BM where the seller pays to post.

    2) An everything store with very high prices (say 20 or more X the sell value). This will put a ceiling on WW/BM prices because you could always go to the Super-Store. It would also counter the drop rate problem.

    3) Charge inf to use the Arena and AE. This will cause a sink for inf. (of course if the Devs don't fix AE or to some PvP this sink wont do much.)

    4) Allow people to turn off Inf to get more XP. This will also cause an inf sink. And it would please PL who want to get post level 20 or for that matter level 50.

    5) Allow people to buy levels with inf. (If you want to prevent them buying every level, allow the purchase of 1 level every 3 days like dropping a mission.) Again Inf sink and PL made happy.

    6) Bring back the random recipe roll at the end of TF. (Keep this as an option pick merits to buy recipes later or take the roll now). Then KHTF and Eden would bring more recipes in to the markets.

    7) allow us to Bribe contacts to open up their arcs if we haven't met them yet. (small inf sink but a QoL change)
  15. 1) either let her die.
    2) stealth/run past her to the end room fight your way back to her. That way you have an easy path to win.
  16. Wait! Are the free server transfers still going on? 3-23-10? Thought they ended.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
    Really? Then tells us, O Grand Poobah of All, what does science fiction have in it?

    science fiction

    a form of fiction that draws imaginatively on scientific knowledge and speculation in its plot, setting, theme, etc.

    Examples: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Time Machine, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Andromeda Strain, most Twilight Zone Episodes, most Outer Limits Episodes, The Terminator (Movies and TV), and the Cube.


    Back on topic. Congo Rats and Bongo Mice on the win.
  18. Bah! less options = bad!
    Just because you don't like lemon-aid, doesn't mean you get to pee in other peoples.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
    Ok so Double Xp is super tyvm....

    But why the reactivation on expired accounts ?? All that happens is all the Aholes that have left the game because of PvP 2.0 come flooding back to moan about it for free.
    Not true, first I use these weekends to clean up my main account with one of my expired alt accounts. Then use any remaining time using those expired accounts to be prestige mules for my sg. Also not all those Aholes have left, I know since I am/was one. Though I am trying to be better/nicer or at least just being quieter.

    -- I mentioned this before as a nice idea for returning players, to keep the free transfers going through this weekend, in case their servers are light. Or for that matter to allow people to escape the high populated servers for that weekend but still play their favorite toon. --
  20. Eh! I'll just wait for the retail version. Figure by then the 1 or 10 nerfs to the 2 new power sets will be done and the doomsayers will be crying less. After all AE is nothing like it was when it rolled out, no reason to think DP or Demon sumoning won't be nerfed in that 4-5 months.
  21. NCSoft should extend this offer until after x2 xp / reactivation weekend. Hate to see returning players come back to even lower populated servers now that many people have migrated to Freedom and Virtue.
  22. Thank you. Now I know to burn them soon.
  23. Simple question. If you don't use all the Free transfers (say you have 5) do they disappear on Feb. 1? Are they a use it or loose it? Or are they like free respecs handed out, where new free ones don't stack, but you can still use those that you have?