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  1. Wait all your toons are in their mid 30's. I say start over and go Peacebringer. Use build 1 as Human only form, use your second build as a shapeshifter. Voids/Q's aren't a real problem anymore, and you get that nifty fly at start
  2. You dont HAVE to do the mission. You can auto complete it and still earn the cape.
  3. Easy. Ill/storm Troller - Houdini Hare. Bring on the Chaos.
  4. 1) When a SG goes bad.
    I don't know how many times I stopped playing a toon because a SG that I was heavy into desolved. With some toons the SG is as much a part of the toon as the costume and/or power choices.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DogTags View Post
    I don't understand why they don't just randomly email active players the a lotto.
    That would be fair.
    - Agreed x 1 billion +1
  6. Yep servers going up and down. Funny Freedoms down yet rates higher population than Champion which is up and running. Chat server also down btw.
  7. Now you have a 50, go plant them in Atlas. Let all the newbies bath in your glowing awesomeness. Host a few costume contests to let others know how great your opinion matters on how their toon looks. Find a corner and 3 friends and chat about everything but CoX in local like all the cool kids do.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
    You are aware that 16 hours of downtime, assuming an even distribution of money paid across every second in the 30 days, comes out to 33 cents, assuming you pay month-by-month. You can't even buy a pack of gum for that.
    Yes you can. Pack of 5 stick wrigley's at Family Dollar is 30 cents. Since its under 50 cents there is no tax. So you can buy a pack of gum. :P
  9. Just want to know, are we getting our time credited back to our subscription?
  10. Wish I was able to go to Comic-Con. Not to meet the Devs but to just pick up a few of those free costum codes, that way I too can sell them on ebay for $250+ each.

    Sad that we fight RMT in game then the lucky fans of the game go and be greedy like that...
  11. Actually I was surprised that the 75 month reward wasn't the new GR factions symbols for your costumes.
  12. Yep its tied to the store. I posted about this long ago, and had the same reaction. Once store is back so will be your slots.
  13. GPBunny

    GR and Accolades

    As the OP I'm asking if a Dev/Mod can lock this thread. The question was answered and now it is turning into a not so friendly chat that is off the subject.
  14. A slight change to vet rewards could please more people. Let you PICK your reward from the list every 3 months. Those who have all the rewards this won't change what they have. Those starting now or behind can pick what fits their needs/wants without feeling the need to never "catch up". Sure most will pick all the cool stuff first then be left with just costum tokens but hey why not. With the new expansion hitting maybe more might like a free character slot over say Tech Armor. Maybe someone is a base builder and wants to pick all the base perks first. See every one would get what they wanted and no one would be left out.
  15. GPBunny

    GR and Accolades

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Why do players ask questions they KNOW cannot be answered because of NDA? It happens every single closed beta. If someone knows, they cannot answer you. You'd be far better putting this question to the developers instead of asking other players who would risk not getting invited to another closed beta if they did answer.
    Ok I'll answer you.

    No I didn't already KNOW that was covered by the NDA. Since so many "facts" have leaked out or been hinted at in so many different formats. What sparked the question was a member of my SG was doing the Atlas Med. and it just started the conversation. I figured that maybe someone did already know and could share that knowledge.

    So sorry to ruffled your feathers. So sorry to post a question in a forum called player questions. So sorry that you had to waste your time just to respond to little ol' me. But here's an idea for you; next time you see a post by me just skip it. Then you won't have a case of the "Oh noos not again".

    Have a peachy day!!!!
  16. GPBunny

    GR and Accolades

    Ok but how would it work then?

    If you earn a Hero Accolade first are you only going to be able to earn hero ones?

    Or is it when you're a Hero/Vig you can use the Hero ones and when you're a Vill/Roug you get to use the Vill ones?
  17. GPBunny

    GR and Accolades

    Just curious will the Hero and Villain Accolades stack?

    Atlas Med., Freedom Phal., Port. Jock., TF Command, stack with Born in Bat, High Pain, Invader, Marshal?

    Because that's some serious HP and End bonuses. Would make me only want to play Rogue/Vig and not Hero/Vill.
  18. My prediction is that 75 month vet reward will be "nipples".
  19. Ok, after reading most of this thread; and taking time to think about it, I've go with a working system later instead of a broken one now.

    But that being a said....

    If I order a pizza and the waiter tells me they screwed up and its going to be another 20 minutes, I sorta expect free breadsticks or something to hold me over till I get what I ordered. Thats called good costumer service.

    So what do you say NCSoft? perhaps add in 30 days game time to preorders now, or a couple of more character slots, or a new temp power (making that $5 jetpack free). Any of those 3 are already in game so no new coding and aren't game breaking. Just saying maybe its time for CS to step in where Devs/Marketing fell down.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    measure twice, cut once.
    Spoken by a wise mohel.
  21. Ok a couple of things.

    First you can email me @Kid Street, I'll gladly make a throw away toon to help you form your second or third VG.

    As far as transfering stuff (Salavage, Enhancements, Insperations..) from one VG to another one toon can't do it. BUT THE NEW EMAIL CAN. Just email the stuff to your global then claim it by another toon in the second/third VG.

    Hint: Use the invite a friend feature to create a second account. Fill your new VG with filler toons to get the free prestige. Also by double boxing you can do the inviting yourself and the item transfers for 30 days.

    But if you don't want to double box, like I said I'll make a throw away to help you.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    Said it before and I'll say it again. I won't play defenders on teams for this exact reason. You aren't playing City of Heroes, you are playing whackamole with the other players status.
    Play Traps, Trick Arrow, or Storm. Then do your own thing.
  23. Can't wait. I think GR and i18 will bring new life to CoX.

    Hint: Any chance for free Character transfers before or at launch of GR. Sure would be nice to be able to clean up some room for new goodies. Willing to send cookies if this helps.
  24. Ill/Storm Troller - Houdini Hare (Good All Around Chaos)
    TA/DP Def - Redtail Raven (Fun on teams)
    Fire/MM Blast - Lil Kidstreet (Good solo, ok PvP)

    Otherwise its whatever toon I'm leveling or just fooling around with.
  25. Just do a tie in with Nvidia. Add a free copy of GR in with any new high end graphics card to show off Ultra mode. People who buy high end graphics are gamers.

    Cut a deal with HP/Compac and have a trial copy preloaded on new PC's. Heck thats why I have Fate and Polar Bowling.

    Forget a free reactivation weekend. Instead give a free 14 day full functioning GR trial to all past closed accounts.

    There's these things called comic books, heard they are like CoX but in paper form, and they have Ads in them.

    Put out a MMO box set for X-mas (Guildwars/Aion/CoX) people like deals around the holidays.

    There are better ways to recruit new and old players than TV Ads.

    Dump old copies of Architect edition into Big Lots/Odd Lots for $6. (That's how I got started with old copies of CoH, CoV, and GvE 2 years ago.)