Level 50 - Now What
There are IO's and then there is the in coming Incarnate system
Others will be along soon to recite the litany of Life After 50, but short answer is, no more Training... you can tweak your build with IOs and Sets, but you'll be getting no more Powers and no more Slots at this point.
Hi there! I just made it to level 50, now what. Will I be able to train my toon any further and fill in missing aspect of powersets or is she dead in the water for training?
Thanks |
However, now that you're 50, there are things to do:
- Roll an alt. The archetypes, and even the primaries/secondaries inside, play very differently.
- Improve the 50. Did you work on sets? Make your character more powerful! 50s have great earning power. Run task forces, run old missions, run newspapers, run on raids, get the INF and run wild on the market. Or just tweak the build.
- Create AE arcs with custom enemies *just* to attack where you're weak, and beat them.
- Get ready for Issue 19, when the Incarnate system rolls around... designed for 50s.
- Use Ouroboros. Go visit the content you missed.
- Mothership raid. Hami raid. Pan... er, wait..
- Find the PVP community. Make a second PVP specific build.
- RP. You have the time.
- Badge hunt.
Now you have a 50, go plant them in Atlas. Let all the newbies bath in your glowing awesomeness. Host a few costume contests to let others know how great your opinion matters on how their toon looks. Find a corner and 3 friends and chat about everything but CoX in local like all the cool kids do.
Hi there! I just made it to level 50, now what. Will I be able to train my toon any further and fill in missing aspect of powersets or is she dead in the water for training?
Thanks |
My Spines/Elec Scrapper has 16 points of knockback protection when flying through the use of IOs. Flying was part of the character concept despite Electric Armor needing to be on the ground for in-set KB protection. There's lots of ways to further improve characters through IOs after hitting 50.
Of course the Incarnate system coming in Issue 19 will also add ways to give 50s new abilities.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Well I'm sure you haven't made a billion dollars yet which means your toon is most likely under powered compared to those who have made money on the game so the answer is you have just started to really play the game, lol.
... what did you do from 1 to 49 ? Did you enjoy it?
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
As others have already mentioned, making alt toons is a big part of this game. For that reason the devs had actually smoothened the leveling curve in the first 20 levels several times in the past.
Of course, making alt toons isn't for everyone. If you want to keep playing your level 50 instead of making a new toon, as others have also said, Invention Origin enhancements let you become a lot stronger and iron out your weak spots. You might wanna check the Archetype forums for build advice if you decide to go the IO route.
And with Issue 19, likely to come out at the end of this year, you will get ten Incarnate Levels to give you a more solid sense of progression. Do note, though, that these Incarnate Levels are separate from your Combat Level or your Security/Threat Level, so someone with all ten Incarnate Levels would still show up as level 50.
As for content you can do, there's really no designated 50s-only content. Rather, the 45-50 bracket constitutes as this game's end-game. If you decide to IO yourself out, you might just wanna do those 45-50 story-arcs you haven't finished yet. Who knows, you might even get a purple IO recipe! Those fetch a pretty penny in the auction house.
There's also a couple of Task/Strike Forces you can do in the 45-50 range. Both Heroes and Villains can do the Imperious Task Force and the Lady Grey Task Force, while Heroes get the Statesman Task Force and Kahn Task Force and Villains get the Lord Recluse Strike Force and Barracuda Strike Force. Those offer some unique and interesting challenges you may not have seen before in this game, however they require a team to start and do.
As for raid content, I'm afraid the game doesn't have much to offer in that regard, unlike say, WoW, which seems to be extremely raid-heavy in the end-game. Right now we have two raids, the Hamidon Raid and the Mothership Raid. In the Hamidon Raid up to 50 Heroes or Villains take down a humongous bacteria for which you will eighter get about 50 Merit Rewards or a Hamidon Origin enhancements. Note that while HOs are definitely superior to SOs, clever use of IOs can get you quite a bit further than simply using HOs.
In the Mothership Raid, Heroes and Villains join forces to assault the Rikti Mothership. Generally about 16 to 24 people participate in this, and you fight a nigh-endless stream of Rikti. There's no tangible reward at the end of this raid like with the Hamidon Raid, rather you get about 200 to 300 Vanguard Merits with which you can buy high-power summonable pets, larger salvage storage or costume pieces.
With I18 you can also do Cathredal of Pain raid where up to 24 level 50s can participate in. I cannot really tell you more about it though since it's not live yet.
Congratulations on reaching 50. It really is a milestone to be commended on.
You did not say whether your 50 was red side or blue side. You have Heats or veats to play with now. They really do play differently from the standard AT's. Just remember that the "Epic" is in the story line and not in the AT's themselves.
Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules. |
Congratulations on reaching 50. It really is a milestone to be commended on.
You did not say whether your 50 was red side or blue side. You have Heats or veats to play with now. They really do play differently from the standard AT's. Just remember that the "Epic" is in the story line and not in the AT's themselves. |
explore the zones you haven't yet, especially places where there is a little challenge involved, like the shadow shard heroside and the fab villianside.
badges, especially those for accolades (if you don't have them yet).
IO your character. i personally don't think its necessary to go all crazy with getting the perfect sets (mainly because they are prohibitively expensive), but they can make a difference in terms of better slotting, and the bonuses can be nice.
ouroboros. between the challenges (and associated badges) as well as hitting up the arcs you missed, you could spend hundreds of hours just doing that, as long as you don't mind exemplaring down. although it is probably much easier than before, as i did all of the ouroboros badges before the super-sidekick system. i would use a checklist system though (i did find a nice one someone made) to keep track of which challenges you've accomplished (hint: don't do all of the challenges at once... even at +0, more than 2 can be very rough).
50: Ill/Kin(A+,R,J)-1047 badges RE/Dark(A) Fire/Elec Warshade BS/Regen Necro/Poison Ice/Fiery(A+) Son/Son Bane(A) FM/DA(A) DM/Nin Grav/Icy
lvling: Inv/EM DM/Sheild Arch/MM Bane NW Elec/Earth Grav/Elec Elec/FA Rad/Ice
Paragon Elite/Rogue Elite Joined Oct 2004
There are a few things that others haven't mentioned.
(a) My favorite things to do with my level 50 characters are the variety of task forces: Imperius TF in Cimerroa, the Statesman TF in Independence Port, the Kahn/Reichsman TF in Founders Falls and the Lady Gray TF in the Vangard base are all mostly geared for level 50 characters.
(b) I try to build up Influence and Merits and Tickets, to earn my way to a "final" build with the various IO sets that will make the character better. I can also work on Rikti Merits to get the various goodies in the War Zone (but you can get the largest number of those through Ship Raids). And then I can also earn to outfit my lower level characters.
(c) I go back to get the various accolades like Task Force Commander and Atlas Medalion. Some of these will involve Exemplaring down, so I try to make sure my build is at least to some degree exemplar friendly.
(d) I can go back to complete content that I might have missed.
(e) I often use my level 50 characters just for fun . . . if it was a fun character leveling up, then it is still (and maybe more) fun at level 50. I work on strategies for using the powers that I may not have used before. I try different things out. I help out friends by teaming with them in lower level content when they need one of whatever I have on the team.
Of my 15 level 50 character, there are probably 5-6 of them that I play on a regular basis. And I try to pull out the others on occasion. Most of the time, I'm looking for Merits or to help on a TF or hoping to get a Purple recipe -- it is a lot more fun to have one drop than to have to buy it on the market.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Just one lvl 50?
What about the other AT's, Heroes, Villains and Servers oh my!
Oh and don't forget about badges and IO sets.
Alts on all servers, lvl 50 of every AT:
lvl 50 Heroes on all servers but; Pinnacle, Victory
lvl 50 Villains on all servers but; Guardian, Pinnacle, Triumph, Victory
Current Projects: Tanks
Official MOM of Tribal Alliance
Hi there! I just made it to level 50, now what. Will I be able to train my toon any further and fill in missing aspect of powersets or is she dead in the water for training?