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  1. Hmmmm...

    I'm almost afraid to check...

    I know my main has around 1700 hrs on him, and I know I have several other
    toons that probably put in as much time as he has...

    All totalled up it's probaby in excess of several man-years... It never felt like work

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by spazmeer View Post
    I like this. Keeping my toons in cold storage atm haha

    ... must resist the temptation to make a Ted Williams toon ...

    My toons will be around.

    I am going to be dumping some stuff, and Granny Warbucks will be dumping
    about 10 Billion into the Crazy 88's INFcinerator before the End-of-Days but
    all of that is intentional, and nothing I'd regret going forward (if such a possibility
    ever presents itself).

    I'll also echo Nethergoat's sentiment - It's a fine thing you're doing here TonyV.

  3. Best Wishes Joe.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    The underside of PI is very clean. Whichever environmental artist made that did a great job. I liked comparing PI to the monstrosity that is Grandville where buildings exist within buildings. Grandville was the original graphics card killer because of that. And also because the giant TV monitors get drawn when you face them, even when other items block your view of them. That's why the area around the big statue of Lord Recluse was a huge FPS drain.
    Warburg is pretty ugly too. There are several level planes, and several isolated
    sections as well. It's actually pretty easy to get stuck under there if you're
    not careful. The layout is pretty weird even comparing with other "under the map"

    For folks that have never been under a map, it's a kind of weird looking perspective
    on the cities although, I personally find them cool to explore as each area is fairly

    The one thing that made them bannable btw is this: From under the map, you can
    kill mobs with complete impunity - you can hit them, but they can't hit you.
    That's also true in PvP zones, which obviously caused quite an uproar when
    it was discovered (probably about 10 mins after CoV was released - there were
    a *lot* of map holes in those days).

    Obviously, that activity is deemed exploitive, and hence bannable.

    From a pure exploration perspective, it's certainly a place where the devs would
    rather you didn't go, but I don't know anyone who got banned for just looking
    around -- killing stuff from under the maps, yes - just exploring, not so much.

    That said, I personally feel the Matrix Room IS the coolest place to visit in the
    entire game, and I really wish the devs had found a way to use it in-game so
    more folks could see it.

  5. The "Matrix Room"* is still accessible - tested it yesterday.

    Historically, it was part of I-3 when they put in the PvP arenas - The Matrix Room
    was intended as the waiting area for PvP matches. Originally, there was a tech-related
    reason why they needed it, however, they eventually solved that issue and ended
    up not needing (or using) the room... But they never deleted it.

    Darkgob's method is correct - actually, there are several places where this works
    although the sunken building is the easiest to find.

    Basically, you go to the building (it's easy to see - it's half sunken into the ground),
    stand in/at that sunken door and log out (You may have to clear some monkeys
    first )

    Log back in on that character and you will be falling - immediately turn hover or
    fly or jet pack on, and you're "under the map". You *need* to be falling when you
    log in, otherwise you'll become stuck IN the terrain, but don't fall too far, or the
    game will transport you (similar to FB Zulu in the Shard).

    Once you're under the map - click the Arena icon on your map and fly towards it.

    When you get there, you'll see a Big Blue Box under the arena. Fly UNDER that box,
    and you'll see a much smaller (dark/black) room with several doors under the Blue Box.

    Fly to that building's doors and type /stuck.

    If all goes according to plan, Welcome to the Matrix Room

    Your toon is completely stable in there - you can log in and out and you'll be in
    that room. Should you wish to leave, any teleport will work (Assemble the Team,
    Ouroborous Portal, Market Tp, etc.)

    Being under the map (there are several you can get under) is theoretically bannable,
    but with the game going dark, it's not a concern I personally have.

    Anyway, hope to see you there!


    * PS> If you've ever been in there, you'll immediately know why it's called the Matrix Room
  6. Hmmmm... Hadn't thought much about that.

    My main, FourSpeed (E^3 Blaster) will be in the Shadow Shard somewhere.

    It was my favorite zone back in the day, and FS found, rescued, and adopted his
    "daughter", HalfSpeed (an orphan from the shard - Grav/FF troller) out there, so
    that seems a fitting place for both of them to perish.

    Death's Whisper, my level-locked L28 Stalker (NB/Nin) will, of course, be in Bloody Bay -
    the zone he was created for the week CoV came out... Not many heroes traveled the
    Bay with impunity when he was on patrol. NCsoft will finally do to him what few heroes
    ever accomplished -- kill him.

    Da Gorilla (SS/WP Brute) will be in the Giza slapping around any drunken gamblers
    who try to pester Mr. Sonata, and generally making sure dat no low-lifes get rowdy
    in da Casino thinkin they can pull anything on account of da world ending...

    Fargin J Icehole
    , an Ice/Kin Corruptor will be hanging out as usual in Port Oakes
    along with various "friends" from the Marcone Family.

    Random Anomaly
    , a PB, will be heading for deep space in search of another home...
    According to lore, he's got about 10 years to find it... Since Kheldians are energy
    beings, light speed travel in space, should be possible (I assume) for him, so I'd
    think Alpha Centauri is in range, if not a passing Rikti Battlecruiser. Godspeed.

    Dyslexia Arcanus (Magic Fire/Time troller) will be in Atlas Park with Azuria,
    her mentor, assisting in any way she can.

    Granny Warbucks, my L2 Crazy 88's character will be in AP City Hall boosting the
    SG's prestige with whatever funds she amasses between now and then.

    Guardian's Angel, my Empath defender will be in the Hollows - where she enjoyed
    helping newbie heroes make their way so long ago.

    Mister Cash Flow, the L6 toon ("MCF") I used to document the transactions in my
    "Avoiding Poverty" guide in my signature, from way way back in Oct. 2008, is currently
    on a beach somewhere sipping MaiTais... He's not goin' anywhere

    The rest? Not sure yet, but I'll give it some more thought.

    Certainly, one of my toons will be in the Matrix Room (if it's still accessible).

    I also have a warshade (DeContaminator, I think?) in the original tutorial zone. TP from
    the get-go was always great fun there for people-watching the new/lowbies as
    they blundered around on a new toon, or for the very first time

    I think I even have a toon or two under a couple PvP zone maps - so, watch your
    back on the last day....You might not know what hits you...

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Not cried yet... i did that a few years ago with the closure of Tabula Rasa.

    Still feel sucky about the closure of CoX though

    As i said earlier, this is my 3rd MMO closure... maybe i am a hex for developers >.>
    I too was there for TR's last hurrah.

    As for crying, I'm not much into tears, but it IS depressing as hell.

  8. Hi Tony,

    While I'm under no illusions at all about the likelihood of success for obtaining the IP,
    I certainly like the plan and applaud the effort.

    If, by some one-in-a-gazillion shot you can pull it off, I'd also happily contribute to
    the cause.

    wrt the game engine - another route is porting/developing a CoH version for the
    Unreal Engine 3. Afaik, doing so is completely free until you get to the stage of
    "commercial product". Definitely a crapton of work, mind you, but an option

    In any case, well played sir, GL and Best Wishes.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc
    Since CoH is shutting down at some point in the near future, how will that affect the Market?
    After pondering the ramifications for some time, I feel that the primary effect will
    be a sudden, sharp decline in high level recipe and IO supply.

    This will produce shortages for these levels similar to the paltry supply that we've
    seen already in the mid-level ranges over the past couple years.

    While some may see this as bit of a balancing trend, I see the complete lack of supply
    as a driving force towards extreme hyperinflation if left unchecked. Demand will be
    astronomically high, leading to equally high pricing, with no counterbalancing
    increase in production to reduce the demand pressure. At some point, no amount
    of money will be enough to purchase an item...

    Of course, the secondary effect will be:

    Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling!
    Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes!
    The dead rising from the grave!
    Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together!
    Mass hysteria!

    You know, the whole Ghostbuster thing....

    Of course, those of us Ebil Marketeers with untold Billions will simply hire downtrodden,
    unemployed heroes and villains to do the wailing and gnashing of teeth for us while
    we sip our tea and search for lucrative opportunities elsewhere.


    PS> Closing the CoX franchise seriously sucks. At this point, the only practical
    recourse is to try to look at it with some humour, and move on... This post is my attempt
    at doing exactly that....
  10. While, a mere pittance compared to Plasma's fine effort, Granny tossed a Billion
    onto the fire this morning.

    According to her accountant she has about 8 Billion remaining in liquid assets
    that she intends to contribute at the "End of the World" party (whenever we hold it).

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    well, looks like the game itself has called an end to this thread.

    But what I feel really sick about is having to explain to my son that all his "friends" are going away.

    What a crappy day.
    Yep. I had that thought shortly after reading the news - I sure don't envy you that task

    FWIW, I've enjoyed the heck out of reading about your shared adventures in this thread.

    Good Luck and Best Wishes,
  12. FourSpeed



    I've never seen anything less than an excellent post from you, but this one tops
    them all for heartfelt poignance.

    Truly well said.

    Best Wishes,
  13. Wow - the "world" really IS ending this year.... Damn Mayans...

    I'll also chip in my "Thanks to the Devs" for all you accomplished with this game
    over the years.

    Also, best regards to all the other forumites and players I've had the fortune to
    chat with, team with, or both.

    Maybe we'll see each other again in some other (non-NCsoft) virtual world.

    So long, and thanks for all the mobs....

  14. Well...

    It looks like the Mayans may have been right - the "world" really IS going to end
    this year (for Paragon City, at least).

    Perhaps a last Infcinerator bonfire party would be appropriate - I know Granny
    has 3 or 4 Billion lying around that she won't be needing in 2013...

    In any case, best wishes to my fellow 88'rs and Marketeers - I've had a lot of
    Ebil Fun with you guys....

    Best Wishes,
  15. Quote:
    What unexpectedly available names have you gotten recently?
    The surprise name I got recently was: Major Knockback for a (wait for it )
    Energy/Energy Blaster.

    Go Figure.

  16. History Channel
    Pawn Stars: (Customer comes walking in with a Jet Pack)

    Rick: What can I do for you?

    Customer: Hi, I'd like to sell my authentic "Hero Jet Pack".

    Rick: Uh, Okaaaay. How did you get that?

    Customer: Well, a few years back, my father was on a tour of duty in some insane
    place called Shadow Shard, where gravity is really crazy and of lot of guys get these
    to travel around. When he rotated back Stateside, he still had it with him.
    He passed away recently, and I got the Jet Pack as part of the estate settlement.

    Rick: So are you looking to pawn it or sell it?

    Customer: I'd like to sell it.

    Rick: So what are you figuring to get for it?

    Customer: Well, they usually go for about 10,000 from General Hammond's supply, so I
    guess, I'd like that.

    Old Man: That's not gonna happen son. Typically these items are army issue,
    they have limited fuel, export permissions can be tricky, and there just isn't a large
    resale value for them.

    Rick: <shrugs> I can give you 250 for it. If it's still working.

    Customer: That's a lot less than I was hoping for - could you come up to, say 5000?

    Rick: As the Old Man said, we've got to sell it, and there just isn't a lot of resale value
    to them - you can also get these from surplus at Wentworths for a few hundred.
    The best I could do is 350, and even that's probably too much.

    Customer: (thinking it over) Well.... I guess I could let it go for 350. It's just sitting
    around the house, and my wife is dreading what would happen if one of the kids
    gets ahold of it.

    Rick: 350 it is (shaking hands). Let's go do the paperwork - Chumley, write him up.


    End of Show scene


    (Chumley and Big Hoss out in the parking lot.)

    Big Hoss: Ok, let's fire this bad boy up and see how it flies.

    Chumley: (with the jet pack more or less strapped around him) Hoss, how come I
    have to be the one wearing the pack?

    Big Hoss: Well, we have to find out if it works, and that means you have to test it.
    Fire it up!

    (there's a click, a loud whooshing sound followed the the sound of Chumley smacking
    into the shop wall at a high rate of speed).

    Big Hoss: Yep. Looks like it works...

    (Fade to commercial)

  17. FourSpeed

    Mothership Solo?

    That's one heck of a challenge you've set for yourself.

    My first thought when I read this was that it was a pure joke thread, but I'll give
    you the benefit of the doubt and consider the idea seriously.

    Ok - having done that ...

    Not to be the voice of doom here but if wagers were involved I'd have to
    bet against you - Big Time.

    Unfortunately, the P-Wiki article is short on actual numbers, so I'll just speculate
    a bit from a logistics standpoint.

    For the Pylons, you probably can't do them sequentially. Even in the Scrapper
    Pylon thread, it takes ~2 minutes to take one down. With 18 of them to handle, I'd
    bet you don't have 36+ minutes before one of them respawns.

    So, you'll have to whittle all of them down to a sliver first, and then recycle
    around and take em out .... Except ...

    You probably can't. They have fairly decent regen (the 128 term in the DPS formula).
    So, whittling them down to a sliver like you can with turrets in Bloody Bay is likely
    not going to work.

    So, *solo*, I think you're in trouble right there.

    For the bombs, raids typically plant 4, but again, the wiki doesn't say what the
    minimum is to spawn the GM. Certainly, you'll need at least one (or more) to trigger
    U'Kon G'rai.

    Of course, that means you'll be confronting the boatload of Magus' that spawn when
    you attack the grates. I don't read a lot of threads that talk about players soloing
    them. Rikiti Bosses? Sure. Rikti Magus'? Not so much. Pylons are easier, imho

    For the GM, you're also going to be dealing with a lot more mobs than just him,
    and again, solo, I'm having difficulty seeing how you'd do that (even if you're
    using iPets, Shivans, a Heavy and anything else you can bring to the party)

    Now, if you're just taking a shot at the GM, solo, then you can have some friends
    help with the pylons and grates, but I still think a Last Will and Testament may be
    in order....

    Good Luck with this one.

    You're definitely going to need to video it.

  18. Quote:
    I did not realize this was not ITF
    You also may not have noticed the thread is 4 months old either

    As for the mission in question, it is pretty challenging to solo it - doubly so if you
    don't have any iStuff at all.

    On the upside, if you do go the solo route, you don't have to worry about the
    idiot NPC helpers aggroing everything on the map


    PS> IBTL
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Citizen_Razor View Post
    Sorry for resurrecting my own dead topic, but I wanted to thank everybody here for their advice. I decided to go the "slow and steady" method and converted my hero merits into enhancement converters. It took a few months and some patience on the market, but I managed to flip about 40 hero merits into 13 billion inf (and three complete set of purples). I'm now pretty much set for a long time.

    My initial goal was to get an average of 100 million per hero merit, and I far surpassed that goal.

    So thanks, everybody!
    I, for one, am glad to see the update, and happy to hear it worked out well for you

  20. FourSpeed

    How do you?

    Originally Posted by LizzyLisa View Post
    Hi, i been playing this game for almost 3 weeks now about 1-2 days per week. I solo alot when i cant find a team, my character is lvl 28 brute. What i like to know is what is the secret of gaining a lot of influence(cash)?
    Making inf in the game is pretty much the easiest it's ever been.

    The most *effective* ways in terms of earning speed and earning amounts

    * WW/BM: The hands-down winner. There are literally dozens of things you can
    do here to make as little or as much as you like ... fast. They can be as simple as
    just selling your drops, or crafting IOs, or flipping bargain items. Billions, in a few days,
    is not all that difficult, and millions are basically unavoidable (even for bad marketeers)

    PRO: Fastest, Scales Best, Can be "Fire-and-Forget" (minimal effort/time).
    CON: Need Market Access, Need some initial knowledge, Need some basic skills.
    The latter two vary depending on what approach(es) you take.

    * AE Ticket Farming: This is probably the next fastest

    PRO: Nearly as effective as WW/BM. Easy to do with "normal" gameplay (ie. run
    missions, kill stuff, profit)
    CON: Need AE access, Need to build an optimized toon, Need to find/create an
    appropriate arc to maximize results. Can be (and feel) "grindy", and can be quite
    time intensive (esp. if you go the random roll/crafting route).

    * Content-Farming: This is basically the forerunner to AE farms. Probably a bit slower
    than AE farming, but you can get purple drops - just one of those (if it's a decent one,
    is worth ~200M-400M ... not too shabby)

    PRO: See AE Farming
    CON: " " " " (Typically needs an L50 optimized toon)

    * Merit-Farming: These include R-Merits, A/V Merits, Astrals - ie. any kind of merit
    that can be exchanged for a valuable item (recipe, enhancement, etc.)

    PRO: Minimal knowledge and effort needed. Run the appropriate content, get merits,
    convert merits to valuable recipes, craft into IOs and sell, or just sell the recipes, profit.
    It's a by-product of normal content play.
    CON: You still need WW/BM access to sell (for best prices), some merit content is
    gated (iStuff, for instance) and may require token tiers to access. It can get a
    bit old running the same stuff after awhile (like AE and other content farms)

    * Standard Game: Run missions, kill stuff, vendor your drops, profit.
    PRO: Easy. Just play the game, sell whatever drops you get...
    CON: Slow, slow, slow. If you have BM/WW access, sell there, *but* also look
    at using it to make inf more effectively. If you have to vendor stuff, use RWZ store
    (for best prices).

    * Luck of the Draw: Costume Contests, Trivia Contests, Zone Games ("first to
    find me in AP and say "Hi" gets 10Million"), or even some (clever, amusing, genuine)
    panhandling can all get you some cash. Heck, several folks here have already
    offered to send you some

    PRO: Easy - if you can do what the reward requires
    CON: Unreliable

    In short, it has never been easier to get inf in the game. If you are a purely
    free player (no access to anything other than normal Free Content), then you have
    it no worse than the I1 - I8 days (pre WW/BM). Earning inf will be slow, but you
    only need ~18M over your toon's entire career for SO's.

    If you have WW/BM access, you're literally days away from being as rich as you
    want to be. A little knowledge, effort and time is all it takes.

    If you're looking for a very simple, very safe, beginner's approach to the WW/BM
    market, feel free to read the guide in my signature. It's 3+ years old now, but it
    works even better these days than it did when I wrote it. Also, there are a number
    of very good Market threads right now, and a bunch of good guides there as well.

    In any case, welcome back, GLHF!

  21. A fine read (and thread). I've enjoying following along with your adventure.

    Thanks for posting it Organica, and gratz on another successful toon.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    For me, until I can resolve a reasonable picture that explains the big stuff, I'm far less interested in the little stuff. If why is any of this even happening is a question I can't answer, then I personally end up caring a lot less about who killed who, who's sleeping with who, who's favorite ice cream is rocky road. I put together puzzles from the edges and work my way towards the middle. To me the Lore is a system of parts all working together, and I care about the system more than I do any particular part. If I have to state a singular question, my one question would always be: how does this all work together.
    Interesting to see how we approach this from opposite (but not opposing) perspectives.

    Using your puzzle analogy, I can be perfectly content with small groups of puzzle
    pieces, each of which make their own "localized" sense - for instance, a tree,
    or a building, car, person etc. - without knowing where that item fits in the overall

    In the early days, you *could* (eventually) fit all those pieces into the bigger
    puzzle and come up with a pretty good overall picture of "Paragon City" showing
    where the various heroes and factions fit into the game's "history" and lore.

    The problem I now have, is that Villains added another entirely new puzzle. Then,
    so did Praetoria, Incarnates, Dark Astoria ... generally with little (if any) regard
    for logical consistency between them.

    To me, it's like having separate puzzles of Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Stonehenge, etc.

    Sure, they're all parts of England, but they don't actually *fit* together.

    Or maybe, it's more akin to having 4 puzzles of San Francisco's waterfront from 1901,
    1925, 1955, and 2005. They're the "same place" but they still don't *fit* together.

    Our game lore has gotten that way imho. The evidence suggests that our "writers"
    never actually considered if, or how, those pieces should relate in a homogenous

    So, instead, it's like they took all of those puzzles, threw all the pieces into the
    same box, and said, "Here you go guys and gals - here's our world".

    In that analogy, it simply isn't possible to put all of those pieces into a single,
    coherent, and sensible picture anymore.

    So, I give up on the overarching lore - it simply doesn't work, and I've stopped
    trying to make sense of it anymore.

    For me, the game's lore is, simply put, an unreconcilable mess at this point.

    So, I just try to enjoy the smaller inset pictures and quit trying to figure out how
    those rather divergent pieces got into the same puzzle box or try to fit them
    into a single "Big Picture".

  23. While I can sympathize with your plight, it's the very fact that the game behaves
    so differently for various AT's, and even powersets within an AT, that gives the
    game its replayability leading to (rampant) alt-itis.

    My very first toon was a Blaster, so I come from that background, and I don't have
    trouble with the Rikti.

    Why? Because I know my blaster and I built for it. I have capped range defense,
    I have plenty of breakfrees for when def fails, and I have holds and other tools
    to work with to mitigate the problem, and I orchestrate the battle accordingly.

    That's not due to my blaster being "better" than yours - it's that my experience as
    a Blaster has taught me how to deal with them (I put in plenty of hospital time
    when RWZ was the original Rikti Crash Site).

    Otoh, my Brute? He wouldn't even notice Rikti - except as something squishy he
    stepped on during his travels to wherever he was going... But a Malta Sapper?
    Ruh Roh, that could be a problem unless handled quickly (my blaster wouldn't even
    blink - the sapper would have been snipe-killed before the fight even began).

    My Stalker? Bah, Placate the Rikti Drone in the spawn and move on to the primary target,
    and get on with the "assassinating" business, leaving that group none the wiser.

    My PB? DFA with Nova form until I get mezzed (guaranteed, eventually). At that point,
    he's officially "pissed off" and the mezzer very quickly learns that a mezzed Nova
    who can immediately morph into a Big, Bad, and Very Aggressive Dwarf, is a lot more
    trouble than he bargained for (or can handle)...

    In short, ALL toons have strong points and weak points, and for me, at least,
    part of the fun (and the frustration too ) is learning and dealing with those
    various nuiances.

    So, yeah, in the Rikti case, I'd advocate a little well planned "payback"

    Grab some candy, lock-n-load, and kick some major alien backside...

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
    Me: From a certain point of view?
    Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
    Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom>

    Prometheus is Obi Wan? Holy <Pancake>! I guess that Galaxy wasn't so far away
    or so long ago... Hmmmm... Evidently, they joined Ouroboros before we did.

    I have to agree with others about the whole "Well" crap... Yuck.

    As for Prometheus, he just irks me. If he's so bad@$$, why doesn't he slap
    the Battalion silly and be done with it? Oh, that's right, he's "furthering humanity"
    with the whole "fire gift" shtick, all the while doing the "Ignore the God behind
    the curtain" thing by witholding information or threatening us if we push too much.


    By and large, I don't believe him, I don't think he's working in our best interests
    (or doing anything *useful* at all, in fact), and I'd rather he simply "cease any and all
    supernatural activity and return forthwith to his place of origin, or to the next
    convenient parallel dimension" to quote a phrase.

    Which brings me to my question...

    "The ONE thing I want to know": Why do I bother?

    The lore is SO screwed up, inconsistent, and sometimes directly conflicting,
    that I don't think it's even possible to make coherent sense of it anymore.

    I used to enjoy the lore...but it jumped the shark a long time ago.

    At best, I find these days that I can only look at small pieces (like a short story),
    and deliberately ignore trying to fit them sensibly into the bigger (ripped, torn, and
    moth-eaten) tapestry that is the Game's Lore these days...


  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    What precisely do you think is financing all the great stuff we've been getting lately, the Keebler Elves?
    I think I saw one of the Keebler Elves in Sharkhead the other day...

    The evil little bastige stole a cookie from a citizen I was going to mug (prompting
    the arrival of several arachnos agents), and then he vanished into thin air (*poof*)
    before I could pummel him into a mushy pulp for his insolence (and ruining my

    Sure, sure, it was just a small-time heist, but I was bored between bank jobs...


    As for the OP, have a beer, take a valium with it, and sleep for 10 or 12 hours.
    The anger will surely pass (not sure we can fix the sense of entitlement, but I've
    already exceeded my helpfulness quota for the month with my prior advice)


    PS> Time to hunt down and beat the baking powder out of that <pancake> Elf...