Secret room under pi
Been there done that w/o being banned plus many other niffy awesome super duper ooober sweet tricks too

yeah, we gotta share um!
perma jump is ---> /up 1
Been there done that
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@Bengal Fist - Freedom - Authority SG
Bengal Fist (SS/EA) - Thirt3en (Time/Elec) - Aussi (Elec/Shield) - Potamoi (Water/Time) - Parkr (Staff/Ela)
There's a much easier way to get in although I haven't tested to see if it still works. There's a building on Monkey Island on PI whose door is partially covered by a mound of dirt. Log out near this door, then log back in. Upon logging in, your character will exit this door as all characters do if they logged out near a door, but you'll be stuck in the mound. Use /stuck to get unstuck, which will clip you underneath the map.
Also why would this be a bannable offense? People have been talking about this for ages, and it's not like they can ban anyone now anyway.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
We use to do that trick in PVP Farming so most of the gankers couldnt get to you. Don't really remember which door really and kinda forgot about it until you mentioned that Gob.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas
Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
There's a much easier way to get in although I haven't tested to see if it still works. There's a building on Monkey Island on PI whose door is partially covered by a mound of dirt. Log out near this door, then log back in. Upon logging in, your character will exit this door as all characters do if they logged out near a door, but you'll be stuck in the mound. Use /stuck to get unstuck, which will clip you underneath the map.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas
Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.
The "Matrix Room"* is still accessible - tested it yesterday.
Historically, it was part of I-3 when they put in the PvP arenas - The Matrix Room
was intended as the waiting area for PvP matches. Originally, there was a tech-related
reason why they needed it, however, they eventually solved that issue and ended
up not needing (or using) the room... But they never deleted it.
Darkgob's method is correct - actually, there are several places where this works
although the sunken building is the easiest to find.
Basically, you go to the building (it's easy to see - it's half sunken into the ground),
stand in/at that sunken door and log out (You may have to clear some monkeys
first )
Log back in on that character and you will be falling - immediately turn hover or
fly or jet pack on, and you're "under the map". You *need* to be falling when you
log in, otherwise you'll become stuck IN the terrain, but don't fall too far, or the
game will transport you (similar to FB Zulu in the Shard).
Once you're under the map - click the Arena icon on your map and fly towards it.
When you get there, you'll see a Big Blue Box under the arena. Fly UNDER that box,
and you'll see a much smaller (dark/black) room with several doors under the Blue Box.
Fly to that building's doors and type /stuck.
If all goes according to plan, Welcome to the Matrix Room
Your toon is completely stable in there - you can log in and out and you'll be in
that room. Should you wish to leave, any teleport will work (Assemble the Team,
Ouroborous Portal, Market Tp, etc.)
Being under the map (there are several you can get under) is theoretically bannable,
but with the game going dark, it's not a concern I personally have.
Anyway, hope to see you there!
* PS> If you've ever been in there, you'll immediately know why it's called the Matrix Room
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
i made up a thread about bucket list of easter eggs that poeple should see
there are a TON of really interesting easter eggs to see in the game that a large portion of the players do not know about

The underside of PI is very clean. Whichever environmental artist made that did a great job. I liked comparing PI to the monstrosity that is Grandville where buildings exist within buildings. Grandville was the original graphics card killer because of that. And also because the giant TV monitors get drawn when you face them, even when other items block your view of them. That's why the area around the big statue of Lord Recluse was a huge FPS drain.
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i remember that, the first comp i played CoV on i couldnt load into GV because it was too graphics heavy
i actually had to go to a friends house to get out of GV lol

The underside of PI is very clean. Whichever environmental artist made that did a great job. I liked comparing PI to the monstrosity that is Grandville where buildings exist within buildings. Grandville was the original graphics card killer because of that. And also because the giant TV monitors get drawn when you face them, even when other items block your view of them. That's why the area around the big statue of Lord Recluse was a huge FPS drain.
sections as well. It's actually pretty easy to get stuck under there if you're
not careful. The layout is pretty weird even comparing with other "under the map"
For folks that have never been under a map, it's a kind of weird looking perspective
on the cities although, I personally find them cool to explore as each area is fairly
The one thing that made them bannable btw is this: From under the map, you can
kill mobs with complete impunity - you can hit them, but they can't hit you.
That's also true in PvP zones, which obviously caused quite an uproar when
it was discovered (probably about 10 mins after CoV was released

a *lot* of map holes in those days).
Obviously, that activity is deemed exploitive, and hence bannable.
From a pure exploration perspective, it's certainly a place where the devs would
rather you didn't go, but I don't know anyone who got banned for just looking
around -- killing stuff from under the maps, yes - just exploring, not so much.
That said, I personally feel the Matrix Room IS the coolest place to visit in the
entire game, and I really wish the devs had found a way to use it in-game so
more folks could see it.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
perma jump is ---> /up 1
Directions on how to get there.
The room has been around since i2 at least, so it not really secret but you have to get under the map to get there.
You'll need 2 things.
1) Superspeed
2) A way to escape the room. Once you're in the room you'll have to use Ouro, base tp'er, pocket D tp'er, Self-Destruct, or have a friend tp you.
Your starting point is NE corner of Peregrine Island. PI is surrounded by a invisible wall that you can jump over. DON'T JUMP! If you jump over the wall you will be teleported to Talos. btw all you will see is water..
from the corner, head west along the invis wall until you hit another invis wall (about 100yds? from the corner) THIS IS WHERE THE HOLE IN THE WALL IS. (remember don't jump, its a long trip to get back from Talos)
Note: I picture this other invis wall to be about the size of a mailbox, so its easy to 'miss' if you're not hugging the wall. I usually head a little NW-ish to ensure I'm traveling along the wall (again, everything is invisible).
Superspeed north thru the hole. You'll want to monitor your map since there's nothing around to judge where you are. btw this might be frustrating the first time you try to get thru the hole, I think SS is the key (just like you can SS thru chain linked fences)
Now that you're outside the walls you'll need to travel north off the end of the world (map) It's probably a good mile north to find the edge. (yer free to jump around once you're away from the invis wall)
Once yer under the map head back towards the Arena flyer's beware. If you hit anything under the map you'll get tp'd topside. (its a pretty high ceiling tho)
check your map. once you're directly under the Arena type /stuck
Note: at anytime you can type /stuck and it will tp you to the nearest door, but /stuck inside this 'secret' room will not get you out of the room. This is where you'll need the self tp. or spam broadcast for someone to tp you lol.
This could be a bannable offense. Consider yerself warned!
perma jump is ---> /up 1