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  1. I think is was more they didn't want to animate all the different attacks from the rocket board. To make it work in a simple way they just made it suppress all attacks.
  2. If you are quick you can get around it. Right after you trigger the logout to character select or whatever hit your windows key. This should pull up your windows task bar and allow you to switch apps while the countdown is now going in the background.

    This doesn't help you if the countdown has already started and if you switch back to COH before it finishes you are stuck.
  3. Raw numbers:
    Super Speed (with lvl 50 run in it and Swift)
    92.5 mph (capped)
    Jump height 14.3 (22.3 with Combat Jumping)

    Super Jump (with lvl 50 jump in it and Hurdle)
    78 mph (jump speed)
    Jump height 172.6

    Fly (with lvl 50 fly)
    58.6 mph (capped)
    with Afterburner (also with lvl 50 fly) 79 mph (capped)

    Ninja Run/Beast Run (with lvl 50 run/jump in Swift/Hurdle)
    66 mph run/60.7 jump speed
    Jump height 42.1

    I find you get more bang by adding a second jump to Hurdle then a second run to swift. With second run you get 68.1 mph run/60.7 jump speed, jump height 42.1. With second jump you get 66 mph run/68 mph jump speed, jump height 44.8.

    For a travel power that doesn't cost a power selection, I would say it is great. It's jump height is enough to clear small buildings so at high levels you should be fine moving about even in areas with vertical movement.
  4. I'll chime in for dark armor. It is not a set for the feint of heart but if you can slot it to handle the endurance and use its control powers to your advantage it is great. The heal is over the top (just make sure you don't trigger it to late since it has a long cast time). If you happen to die the self rez at mag 50 will stun just about anything and you generally emerge with a full green and blue bar to go to battle again (although turning on all those toggles is a pain).
  5. Flower

    Base Bugs in I21

    Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
    I think this is a good thing for the salvage racks and inspiration storage containers. It's a HORRIBLE thing for IO storage. They should at least give us a drop down with the option to sort by set.

    Ummm... do you mean set type? Alphabetical is sorted by set since all the names begin with the set name.
  6. Flower


    It's a developer evil plot to get you to buy the salvage boost packs from the market.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    I think the Alignment Merits are worth a little bit less than 100:1 if you go for random rolls,
    Still 100 to 1. 1 Random roll with merits is 20 reward merits. An alignment merit give you 5 random rolls for 1; so 5 times 20 = 100 still
  8. As others have said make sure you slot accuracy in your attacks. I find that one SO ~40% of accuracy is enough.

    To check what where you are at click Powers > Combat Attributes. Under general find the last to hit chance and right click it and monitor it. Watch that number and make sure it is at or close to 95% most of the time.

    If you slot IO sets watch for accuracy bonues and slot some of those to help. The Kismet +6 To Hit is also a easy way to boost your chance to hit. If that doesn't work Tactics under the Leadership pool can help but carries a big endurance hit so make sure you can slot it or withstand the hit.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    Did you actually get the message that you had hit max? I ask because it looks like they stopped self rezzing enemies from dropping tickets after they return. So even running the same farm map, you will end up with significantly fewer tickets.
    No, nothing to do with that. It was not a farm map and didn't have any self rezzers (just the normal Rikti).

    I must have been the MARTy thing because I ran it again last night and it worked fine (got the 1,500 tickets).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ragnar_Lodbrok View Post
    Ok fast question, now that there is no more Galaxy city, how am I supposed to get the badges from there for the accolade?

    "Explore Galaxy City – Atlas, Conspiracy, Freedom - Vidiot Map
    Pupil - Atlas - (-730, 0, -1340) 40 feet NE of Equinox dot. Plaque is on a pedestal opposite the arena.
    Bird Watcher - Conspiracy - (2nd story ledge -1100, 50, -2260) 87yds SE of Orion Beltway dot on 2nd story ledge
    Brawler - Freedom - (-1180, 65, -935) Top of Mighty Mart 475yds NW of Perez exit"

    Is there a way around this or do just only get a part of the accolade now? or should we just not bother with it?
    Galaxy city is still there as an Echo. Access it though ouro (I think there is an entrance back by the hospital in Ouro) or through a base teleporter (provided you have a supergroup that has the Galaxy Beacon).

    All the badges are there for you.
  11. Got same "You have triggered the Metric Activated Reward Throttle."

    I used my lunch hour to play an single mission AE and the tickets maxed out at around 750 rather then 1,500. Not sure if tickets were due to the Throttle or if they have been nerfed?
  12. Someone correct me if I am wrong but I think that nerf only applies to custom creations in AE. Not to using standard enemies in AE or to the game at large outside AE. So I believe the answer is yes you will get XP for killes of rezzed bosses in regular missions.
  13. In my opinion it is good to take your character back down to the lower levels. With careful timing of when you take powers and managing your important set bonuses you can create characters that are quite powerful at any level. I find it a challenge to build a character that can level down and not feel gimped.

    A level 50 going down to 20 is always going to be way more powerful then that same character was when leveling up to 20 since have 2 additonal powers (level 22 and 24), more enhancement bonuses (even with the gimping they do), set bonuses (not many at 20 but purples and low level set bonuses will be there), and procs (these function at any level if the power is on).

    Now you do have to adjust your difficulty settings a little, if you try to run +4/x8 at level 20 you probably won't like it very much
  14. I would rate Keyes the hardest with Lambda close behind. Keyes because the badges just don't make sense. Damage Anti-Matter to 10% and then try to complete it ... Why!???. Stand around tapping your foot and let Anti-Matter fully heal 3 times in final fight ... Why!??? At least the door badge and avoid the green stuff make some sense even if they are tricky to get. There may be other badges awarded for doing crazy stuff but these seem above and beyond to me. Almost like awarding badges for griefing a trial.

    The three main lambda badges are just messed up. They should only have one run where you can't use grenades or acid and allow you to use just grenades and just acid on the other two (even if you have to get them from the courtyard). Just don't have the patience to beat my head against that wall three times so I haven't done it.
  15. Flower

    Oro portal at 14

    Easy way if you have a supergroup base (and already have the Galaxy City beacon).

    Use the teleport in your base to Galaxy City, then hop on the train which will take you to oro, grab the badge at the top of the beam above the building and you have it.

    If you don't have a base then you'll probably have to have someone drop a portal for you to get it that low.
  16. I tried on my Fire/MM blaster. Was messing around with three (GW, Scirocco, and Mako), ran off to grab a heavy (for badge) and then log off when Scirocco chased me without the other two and killed me. He then stayed there so I rezzed, grabbed the heavy, dropped lore pets, a shivan, and a warwolf, popped insp and went at him. Got him below 50% but was drained on insp from earlier fights so I ran out and he killed me. With Drain Psyche both buffing me and debuffing him it was working so long as I had some heals and purple/orange backup to keep me alive.

    I had to log so I didn't try anything else. I thought with his super fast speed you could drag him over to the groups of longbow then pile on with pets but never tried it.

    Seems if any blaster is going to do it it would be a /MM due to the regen debuff it puts out.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SaintNicster View Post
    Ooooh! I want one of those to fly around on rather then the rocket board
  18. First off comparing damage on anything to fire is always going to lose since fire's secondary affect is more damage so it wins every time.

    Radiation's secondary is defense debuff. Not the best secondary but can be a benefit, especially at low levels. Damage is OK for a non-fire set. Neutrino Bolt and Laser Beam eyes are your typical blaster level 1 attacks 80 range, fast recharge, low damage.

    Irradiate is a wonderful PBAoE but since it is PBAoE it requires you to be in melee range.

    Electron Haze is OK, has a chance to KB. I skipped it on my rad blaster.

    Neutron Bomb is more comparable to fire ball but it is a very slow moving ball (you can fire it at range and beat it to the target, which when used right can be an good tactic).

    Cosmic Burst is the standard, high damage close range attack.
  19. Flower

    Another F2P ?

    If I recall correctly the VIP Headstart was a week, so the official F2P would then be schedule for September 20.

    Assuming of course that things continue to go well with the Headstart launch
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ronkarr View Post
    Pen and paper

    Done this a million times, go to craft thinking I have everything and two recipies were both sharing one piece of salvage so once one is crafted the other is short. If you are just drive by crafting no big deal but if you are filling out a build it is very annoying.

    The only solution I know of is what Ronkarr said. Total what you need on paper and make sure you have enough of it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I know this is currently useless to you at 32, but when you hit 50 and start Incarnating (if you choose to do so), go for the Ageless Destiny tree. At tier 4 it will completely refill your end bar (costing you nothing) and buff your recovery. You'll still have a brief period of 0 recovery after the largest part of the buff wears off, but you won't lose enough endurance during that time to matter and you'll make it back since the rest of the buff lasts longer than the crash.

    Ageless Destiny -- making Blaster nukes worth it since 2011.
    This! After my friends convinced me I finally took a nuke on my blaster - hated it as much as I though I would and hardly ever used it. After getting Ageless I use it quite a bit now even when solo. BU-Aim-Nuke-Ageless-finish off suvivors-next group.

    Granted Blasters get more mileage out of nukes but they are fun.

    With ageless they are much less of a pain and I don't have to hoard blue insp just to think about using the thing.
  22. I've noticed this comes and goes for me. The Launcher locks up so I have to open task manager and kill it. I am then able to launch the game fine but next time I go to play the launcher is locked again.

    For me it was doing it for a while then stopped for a period (worked normally) but after the last patch started locking up again. Not a big deal just a nuisance.
  23. Freitag:

    UPDATE 10:00am PDT: All servers except Triumph are currently available. We will update you as soon as all servers are available. Thank you again for your patience!

    The Live European and North America City of Heroes servers will be offline for an extended maintenance on Thursday, August 25, 2011.

    Start Time: 4:00 a.m. PDT / 7:00 a.m. EDT / 12:00 p.m. BST / 13:00 CEST
    Expected Duration: 6 hours
    Expected Finish Time: 10:00 a.m. PDT / 1:00 p.m. EDT / 6:00 p.m. BST / 19:00 CEST

    This maintenance is to facilitate hardware upgrades for all the Live City of Heroes servers.

    We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
  24. Flower

    Base Stowage

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Point 1 is coming in Issue 21.
    Does a cartwheel in excitment!

    I have been wishing for this on those enhancement bins since I put the first one in. Nothing like scrolling through 100 enhancements trying to find one particular one.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    I've decided that upgrading to a T4 with my Longbow was a mistake. Great my Warden is invulnerable but she very rarely died anyway (not sure she ever has?) but now my Cataphract is only available 3 mins 20 seconds
    Never got what they were trying to do with that T4. Not only do you get less combo choices (2 vs 4 at T3) but if you go for support you lose your damage provider for 1 minute and 40 seconds on a slot that is already not out enough to be the game changer the other slots are??

    Yeah I keep Lore at T3. On the plus side that allows me to create several different Lore's to try them out since the crafting cost for a T3 is almost nothing.