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  1. Fernandes

    Remove AE!

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    oh wait we can't do that any more.


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    I thought it was only banned on the suggestions boards.

    Anyhoo, as the man himself owuld have said: "No."
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Good stories just don't get the attention If I had named my thread "stupid AE teams!" I would have twice the views and 4x the comments

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    Ain't that the truth. There are a LOT of great story arcs in AE land. Some people just dont take the time to find them.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I need a good power combo that a vampire-themed toon would use..I'm curious to hear all of your suggestions. Thanks in advance-Z

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    Most vamps are /super reflexes stalkers or scrappers (More villains then heroes, so more stalkers than scrapers). Even for non-stalkers, stealth is almsot contractually required. Primary is either martial arts, or, for greater coolness points, a weapon set (Vampires with Kitanas for the win!). If you want less vampire superstrength/speed, and more freaky dark powers, then dark armour and/or dark melee work well too.

    On the other end of the spectrum, mind control (as a controller or a dominator) works well with the vampire backstory, at least if they;re the Bram Stolker/Anne Rice/World of Darkness style sexy vampires with freaky mental powers.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    You lost me at Hal Jordan. Should have put Kyle Rayner in the movie instead.

    And the writer for that article overlooked Halle Berry as having starred in both a Marvel and DC movie.

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    NO she didn't! Catwoman is like that third Matrix movie - it NEVER HAPPENED! Death to those who raise the subject!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Scanner missions, to me, are just as boring as people attempting to run farms.

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    Not quite, but pretty close.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    I have to agree that for the most part the game is quite challenging, based on your character, team, difficulty and mission choices.

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    The game is challenging based on your AT. A bit too much so for my liking. This is reflected by the fact that certain teams are much less effective than others. Difficulty comes into play because the 'right' teams can just ramp it up and not care.

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    If you choose to do easy 8 person missions (at whatever difficulty) you have decided to make the game easy.

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    Doesn't mean you can't team but always playing with the "perfect" team build makes the game a lot easier. Try a team of 8 stalkers and you won't be knocking around groups of level 54 Bosses easily.

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    That's an interesting theory...but once it actually collides with real life...it becomes apparent how silly it is.

    Now I don't know what kind of PUGs you find in this game...but I(and I'll admit I don't PUG that often) have never found one where I could just tell people that our team composition is too optimal and that we need to change it or I'd quit and find one what was less optimal.

    Likewise, when my SG has our weekly team events, people like to play certain ATs. We have a lady that loves tanks, another guy who loves to make squishy girl toons(i.e. controllers) another lady that likes defenders and controllers and I'm the only one that likes damage dealers(mostly blasters on blueside). The only time anyone can tell someone else to switch toons is if there is a level difference problem and/or a powerset redundancy that we don't need. People don't purposely build sub-optimal teams. That's nonsense. It doesn't work to balance the lack of challenge in a game...human nature doesn't allow it.

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    Good point about the redculousness of the idea htat you should deliberately build sub-optiomal teams.

    As for the other thing though, certainly CoH is very class dependant, but thats no differnt from any other games. Go start a WoW raid with nothing but Mages, and see how that works out for you. Even in classless games, good teams that steamroll cotnent tend to ahve a certain balance of roles that are built for in a certain way. Anyone who's ever been forced to Play The Cleric (TM) for the sake of the party knows that this phenominon did not begin with MMOs either. This is a fairly intrinsic component of, basicaly, all RPGs.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Mmm, more challenging by whose terms?

    Frankly from a devs perspective...

    During TFs, incapacitate all forms of cheat travels such as Ouroborus portals, base portals, mission portals, and what not.

    Carefully plan each zone engagement to maximize zone travel through operations, thus make sure players have to run the entire length of Steel Canyon or Skyline or Independance Port. Also make sure mission door is as far as possible from zone entrance.

    Also make sure that each mission forces players to go to the most remote zones, such as far end boom town, perez park, Dark Astoria, Crey and Eden. Never have the mission at easy to get to zones.

    Thus send the turkeys, err players, to start at Galaxy, from there send them to Dark Astoria. This way they have to run to get on train to SC, then run entire SC to get to high level zone train. Then, muahahahaha, they have to go to Talos, then travel thru the width of talos to DA entrance, and finally go the very far corner in DA to enter mission muahahahaha. When they finish, they need to go to Peres Park, muahahahahahaha, after that they need to go to Crey's Folley, oh my this is rich, muahahahahah; now return them to Perez Park, in preparation for their trip to Eden, muahahahah.

    Oh wait, the devs are allready doing this, well they need to be more consistent.

    Next challenge increase, bosses are at farthest end in annoying rooms such as cake, and pool rooms. Muahahaha

    Oh wait, they are already doing this, well they need to be more consistent.

    So after having spurious maximized brainless travel, and annoying end rooms, now work on the bosses:

    Nosferatu types are great, they heal themselves at the player expense, thus take much longer to kill; of course the ultimate boss is Reichman, whose true power is to bore players into giving up! Now that is the ultimate challenge! So add to all missions the defeit Reichman boss, you can change his name, the players are too dumb to notice anyway "muahahahah", nor does it matter if they notice, muahahahahahah.

    How is that for dev perspective challenge?


    Take away the ability to call contacts, this way more travel can be assigned to teams. Also move contacts to farthest locations of maps from zone entry points. Take Gordon at Bricks, good example of this practice! Muahahaha, this is just evil, muahahahah

    Oh wait, devs are allready doing this, well they need to be more consistent!


    Warning" Beware of what you may be asking for

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    *le giggle*

    Joking aside, it is true, and we are all keenly aware that there IS a ddiference between being harder, and just being more tedious.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    AE buildings out of Atlas, Galaxy and King's Row, yesterday.

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    You know the more of these crop up, the more I agree. At leas tiwth Atlas and Galaxy. I love AE. I love it as a storytelling tool, and yes, by God, I love it as a farming tool I wouldn't touch a thing about ti. But its not too much to ask vets to take 15 seconds to move one zone over to start the sprint to 50 in order to clear some breathing room for new players.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Was there a specific reason they took out or disabled the magic long dressy thing and trench coats being able to be used with wings?

    I hate having invalid costumes, makes me unable to change my bow. It's not clipping, so why no combo?

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    The explination I was given when I asked why my robe and cloak combo was invalid (and I looked SO GOOD *whine*) was that having mroe than one animated costume piece on a character uses up too many server resources to be allowed. Grr!
  10. I haven't noticed a difference. Unfortuantely I dont meen that in a good way; i have never gotten anything remotly aproximating satisfactory service from the NCSoft support staff. Perhaps I've just been unlucky.

    Recently I was helping a friend complete her Snaptooth valentines' day mission. Snaptooth the elite boss was untargetable. He behaved as if he were an ally. We called a GM. After several rounds of broken English, my friend understood that we need a hero and a villain on the team to complete the mission. I explained to her that thats not how the mission works and that I ahve compelted it many times solo, but she felt it was easier to acquiesce, so off I went tog et my villain. It still didn't work. Then the GM said that we had to kill everything on the map. So we did. On the ENTIRE OUTDOOR MAP. Still nothing. Then he told us to ahve a nice day and left. I would say that I have never in my internet carrear had such an overpowering wish to find out where someone lives and beat the crap out of them. but honestly, thats about par for the course as far as Ive been able to tell.

    I did have a good GM ONCE who helped me find the glowie ina mission that was stuck inside a wall. That was nice. Ussually though, they show up 3 hours later and tell me to reset the mission.
  11. Fernandes


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    Do NOT touch that emote. Ever. It's pure gold. K? Thx

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    Im with the naked shower-towel girl. I love the emote as is.
  12. If I am free on Saturday then I will attend.
  13. Not that braggings rights arent reason enough (am a terrible fan of virtual bragging rights), but IM curious - is there any actual in-game reward for destoying a dropship? A badge, or somethign more substantial still?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    An errant Galaxy has a discussion with the Council BaseDesigner

    Don't drink anything while reading :7

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    That was genius! Almost enough to make me want to hang out in the D more.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    I heard on the radio that the three most common fears are spiders, clowns, and dentists. So what if there was an NPC who had the exo skeleton like the Vaz Meat Doctor for a spider look . The left half of the face and body would be clown makeup and the right half would be a medical gown. The left 3 exo skeleton arms would be waving guns that have a flag sticking out that says "Bang" and the right half of the arms would have a dentist drill in them.

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    i would quit playing and cancel my account........
    i love clowns, but those other two really bother me
    i would not be able to handle the fact that a video game made me wet my pants, i would have to leave.

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    Id do the same thign but not so much on account fo being terrified as on account of it being stupid. Funny mental image though - thanks!
  16. /signed.

    I actualy always use the RWZ thing for just that reason.
  17. Evil mythological figures are always a big hit, but then, you already have the servatn of Ares. Perhaps your classic Evil Comicbook Wizard (tm), preferably in service to some terrible demon-god. That, or any of the ideas above would work wonderfuly. Especially the demon. You can never go wrong with demons.
  18. Fernandes

    Does AE need XP?

    It doesn't need it to do the things that appeal to me most about (creativity, ECT). But as a lifelong fan of end-game play, I am awfully glad it DOES make farming easier on top of that.
  19. Fernandes

    AE- I'm very sad

    I logged the firs titme after isue 15s release about 3 days later. It took less than ten minutes until someone I had never heard of had invited me to join them in running the new taskforce. I see broadcasts for it still every time I pass through Founder's Falls, even in mid-afternoon. And the taskforce really is not, to coin a phrase, 'all that'.

    Are there many people playing AE farms? Yes. Are there still people doing other things? Yes again. If you can't find them, thats not because AE sucks - its because you do.

    Also, I wonder if we get some kind of award if we have a certain number of these "I don't like AE, people should only be allowed to play the game the way I want them to" threads in a month?
  20. Cute post-rickroll thing. To be clear though, yes, it is possible to solo GMs (although if you dont break out the temp pwoers it takes bloody forever.
  21. Thanks Animorphe. I dont really think I care to associate with anything ST is involved in, but I will give @Dollhouse a tell. Much obliged.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Cool, one less PVP'er.

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  23. [ QUOTE ]
    "Hey lets see what happens when I do something that people don't like"



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    /end thread
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Y'know, I don't get it. There's no law saying I can't spray a garden hose at every person I see on the street. It's totally legal and within the rules. Why should people get pissed off at me if I'm staying within the rules? It's their fault for adhereing to their silly "social norms".

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    Yes there is. Depending on where you live its either harasment or assault, and its a crime. PvP Zones, however, come with a big red flag that says that peopel will be able to do bad things to you. Its roughly analagous to complaining about getting sprayed with water if you signed up for the super-soaker fight at the county fair. Of course, you can't expect people to like you if you beat them by doing somethign tehc community considers 'cheap', but that doesn't make it wrong, just unpopular. Personally Im a big fan of the 'play to win' mentality. As I so often quote: fair fights are for suckers.