Looking for the Carnival of Light
You'd have thought they'd be generic'ed by now? o.@ Never run into them myself. I'll keep an eye out.
Pretty sure SoulTrain was involved with if not running that.
You'd have thought they'd be generic'ed by now? o.@ Never run into them myself. I'll keep an eye out.
[/ QUOTE ]There's little reason to generic them since Paragon Studios is unlikely to sue itself if players emulate in game factions.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
However, unauthorized use of IP would be actionable o.o Otherwise I'd be able to make "Ghost Widow-" and RP as I saw fit o.o! And Ghost Widow wouldn't like that.
<looks around> Shh..she is everywhere o.o!
However, unauthorized use of IP would be actionable o.o Otherwise I'd be able to make "Ghost Widow-" and RP as I saw fit o.o! And Ghost Widow wouldn't like that.
<looks around> Shh..she is everywhere o.o!
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL! Careful, or the Dark Powers of ravenloft will hear you! Or am I dating myself a bit there?
Ravenloft? Nah Strad sends his regards
You'll get generic'd if you use Paragon Studios' IP in your entire character. That includes powersets.
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker
No you won't. You'll get banned if you impersonate a Dev, but not for RPing as a signature character.
No you won't. You'll get banned if you impersonate a Dev, but not for RPing as a signature character.
[/ QUOTE ]Minicore. A tiny version of Manticore who still very occasionally shows up at Virtue Hami raids. Minicore was part of a miniature Freedom Phalanx group. i remember seeing several of them running around Kings Row some time back when they were still little in levels as well.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Try @Dollhouse I think she leads/lead the group.
If memory serves right SoulTrain lead a group of reformed Carnies; Le Carnivale Rene'.
@Animorph 2
Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...
Thanks Animorphe. I dont really think I care to associate with anything ST is involved in, but I will give @Dollhouse a tell. Much obliged.
No problem and didn't realize ST had a rep. I remember him but not much about him.
@Animorph 2
Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...
You'll get generic'd if you use Paragon Studios' IP in your entire character. That includes powersets.
[/ QUOTE ]No you won't. You'll get banned if you impersonate a Dev, but not for RPing as a signature character.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm guessing it's a joke - *all* powersets in the game are technically the IP of Paragon Studios.

Character index
No problem and didn't realize ST had a rep. I remember him but not much about him.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was unaware I had a rep either, honestly. But apparently I do.
Fernandes, contact @Dollhouse (either on the forums or in game). The main Carnival of Light group is (was?) on Triumph, but I believe many of them play on Pinnacle as well.
The Carneval Rene' IS a group on Virtue, but it is extremely stagnant, and altho' I'm not 'running it' I seem to be the only one on. Or, I was. I've not played any of my characters in well over a month now, and judging by the mess that still is the MArch, it'll be a while.
Which should make all those folks who don't like me quite happy. Either way, enjoy your game.
I'm off doing other things, establishing my 'rep' (whatever THAT means) and generally having fun with friends. So far that practice hasn't stepped on any toes to my knowledge....
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Soul Train doesn't have a rep, as far as I know.
No problem and didn't realize ST had a rep. I remember him but not much about him.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was unaware I had a rep either, honestly. But apparently I do.
[/ QUOTE ]
I *told* you that one time you corrected some typos on my VV page would come back to haunt you some day!

Character index
Some time ago there was a supergroup on Virtue (at least Im fairly sure it was here) called the Carnival of Light, themed after the Praetorian-Earth-based freedom fighters of the same name. Everybody likes heroic carnies, but I can't seem to find contact information for them. I wonder if anyone knows how to get in touch with them?