395 -
It's the only server I've been on since I started playing CoH.
I got my 45 month veteran badge on the 25th of June.
I've never wanted to go elsewhere.
I can see interesting characters, good costumes and character descriptions.
If I want, I can act in character.
Or if I just want a casual bit of gaming, I can do that and not get pressured about it.
I have no problems getting a team when I want it.
There are channels for teams, task forces, random conversations, non-random conversations, badges, monsters...
It is home. -
Quote:I had a character with Stone Armour use that! He was an modern art statue and the stone armour formed his torso.Also this costume option:
http://sdmb.culex.us/pics/main.php?g2_itemId=1153 (for a month or two there was a bug where Tops-Tights-Flack Jacket-Flack Jacket produced this mostly transparent abomination) (PS I am kidding but only kind of, I have several characters missing body parts to all viewers and enjoy it)
I regret deleting that costume every week. -
While I'm glad to see this change come along, since it'll mean a little more balance in market prices, I can't help but worry about what new problems may come around with this.
Particularly I'm wondering about the post that Positron made regarding a market merger, the one that's been sigg'ed by Nethergoat.
I'm sure they're not idiots, so I'm wondering just what their crystal ball could've foretold. What do you all think? -
Quote:Heh. Yeah.As long as you haven't already applied an Architect Edition code to your account, you should get a "free" month with it as well as all the extras that come with it. The month that comes with it will be counted in your vet rewards.
I grabbed a cheap copy of the Architect Edition from a store near where I live and forgot that I'd already had it applied. -
Would I buy an annual expansion of CoX?
Probably. I end up getting their super boosters as it is.
What would I expect from an annual expansion?
Most of the stuff that we get for free, plus some of the stuff that we can pay for now, at an overall higher price.
If I did or did not buy the annual expansion, why or why not?
Because I like the content.
Because I buy the superboosters already.
As a subscription service I'm already used to regularly paying to play the game.
Do I want annual expansions?
Hell no. I'm perfectly happy with the way it is now, with free stuff every so often, and extra bonuses that you can get if you so choose. -
From what I know of situations where someone trains a super-elite team of super-powered, sporting behemoths in order to defeat a well-intentioned, (possibly) underfunded team of average joes...he never stood a chance.
But there'd probably be a highly embarrassing scene where he is forced, (thanks to some rule that's not adequately explained) to hand out the medals/trophy to the winning team.
Or he'd lose all credibility and become a laughing stock.
More likely than not though, he'd just shout out nooo, collapse to his knees and we wouldn't see anything else about him for the remainder of the movie since it'd be focused on the victorious heroes and resolution of any romantic plots.
What I believe Lord Recluse WOULD actually do:
First off, he wouldn't lose.
He'd have his mad scientists create performance enhancers that are completely undetectable; ones that break down completely after applying their effect.
He'd have the fortunata corps put the psychic kibosh on any enemy players or influence the decisions of the referees.
He'd have problematic officials assassinated, arrange for teams to be disqualified... he wouldn't even need to bother attempting to bribe anyone.
But if he did lose?
Well, he'd blame the heroes of Paragon City, harshly punish the losing team, and arrange a suitable reprisal for the country that defeated him and the country that ended up winning. (if they're not the same one.) -
Quote:There's something about the sound for the first two attacks that just bugs me a tiny bit.How can people not love the sound fx?! Ok I don't love em either, but I never found em annoying or any reason to NOT play the set.
It's not that I don't want to play sonic blast, I do, it's just that I want to use it less than any of the other blaster primaries.
I'm in love with the idea of using Siren's Song and then dancing through the enemy with melee attacks, but I just can't seem to get into the power set as a whole.
Maybe I haven't found the right character yet. -
There are 2 things that prevent it from being more popular in my opinion:
1) The sound effects.
2) The fact that your sonic attacks come from your forehead rather than your mouth.
You'll notice a similar thing with breath of fire where the fire actually comes from your nose. -
Fire blast for defenders?
I'm a bit leery of giving fire blast to defenders on the basis that the higher debuff values don't offer anything for fire blast, since the secondary effect is simply more damage.
Having said that, fire blast is simply one step further on from assault rifle, since that is more damage-focused than any other set that defenders had until assault rifle was proliferated to them.
I can see a defender with fire blast. If my brain serves me correctly, rain of fire will deal the same damage as it does for blasters and corruptors since it's a summoned pet.
Ice melee for scrappers?
I'm not so sure that ice melee would be a good fit for scrappers since scrappers mainly flip out and kill stuff and ice melee has more of a careful, controllery feel to it.
I know, it's not the most technical of reasons but it's the main one I have.
On the other hand, they both have the same number of powers that don't deal damage. (Touch of Fear, Ice Patch and Confront/Taunt) Ice Melee has fairly reasonable damage and a solid aoe power in Frozen Aura. I don't actually see any reason why scrappers couldn't get Ice Melee after it's been ran through a balancing process to ensure it's not too weak/endurance expensive/strong/etc.
Now for the best part...
Ice melee for stalkers?
Yes, please.
The 'careful, controllery feel' that ice melee has that made me uncomfortable with it on a scrapper is perfect for a stalker.
After balancing the damages/endurance costs/recharge/etc for stalkers, they'd simply swap Ice Patch and Freezing Touch around in the order of powers and then replace Taunt and Freezing Touch with Assassin's Chill and Placate and there you have it!
(It'd be too much to hope for that they'd let us have Frozen Aura, Freezing Touch AND Ice Patch for our stalkers.) -
Looks decent enough... you've got ample defence, good recharge...
I'm not quite sure if you're going for an aoe widow, a scrapper widow or a stalkery widow however.
If your plan is to go in the middle and unleash hell, I'd recommend replacing dart burst with obliteration. You'll have to do some shuffling, but it should be more than doable.
Regarding the Gaussian's proc in Tactical Training: Leadership, I'd personally put it in follow-up so that when it does go off, it'll be when you're about to attack or in the middle of attacking. -
We're all Mind Linked.
We don't need to talk using the forums. -
When you see people on the street and work out how close you can get to making their duplicate in the costume creator.
I put a stack of 10 regenerating flesh on the market for 200 million each.
It'd saved the last set price I put something on the market for and also managed to select something different from what I was planning to put up there.
I figure it's my own fault for not double-checking. -
Crazy Death
There is no "I" in Team!
Best Scenery
Stupid NPCs
I spit out my drink when this happened...
The perfect depiction of a civilian who has been possessed by the Circle of Thorns?
I'm actually waiting for this to come out as a movie.
I've never been too impressed with the Mortal Kombat movies, decent enough but...meh. -
I always enjoy reading your guides, Silas.
I'm especially glad to see a fortunata guide up here as well.
Keep up the good work. -
Quote:You got a mutant tag there, JJ.
You've breached my rumour shield!
Paranoia's spiking rapidly! -
Oh yes, lots of people are bothering with these.
At the end of the last Positron Duo I did everyone ended up swapping temp power recipes and salvage for a while.
I've seen some people talking about the Envenomed Dagger's -regen quite positively.
They're all being used fairly often. Even my archery blaster makes use of the two melee temps. -
Every time you have fun playing the game you win.
It's only once you uninstall it that you lose.
Technically I suppose you could 'retire undefeated'. -
Confusing Longbow in the Siren's Call hotspots on my fortunata.