P.E.R.C. Presents: Capture That!
Best Scenery
Ragdoll Physics Gone Wrong
Crazy Death
There is no "I" in Team!
Best Scenery
Stupid NPCs
I spit out my drink when this happened...
The perfect depiction of a civilian who has been possessed by the Circle of Thorns?
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
It's Party Time!
Ragdoll Physics Gone Wrong
WTH just happened?! (note the floating girl...)
Full disclosure: This image is slightly modified to restore the "Lost Connection to Map Server" text. This may disqualify the image, but I had to post it, because this was crazy. I map served the exact second that my Rise of the Phoenix went off and everyone on screen froze in this position:
WTH Just Happened?
No "I" in Team:
During a respec trial, something went wrong (maybe it always does?) and we ended up taking on a group of all-Tank bosses. No deaths.
Crazy Death
Best Scenery
Global: @Darkojin
7. I laugh at the target cap! (best use of an AoE)
"You're going to need a LOT more men!"
Best Cut Scene - Sandolphan totally mocking Arbiter Sands during the Statesman TF.
It's Party Time! - A small SG experiment with O-portals became an impromptu party in the D!
Stupid NPCs - Never keep Mitos as pets. When they grow up, they bust holes in your floor.
There is no "I" in Team - Virtue's first Drop Shop Raid!
Best Scenery - That poor Hydra never gets any love down in the Abandoned Sewer these days. We haven't forgotten you, Hydra!
Devoted, heart and soul, to Angry Angels and Jaded Angels
The Winners!
1. Crazy Death (Can be anything that can die!)
First Place Sinner Saint
Second Place Gaspard
2. Stupid NPCs (Those dang NPCs doing crazy things!)
First Place Twilight Phoenix
Second Place Gulver
3. Ragdoll Physics Gone Wrong!
First Place Gaspard
Second Place Commander
4. Best Scenery
First Place Reetta
Second Place Plexius
5. I spit out my drink when this happened..
First Place NuprinFeelgood
Second Place Gulver
6. It's Party Time!
First Place Archiviste
Second Place Macskull
7. I laugh at the target cap! (best use of an AoE)
First Place Spiffy Keane
Second Place Sinner Saint
8. Oops Trigger Finger! OR WTH just happened?!
First Place XxSlashxX
Second Place BlackberryThorn
9. There is no "I" in Team! (teamwork or super group photo)
First Place Sultry Siren
Second Place BlackBerry Thorn
10. Best Cut Scene Dialogue or Emote
First Place Turgenev
Second Place Blpup
All winners will be contacted by a P.E.R.C. representative to arrange for delivery of prizes. Thank you again to all who competed!

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators
Ever been on a team and something totally weird happens? Then youre like, let me take a screenie!! I know I have!
Well what if you were given the chance to present some wild screen shots that youve taken, to win in a themed category?
To win, your screenshot must fit perfectly into any of the ten categories below.* As well as making sure your screenshot is submitted before 11:59 pm Eastern June 28th 2010. Once you do that, all you have to do is to wait on our team of critical judges to see who Captured That!
*Please keep in mind we are not judging the quality of the shot, but how best it represents the category!
1. Crazy Death (Can be anything that can die!)
2. Stupid NPCs (Those dang NPCs doing crazy things!)
3. Ragdoll Physics Gone Wrong!
4. Best Scenery
5. I spit out my drink when this happened...
6. It's Party Time!
7. I laugh at the target cap! (best use of an AoE)
8. Oops Trigger Finger! OR WTH just happened?!
9. There is no "I" in Team! (teamwork or super group photo)
10. Best Cut Scene Dialogue or Emote
All screenshots must be submitted by June 28th 11:59 PM Eastern
Screenshots can be submitted in any of the following ways:
You can either reply to this thread with your image, or on the Player Events thread.
However, if you cannot host your own image, e-mail your shot to perc.coh@gmail.com, make sure in the message you tell us your forum name and server so we may post it in the correct area.
Edited screenshots will be disqualified.
You can compete in as many categories as you desire
You must label the shot. (IE Death Shot, Stupid NPCs, etc.) If not labeled, then they will not be judged.
If you e-mail your shot without your forum name and server, you are subject to disqualifications if you do not reply with that information.
10 Sketches by our own PERC Rep: ScooterTwo
2 of the 10 sketches will be randomly picked to be colored!
Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators