What would Recluse do?
If Arachnos spent millions like the American tax payers do to train and pay arachnos athletes to compete in a world cup against a team who probably plays for food, ONLY TO LOSE to these underpaid under priveleged athletes of a third world country; what would recluse do?
signed sincerely, Annoyed. |

Recluse wouldn't have lost in the first place, he would've filled his team with ringers and replaced all the refs and officials with pro-Arachnos clones.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online
nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
If Arachnos spent millions like the American tax payers do to train and pay arachnos athletes to compete in a world cup against a team who probably plays for food, ONLY TO LOSE to these underpaid under priveleged athletes of a third world country; what would recluse do?
signed sincerely, Annoyed. |
memorandum: To: Arbiter Daos From: Lord Recluse RE: 2010 Soccer Team, failure thereof. Your orders are to see to it that the following list (See attached) of names are removed from our list of personnel authorized to enter an Arachnos-controlled zone. See to it that the drones are updated. |
What Would Recluse Do?
I'm having a bracelet made with those initials on, and it will become my new guide to life.
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
It's likely that there is no international games in City of Heroes...and if there is there is either no supers or everyone is supers... so >.>
It's likely that there is no international games in City of Heroes...and if there is there is either no supers or everyone is supers... so >.>
Gotta DNA test all the atheletes for Mutations, scan them for cybernetics, blood/urine test them for Super Serums (okay, already done), cast Detect Magic on all of them. Then check on all of the coaches and staff.
You can't have a Gravity Controller or a Speed Boost caster in range, so then you gotta keep the crowd away.
A "No Supers" clause would be hard to enforce.
Gotta DNA test all the atheletes for Mutations, scan them for cybernetics, blood/urine test them for Super Serums (okay, already done), cast Detect Magic on all of them. Then check on all of the coaches and staff. You can't have a Gravity Controller or a Speed Boost caster in range, so then you gotta keep the crowd away. |
A "No Supers" clause would be hard to enforce.
Gotta DNA test all the atheletes for Mutations, scan them for cybernetics, blood/urine test them for Super Serums (okay, already done), cast Detect Magic on all of them. Then check on all of the coaches and staff. You can't have a Gravity Controller or a Speed Boost caster in range, so then you gotta keep the crowd away. |
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online
nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch
And then you've got the supers who have simply trained themselves to a level that lets them stand toe to toe with demons, robots, and all sorts of superpowered nasties. Can't really test for them (unless you tested them by seeing if they can dodge bullets, I suppose).
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
And then you've got the supers who have simply trained themselves to a level that lets them stand toe to toe with demons, robots, and all sorts of superpowered nasties. Can't really test for them (unless you tested them by seeing if they can dodge bullets, I suppose).
"Mind if I throw a wrench at you?"
"Alright, you just passed the test for Super-Intelligence. None detected."
Nothing. They don't even play on the same servers.
Recluse: Aahhhh... Coach Doomed... I mean Coach Simpson... so glad to see you have returned to us safely... I trust your flight has not left you too terribly jet-lagged?
Coach(very nervously): no... er... not at all Lord Recluse... please let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for sending your own personal jet to ... to bring me back so quickly...
Recluse: Say no more of it, Coach Simpson... I have ... HUNGERED... to speak to you ever since our first game in the World Cup... now... if you don't mind... I must ask you to put aside your personal comfort just long enough for me to ask you a few simple questions...
Coach: Of course, my Lord Recluse... I am at your immediate disposal...
Recluse: (murmured) interesting choice of words that... In any case... I wish to clarify the understanding that you and I had when I first assigned you this task... I believe I told you that ALL the resources of the Rogue Isles and Arachnos were yours to use as you saw fit... is that your recollection as well?
Coach: Yes, my Lord.
Recluse: Excellent... Capital! Now, for your on-field players you could have chosen from our Bane Spiders whose skills in invisibility and stealth would have made them exceptional at ball stealing and surprise maneuvers... or you may have chosen from our many Tarantula prototypes... I would imagine that in soccer six legs would far out advantage two... but you, Coach Simpleton... sorry... Coach Simpson... instead chose....?
Coach: Wolf Spider soldiers, Lord Recluse.
Recluse: Of course... Let us shelve that matter for the moment... On the matter of our team Goalie... I would imagine one's first thought would have been one of our elite Crab Soldiers... I know from personal experience that the additional appendages mounted from their shoulders can prove highly advantageous when attempting to intercept incoming projectiles... not to mention the intimidation factor against those trying to make the shot... however, it is my understanding Coach, that you chose instead....?
Coach: A Wolf Spider soldier, Lord Recluse.
Recluse: I have to admit, Coach Simp.... .... son.... that I know very little about soccer's strategies and the like... but even one as ill-versed as myself might see the advantage of employing one or more of our Fortunata seers as my coaching staff... certainly their ability to see the future and read the unguarded thoughts of others would have been of great strategic aid during the game... so you can imagine my surprise when I found you had instead hired...
Coach: A Wolf Spider soldier, Lord Recluse.
Recluse: So, how can you explain your choices in these matters to me, Coach? I sent you with the expectation that we would win the World Cup... you return to me not even won a single game.
Coach: Actually sir, we managed to tie twice which in soccer World Cup rules means...
Recluse: I am only concerned with winning, Coach Six Feet Under... Now, explain to me why you opted not to use our most genetically perfected and technologically advanced soldiers. Why did you exclusively choose our common foot soldiers? Was I not 100% clear on the importance of bringing home a victory against the rest of the world? Were you mind wiped by an over-enthusiastic consorting with a Carnival of Shadows floozy? Were you, Coach, the victim of a Nemesis Plot?
Coach: Well, Lord Recluse... I... I thought about choosing those others... but after I considered it... well... it just.... it just didn't seem very fair to me.
Recluse(after a long pause): It didn't seem very fair to you.
Coach: Yes, sir.
Recluse: You are aware that in addition to being called the Rogue Isles, we are also known as the City of Villains, correct Coach?
Coach: Yes, sir.
Recluse: And this didn't influence your views of "fairness" in any significant way?
Coach: I'm sorry sir... I... I suppose it should have... (sniffles) I guess that means you're going to kill me now...
Recluse: Good gracious no! This was all a silly misunderstanding, Coach! I'm sure you'll be much more "liberal minded" next year... I'm sure this is at least partially my fault in any case for not fully explaining my expectations...
Coach: Thank you sir! Oh thank you so much!
Recluse: No need, no need, Coach. Oh, that reminds me... before you go to your rooms to recover from your flight home... there was one other person who wanted to speak with you...
(The door opens... in walks Captain Mako... One hand is completely encased in a large black and red foam finger... he is wearing a tee shirt proclaiming "The Rogue Islands' Spiders... 2010 World Cup Champions!"... a baseball cap bearing the same words is held to his head via a rubberband and staples... his expression is dominated by a truly horrifying rage-tinged frown...)
Recluse: ...he was just SO disappointed in the team's performance... apparently had an entire month's paycheck riding on the results... Now if you'll excuse me... I must leave you two alone... I've always considered myself more of a scientist and sports discussions always leave me just a bit abstracted...
(Lord Recluse closes the door behind him and pauses to listen as muffled pleading turns to screams of agony... he chuckles and begins to walk down the corridor...)
Recluse: ... there's always the next Olympics, I suppose...
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
First thing Recluse would do is hit Kingson (Ghana goalkeeper) with a shrink ray. Jesus Christ that man is a tower.
From what I know of situations where someone trains a super-elite team of super-powered, sporting behemoths in order to defeat a well-intentioned, (possibly) underfunded team of average joes...he never stood a chance.
But there'd probably be a highly embarrassing scene where he is forced, (thanks to some rule that's not adequately explained) to hand out the medals/trophy to the winning team.
Or he'd lose all credibility and become a laughing stock.
More likely than not though, he'd just shout out nooo, collapse to his knees and we wouldn't see anything else about him for the remainder of the movie since it'd be focused on the victorious heroes and resolution of any romantic plots.
What I believe Lord Recluse WOULD actually do:
First off, he wouldn't lose.
He'd have his mad scientists create performance enhancers that are completely undetectable; ones that break down completely after applying their effect.
He'd have the fortunata corps put the psychic kibosh on any enemy players or influence the decisions of the referees.
He'd have problematic officials assassinated, arrange for teams to be disqualified... he wouldn't even need to bother attempting to bribe anyone.
But if he did lose?
Well, he'd blame the heroes of Paragon City, harshly punish the losing team, and arrange a suitable reprisal for the country that defeated him and the country that ended up winning. (if they're not the same one.)
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Originally Posted by Tokyo
this is a hypothetical. I did not say ghana.
Recluse would simply send a platoon of soliders to burn the country to the ground.
That or a single superpowered villan.
In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.
If Arachnos spent millions like the American tax payers do to train and pay arachnos athletes to compete in a world cup against a team who probably plays for food, ONLY TO LOSE to these underpaid under priveleged athletes of a third world country; what would recluse do?
signed sincerely,