395 -
Oh! The list was in order from ten to one.
I thought something seemed off about it. It seems much more reasonable now that I understand the display method.
But yeah, most of those I haven't seen, (particularly Watchmen) though I can definately say that I think the best thing to do with the Watchmen would be to see the movie first, THEN read the graphic novel.
I'd planned to see the Watchmen when it was out in cinema but had decided to read the book first and after reading it I just wasn't that interested in seeing the movie. -
Well I've been away with family and only just returned an hour ago so I can't very well wish you a Merry Christmas and be genuine about it.
However, I can hope that your Christmas WAS merry.
So yeah, I hope that it was a good one.
And congratulations on getting a White Christmas. -
Hey Rookery? I like that you post the occasional interesting flash game and I'll let you finish poppin those bubbles but I just have to say that that isn't that good a game.
Why not suggest something like this instead? -
I can understand people's suspicions.
They're walking about in their ever-stylish motif de la randome and they see someone who is dressed in a manner that, to be fair, they couldn't ever hope to duplicate.
It makes sense for them to assume that you have access to special parts that they can't get to.
Heck, I've been asked whether I was an npc while in Outbreak just because I happened to be sitting on an upturned truck when they came by and asked them if they were willing to clear out a few of the nearby Contaminated while I kept an eye on the truck full of drugs I'd just disabled. -
Assault Rifle is not overpowered.
Devices is not overpowered.
Flight is not overpowered. -
Status quo concerning the entire game?
I'm guessing it's at the point where every character stands after just being created. Among other things:- There is no cure for the Lost.
- Jim Temblor hasn't yet found out about his father.
- Seer Marino doesn't yet know about her brother.
- The Cult of the Shaper is still going strong.
- Blunt Trauma, Void Ripper and Nexus 99 are still in prison.
- Long Jack is still looking to get his revenge.
These things have to be status quo since otherwise there would be no way for a new character to be able to do them.
Of course, this doesn't mean your character can't have done those things already. After all, you've been there, done that and even received the badge for doing it.
What you'll have to do is use your own judgement when talking to other players about what you, (or they) have done in-character. -
Hello sir, and welcome, to Virtue.
Like many people, I especially like your Bearmurai. -
Funnily enough, (in a completely humourless way) my internet's been down until just this moment.
Quote:That was a very elegant way to describe it Phoenix.Let me put it into gaming words as to why we have preregistration lol... Preregistration works a lot like when you preorder a game. You are promised the game when you arrive at the store and whatever special thing attached. Alas, the only perk you get when you preregistered with us is that you're guaranteed to be judged on that night, no matter what. Therefore, once you're called first you are judged bing bang boom and you can go play for the uber loot.
An example I can give of this is DJ Shecky, who was late to the preregistration call, but was able to get judged even though we where doing the closing final call.
Thank you. I hereby retract my question concerning registration. -
Quote:Just saw your edit.I'm not especially new to CoX, but I have been gone for several months. I presume this is the still the RP server. Can anyone recommend some good, active SGs? And is there a global RP channel? I tried joining one before I left, but no one ever approved me so I could participate.
EDIT because I apparently wasn't clear enough. I'm not new to CoX. I'm not afraid to RP with people. I'm just asking if anyone knows which SGs are active so I don't get into one that's dead.
Sorry about that.
I can't really recommend any supergroups for you myself Ravenlord. I tend to miss out on any significant in-group roleplay and just end up catching bits and pieces of casual stuff.
I think you might have some success with whichever supergroup Ellis belongs to, as they sound like a decent bunch.
Apart from that... *shrugs* -
Where is the roleplay?
On teams.
In the streets.
On the ski slopes of the Winter Chalet.
In the dark, fetid corners of Pocket D.
At the Black Market.
In the middle of a zombie invasion.
In broadcast.
In your head.
At your fingertips. -
I can see two reasons why Bellonda won her portion of the competition.
Those are some nice gams. -
I was hoping there'd be one category for those people who took the trouble to register and a second category for those who just rocked up on the day.
Ah well.
Well done those people who won.
Good luck in the finals.
PS: Anyone take screenshots? I took some shots of the registered Ms. Rogue Isles aspirants, but nothing of everyone else. -
I'm always using the vault. With my tendancy to play without a supergroup I'm left with limited storage options.
Usually I have a couple of spare recipes in my auction house along with a couple of stacks of salvage and any bids or sales I've got going take up the rest.
Everything else is in the Vault. -
I think we're looking at about 1 hour and 50 minutes until the contest officially begins.
Unpleasant thought; being judged on creativity as well as the costume itself might mean that a VEAT uniform, as fabulous as it may look, may be disciminated against. -
The number 1 reason I'll be switching is so my ninjitsu stalker can get ninja stars.
I can't say much about the Crab Spider, but I can definately say that Fortunatas are very safe at soloing.
Scramble Thoughts stuns most bosses in one go.
Dominate is a damaging attack as well as a hold.
Telekinetic Blast has a 60% chance for knockback and also does some smashing damage for when you're fighting robots/psychic resistant enemies.
Subdue deals good damage as well as having an 80% chance to immobilise the target.
And should you require it, confuse is available.
Psychic Wail also stuns, slows by 70% for 20 seconds and doesn't crash your endurance.
You have a solid attack chain, possibly with a bit more single-target damage than a spines scrapper has, good defense and resistance to psychic attacks and disables.
All of a fortunatas single-target attacks are ranged, so you can also take hover and eliminate enemy melee. -
Quote:There're probably less people pvp'ing on Virtue than there are on Freedom, but it's going to be quiet either way so you might as well stay on the server where you've got your roots and know more people.Hi Virtue! My main toon is on this server and likely always will be. Actually almost all my toons are as I've only made toons on other servers to play with girlfriend who I convinced to move her main here (WIN!). I'm not a hardcore RPer but I really like how much people get into it.
Anyway, my question is regarding PvP... most say to make a toon on Freedom for PvP but I very much enjoy sticking to one server when it comes to MMOs so I'm curious as to why that is. Do people not PvP at all on Virtue or is it just that it's more of a focal point on Freedom like how RP is here?
But RPvP is fun however you look at it. -
I'll have to take my suit out of mothballs.
No rush.
Stuff like this is worth waiting for. -
I've had a couple but they've since gone onto the market and been snapped up.
If I get more and don't immediately slot it, I'll mention it here. -
I think it'll work out fairly well. Ninjutsu is a defence set and Ninja Blade has parry so they work well together.
And of course, what's not to like about ninjas? -
For me, I'm still working on tracking down all the taskforces, trials and strike forces.
I'm still to do most of the Shadow Shard TFs, the Abandoned Sewer Trial, the second two respec trials hero-side and the Recluse/Statesman taskforces as well as the villain-side Reichsman TF.
And also a bunch of content.
I also do costume design and roleplay occasionally when I get the chance.
In addition, occasionally poke my head into the PvP zones every once in a while, though that's less frequent now.
Oh! And another thing you can do is get into a supergroup with a broad coalition and base access and just do the tourist thing. Or if you're not in a coalition, try to expand your SGs links, since this will also provide a greater chance of other supergroups in your coalition doing special stuff that you can jump along with.
Oh yeah, and I also haven't done a hero-side Hamidon.
Not to mention the stuff I don't even know about. -
Are you sure?
I've got the Pets channel in my global tab as default and using '/petsayall Hi.' with my mastermind does not give me a speech bubble for the pet. The pet does say hi in the tab but there is no speech bubble.
Though there are the speech bubbles for the default responses when commanded to move, attack, etcetera. -
Quote:I don't see anything wrong with utilising the experience and knowledge of other players.Am I the only person that sees something wrong with players coming to the forums and asking for other people to make them a build? No, I am not talking about people who post up their own builds and ask for a review or assistance or comments. I am talking about people who just come and flat out ask for someone to make a build for them that is "Godly". It comes across as many things, but lazy is pretty much at the top of the list.
What are your thoughts?
Personally, I enjoy making my own toons and builds the way I like. Sure, I peruse the guides found here online and take advice from friends, but I can honestly say I have never just copied and pasted an entire build from someone else into creation. Part of the fun for me is picking powersets, picking costumes, and enhancing the toon the way I like. Does anyone else feel like that?
Unless you really, REALLY mess it up a characters build is only 50% of their effectiveness. The rest is skill and experience. Which only comes with playtime.
Plus there's nothing stopping a person from looking at the build, and taking what looks good and doing the rest their way.
Personally I'll look at other builds people have posted on the forums, read slotting advice, etc, but in the end I make the build myself.
Doesn't mean everyone else has to do the same.