*pokes server*
Everyone at the Winter Gala. :-)
Love & Celestial Kisses!
DJ Angel,, Station Manager The Cape
Celestial Kisses: Fridays, 9pm-Midnight, ET
"With everything that's happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old fashioned." ~Agent Coulson, The Avengers (2012)
Yup. I was on Virtue and lost connection and now I can't get into the game at all.
I killed it
I'll admit it, I walked up to it, said listen server where my phat lewtz.
It jus sat there, so I shot it...
Sorry...not really...but srsly..sorry
(p.s. Servers have getting crappier & crappier over last 6 months)
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
It looks like the hamsters that keep the sever running all collapsed . I had a nice team going in Striga to.
EDIT: Guardian and Justice are down to so it's mostly the west coast servers.
Well, it's been lagging something awful all day, I suppose it was only a matter of time!
oh well haven't had a chance to use this in a bit
Virtue = epic fail.
"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole
I guess the Winter Gala always crashes.....
And I was hoping to win the Team Concept Contest D:
heyas Johnny , long time no see !
Hi hi DB! Saw you before everything went Kapoot :x
it'll be up in time.
Boooo! Bad joke!
Spending the downtime listening to the Hero Con 09 podcasts.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Im just revisiting my long lost forums at the moment. Has the "Say Something Nice" Finally die out without me? >.>
Bluuuh! How dare the server be down! This prevents me from wasting another Saturday night doing nothing important!
perhaps the server needs encouragement.
was thinking electro shock.
maybe if everyone truely belives and wishes hard enough the server will come back to life
comeon everyone , where ever you are , shout at your monitor "I do belive in Virtue !!"
it worked in peter pan im sure it will work here !!
I believe! I belieeeeve! *flies away*
make sure to clap *sage nod*
*claps three times*
I got mapserved, logged back in, saw that Virtue was grey. Logged out and back in to try and see if space cleared (Assuming it was just full) and now the game won't log on at all.
Anyone else get booted?