*pokes server*
Aww, you didn't like the Snazzy Trolls?
Yes, I did like the trolls, but I liked the Protege team because they were color coordinated and even had their bios referencing one another.
<.< Now, this Deebs person seems to be responsible for all of this... >.> Perhaps a sacrifice to the pagan server gods will appease them and bring back the server?
Curse you captain virtue-down! Aaaaaggghhhh!!!
Sure is server crash around here. :3
Wow. I watched some Dirty Jobs, a movie, did the dishes and worked on a couple builds in Mids. And server is still down??
Dear Magical winged catgirl faerie,
If you bring back Virtue, I promise I'll stop mocking RPers and RP with you.
Thank you,
Your favorite first person omniscient Tokyo girl.
on Virtue:
Darkennedy dark/sonic Def
Lena Slayer NightWidow
Vengeful Woman Energy/Rad Corruptor
Hella Effing Cool cold/sonic def
It is pretty bad that i am sitting here on a Saturday night praying that the server comes back up
its really horrible that the servers down... since i JUST NOW reactivated my account >_< was gonna shoot some lvl 1s past the security guards in atlas with FB XD
First of all, welcome to the game, torahiko. Don't let the server being down be indicative of the game as a whole. In my 3 years and about 9 months of playing, this is the only time outside of maintenance that Virtue has been down like this.
I think a main issue is that it went down late at night. Not many people would be at the data center. I think one of their main priorities for the morning will be to get the server back online.
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker
I'm actually a little irritated too.. but at least I've had the time to work on my future 50s =)
If you can't tell... (whisper) I'm new here.. |
I can't stop watching your avatar.
@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Thanks for the welcome! I've been on steadily for a few months since I renewed, so I know it's not always like this.
*waves at Black Marrow....for eternity*
It figures that the day after I move most of my toons off of Infinity onto Virtue, Virtue crashes. Oh, well. Guess I'll just roll a new one to play with.
50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy
Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.
So... what's Virtue's backup server? Or does everyone just go to bed or do something in that weird place they call "real life"?
the forums are generally virtues back up server :P im not sure if we ever came up with a real back up server plan
PPL from freedom server are saying that the reason the server is down is they are getting rid of it anyone know if this is true?
You still didn't answer my question!
Why would they want to get rid of Virtue? We're, like... totally awesome! =D
Do you see what it's come to? I don't post for anything. ANYTHING!! I was just standing there, admiring the Proteges Team Coordinated Costumes and then suddenly...
My idle happiness is interrupted by SERVER ISSUES?!