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Moon base...lunar landscape with the Earth rising and setting in the distance...or just spinning in the distance...been a long day already
Gratz on lvl 7...one the the few constants in my life over the last 7 years thanks so much all...now Devs can u finally churn out a Carnie booster pack for us?
Give me CoX2 with an upgraded Costume Creator and graphics engine, some new AT's and complete pwr prolification! Thats all...I'm sure we will have more yawnfest incarnet things come out until then!!
Ok was that Kevin Bacon playing Shaw whom I saw standing next to January Jones playing Emma? Love me some Hellfire Club...Thor, Cap, Lantern and Xmen this summer...bring on the summer heatwaves!!!!
I feel like saying everytime my brute(lvl 26) armed with her Rularuu mace and shield walks into a mish "I've come here to chew bubblegum and kick @$$ and Im all out of bubblegum" I dont see alot of mace brutes out there which is a shame!
Also i have to give props to anyone that unlocks the Rularuu gear espically on a very low lvl toon...i unlocked the broadsword on a scrapper at lvl 4...rough to do...glad i have some great in-game friends!! -
Keep an eye on him and if he decides to do anything questionable attempt and i do mean attempt to slow him down until the calvary arrives...then they can attempt to slow him down until Fury arrives and so on etc...
Quote:Dont forget the girls from Sucker Punch...did u see what they did to those steampunk/clockwork/nazis zombies?Also...tactical nukes, napalm, grenades, jets, and tanks beat brute force of Smart Gorillas.
As for what i saw in the trailier i would be more likely to believe "Monkey Shines" could happen than the almost over night transformations that appear to happen in "rise of the Planet of the Apes" ...plus how can it be an Apes film without Roddy McDowall as Caesar?? -
If that was said its about the worst news you can receive on any topic...it is mostly off the known issues board and they have moved on...i hate to be the barer of bad speculation!
Quote:I agree...i would rather have my pre i5 8-11 perma fire imps and another 3-5 almost perma back on my fire/rad then i could solo the entire incarnet material solo it would save me some time...and no im not joking!
ED was put in place because most characters were built the same way all the time. There was no reason NOT to have perma-Hasten and 6-slotted Stamina. Most people dropped in 1 Acc and 5 Damage in their powers and went to town. How boring is that? Now we can have everyone on a team (or most at least) go '1-2-3 JUDGEMENT!' and the target is pretty much gone. Everyone can do that...not just Blasters firing their nuke. The buff powers are the same way.
So after all the screaming about ED and characters being diversified we're drifting back towards all being the same or at least very similar again.
I like the Incarnate theme and Inventions but I think we're going too far down the road of common Powers. -
The originals and the tv series are enough for me...quit monkying around and make something worth watching Hollywood!
Quote:Unless they are talking about PVP then you need to add a "zero" to those numbers ie 10-20 years!I think it's pretty much accepted that "Soon" in MMORPG terms means "Within the next 1-2 years, hopefully."
I cannont agree that i20 is in any way, shape or form is anything like what happened with ED and all the other changes that happened! That was a horrific time and the flame wars on the boards were legendary! We heard statements like "it was decided in a meeting before beta/launch that we should only allow one casting of pets" and yet for 4 issues all we heard is pets are working as intended(data mining shows)and balmo its on test and in production almost before we could say a word! Over and over powers are working as intended and blamo ED and GDN! This is not the case now nor even remotely the same environment. Please note that this is coming from an altoholic who rarely plays 50's and really dosnt like the fact that all incarnets are getting aoe pwrs...the new trials are fun but not for me however lots and lots of people love and i mean really love their 50's so there is nothing wrong with giving them what they want and deserve!
Speaking of deserving we really need a Carnie booster pack nao! -
Will have to wait and see how it does with dvd sales! Donnie Darko didnt break even(yes this movies is no donnie darko) at the box office but it more than doubled its box office sales with dvd sales! Granted both box office and dvd sales for darko were very small numbers...i would say the jury is still out for a few months.
"Yes Lord Vader, I've reached the main power generators the shield will be down in moments you may start your landing"...o come on I had to unless my geekness!
Quote:Am I the only one who would love to see a full length movie of clockwork, steam-powered zombie Nazis?
No...i loved that sequence in the movie which they should have extended a bit longer! Moar katana, tomahawk, musket, gernade and machine gun splosians of zombie nazis with the a minor steampunk feel me likey! -
The signed NDA is holding things up
If there is nothing in an issue thats for you and peeps cant stop talking about it then it can appear to be "over hyped" on the boards...me i really care less about end game/lvl 50 toons so yes this issue is "over hyped" but it will pass soon hopfully and its back to normal in an issue or two!
Now i do think they went overboard with a "signed NDA" but hey im not a dev or work for their marketing team...i know marketing tricks! -
I say flip the pre i13 switch(doubt there is one) on pvp and let us sort the mess out...that would be enough dev attention...EPIC win for them PR wise...then no attention required for 7 issues :P
Quote:I played a solo stalker mostly(and some melee toons back then) and a good "anti-stalker" toon or an organized team sent ripples down my spine...nothing worse then getting ganked as a stalker :0Gah! I miss the epicness of Sirens Call.
That reminder about watching for stalkers ripples brought it all back.
man i miss the speed of the pvp game back then! -
Almost zero chance...seeing how we can't even keep a thread that asks "what was your fav. thing about pre-i13 pvp?" open for more than 2 weeks before being locked!! What makes you think there is hope??
Pretty much...I enjoyed all the Batman's although Clooney bothered me a tad...he seemed to bob is head alot when talking...I kept thinking is he gettin early on set parkensin's?
Quote:I get that...i do remember Rocket saying "they were dead already" or something to that effect...so for me it was just a matter of time before they all were of no value and taken out., but I just feel the twist ending was poorly done. For me, the two girls getting killed suddenly, and Baby Doll getting lobotomized -anyway- overwhelm any happy endingy closure of Sweet Pea being the lone survivor of the whole thing.
The more i think about it i'm glad that SP did escape...she initally sacrificed herself for her sister(mentioned in their backstory), she costantally was thinking about protecting the girls and was very very reluctant to leave Baby Doll at the end.
Now my question is Baby Doll said she learned something along the way...was it that she was going to have to sacrifice herself for the others(i believe so) because i know it wasnt "when you try to kill someone make sure you kill them" (see step-dad and Blue).