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  1. This thread is the official Announce your Mission Architect story arc!

    Please use this thread instead of creating new threads so that discussions taking place don't get bounced out of view.

    Posting the following information should be enough for interested players to find your mission easily within the system. Only the top two items are necessary for a player to find your arc.

    Arc Name:
    Arc ID:
    Creator Global/Forum Name:
    Difficulty Level:
    Estimated Time to Play:
    Link to More Details or Feedback:

    Please note this thread is not a place to comment on missions you have tried, please see the author or existing threads to deliver this type of feedback and commentary!
  2. Issue 14: Bugs
    Please post here if you have encountered a bug with one of the new features from Issue 14!
    The following format is helpful, leave blank or put N/A for any areas that are not applicable:

    Feature Name or Description:

    Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version):
    User Client (Mac, PC, Linux):
    Character name:
    Mission Contact:
    Mission ID #:
    Bug Description:
    Link to Forum Discussions:
  3. Freedom has more hardware to support the larger populations... updating this hardware is taking more time than our other servers.

    We have made the decision not to hold launch for the other 10 North American servers and 4 European servers just for Freedom. We are working diligently on Freedom, at this time I have no estimated availability. I'll update you all as we know more.

  4. Discussion on this recent Announcement as well as questions and concerns can be made in this thread.


  5. If you are a player on Freedom who wishes to publish a previously created story and is awaiting your server to go live, we have a solution!

    Stories are associated with your account and not with a specific character, so feel free to go ahead and log on to any live server and publish your story there. All awards related to published stories will accumulate normally. Tickets will be able to be redeemed by your characters on Freedom when that server is available.

    If you do not have a character on another server, never fear. Simply create a new character, proceed to one of the Architect Entertainment buildings, and publish the story as you normally would.

    We know this situation is not ideal and we are working address the needs of the Freedom community, but this should not keep you from publishing any previously created stories that you have or exploring Issue 14: Architect.

    For further information on how to transfer a story you have previously created, please check here.


    Ex Libris
  6. Greetings Heroes and Villains,

    We are posting to inform you we have unlocked all North American and European Servers for the release of Issue 14 with the exception of the Freedom server.

    We will be keeping the community updated via this thread as we know more information. Players that wish to publish arcs from the test server to live can do this from any live environment, it does not need to be the server of their origin.

    Please keep an eye on this thread for more information regarding the launch of Issue 14 on Freedom. In the meantime any available live server will allow for you to publish and play on the Mission Architect.

    For instructions on how to transfer your arc from Test server to Live, please see this thread!

    To discuss this topic please use this thread Architect is Live! (Exception Freedom!)

    The City of Heroes Development Team
  7. Ex_Libris

    MA Resource Site

    Neo, post here! so your reference doesn't get lost in the upcoming dust storm.

  8. Post your Mission Architect related resources here, OP will be updated on regular basis to reflect most current information.

  9. Please note: Arc ID's will effectively change when a player transfers their arc to the live servers. Please note these changes.

    If we need to re-create this listing to help avoid confusion we can do that.

  10. Thread has been stickied and marked to save.

    Please note Arcs transferred from test to live may be published under a new ID, please check this information once live. Any user that needs their post updated can contact any member of the moderation team, please include links and content to edit.

    Thank you.

  11. Thread has been stickied and marked to save.

    Please note Arcs transferred from test to live may be published under a new ID, please check this information once live. Any user that needs their post updated can contact any member of the moderation team, please include links and content to edit.

    Thank you.

  12. Post your Mission Architect related guides here, OP will be updated on regular basis to reflect most current information.

  13. Thread has been marked to save and sticked by community request. If this thread is replaced or becomes obsolete please inform a member of the community team to remove this thread.


  14. This thread has been marked to save and stickied by request of the Community.

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What, you disagree that PvP, specially low-level zones like Siren's Call, is all about FotM management?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1. i disagree that 80% of the most powerful builds are heroside.
    2. lolsiren's. i like my epics and i dont get emo over other people using theirs, tyvm.
    3. FoTM management is relative. Twixt outplayed most people on a dm/regen. Yeah, unorthodox tactics that made people scream and yell in broadcast, but the fact is, he got his kills, ran around at 400 rep and was definitely having fun.

    anyways, if zone pvp was about fotms, you wouldn't see the 20 retarded tanks running around RV getting destroyed by corruptor duos just because they refuse to roll blasters.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Saying that 80% of the most powerful builds are hero side is just crazy talk.
  16. Ex_Libris

    New PvP

    Then there's that group of people who tought CoX's PvP sucked before, and it still sucks now... But hey, it beats fighting NPCs I guess.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    There's only 1 image there, and it's broken. Where's my FREEEEM! ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We are working on bringing it back in the meantime here's a KAAaPOW!

  18. http://www.cityofheroes.com/news/new...heroes_47.html

    I fixed the links in Lighthouse's original announcement and in this thread.

    You can see the original article at the link in this post.

  19. [ QUOTE ]

    Keep in mind. Defense will NOT be the same as it was in I12. It will be worse. The whole community just spent an entire issue making their toons be able to compete vs high defense toons. With defense being brough back to its original form, what we'll be left with is the same defense...but MUCH higher accuracy and tohit, on average. This will especially be noticeable in RV and arena, where the players with the biggest IO investments tend to play. Defense there is likely to become a complete laughing stock....at least outside of tier 9's.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know that it's cool to hate on i13/14 and all that, but are we forgetting what PB'ed Aim and/or BU did to defense chars? And how many IOs did you need for that? I used to PvP with a fort which had 67% ranged defense and when blasters lit up I went SPLAT 95% of the time, it was either phase or die. If i14 means a blaster will only go as high as a 90% chance to hit me no matter what then I'll consider it an improvement. And I'm just using blasters here as an example since they're pretty common, but there were plenty of other chars which had access to massive amounts of tohit.

    When it comes down to it, I'd rather get wrecked by someone who spent a bil or two on purples and other accuracy sets than by someone with one or two powers that can completely negate my entire secondary.

    I think you're all being too quick to forget the many shortcomings of pre-i13 PvP, especially when it came to tohit vs defense.
  20. Ninjitsu is still the best option, it was the best when defense was crap and it's even better now with Elusivity (even with only 10% elusivity) and DR working on the excessive tohit buffs.

    You get a decent heal and a godmode that will still make you hard to hit after i14 despite all the doom talk. You also get a Confuse in Blinding Powder which has a ridiculously long duration (something like 10-15 seconds) meaning you should never die in a 1vs1.
  21. With the launch of [u]Issue 14: Architect[u] the New Rank #6 Super Leader position goes active within the game. This is a heads up that the change is coming soon, and we wanted to cover the details of how leadership will be selected at launch and how players can transfer leadership should they wish to once the feature is live.

    Issue 14: Architect is expected to go live on Wed April 8th.(This date is subject to change up to and including the last possible second). As this is coming soon, be sure to discuss with fellow super group or villain group members: Which player should be set in the new rank, and also any ground rules for how those players should use this position.

    How is Super Leader selected?:
      [*] The Last leader to log out will be promoted when I14 goes live. [*] There is a 24 hour tie-breaker, if multiple leaders log out at the same time. [*] If multiple leaders log out within 24 hours of each other, the leader with the earliest join date will be promoted. [/list]These parameters are meant to help players work out who they feel should be promoted to the Super Leader position within their respective groups and to make that happen naturally once the servers go live.

      If the wrong person does get promoted, there are 2 options:

      The current Super Leader can promote the correct person using the Super Group Screen. After they promote someone else to this position they will be moved back to leader rank (see steps below.)

      Otherwise, file a ticket with Customer Support.They will review the case and take appropriate actions to resolve and possibly put the correct player in the position. We are encouraging you as the player base to work to resolve any conflicts over leadership within your group first, before resulting to Customer Support.

      If you do find that you need to contact Customer Support, be aware that they are only going to be reviewing cases where possible violations may be occurring. Customer Support will not intervene to settle issues in which supergroup members disagree with the current leadership.

      Steps to Transfer Leadership:

      If a Super Leader needs to transfer leadership, they can promote any online leader to the super leader permission.

      The procedure works just like a normal promotion, except a message box will ask to verify the change in leadership.

      Here are the exact steps:
    1. The Super Leader selects the appropriate Leader in the Super Group window.
    2. The targeted Leader must be on-line.
    3. Click Promote
    4. A message box pops up, asking if you want to promote this character to Super Leader:
    5. Click Yes
    6. The new character becomes Super leader, and the old Super Leader becomes a normal Leader

    Please join us HERE for the discussion.
  22. All I can say is:

    lol widows
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Greetings all, DJ Mindscythe here.

    We're looking to expand our DJ roster, and we might be looking for you!

    You may be wondering "DJ Mindscythe, could I be a w00t DJ?" Ask yourself the following questions:

    <ul type="square">[*]Do you have a good amount of legally-obtained music in .mp3 format suitable for a T for Teen audience?[*]Do you currently play at least one MMO?[*]When you talk, do people listen to you and enjoy it?[*]Do you have a computer with Windows that you can DJ with?[*]Do you have a microphone and headphones/speakers on your computer (or a headset)?[/list]If you answered "Yes!" to all of these questions, you could be a w00t DJ!

    To apply, send an e-mail to mindscythe@w00tstudios.net that contains your name, the MMO(s) you play, what types of music you'd be playing, and a short (1-2 minute) demo .mp3 file that lets us hear what you will sound like on-air. There's no need to put lots of music in the demo, we'll hear that soon enough, we want to get an idea of what you sound like.

    We'll gladly take any genre of music (except Rap/R&amp;B or Country). Please keep the language in the music/talksets appropriate to a T for Teen rating (think a PG-13 movie).

    Any questions can also be sent to mindscythe@w00tstudios.net or posted on the w00t Studios forums at http://www.w00tstudios.net/index.php/forums.html in the "w00t DJs" thread.

    w00t Radio is an equal opportunity station... any species that can play music and speak clearly is eligible for an on-air shift (this includes all talking animals).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you for letting us know about this opportunity Mindscythe, we look forward to more Freem at w00t studios.


  24. Greetings Players,

    Issue 14 is just around the corner, as with many powers changing Issues we will be granting (1) free respec per character, on the day that Issue 14: Architect is launched.

    This notification is to give you at least 7 days notice that a respec is coming!

    To discuss this topic please join the community here!
  25. Greetings Players,

    Issue 14 is just around the corner, as with many powers changing Issues we will be granting (1) free respec per character, on the day that Issue 14: Architect is launched.

    This notification is to give you at least 7 days notice that a respec is coming!

    To discuss this topic please join the community here!