New Super Group Rank: Super Leader!




With the launch of [u]Issue 14: Architect[u] the New Rank #6 Super Leader position goes active within the game. This is a heads up that the change is coming soon, and we wanted to cover the details of how leadership will be selected at launch and how players can transfer leadership should they wish to once the feature is live.

Issue 14: Architect is expected to go live on Wed April 8th.(This date is subject to change up to and including the last possible second). As this is coming soon, be sure to discuss with fellow super group or villain group members: Which player should be set in the new rank, and also any ground rules for how those players should use this position.

How is Super Leader selected?:

    [*] The Last leader to log out will be promoted when I14 goes live. [*] There is a 24 hour tie-breaker, if multiple leaders log out at the same time. [*] If multiple leaders log out within 24 hours of each other, the leader with the earliest join date will be promoted. [/list]These parameters are meant to help players work out who they feel should be promoted to the Super Leader position within their respective groups and to make that happen naturally once the servers go live.

    If the wrong person does get promoted, there are 2 options:

    The current Super Leader can promote the correct person using the Super Group Screen. After they promote someone else to this position they will be moved back to leader rank (see steps below.)

    Otherwise, file a ticket with Customer Support.They will review the case and take appropriate actions to resolve and possibly put the correct player in the position. We are encouraging you as the player base to work to resolve any conflicts over leadership within your group first, before resulting to Customer Support.

    If you do find that you need to contact Customer Support, be aware that they are only going to be reviewing cases where possible violations may be occurring. Customer Support will not intervene to settle issues in which supergroup members disagree with the current leadership.

    Steps to Transfer Leadership:

    If a Super Leader needs to transfer leadership, they can promote any online leader to the super leader permission.

    The procedure works just like a normal promotion, except a message box will ask to verify the change in leadership.

    Here are the exact steps:
  1. The Super Leader selects the appropriate Leader in the Super Group window.
  2. The targeted Leader must be on-line.
  3. Click Promote
  4. A message box pops up, asking if you want to promote this character to Super Leader:
  5. Click Yes
  6. The new character becomes Super leader, and the old Super Leader becomes a normal Leader

Please join us HERE for the discussion.