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  1. Correct: the answer to both questions is "no" =)

    "Sad" as it is, there are still some people who can't fight Bosses/Ebs/AVs, or they can fight certain ones but not all kinds. So the game allows the player -the one having the fun- to choose how difficult they want the missions they play to be.

    I thought I was pretty bad-*** until i did the latest SSA and got utterly destroyed by incarnate-Clamour. Had to run out and change to "EBs only" just to finish the mission. I hated having to do that, but I would hate it even MORE if I didn't have the option to make the mission easier. I'm sure many people would feel the same way about playing your mission. Killer GMing is seen as a bad thing around here, so don't obsess too much about making things TOO tough =)
  2. I like the anti KB Uniques. They've saved my butt (from hitting the ground) many times. And on a similar subject, I think there's going to be a LOT of use for the chance for KD/KB 2 KD proc from what I've been hearing about it.

    I'm also a fan of Hold procs for my controllers, and the use of damage procs can turn normally lackluster debuff auras into damage machines. Still, I would rather have most of the items on that list over what I mentioned here for most other builds.
  3. EmperorSteele

    CoX & Cameo's

    ATZ: Well now, Paragon Studios OWNS THE RIGHTS to "Ray Ardent". I don't think the game's creator realized that allowing his IP to be "created" in CoH was legally handing over his copyright to PS.

    Obviously, PS wishes to avoid any oddities like that, but without the "anything you make in CoX belongs to us" clause, they'd never be able to, say, publish screenshots. It's messy and could be even messier.
  4. A new player would have seen them in the tutorial... but otherwise, yeah, I -really- think they should have used Phasing tech for this. I know they say it's resource intensive and all, but I think it woulda been worth it here.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
    As the level of the mob goes up Plant may well outdamage Fire due to how confusion works.

    If playing against even level mobs Fire will/should outdamage Plant but against +4 mobs Fire will be less efficient due to the level difference and damage being direct. Plant will still be effective due to the confused mobs being the same con to each other. Obviously you would get diminishing returns on XP but that isn't the discussion topic.
    While this sounds right in -theory-, Minions only have 50% toHit, and unless I'm mistaken, a +4 minion's attacks aren't much stronger (relatively) than a PC's attacks against a +4 minion. I might be totally off-base... this sounds like something that'd be interesting to test =)
  6. I think what ought to shove Mind a little further down the list isn't so much its "one AoE", but the fact that you don't have steady, reliable AoE Containment and/or the ability to take advantage of it. For instance, you can Mass hyp + Terrorize, but then Containment's broken, and you have to pick off the badies one by one. You can do Total Dom + Terrorize, but by the time Terrorize is back up, the Hold has worn off (unless your recharge and hold duration are insanely good).

    Now this is leveraged if you're playing, say, a Kin. Give me a group of 10 guys and they'll all melt in one hit, but I'm sure that's true of any other set. Also, for the sake of this debate, we should be leaving out Secondaries and APPs.

    I remember you did some testing some time back, and it revealed that while Mind has roughly the highest ST damage pre-32... but after all the other sets get their pets, Mind drops to the lowest spot on the chart. And of course, that says nothing of AoE potential. I mean, what do we count as "better", a set that can do 50 damage to one guy in one hit, or a set that can do 10 damage to 5 guys in one hit? That's still 50 HP... and of course, make that 10 guys and that's 100 damage being done... but no one's too close to being dead. What do we consider better?
  7. But how can I make Lex Luthor stealing 40 cakes without breaking the service agreement?! =(
  8. The damage proc in Mass Hyp would BREAK the sleep... unlike with Mesmerize, there's no delay in the mez effect and so it'd essentially be a weak quasi AoE power. And then it would alert all enemies (say, if Mass Hyp misses or, again, the enemies wake up right away). So I think putting the damage proc there would be a really bad idea.
  9. That depends on how you feel you're performing. If you feel you're not doing enough damage solo and you're not gonna miss anything in your current APP, then by all means, go for it. The Patron pets aren't game breakers, but they're not bad, either.

    However, if you're already mowing things down, you probably won't get too much extra mileage out of another pet. *shrug*
  10. Also, the monty arc can be done at ANY TIME, so it's not vital that you do it asap.

    For a new player, I'll add the Invention tutorial given out by the Dean in Steel Canyon university. It's not super-fun or anything but it's not bad, plus it'll give you a heads up on what to do with all those drops filling up your inventory, if you haven't already figured it out. This arc can be done at any time.

    At levels 20, 30, and 40, you can visit an Icon tailor for a special mission to unlock a new costume slot. These are mostly hunts that start off with an ambush. At levels 20 and 30 you can also see the City Representative in City Hall for missions to unlock Capes and Auras, respectively.

    I'm sure you'll also want to do Task Forces. The older ones (Synapse, Citadel, Numina, Katie Hannon, and whoever gives out the one in Striga Isle) are exercises in drudgery, but they have their moments. A favorite moment of mine in one of those is when a Giant Monster ambushes you and your team; you probably won't be able to take it alone, but with a few calls for help, heroes from all over the city will converge and lend aid, showing just how tight-nit our community of players really is. The newer or revamped task forces (Positron 1 and 2, Peneplopi Yin, Admiral Stutter) offer more interesting stories and game play.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
    I have a problem with the lightning beams in that they don't always all show up. I tend to inevitably get killed by an invisible one. I figure it might have to do with my particle count settings and just how many powers are going off on my screen just before they hit. :/
    Look up.

    Chances are, there was someone flying who got targeted by the lightning blast. And much like the patches of doom in other Incarnate missions (like Apex), the patch will "land" wherever the character's position was, but it's effect will go all the way up and down.
  12. T Immortalus: It's implied she ran pretty much right into the Avatar, which flattened her easily. I recall a line saying something like "I think I'm okay now, this cavern looks aband- wait. What's.. Oh... Oh no!" She says something about how huge "it" is, and that's the last we hear of her.
  13. Also, I should note that the +control and +damage does NOT work with non-damage AoEs. So Total Dom, Mass Confusion, etc, don't benefit. This makes me sad.
  14. Yeah, at best, your damage will be mediocre, but any team you're on will barely ever take a hit.

    And Proc'd out distortion field is the most wonderful thing ever!
  15. DYK: it should, yes. Again, it's a temp power given to the enemy, and it's self-targeting. But no enemy can suffer the effect more than once at a time.
  16. Let's see...

    I would do everything the playerbase has been asking for: better PvP, better Bases, updated AE, more enhancement slots, update everything... then on patch day, announce the game was being canceled and unplug the servers.

  17. I seem to remember that Psi-Nado didn't do its damage until the animation hit the enemies... a second or so delay depending on how far away you are. I have, on many occasions, used MH->PT->Terrorize and leveraged it so that PT and Terrorize hit at the SAME TIME and they BOTH got containment damage. However, I haven't gotten this to work lately, so it may have been considered a bug or exploit and fixed. But maybe try hitting enemies from maximum range?
  18. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

  19. EmperorSteele

    Concept Build?

    Well, I think the whole concept of, er, "Concept" builds is taking the customizability of a character to the next level. You can make a character look however you want. You can make their powers look how you want. And you can choose which powers your character has access to. And this helps complete the look, feel, and nature of the character.

    For instance, let's say I wanted to make a guy who punches with fire... well, why would he make a sword? it makes no sense! So I skip the two fire sword attacks... but then, I'm missing two of my best attacks, too. The game is easy enough that I wont suffer too much for it.

    In a less hypothetical example, I have a Fire/En blaster. I skipped fire-breath because i RP him as a plamsa being, so randomly spitting fire doesn't seem like something he'd do. I'd also skipped Rain of Fire for the longest time because it never made sense to me that he'd use his powers in that particular fashion... but finally relented and took it once i realize how much more effective I became with it. I never got flak for it, and because I was skipping key AoE powers, i made up for it by having other useful utility powers like stealth and the whole assortment of APP abilities =)

    ...a Tank without status protection or Taunt, though... I can see that turning bad for the team. Might as well send a Blaster to keep an AVs attention =/
  20. ... "Virtue"?

    OMG, YOU!!!! You need to stop crashing when I'm trying to get my Master badge! Or else I'm moving to Triumph!! At least SHE doesn't have as huge of a catgirl infestation... >_>
  21. ...


    Dammit Zwil, I have no idea what you were "obviously" referencing =(
  22. I take insps into account, but not for defense. I take into account that I'll usually have healing, endurance refils and mez protection on all my characters, so I don't have to worry too much about situations getting too out of control.

    For instance, on my controller, i swore on the Psi mastery pool for YEARS because "zomg mez protection!" (and also it was before all APPs had AoE attacks). But now? I have soft-capped defenses, and if i DO get mezzed, i just pop a BF. No big deal. Easier than trying to keep up a 90 second power with a 360 second recharge perma =P
  23. Part of the problem lies with just how... intellectually intimidating Surveliance can be. Perhaps a dumbed-down version might get a better response. Like show just HP and any stats that are above or below baseline (like -10% psi resist, or +50 Hold mag). This way you're not looking at a window three times longer than your screen just to figure out if you'll have to hit the guy 10 times or 11 times to kill them.

    Personally, I love the power as is and don't find it hard to use at all, but still, i gotta say, making it an inherent for scrappers comes across as grasping at straws =/
  24. New issues always make the game a bit unstable or unoptimized. Hopefully the next patch will come with a fix.

    Personally, I haven't noticed a slowdown... but then again, I just did a fresh reinstall onto an HDD and forgot to back up my old MA files =(, so there's that...
  25. He doesn't WANT to remove them... he wants to trade them with the +s intact... at least, if I'm reading this right o_O