Perma Patron Pets w/ Controllers?




I'm currently playing a Ill/Rad with enough recharge for perma-Phantom Army. Would it be worth the time to go villain for the Patron Power Pools, and spec into getting one?

Save the drama for yo' mama.



That depends on how you feel you're performing. If you feel you're not doing enough damage solo and you're not gonna miss anything in your current APP, then by all means, go for it. The Patron pets aren't game breakers, but they're not bad, either.

However, if you're already mowing things down, you probably won't get too much extra mileage out of another pet. *shrug*


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



By going with the Patron side, you will give up access to the fast recharging single target blasts in Fire, Ice, Primal and Psi. The PPPs have single target blasts, but they are on a longer recharge.

I haven't tested it, but I think my attack chain of Blind-Spectral Wounds-Fire Blast-Spectral Wounds does more damage than a PPP pet and the slower single-target blast from the PPP sets.

I have a lengthy discussion in my Ill/Rad guide about how that attack chain will also help you take advantage of the Spectral Damage. By taking out the lower level foes first (minions and lieutenants), you will get to keep more of that Spectral Damage before the heal-back. A slower attack chain may result in more heal-back, and you can't direct pets on which foes to target.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Or he could go /Leviathan and get *2* pets.

I think LM's got a good point about the spectral wounds and dmg heal-back, but if you add the dmg from both the patron pet (Coralax in this case) AND Water Spout, you get a whopping great pile, ESP if you're working single hard target where WS will focus all it's dmg AND give you a substantial -Def for those single hard targets that have hefty defenses.

The pets are also fire and forget so they aren't a constant clickfest for you which lets the player focus more on what else is going on. /Rad's got so much on toggles though that that may be a lot less useful than more click power focused builds.




Originally Posted by Argentae View Post
Or he could go /Leviathan and get *2* pets.

I think LM's got a good point about the spectral wounds and dmg heal-back, but if you add the dmg from both the patron pet (Coralax in this case) AND Water Spout, you get a whopping great pile, ESP if you're working single hard target where WS will focus all it's dmg AND give you a substantial -Def for those single hard targets that have hefty defenses.

The pets are also fire and forget so they aren't a constant clickfest for you which lets the player focus more on what else is going on. /Rad's got so much on toggles though that that may be a lot less useful than more click power focused builds.

What he said.

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.