About Critter Type




Guys I'm working on a couple new arcs and my ideas lead me to a couple questions regarding Critter Type:

- it's possible to add a Standard Critter and rise his type (like, from Lieutenant to Boss)?
example: when you face them in Incarnate Trials, Goliath War Walkers are AV, while in AE they're listed as Boss, so I want to add them to a mission while changing back their type to AV/EB.

- it's possible to force a Critter to spawn as a determined type, despite players difficulty settings/size of the team?
example: I'm adding to my map a Council Archon and I want him to always spawn as a Boss, even if player has set "Spawn Bosses as Lieutenants" to true.

The Natural Earth Saga: discover a new world and defende it from its many enemies!
"The Natural Earth" (Part 1, ID 69759), "The Homecoming" (Part 2, ID 125110), "The Cult of Kren'Goras" (Part 3, ID 435191), "The Mind Thieves" (Part 4, ID 522497)
Each arc can be played separately



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
"No" is the answer to both question?

The Natural Earth Saga: discover a new world and defende it from its many enemies!
"The Natural Earth" (Part 1, ID 69759), "The Homecoming" (Part 2, ID 125110), "The Cult of Kren'Goras" (Part 3, ID 435191), "The Mind Thieves" (Part 4, ID 522497)
Each arc can be played separately



Correct: the answer to both questions is "no" =)

"Sad" as it is, there are still some people who can't fight Bosses/Ebs/AVs, or they can fight certain ones but not all kinds. So the game allows the player -the one having the fun- to choose how difficult they want the missions they play to be.

I thought I was pretty bad-*** until i did the latest SSA and got utterly destroyed by incarnate-Clamour. Had to run out and change to "EBs only" just to finish the mission. I hated having to do that, but I would hate it even MORE if I didn't have the option to make the mission easier. I'm sure many people would feel the same way about playing your mission. Killer GMing is seen as a bad thing around here, so don't obsess too much about making things TOO tough =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



'K, thanks for the answers guys.
(I didn't want to make things tough, Emperor, just have this Standard Critter I wanted to use as EB - or, at least, "always on Boss" - 'cause he was perfect for the role of "Big Guy")

The Natural Earth Saga: discover a new world and defende it from its many enemies!
"The Natural Earth" (Part 1, ID 69759), "The Homecoming" (Part 2, ID 125110), "The Cult of Kren'Goras" (Part 3, ID 435191), "The Mind Thieves" (Part 4, ID 522497)
Each arc can be played separately



If you make it an AV, even if someone sets it against bosses and no AV's it'll become an EB. However, I would do this sparingly. I've lately become discouraged to continue my project on the basis that 'defeat alls' and ' EB/bosses' (not to mention the 'trademark filter' will mess with some of my arcs on the horizon) will cause issues; the level/difficulty filter has a limit to what it can do. I suggest doing everything you can, including setting up 'unique' teams/individuals to do what you want to downgrade them, but some things are going to be at a set level of difficulty. Particularly when you're dealing with NPC models/types and nothing else will do.

When that occurs, I recommend making a notiation in your mission text letting the player know they may need others or that something will be more difficult than intended (orange or yellow is a good color for this) so the player will know to stock up on inspirations or invite more players.

This isn't, of course, the best solution, but the best available based on my experience. I hope I've helped.


"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.