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  1. EmperorSteele

    Bad choice

    For pools, you can try flight; Hover is great for finding JUST the right guy to set your AoEs on for maximum effect, and it's really fun to Levitate, then Air-sup a hapless minion!

    I'll also second (or third or w/e) the suggestion for Hasten. The only thing that Mind needs a hand with is recharge.

    Sadly, I don't know much about Sonic, other than its -res powers will greatly improve your already-good damage.
  2. EmperorSteele

    Thank you Devs

    Your picture compression quality is pathetic!!!

    Your monies, however, are lawlsome!
  3. Actually, i think banes get Confuse protection, not hold protection.

    Or maybe those are just the scouts.
  4. Played this, some sorta-random thoughts:

    Mission 1: the glowies and the good LT all spawned in the same room. Not completely your fault, but try setting at least one of them to "middle" if possible to ensure that the objectives stay spread out.

    Mission 2: You got "the voice" of Radio down pat. Though I'm not 100% sure why i need a transceiver to BLOCK psychic signals. Note that I'm overlooking the fact that I'm playing a MIND controller with the PSYCHIC MASTERY APP and therefore, RP-wise, ought to know a thing or two about deflecting mental signals anyway. I just figured I'd bring that up because there are a good number of characters whos minds, for whatever reason, cannot be infiltrated. This arc does not take such a variable into account, but i don't hold that against you, just sayin' =)

    What DOES bug me: "Robotix" doesn't sound like a clockwork name, and Clockwork are rarely known for anything resembling normal speech and cutting themselves off from making pop culture references. And while I haven't played many "normal" clockwork stories recently, from what I remember, each clockwork is an extension of the Clockwork King's will and don't have systems, sub-systems, or the need to re-route power or anything. In other words, they're NOT computer-based robots, they're telekentically strewn-together constructs.

    Also, this mission had an objective to find someone... which i never did but the mission became complete, anyway. Though I think I remember you saying this was working as intended. I think maybe a "better" way to handle this is to clue the player in to the fact that there's a possible helper in the BRIEFING instead of making it a phantom objective. (Nitpick: AFAIK, all human life on Clockwork Earth has been eradicated. The Psychic CK says as much when you first meet him, so there probably wouldn't be any "freedom fighters" to be, well, fighting for freedom)

    Mission 3: Ok, I get why I'm up against PPD... but, uhm, they're all level 40 o_O I'm level 50... no Tickets, whah! Ah well, makes it easier to stealth to the end! Also wasn't sure what the Vanguard were doing there, *shrug*

    I liked TV's dialog, though! However, was it supposed to have an ambush, because the last two bosses DID, but this boss didn't.

    Overall, a fun romp but definitely has some logical/canonical issues. I gave it 3 stars... could have been 4 or 5 if it followed canon/existing elements better. Also, it's not your fault at all but the whole arc was kinda easy for me to run through (I run on difficulty 2, which made the ambushes and bosses harder but that's about it)
  5. Well, Venture seems to be the toughest-to-please of the bunch. He's been watching TV and reading comics longer than most of us have been ALIVE, so he's going to be harder to please.

    That said, it does seem that he missed piecing together some clues. I'll have a go at the arc myself to see if the annoyance is justified =)

    (if it makes you feel better, Venture rated my arc ONE star but never mentioned it as being a JABOSTH... So take that how you will)
  6. None of my vills are high level enough to lead, however, perhaps i'll still participate =D
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the feedback!

    Thing is, I get that it's a parody of propoganda... but I've never ever seen Recluse pretend to be anything other than an evil archvillain (even if he does paint the Freedom Phalanx an their ilk as oppressive).

    There are examples of Recluse using "spin" in the canon, such as plaques 3 and 4 in the Arachnos Rising series:

    [ QUOTE ]

    Warburg is a symbol of Arachnos' strength. The city is dedicated to the many faceless soldiers who have given their lives to the cause of our benevolent dictator during the Arachnos Revolution of 1964. Warburg was once protected by a ring of nuclear-tipped rockets capable of striking both North America and Europe, but those were removed under an extortive 'treaty' with Paragon City in 1982.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]

    The vigilante known as Statesman crept into the Rogue Isles one cold night in 1986 under the pretense of some manufactured disaster in Paragon City. He ambushed the valiant Lord Recluse while he was busy working in his Watchtower on the betterment of mankind and attempted to assassinate him. The Master of Spiders was not so easily slain, however, and quickly turned the tables on his would-be murderer. Statesman, beaten and bloody, limped off into the night to lick his wounds and plot further mayhem on our benevolent Lord Recluse.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aaah, okay, i guess that complaint is out, then. Wow, that's just... really? Are the devs parodying propaganda, too? Yikes!
  8. Dunno if it counts, but the Kinetics Powerset has ghetto SS and SJ which means you don't need to take a travel power pool. It's fun!
  9. I liked this arc overall, but i think some of the humor, especially in the first two missions, will go over some people's heads. It REALLY felt like someone who didn't have any idea what they were talking about writing a really bad and misinformed arc.

    Thing is, I get that it's a parody of propoganda... but I've never ever seen Recluse pretend to be anything other than an evil archvillain (even if he does paint the Freedom Phalanx an their ilk as oppressive). So an arbiter trying to paint him as a heroic figure is so over the top that the humor loses effect. Ones mileage will differentiate, I'm sure.

    Btw, nice stab -nay, assassin strike- against Twilight!

    I gave it 4 stars; like i said, if i hadn't known you did this arc and that it was intended to be humorous, the first two missions would have been complete wall-bangers. Far be it for me to postulate suggestions, but methinks the ridiculousness needs to be cranked up a notch in the first two missions. Dunno -how-, just sayin'.
  10. I can see this both ways. One, they've already increased accuracy at lower levels and it scales away as you raise in level. Also, slotting TOs or even DOs into toggles doesn't do anything. What's 5% of .3 end per second?

    However, at early levels, you're also using the most basic, low endurance powers and probably don't have a lot of toggles yet. The only thing that throws the early endurance usage out of whack is using Vet temp powers. Also, brawl and your origin temp power consume way too much endurance for powers that you basically need the first few levels.

    Overall, end usage doesn't seem to be an issue until level 10 or so, and gets worse until you can slot end redux SOs or get stamina around level 20.

    I dunno, i think it would be too confusing to have your endurance usage yo-yo. I mean, what if someone thinks their end usage is fine, so they don't bother grabbing any fitness powers or slotting any end redux, only to find that by level 30 they're winded after every encounter?

    Also, enemies in early levels are partially balanced around you losing your entire end bar after a straight minute of fighting, so if you were to do this, the devs would have to re-balance the enemies and we'd essentially have the same problem all over again.

    As a player, i can get behind this idea, but going into a design/balance mindset makes me weary of this suggestion and its implications. So while i'm not /unsign-ing, i'm not completely sold on it, either.
  11. What I love is when you get sent to a council mission in a building marked with a CREY logo.

    The only problem I see with this (and it's not a huge problem) is that unless you want every zone to have a museum, fbi office, DMV, theater, etc (which might be problematic), you'd be having players do the dreaded multi-zone trek. As well as running into "Ok, carnies at the museum... in atlas park. Huh, it's a good thing they're not out on the streets slaughtering all the low level heroes!"

    That said, i'd love specific locations/maps, but we'd have to be careful how it's handled.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Since Reichsman is the Axis Earth version of Statesman, is there an Axis Earth version of Ms. Liberty? and if so, what is her name?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  13. I actually want to see if a power like repulsion bubble or TK will prevent the repairmen from healing, so I'd like to do a run (not necessarily master) tonight if enough people are free =)
  14. ....

    I want to find the guy who made this arc and punch him in the crotch.

    With a meteor.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Longbow is led by Miss Liberty, have heavy-hitters such as Crimson and Indigo, and is backed up by the might of the Freedom Phalanx.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Crimson and Indigo are part of some other government agency.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, they're listed as Longbow in the MA. So I'll take that for what it's worth =)
  16. I say, if you're only using about 5 or 6 blues per fight, pack some T3 reds.

    To help with your blue bar, you can use an Advanced Crafting station in your SG base to give yourself End Drain Resistance and Increased Recovery. That way, you can focus on giving yourself more damage insps. You may also want to consider Increased recharge and some s/l and energy resist. The crafting station doesn't give much, but every little bit helps.

    I don't know if all that will be enough, but it's worth considering.
  17. We were in the second mission of the ITF, not even done, when suddenly this happened:


    And we all got 2 merits for it. And i can assure you, we did NOT take 99 hours... more like not even one.

    We were still able to continue the TF, but yeah, odd!

    Server: Virtue
    Time: about 10 PM EST
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    No one liked the idea of being able to get a Shivan ONCE (per character) outside of PvP? Let us find out just how powerful they are, and we might be more inclined to brave the PvP zone to get them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about you brave the PvP zones once and get one yourself so you can find out how powerful they are?

    Seriously. Bloody Bay is completely devoid of players... and any you find are probably just as scared of PvP as you are and will probably avoid you.

    Heck, if you're on virtue, hit me up with a message and i'll ESCORT you and keep your butt safe from all the non-existent players just so you can see how completely dull it is getting a shivan.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the input everyone, you've given me a lot to mull over. Most important of which is: <ul type="square"> [*]There is a difference between the Statesman TF and the MoSTF (and I can see where I fall short of the playing experience to do the latter)[*]I have either been getting the minority of folks who think that only Stone tanks can do it or folks who are looking for an MoSTF rather than an regular version.[*]I need to learn the "numbers" for this game (something that I had been trying to avoid)[/list]
    Thanks again for the input and in helping me find out what I still need to learn!

    As for the offers to join various group runs, thank you for those as well, I would be happy to join you folks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The MoSTF is short for "Master of Statesman's Task Force", where you initiate two challenge settings: NO deaths, and all your temp powers are locked out. So if you die, you fail the challenge. And you can't use Sands of Mu (especially harsh for a tank if you use it as a fill-in attack) or Warburg rockets or anything.

    As for numbers, you can always use Mids hero planner or City of Data... though it might be a bit much to digest. I would start by accessing your own "real numbers". Click the "Powers" tab in your power tray, then click "Combat Attributes". You can see your defense, resistance, and other numbers. Then, if they're not to your liking, you can start investing in IOs to beef up whatever stats you're looking for.
  20. .. my main character is an illegal clone =O I think?

    Well, wait, what constitutes illegal though?
  21. Wow, this post is made of fail I'm sorry, but it is.

    Over the DOZENS upon DOZENS of times I've made nuke/shivan runs, I've only had to fight other players maybe FIVE times total. In short, i've RARELY had to PvP to gt the PvP rewards. Funny, huh?

    So quit being a whinny brat, go when the zone's empty, and get what you want with absolutely no risk.

    And if the term brat is disingenuous, and you are indeed an adult, you should be familiar with the concept of working for what you want, and so you do yourself a disservice by basically asking for hand-outs.

    Wow, I sound like a conservative... SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!
  22. Damn, I'm gonna call my arc "naruto inspired" and get a bunch of high ratings!
  23. EmperorSteele

    Drop Rates again

    It's not JUST purples: your drop rate all together is worse if you're on a team.

    I can make more salvage and recipes doing 3 radio missions set on heroic than a whole 8-man STF on invincible. Sometimes I'm lucky if i get more than 5 pieces of salvage and a few generic IO recipes on a TF!

    The new TF seems to balance this off by having mob spawns be larger, though I think the devs should institute some kind of "drop bonus" akin to the XP bonus when teaming for the other 99% of the content. Because, you know, it's not like an XP bonus does level 50s any good.

    Of course, this is why AE is a better alternative for anything else besides purples. I can run a few missions and get enough tickets to completely fill up on random common salvage. And with the way salvage prices have been going, i find little choice in the matter.

    Of course, Purples are unimportant as I have my main toon already outfitted, but they're still nice to have drop ^_^
  24. Flipping

    You know, like turning something over?

    Heh, flopping XD
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What can you do to survive Richie?

    Bring Psi damage. Blasters, controllers... and let them kill while you taunt.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Soooooo you're saying be a taunt bot? That's pretty boring, and unfortunately correct.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, it's not all THAT bad. Consider that Reich does high damage overall, and that his "companions" do good amounts of psi, energy, and s/l damage. Taken together, there will be a few interesting moments in the fight where the tank will have to make a strategic action... alternately, this TF pretty much encourages you to bring two tanks of different types for maximum survivability, especially if we're talking "average" players who don't use IOs. I'd say that's a step forward.

    However, I also was on a team of all controllers and blasters and we mopped the floor with this TF, sooo, ymmv.