Landmark Buildings




Been at the game for a while, and one thig has happened repeatedly over the lifetime of the game that has pestered me because it breaks immersion. It's not anything really earth-shattering, but it would be really nice if we could get it fixed, but I'd like to clarify that I'm aware that doing so would not be simple. It would require touching the mission-generation code, the city maps, and other things I can't even imagine.

With that out of the way, here's the problem.

I'm doing an arc for one of my Founders contacts the other day. She tells me that the Council is trying to steal some artifact from the Museum. I'm off to recover it myself if I can, before they get their grubby mitts on it. The mission is in a warehouse.

It reminded me, as I stood there, that this mission, like others, should have sent me to an apppropriate landmark building in Paragon City. Not all missions should just send you to some random office, warehouse, or cave. In fact, we should have, at certain points in the city, certain buildings that represent major institutions:

<ul type="square">[*]Museum of Fine Arts -- Any museum mission should spawn here![*]Repertoiry Theatre -- A great target for Carival of Shadows missions![*]Memorial Hospital -- Larger than standard hospitals, a point for missions to spawn in[*]Department of Motor Vehicles -- We've all been there. We might not want to save this building, but it's what heroes do. Deal.[*]Office of Extranormal Affairs -- Where Azuria supposedly stores all those objects we entrust to her care. Where a staff of experts conducts experiments into the supernatural to figure out what's going on. Where the dead communicate with the living to warn us of upcoming unholy terrors. All of this stuff cannot possibly take place in City Hall.[*]Paragon Department of Antiterrorism -- Consolidates miscellaneous contacts for antiterrorism (who are normally found unguarded and just standing on the street)[*]Central Intelligence Agency -- Where does all of that information we get for hot tips come from, anyway? [/list]
Those are just a few ideas.

Now, I woldn't want every mission to take me to one of these buildings. But a few missions of select types should always take you to one of them. If you have to secure an artifact from the museum, you go to the museum, and not a random warehouse. If you need to get mission information, you go to the Central Intelligence Agency, or to the Office of Extranormal Affairs.

Changes like that ground the world a *bit* more in reality.

I know we're playing in a world where people fly, throw fire around without setting their clothes on fire, and have alien symbiotes living within them. But a little more stability within the game would help to ground it just a little bit.




I can't argue with the fact that it makes sense. And it's been proven that they can tie a mission to a specific location (last mission of ITF comes to mind)

Also needed - A location for Lou's Garage that actually has a "Lou's Garage" sign out front.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Agreed. Fully.

How many times have you been sent to save a bank or police station from Arachnos attack and found the entrance in a Cave or a Sewer?




/agreed here as well.

What also really bugs me is when I get 2 or 3 different missions in a row and they are all at the SAME door. (happens more in CoV than CoH)



What I love is when you get sent to a council mission in a building marked with a CREY logo.

The only problem I see with this (and it's not a huge problem) is that unless you want every zone to have a museum, fbi office, DMV, theater, etc (which might be problematic), you'd be having players do the dreaded multi-zone trek. As well as running into "Ok, carnies at the museum... in atlas park. Huh, it's a good thing they're not out on the streets slaughtering all the low level heroes!"

That said, i'd love specific locations/maps, but we'd have to be careful how it's handled.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I'm reminded of a Paper mission that randomly occurs in Sharkhead. "Rob the Chum Bucket", which is a casino owned by Mako. It's always the same building, and it is clearly a casino (If not small and dingy).

Now, I'd certainly love the opportunity to go...acquire some fine art from the local museum.

A simple way to avert zone-crossing would be to ensure the missions are only available in that zone. No museum there? No museum missions. Simple.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Yeah I have to agree this would be awesome. If they just tag certain areas to have one particular map, and *make the map*....

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'm reminded of a Paper mission that randomly occurs in Sharkhead. "Rob the Chum Bucket", which is a casino owned by Mako. It's always the same building, and it is clearly a casino (If not small and dingy).

[/ QUOTE ]

And on the hero side of the house, whenever you get that "Stop the Pawn Shop Robbery" radio mission in King's Row, it is always at the PWN Shop not far from Paladin Park.



/signed, I had wanted to see something like this myself and made a thread about it a while back.
I wanted to suggest that these could also serve as alternatives to bank missions where maybe you raid an art museum or CIA building for info (after all, when you get powerful enough as a villain, info kind of becomes currency in of itself), and heroes would have to protect them.
On the flip side, allow heroes to make strikes against Arachnos Bases like in St. Martial, The Mercy and Sharkhead forts, etc. etc.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I would also like to suggest that we're able to walk in and look around some of these places (like the museum and such) much like Midnighter's Club is nice to just walk in a look around without needing anything to do there.

@ShoRyu Kusanagi

The Unoffical Anime Junky of Justice



I get 2 or 3 different missions in a row and they are all at the SAME door. (happens more in St. Martial doing paper missions than anywhere else in the game)

[/ QUOTE ]I fixed your typo.