No travel power picks?




Okay, so I have been playing my Bane and loving it, and generally had few problems, but as part of a team last night, which was moving pretty quickly, I kept running out of endurance. Granted, I have no endurance reducers in my offensive slots (though my toggles like stealth and TT have them), but it had not caused me any difficulties until last night.
I decided to respec today, and ended up dropping my travel powers to fit in the fitness pool, because it just seems like missing out on the main powers of a Bane would be a waste, and I am looking forward to patron powers.
I have just about every temp travel power there is on red side, including the goldbricker jet and the time card jet pack, so I don't expect to run out, but in all the years I have played, I have never NOT taken travel powers.
Has anyone else gone without the travel pools at all? Does it have an adverse impact? (Note: i'm a superjump addict). Should I respec my respec and simply smarten up by slotting end reducers in my combat powers?

Old Gray Soldier-Level 50 MA/SR Scrapper-Virtue
Hunter Omega Prime-Level 50 WS
Dead Lord-Level 50 Necro/FF MM-Liberty
Grand Glory-Level 39 Arachnos Bane-Freedom



I'm playing my Bane that way. It's odd to get used to, there are times I find it a bit irritating - but at the same time, I slot an end redux in to each attack, as well.



I made a 'completely natural' character one time that had no travel powers. It's realistic, all right, but slow. It does tend to free your power slots up for more powers, though, which is always a huge plus. Though it doesn't seem worth it anymore, now that I have the veteran reward that lets you take a travel power without the prerequisite. Even my natural characters get superjump, which I explain off as a grappling hook or something.



Has anyone else gone without the travel pools at all?

[/ QUOTE ]My Bane didn't pick up a travel power until she hit the 40s... and I only picked up Super Speed because I had already picked up Hasten about 20 levels earlier so it was open, and had nothing else I was really interested in.

Does it have an adverse impact?

[/ QUOTE ]No, especially with the massive amount of travel powers available to you in-game... there's also the raptor pack you can buy for 10k inf an infinite number of times that lasts for 2 hours in Grandville (can't stack though, only 1 Raptor Pack at a time). It's fairly easy to completely ignore travel powers.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



yeah now it makes sence.. too bad there's not jump pack offer..(after the mayhem missions that is) 'cause I tend to like that one better than the Raptor pack

but yeah my Natural MM doesn't have a travel power.. it gives me the ability to at 39, basically have all the powers I need at that point..everything else moving forward is filler, fluff and/or epic pools



Thanks for the feedback, folks. This is only the second character I have taken the fitness pool on, so I'm not used to having to sacrifice powers I want. I got to fifty on an MM, a MA/SR scrapper, and a WS without it, and my blaster took it in the late forties (since no other powers in her devices secondary interested me).
Thanks so much!

Old Gray Soldier-Level 50 MA/SR Scrapper-Virtue
Hunter Omega Prime-Level 50 WS
Dead Lord-Level 50 Necro/FF MM-Liberty
Grand Glory-Level 39 Arachnos Bane-Freedom



My Spider will be relying only on Raptor Packs for travel. I'm already doing the same with my Mercs/Pain MM. No travel power for him. Although he does have Combat Jumping (Immobilize Protection is mandatory). Oh, and he will end up getting Super Jump at 49 after all. Reason for that is when I planned him out, I didn't see anything else to take at that point that interested me. Plus, since SJ only needs its default slot, that frees up 3 at 50 that can go into something else.



Has anyone else gone without the travel pools at all?

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Almost every character since I5.

Does it have an adverse impact?

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(Note: i'm a superjump addict). Should I respec my respec and simply smarten up by slotting end reducers in my combat powers?

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Do what makes you happy.



My recent 50 heroes, don't take travel powers. With O-portals, Base TPs, and since FBZ sells Raptor packs I just rebuy when time runs out.




Does it have an adverse impact?

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Well, some teams might leave you behind if they're not willing to wait for you to sprint to the mission. For that reason, travel is suggested. Still, it's not a requirement to play. It just makes getting places easier.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



I took my Wolf Spider to Grandville and picked up a jetpack, since I wanted more freedom to try out the AT's different powers.

There's nothing wrong with going travel-power-free in this day and age, especially with all the teleporters and jetpacks we can get.



Yeah, the relying on footspeed is...annoying. Sprinting with Mental Training and Swift you could be moving relatively fast for a natural. Or go with Hurdle so you're decently acrobatic and you can hop around like a bunny. I had done a few TFs where somebody respeced for an optimized build and forgot that they didn't have a travel power at that level range anymore grumbling about having to dig out his raptor pack

With the Architect now it's easier than ever to not have a travel power, though. You don't even have to leave that room except to go to a trainer if you don't mind AE babies. It's a Nemesis Plot to make us all sluggish so that when he launches his new global empire from the depths of Crey's Folly touching RWZ wall we'll all be too winded to stop him.




Does it have an adverse impact?

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Well, some teams might leave you behind if they're not willing to wait for you to sprint to the mission.

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Then Hurdle to the mission. It's almost as fast as Fly. Pick up a few +Movement/+Jump set bonuses and cruise. Or play a character with access to +Run Speed, like Banes or /SR scrappers.

Still haven't been kicked from or denied a team due to my lack of travel powers, on any character. Or had my choices questioned. So if you find those mythical "some teams" who do refuse to play with people who don't take travel powers, let me know, because in over three years, I've never encountered them.



My Bane is at 48 so far with no travel powers. I still have 1h36m on the Zero-G Pack, 1h41m on the Raptor Pack, and the full 1h30m on the Goldbricker pack. I've also got the Traveler's Jet Pack sitting at 30m, never used. I never bothered to pick up the Sky Raider one.

I only ever use them sparingly - either for a couple seconds to clear obstacles, or occasionally if the mission is particularly far away and nobody else on the team is dawdling I'll use them for the duration of the journey to the mission door (usually boosting them with the GvE jump pack). For inter-zone travel I've got Pocket D teleporter, Mission teleporter, and two day job market teleporters.

I'm pretty much never last to the mission - the folks with Fly usually aren't going much faster than me, and there's pretty much always *someone* who'll go afk for a minute between missions, get lost, go sell their excess loot, go to train, or otherwise get delayed (occasionally I make up the time loading into the mission - someone else got there first, but they took a while to load in so I'm actually ready before them).

Even on those occasions I am last it's usually only a difference of 10-20 seconds, well within tolerance levels considering how many people with proper travel powers get delayed by other factors.



If a team kicks you for not having travel powers, you're better off.




Does it have an adverse impact?

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Well, some teams might leave you behind if they're not willing to wait for you to sprint to the mission.

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Then Hurdle to the mission. It's almost as fast as Fly. Pick up a few +Movement/+Jump set bonuses and cruise. Or play a character with access to +Run Speed, like Banes or /SR scrappers.

Still haven't been kicked from or denied a team due to my lack of travel powers, on any character. Or had my choices questioned. So if you find those mythical "some teams" who do refuse to play with people who don't take travel powers, let me know, because in over three years, I've never encountered them.

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My Widow doesn't have a full travel power, but she does have Combat Jumping. i built her with the concept of using the old-school "ninja leaping" that many action anime characters used before DBZ and the like made it nearly obligatory that nearly everyone be able to fly at jet speeds or faster. With multiple set bonuses it's not difficult to beat other team members to mission doors and even with Combat Jumping for maneuvering it can be hard to not overshoot small landing platforms.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




Does it have an adverse impact?

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Well, some teams might leave you behind if they're not willing to wait for you to sprint to the mission.

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Then Hurdle to the mission. It's almost as fast as Fly. Pick up a few +Movement/+Jump set bonuses and cruise. Or play a character with access to +Run Speed, like Banes or /SR scrappers.

Still haven't been kicked from or denied a team due to my lack of travel powers, on any character. Or had my choices questioned. So if you find those mythical "some teams" who do refuse to play with people who don't take travel powers, let me know, because in over three years, I've never encountered them.

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Well to be fair, their "mythical some teams" is just as mythical as your mythical "never beend kicked or denied" statement. We ARE all going on each others word here.

To say there are "none" adverse affects from taking no travel powers is to use a specific definition of "adverse" to you yourself. I like to use superspeed as a both a travel and stealth power and this, for me, would be an adverse condition if I had to switch to the much slower power pool stealth power or adversely to power pick consumption spend an additional pick for Invisibility.

But, you wisely put "do what you find fun" at the end of your post so we pretty much agree.



Dunno if it counts, but the Kinetics Powerset has ghetto SS and SJ which means you don't need to take a travel power pool. It's fun!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



The kin powers aren't ghetto I like them better though as no combat supression

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):




My bane also has no travel powers. It's no problem since I have both swift and mental training 2-slotted for speed.

"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator



Dunno if it counts, but the Kinetics Powerset has ghetto SS and SJ which means you don't need to take a travel power pool. It's fun!

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And you can grant ghetto SS and SJ to your team members, enabling those who also don't have a travel power.

Awesome set really.



My Bane is at 48 so far with no travel powers. I still have 1h36m on the Zero-G Pack, 1h41m on the Raptor Pack, and the full 1h30m on the Goldbricker pack. I've also got the Traveler's Jet Pack sitting at 30m, never used. I never bothered to pick up the Sky Raider one.

I only ever use them sparingly - either for a couple seconds to clear obstacles, or occasionally if the mission is particularly far away and nobody else on the team is dawdling I'll use them for the duration of the journey to the mission door

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For villains, there is no need to use the Raptor Pack sparingly, since you can buy a fresh one any time in Grandville.

Heroes might want to use theirs sparingly though, as they have to wait until 40 before they can purchase a replacement in the Shadow Shard.



My recent 50 heroes, don't take travel powers. With O-portals, Base TPs, and since FBZ sells Raptor packs I just rebuy when time runs out.

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My gosh... but they are so SLOW. How does it not drive you mad? NONE of my 30+ alts have ever went TPless. Not once. And any of my flyers always 2 or 3 slot it for speed.

I've played so many MMO's where travel time was 90% of the game. Back in my AC days, it wasn't unheard of to travel over 30 mins to a dungon... some really nasty ones took and hour or MORE. And god forbide you died on the way...

SWG, the worlds were HUGE, and speeders were SLOW...

Here, the speed of travel is SOOOOO nice... And being a 60 month vet... getting Superspeed at 6 and swift at 8 means i'm booking nearly out of the gate. It's awsome. It's how i do all my builds now, then, sometime in my 20 or so, i'll respec into a different Travel power if the concept demands it. Like a flyer. Fly is so slow at first, no deal, and superjump is kind of slow too at first, but not SuperSpeed. train switf, and turn on sprint, and you'll be faster then the fastest flyer at lvl 8 EASY.

Plus, you get to mess with the noobies. "how the heck do you have superspeed already!?!?" "I hax" is my standered reply.

anyways, i always advise taking Travel powers because from MY point of view, they make the game so convient. But if your not bothered by the speed of the raptor pack, then, at this point in the game, seeing as how you can buy them now... there is no real downside for you to go TPless.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Dunno if it counts, but the Kinetics Powerset has ghetto SS and SJ which means you don't need to take a travel power pool. It's fun!

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The IR power, the superjump clone, IS a very valid replacement for a TP. Once you have it, your golden. Controllers and Corruptors have to wait a bit for it.. mid 20 IIRC. defenders get it at 18. If i ever get a disrie to run a 4th kin, i'd consider repsecing once i had IR out of a TP, but not before it had it. Cause syphone speed is NOT, IMO of course, a good subsutite for superspeed. It can miss... and does... often if your trying to zome through a high lvl zone... no stealth... So you not only draw argo from runing by, since you have stealth, you have to actively attack a mob to get the buff.

don't get me wrong here, it's an exellent power i have on all 3 of my kins, but not because it makes a good travel power.

Course, no a days with zero g packs and raptor packs you have options to help you get around while you wait until you can get IR. Then after that, your golden.

Kins are the ONLY powerset i'd personal ever consider going TPless. But seeing as how the 3 I have all have TP's, maybe not. heh.

It's funny, i've never had an issues fitting in 2 power choices for a travel power. Ever. Travel powers are great because they pretty much work at maximum benefit stright out of the box, and require no, or very few slots to be satistifactory.

And you need a few powers you can use without needing slots, since, frankly, i run out of slots for my powers faster then i run out of power choices... heh. I'd trade a few power choices on some builds for more slots... so stuff like a travel power or fitness, stuff that's nice to have but use slots, are god sends to me.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



My recent 50 heroes, don't take travel powers. With O-portals, Base TPs, and since FBZ sells Raptor packs I just rebuy when time runs out.

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My gosh... but they are so SLOW. How does it not drive you mad? NONE of my 30+ alts have ever went TPless. Not once. And any of my flyers always 2 or 3 slot it for speed.

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I can make a Hurdle + Combat Jumping build which moves faster than the Fly cap. My "normal" speed on characters ranges between slightly faster than Fly with two Fly Speed IOs and slightly faster than Fly with three Fly Speed IOs.

The temp jet packs are slow by default, but even those can be improved if you know what you're doing.