mostf weekend 67; borked?




with july 4th and the current bug to repairmen that hit with the i15 drop i'll assume no mostf runs this weekend?

for those unaware: a bug has hit in the stf that allows repairmen to heal the tower upon spawn, but before you can do anything about them.

there have been some anecdotal posts about being able to finish anyway, but i'll wait to hear from the regulars who participate/lead.



Kittens give Morbo gas.



Say it ain't so!

I'd be willing to do a test run tonight to see if there's a way around it.

Virtue - Kalikamata, Dark Indigo, Dharma Moon, Hogo Sochi, Julienne, Nordic Witch, Hot Compress, Kahlen, Sphere of Water, Miss Purrfect, Make Believe, Major Asset, Terra Donna, Kalicious, Fortunata Indigo, Tight Squeeze, Kalika Mata, Mistress Berdine, Guy Buttersnaps
Infinity - Paring Knife, Elphaba Storm, Bien Cuit, Sardonic Widow



It isn't a bug actually. It is directly related to the attack changes made to the AI, i.e. the mobs react faster. I imagine they will have to change the repairmen and not the AI modification.



Ill be free to run it but as it is a holiday i think most will be away so we will postpone untill next weekend

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



I actually want to see if a power like repulsion bubble or TK will prevent the repairmen from healing, so I'd like to do a run (not necessarily master) tonight if enough people are free =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I actually want to see if a power like repulsion bubble or TK will prevent the repairmen from healing, so I'd like to do a run (not necessarily master) tonight if enough people are free =)

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It will keep them from healing the tower you're currently working on. However, they'll tend to run to other towers you've already destroyed and rebuild them. Singularity seems to work better than other similar powers, as it gives them a mob to aggro on and run back to rather than running off to rebuild other towers.



Another thing that works (or worked) great on the Repairmen, without throwing them across the platform, was Caltrops.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



So if 'trops work, then you need something with some sort of ticking damage. Theoretically then, if you can rotate anyone of a number of tick damage effects, it ought to work? Say Freezing Rain, Ice Storm, Rain of Fire, Caltrops, any scrapper or blaster that happens to have the damage aura. etc.

That all assumes it's the tick damage that's doing the interrupting.

Personally, I would think that would be much safer than using repel effects on the repairmen because it wouldn't tend to shoot them out to possibly let them repair towers you've already taken out.



Rain powers do not work, nor do fireball or aura type powers. I have heard that bonfire and force bubble work, but have not confirmed this.



Force Bubble?

Oof, I wouldn't want to use that one on Repairmen simply because they'd go shooting way off in the distance. You'd want someone dedicated just to taking out Repairmen, and that would slow down the tower team, or you need someone who's really good with that repel effect. 90% of people aren't.



I've tried using Repulsion Field while on the first tower, pre-bug; I'd call the results "mixed". It'll send them flying, but the End drain as it tries and fails to throw the tower itself around cuts the running time down to almost nothing. Not to mention you have to figure out exactly where they're going to run up from for any effect.

I find myself very surprised that rains don't work; I assume the healing kicks in before they even start taking damage?



I'm wondering what the slotting on those rains was myself. I know for example that Rain of Fire needs accuracy slotting to make sure that it hits with its ticks. The power itself has high native accuray just for you to place it, but the ticks of damage are only as accurate as any other fire power you have. A lot of people miss that because they see so many little orange numbers flying around and notice the placing accuracy, so they tend to neglect slotting any accuracy in their Rains.



On last night's MSTF attempt, we had 2 rads. One was running toggles on LR (helping the emp and tank) and I was running mine on the tower along with choking cloud just to see if this would help at all. Even with choking cloud mixed in, it did not keep the repairmen from healing immediately.

We had 2 scrappers, 1 defender, and 2 blasters on the tower. One of the scrappers was spines with quills running. We also had rain of something (can't remember which it was). Three people had AoE attacks of energy and fire.

At first we could only get the tower to halfway before the repairmen would bring it back up to 3/4. Then we had the second rad come back to the tower to help and could only get to a little under 1/4.

That was the most annoying thing ever. We had a good damage and good overall AoE action that would be torn through the pre-15 set up.


Devoted, heart and soul, to Angry Angels and Jaded Angels



Hmm, not saying I doubt anyone there just chucking out ideas, but since I don't run Master Saturday anymore due to it being more like work than fun, I'm relegated to the runs where we can scrape together enough SG-mates that want to give it a shot for the hay of it. We might try an exploratory run to test some things out and see if we can come up with some tricks, but since it takes an extraordinary act of whatever powers that be to get a number of us together and in the mood, I'm not holding my breath it'll happen anytime soon.



On last night's MSTF attempt, we had 2 rads. One was running toggles on LR (helping the emp and tank) and I was running mine on the tower along with choking cloud just to see if this would help at all. Even with choking cloud mixed in, it did not keep the repairmen from healing immediately.

We had 2 scrappers, 1 defender, and 2 blasters on the tower. One of the scrappers was spines with quills running. We also had rain of something (can't remember which it was). Three people had AoE attacks of energy and fire.

At first we could only get the tower to halfway before the repairmen would bring it back up to 3/4. Then we had the second rad come back to the tower to help and could only get to a little under 1/4.

That was the most annoying thing ever. We had a good damage and good overall AoE action that would be torn through the pre-15 set up.


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Word about town is that the two scrappers on your team *coughs - Weasel and I* were just awful. Just awful!

On a serious note, someone mentioned that the repairmen were healing after being defeated. If this was mentioned above.. my apologies.. my ADD and TL/DR kicked in.

Maybe you needed a better Spapper (Spines Scrapper) because Weasel was IO'd to Kingdom come and I was hopped up on twizzle sticks. We gave it our all. Sometimes, things just aren't in the cards.

Much love.



Like I said, not doubting anyone, just chucking ideas out.

We had another one today. Ellis mentioned having some success with caltrops, and I've been wondering why that would be. If it isn't the damage ticks doing it, might it be the slows? Or the slows combined with the damage interrupts? Of course, lingering rad would slow ... so why would caltrops work? Wait, there's a fear component in caltrops added to the slow and tick damage with no target. Could that have something to do with it?

And I'm just brainstorming out loud. I'll do anything to avoid having to try this with my hurricane out to knock off repairmen.



Interesting...if we would like to form one tonight to do some testing i am free. Also Caltrops is technically a pet unlike PBAoEs like hurricane and hot feet. I have plenty of toons with all kinds of testable powers. Caltrops, Hotfeet, Troller pets, gun drone, ect. So if we want to test out what may or may not work let me know.

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



Hey BT, I would be down for a test tonight, hit me up if you are gonna do it. I will be home around 7:15 EST. Ill bring whatever.

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



What about a fire/rad with hotfeet/choking cloud combo for that situation? If I'm available next week, Ill offer up the services of my fire/rad Ace O' Diamonds (lvl 50) to try it out. plus id like him to get the MoSTF badge too

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Interesting...if we would like to form one tonight to do some testing i am free. Also Caltrops is technically a pet unlike PBAoEs like hurricane and hot feet.

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That could be it right there. I've noticed during Rikti/Zombie invasions that MM pets, caltrops, rains of fire, etc. all affect the enemy while they are still in their spawning animation, whereas you cannot attack them directly during that time.

Haven't done an STF in a while but I usually lay down an Ice Slick if I'm on my controller so it is more or less centered on the tower. I figure knockdown ought to interrupt them too.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



hmm but that brings up an issue as im pretty sure the rain pets we not working. They as well have fear components as well and some even a KD. Well my original hypothisis is tha we will need to wait for a fix but im more than willing to test what may or may not work in the mean time. thought i hate to form the Sat runs saying i need X because that is against everything Master Saturday stands for

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



What about a fire/rad with hotfeet/choking cloud combo for that situation? If I'm available next week, Ill offer up the services of my fire/rad Ace O' Diamonds (lvl 50) to try it out. plus id like him to get the MoSTF badge too

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it appears as though the interrupt gap on the repair cycle has been dropped to about 1/2 sec, effectively during the spawn, as they hit it on the momentarily invulnerable part on fade in.

from what i've seen so far, choking cloud 'seems' to have the best chance of stopping the repair guys. regular rains don't 'seem' to have much effect on them for some reason. why that is, i can only speculate, perhaps it has to do with the hold portion or ticks and the chance of crossing points with the repairers at the interrupt, which makes choking no more effective than any other and it's simply subjective bias.

i could see a near all controller/defender or any a.t. with 'always on' aoe's team potentially making a difference with overlapping powers to hopefully hit when a damage tick and interrupt moment coincide. hard to say without testing.

*you were no slouch ms. angel

Kittens give Morbo gas.



As to the Rains having fear components, I always though they did myself, but the in game info doesn't list it and I couldn't get that info from Red Tomax. Caltrops' in game info did list the fear effect which is why I mentioned it, and we checked Spec Terror because we immediately though of it as another pet with a fear component. It only has a very limited generic fear effect before it starts having an accuracy-based fear effect according to in game info. Caltrops' in game is always just a generic fear effect, no accuracy needed which may be why it would work.

Repel effects from things like Force Bubble are also pretty immediate and non-accuracy based. I imagine that Force Bubble and Kinetic repel would work much better than Hurricane repel because the ticks in Hurricane's repel are slow due to nerfage, but I was willing to try it.

I think the key is that you need something that hits immediately with no iniative check or else the Repairman will win.