Digital Transition (143017)




Played this, some sorta-random thoughts:

Mission 1: the glowies and the good LT all spawned in the same room. Not completely your fault, but try setting at least one of them to "middle" if possible to ensure that the objectives stay spread out.

Mission 2: You got "the voice" of Radio down pat. Though I'm not 100% sure why i need a transceiver to BLOCK psychic signals. Note that I'm overlooking the fact that I'm playing a MIND controller with the PSYCHIC MASTERY APP and therefore, RP-wise, ought to know a thing or two about deflecting mental signals anyway. I just figured I'd bring that up because there are a good number of characters whos minds, for whatever reason, cannot be infiltrated. This arc does not take such a variable into account, but i don't hold that against you, just sayin' =)

What DOES bug me: "Robotix" doesn't sound like a clockwork name, and Clockwork are rarely known for anything resembling normal speech and cutting themselves off from making pop culture references. And while I haven't played many "normal" clockwork stories recently, from what I remember, each clockwork is an extension of the Clockwork King's will and don't have systems, sub-systems, or the need to re-route power or anything. In other words, they're NOT computer-based robots, they're telekentically strewn-together constructs.

Also, this mission had an objective to find someone... which i never did but the mission became complete, anyway. Though I think I remember you saying this was working as intended. I think maybe a "better" way to handle this is to clue the player in to the fact that there's a possible helper in the BRIEFING instead of making it a phantom objective. (Nitpick: AFAIK, all human life on Clockwork Earth has been eradicated. The Psychic CK says as much when you first meet him, so there probably wouldn't be any "freedom fighters" to be, well, fighting for freedom)

Mission 3: Ok, I get why I'm up against PPD... but, uhm, they're all level 40 o_O I'm level 50... no Tickets, whah! Ah well, makes it easier to stealth to the end! Also wasn't sure what the Vanguard were doing there, *shrug*

I liked TV's dialog, though! However, was it supposed to have an ambush, because the last two bosses DID, but this boss didn't.

Overall, a fun romp but definitely has some logical/canonical issues. I gave it 3 stars... could have been 4 or 5 if it followed canon/existing elements better. Also, it's not your fault at all but the whole arc was kinda easy for me to run through (I run on difficulty 2, which made the ambushes and bosses harder but that's about it)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Thanks for the review!

Mission 1: the glowies and the good LT all spawned in the same room. Not completely your fault, but try setting at least one of them to "middle" if possible to ensure that the objectives stay spread out.

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The sad thing is, I believe they are set to "middle"...

Though I'm not 100% sure why i need a transceiver to BLOCK psychic signals. Note that I'm overlooking the fact that I'm playing a MIND controller with the PSYCHIC MASTERY APP and therefore, RP-wise, ought to know a thing or two about deflecting mental signals anyway.

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Well, the technology is suitable for being modified into something that can block psychic doesn't work that way out of the box (or bot). If I could fork missions based on the archetype and powers, I definitely would. I guess that falls under the same category as Television controlling you regardless of your archetype in its villain-side arc.

What DOES bug me: "Robotix" doesn't sound like a clockwork name, and Clockwork are rarely known for anything resembling normal speech and cutting themselves off from making pop culture references.

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This is an alternate dimension, similar to Epsilon Tau 27-2. The Clockwork King has killed off most (but not all, like Epsilon) of the people on the planet. The stress of fighting off attacks from the freedom fighters and the lack of people to talk with has fragmented his mind, with his lieutenants exhibiting separate personalities. It's like dealing with a schizophrenic, but each personality has its own body.

Given text limitations, I don't have time to go into all of that. Then again, to use my own words...if I have to explain it, maybe it wasn't that good of an idea to begin with. I'll take another look at that part of the arc, and see if I can find a way to explain this in a concise manner.

Also, this mission had an objective to find someone... which i never did but the mission became complete, anyway. Though I think I remember you saying this was working as intended. I think maybe a "better" way to handle this is to clue the player in to the fact that there's a possible helper in the BRIEFING instead of making it a phantom objective.

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I'll see what I can do about the objective. It really is a bonus for those interested in the extra story or who need an ally to take down the boss, rather than someone you have to interact with.

Mission 3: Ok, I get why I'm up against PPD... but, uhm, they're all level 40 o_O I'm level 50... no Tickets, whah! Ah well, makes it easier to stealth to the end! Also wasn't sure what the Vanguard were doing there, *shrug*

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*grumble* They advertised that we'd finally have the Architect able to scale foes to the player's level. Guess that's not working as intended...

Prior to Issue 15, I used a combination of higher-level PPD (mostly psi-cops) and some Vanguard, because they fit the level range. I didn't like that solution (I want highly-trained normals, not psionic foes), and I didn't want to create custom cops. It looks like I need to redo the foes in the last mission again to fit the limitations of the Mission Architect.

I liked TV's dialog, though! However, was it supposed to have an ambush, because the last two bosses DID, but this boss didn't.

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The pre-release version had an ambush, but considering this is an Elite Boss with Mind/Illusion, I found adding an ambush to be overkill (even if the Elite Boss does scale down). Now, if there was no time limit, I'd add the ambush.

Overall, a fun romp but definitely has some logical/canonical issues.

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Thanks again - your comments helped a lot more than the original review. I'll need a few days to figure out changes, after which I'll post about the revision to this thread.