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  1. I16 needs to come out yesterday. I WANT MAH BADGEZ!
  2. ... you realize you could PuG it on VU2009 and have a full team within like 30 minutes, right?
  3. I gave my guide ("No Pet? Suck it up! Mind/Kin") a quick update with all the relevant changes from the last few issues... so if you can put "I16" next to it instead of I11, that'd be peachy!
  4. Shameless Bump: I've updated the guide.. i don't know if it's fully I13-I16 compliant, but it's closer than it was (ie, PvP and APP changes, newer IO sets, corrected some grammar mistakes).

    If anyone spots anything glaringly OMGWTH wrong, lemme know!
  5. Well here's the thing, X: None of those badges were "challenging". They just take a loooong time of doing something very easy. I mean, AFK healing in the arena? You can literally do that in your sleep! That's NOT difficult. Illusionist was only difficult because you still needed to keep an eye and make sure you didn't get mezzed or that the Master Illusionist didn't fly away.

    Now MASTER TF badges, those are difficult. You and a team united in a goal to not die, while having the most powerful abilities in the game be rendered unusable... definitely a challenge, especially since a decent number of people use vet temps as part of their attack chain.

    That's what we need more of: Badges where you only have to do something once (or maybe just a few times), but doing that one thing may take multiple attempts and strategy to accomplish.

    Just my opinion, though.
  6. Very nice guide, indeed! You hit all the key points dead on... make sure you get this linked in the Controller guide to guides!
  7. *slow clap*

    I commend thee, valiant warriors! I'm seething with angry jealousy, but common decency demands I put that aside... So congrats!
  8. ...I kinda wanna go sledding now looking at that.

    Anyway, nice work =)
  9. Hmmm

    I think you may be going the wrong way with this.

    First of all, you had the Preatorean version of Stephen Richter still be a spider-themed, fur collar wearing villain type using the "Recluse" moniker, despite your claims of him being a "hero", all as an excuse to use the existing character armor.

    So ok, people call you out on this (to a degree) and you changed it... to normal samurai armor.

    I think you can retain the "Use preatorian Recluse armor" plot thread if you just made some -modern- armor for Lord Kuma that didn't look all that evil as a base, but then threw the "sinister" parts on for flavor.

    After all, it seems sensible to the plot that he's more powerful BECAUSE he's got the "Recluse" armor. Try to imagine what a good-natured Stefan Richter would have done once he saw his old friend become corrupted with power and take over the earth. Maybe he grew wings instead of spider arms (so you have -something- to put in the back) by having a different "patron god"?

    I dunno, it made sense in my head =)
  10. You should read Local_Man's Ill/Rad guide. It's in the guides section =)

    Basically, with Illusion, you don't have a lot of hard control, and your pets aren't buffable. However, Rad gives you an extra hold or two, and debuffs your foes' Defense and resistance so that your pets do more damage regaurdless.

    The other secondaries don't do as much or anything at all for Illusion. But Rad? It's a match made in heaven!
  11. Th3 pr0b is th4t typ1ng 1n l337sp34k c4n 4ctu4lly +4k3 m04r 3ff0r+ th4n ju$+ +yp1|\|g no|2/\/\4|_, 4|\||) 1+ h3lp$ \/\/|-|3|\| |2P-1ng 2 b cl34r @$ p0s$1|3Le

    Not to mention stuff can get out of hand.
  12. Wish I could help ya out; sadly, i cannot.

    Why don't you just sell the armaggedons for the cash to buy the ragnoroks? Or are there 0 for sale on some?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
    Cute, we can play this game.

    Dominator >> Fire Control >> Fire Imps: Is using Controller version, should be higher damage.

    Dominator >> Ice Control >> Jack Frost: Is using Controller version, should be higher damage.

    Controller >> Plant Control >> Fly Trap: Is using Dominator version, should be lower damage.

    Dominator >> Earth Control >> Animated Stone: Is using Controller version, should be higher damage.

    Dominator >> Gravity Control >> Singularity: Is using Controller version, should be higher damage.

    Stalker >> Electric Melee >> Lightning Rod: Is using Brute version, should be highger damage.

    Corruptor >> Storm Summoning >> Lightning Storm: Is using Defender version, should be higher damage.

    Corruptor >> Archery >> Rain of Arrows: Is using Defender version, should be higher damage.

    Defender, Corruptor >> Assault Rifle >> Ignire: Both are using Blaster version, both need to be lowered their respective amounts.

    Those are only a few that come to mind that I've checked.
    Wait, why should Dom pets get to do more damage than troller pets?
  14. Right, I'm just afraid that since she plans on playing at range as much as possible, she'll be missing out on a lot of damage. Maybe I can ease her into the idea of going into melee with some of her attacks.

    I have an elec/elec myself, as well as a Kin/Elec defender, but I also know that my playstyle is much different than someone who's new at the game, so I thought I'd seek some outside advice from the rest of the Blaster crowd. Thanks!
  15. EmperorSteele

    I15 broke the

    Twenty EIGHT pages of this crap? What the hell is wrong with you people? The joke was funny for like, the first page. The second was pushing it. Heck, this whole thread is just a rehash of the old [---carrier lost---] joke.

    Now, this is where I do a misdirect and end in the middle of a setence (or possibly near the end), because given my ranting, that would be funny, but i'm not going

    to. =P
  16. It's a bug. They're working on it.
  17. Try opening the Test version of the game in Safe Mode?
  18. EmperorSteele


    Loling hard here!

    Did the OP mean to post in the Troller forum? Or Defender? Maybe Corruptor?

    Heh. Thanks for t3h lulz.
  19. So I just got a new friend into the game. For her first toon, she choose Elec/Mental. Doesn't seem to have great synergy, but it doesn't seem to be a bad combo, either. Lots of PBAoE damage, at least... though she "gets" that Blasters are "supposed" to play from range, so that may be an issue. Any general advice on how it'll play so I can help her work around the rough spots as she levels up?
  20. Get psi damage. Both Cimerorians and Reichsman are more vulnerable to that than other damage types.

    Other than that, make sure you get players who help keep the team safe and productive and you'll be golden.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
    Yeah, me too.

    Mind control is underpowered.
    ... can't quite tell if serious >_>

    I still think it should be more powerful, regardless of where it stands in relation to the other sets. Cuz I'm greedy.
  22. I say we do Master of ITF and Master of Khan all in one night.

    Because we can!
  23. Hey hey Xad guess what guess what we can COLOR OUR POWERS NAO!!!!!

    If you're not happy about that get off of Virtue >=O

  24. ...Can you guys extend the contest until I16 is live? I'll gladly solo this set for 5 @ +2 & No AVs for a fraction of the reward, but I can't seem to get anyone else to stick with me when i grab 4 dudes on rugged *frowney face*

    Heck, maybe I'll do the arcs that way anyway, reward be damned. I gots ta PROVE mahself!
  25. Did you try such maps at different difficulty specs?

    After all, maybe being set for 8 players at -1 with no bosses initiates a "don't drop squat" script...

    Or it could be a bug. Let's just see how things pan out before everyone packs their bags and leaves.