202 -
My advice; Persistence. There's times when it looks bad, and there's days when you feel like meh, heck with it. That you want to and can come back the next day and say 'hey, let's try again.
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I familiarise with that fully, so many times have i thought 'To heck with it' and so many times ive also had fun, i probably wouldent be playing the game if EVIL was dead.
Continuing contact. It's important that people spend time together.
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Again that has to be in bold and capslock, ive made some of the best friendsships to date from keeping in touch with people from guilds.
With Echo's statements of sticking to people you think will fit I can only agree completely - this is doubly true when a group is built on a vision of your own rather than a direct tangiable goal; if you end up with people who can't understand your vision - atleast closely enough, you'll find yourself in an uphill battle merely trying to keep vision and populace from conflicting.
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Very true once again all the points stated by all players are spot on, of course the stress of managing a guild is hard if it was that bad i wouldent do it, its extremly satisfying to see 'your' (though i prefer to use the term 'our') guild flourish and to see people enjoying themselves. -
Definatly, EVIL died once or twice, and recently it felt like it again, but its on the up again, alot of old members have recently returned (Whirlmeister, Terrorat, Psyfly, Lost Pharoah/Blue Serpent) But today (invasion day!) we've had a really good turn out and some superb RP all day.
Reputation is definatly everything if you asked me, if i were looking for an RPSG i'd look for the strictest Roleplaying group around, asin they have OOC guidelines and are quite relentless of who they recruit. Afterall one bad apple in a Supergroup/Guild can totally kill it off, so you've got the have the guts to say "Look your not made for this SG" to keep the vast majority of the members happy.
For me, this is where short recaps or rumours work, if you publically write down things, things that are really happening in your Supergroup, and things that seems appealing to other players, it will basically promote your group, on the other hand though some people wont join a group because they dislike a certain person in it, and so on and so on.
And to add to that, managing a guild/SG is very stressful, if you disagree you obvisouly havent done it properly. I would even say more stressful than my job, far more stressful.
Oh and my very definate advice Z, recruit people you will think will fit in the group, if you dont think they will, then tuff luck to them, you really have to be harsh sometimes. But with a low member count it can be EXTREMLY hard to do, when I returned from WoW the first thing i did was ask Lunk to setup new forums, cleaned the roster (Anyone gone for other 32 days was kicked and sent an email) and then started to try and show up in D's etc, once people see that its a fairly active Supergroup they'll join without problem. Though i have no idea Hero side, as Villian side EVIL is one of the very few RPSG's Heroside there is many more. -
The blonde rubber clad young lady walked amoungst the casinos and many bars of Jackpot, St. Martial, she stopped at a usual place where her and her Husband had had a few meals before, the decor was a Hawiian style, much like the Tiki lounge, they generally served mediterranean food, paella and similar exotic seafood dishes, she slowly wandred in getting a few odd looks, Echo cared not, she was used to it, having an odd looking arm and clad in what would likly be classed as fetishwear. She approached the barman.
"Hey i'm wondering can i reserve a table here tonight? Around seven or eight."
"Of course Miss..."
Replied the American speaking waiter, preparing to write down details.
"Mrs Campbel, and Mr Campbel, 07711111099, and prepare your most ex---"
The whole open restaraunt shook violently as what seemed like a bomb landed and imbedded into the tarmac, immediatly the already dining couples ran for their lives screaming, Echo turned back to the waiter who had dissappeared, she looks around as he ran off in the distance. The alien bomb was bleeping louder asif it were about to explode. The blonde leapt with force, smashing through the thatched roof, falling back down from the force, she fell off the roof landing on the cold pavement, looking back at the bomb she leapt once more eighty feet above Martials decimated roads. With a thunderous bang the bomb exploded the shockwave sending Echo further into the air, she lost her balance and control, the explosion sending her plumeting toward the East luckily toward water, landing from this height would break her legs, or worse. With a crash she landed in the water, back first. What seemed like a normal day was suddenly very abnormal, she swam to the surface form her plunge, and looked at the skys, filled with Rikti transport and bombers so much so it sent the city of St. Martial into an eerie darkness. -
Page 5 - The Rogue Isles Protector, 23/7/07
ROGUE ISLES POLICE were told a body had been found in the reception of the 'Le Grand Cancrelar' hotel early this morning, they are treating the death of the twenty-two year old as a murder investigation. It is suspect that the body is that of Harry Roberts who had been missing from his family home for the past few nights, it is thought a row had broken out between him and his girlfriend and he was removed from her property left to wander the streets. His BLACKENED body was discovred at 9am this morning, forensics suspect an overdose of sulphur, "His skin crackled and an ash black, each of the muscles contracted inover, it also seems there was some pressure on the youths wrists and neck, a small pool of blood lay beneath the body. Two rather large fang marks are on the right side of the neckline." Said forensics expert Dwayne Nigel.
The police currently has no suspects, and are appealing for witnesses to come forward. -
Sensible decision, the idea of George Bush saving the world...well its beyond my imagination.
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Now that made me laugh. -
And I'm sure they will, and loose anyway. Unless you find a way to tripple nova the spawns, you won't take them down fast enough before the second one teleports in, and the third probably before you're done with the first.
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The Rikti spawn around you alot admittingly, but if theres two people there more spawn, 3 people, more spawn. If ten people are in one area yes. It will be chaos, being a insanly overpowered Brute its hard to die against Rikti, (Elec armour capped Energy RES.) for other classes it is probably best to run. As FFM said (I think i read it right) they've lowered the spawns and spawn rate, still though when i played on the test, Cryptic have nailed the feeling of struggle and suspense, fighting the Rikti in the clouded skys ships bombing past and them spawning around you really felt like you were trying to save the Earth from invasion. -
On thing that will nark me off is the warning signs.
[Admin]: Rikti have been reported over St. Martial
[Admin]: Rikti forces are assaulting St. Martial
[Admin]: Rikti forces have been seen retreating from St. Martial
Admin chat is global, serverwide, and it tells you every warning / threat etc. And i havent found a way to actually turn it off on the test server, very annoying.
As for the debate on issue 10 ruining Roleplay, unfortunatly the bottom line is its coming, you either adapt or you dont. Ive adapted myself, like i said in a previous post, i'm actually looking forward to it now, but i do understand people who arent looking forward to it, but as said its coming. So instead of whining, maybe try to think of the positive sides and try to see if a fun and satisfying plot can be made from it. If its THAT bad to the point where its totally destroyed your fun, hate to say it, you may be better off taking a break from the CoX world. -
Was a good night. Got to speak to people I wouldn't normally, dress like Harry Potter, and see Big Lunk in Lycra(the thought of it riding up kept me awake all night...the horror!). Thanks to all involved for making us feel welcome.
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Eeee, yeah i enjoyed it too, at first Echo had a Snow White costume, but i thought an Angel would be far far more sarcastic. Then the idea cropped up "You should go as the devil Lunk." very amusing, great night though, i enjoyed it as did Echo and her paper masche wings, though she really hated them. Loved some of the outfits, Brit as Harry Potter made me giggle, but Echo hadnt a clue who Harry Potter is, i liked Moons outfit too, the Terminator, ace! -
I do not like the idea of the invasion (and the missery that it involves), so I do not like the idea of making it more 'realistic' (ie: more missery), sorry that today my self cencorship filter had broken down.
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I hate misery too and my chars been through alot of it. At first i looked to the invasion the same as you are, i didnt like the idea and feared it'd send my char down a bad road. But now after ive played on the test server picked up how things are working, the Vanguard etc. Ive already got a character plot in the pipeline and its far from being a miserable plot, i'm really looking forward to it now.
BUT! Thats me, and i understand your point of view Ghost, its a major threat to the way of RP i assume you enjoy, so its bound to be a dampener, i changed what i thought about the Rikti invasion from. "I havent a clue what my chars going to do, this is probably just bad news for her." to a posotive plotline (And a posotive plot seems a rarity nowadays.)
Just my 2 cents, i understand if you dont reply to this post as you did state you were going to steer away from the thread.
Back on topic, the effects on the Rogue Isles will be massive. I wonder what Recluses' outlook on this would be, seems the bombers will be bombing the infamous Grandville Tower. I know that IC wise my char will most likly refuse to defend Recluses' little palace as 'Its his own problem' The rest of the Isles though, she'll defend undoubtibly, and aid in RWZ when she can, most likly working with the Vanguard. -
Also from what ive played the invasions arent constant their in waves? In the game that is. The Rikti use hit and run tactics with the Teleporters they use etc. Though IC wise ive no idea how that would work.
All the suggestions so far seem viable, loving it myself, got alot of things planned for my character and am generally looking forward to i10. -
Do the Vanguard deal with this aswell or are they solely designated to deal with the Rikti threat.
Also the UN, and Armys will be on full alert, patrolling the streets i would of thought? -
Glad you guys like them. Now these are for the one and only Echo Campbell. Hope you like them.
And here they are in .gif format - Echo (GIF)
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Thanks very much pistol!! -
In fact, back before the forum reshuffle when CoV was launched, the forum description for the Union forum also said "Unofficial Roleplay Server". Would be good if we could get that back...
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That'd be a good idea and point the RP'ers in the right direction. Not saying Defiant doesnt have RP, but from what ive seen/heard it doesnt have as much RP scene and Union.
And re-levelling a character can be a chew on, but like Coile said get in with the right group and the right people dont even think about levelling up, the levels will still come to you. -
I'm not really a big fan of Forum or Journal RP. I find it runs too slowly for my liking, and the more people involved, the more confusion there is. Plus due to it running slower than in-game RP (Where it can often be considered that time runs at its normal progression for each day), you can end up getting a backlog of things and getting hung up on forum RP, plus things that happen in the forum RP could affect your character in game, but due to time lag... well, it gets hella complicated and tricksy.
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Got to agree on the time scale bit, it does get tricky and ive had it happen a few times on EVIL's boards. Thats te only thing i could say i dislike about it, though i dont do it seriously with character sheets and all the like, i dont think i'd like that simply because, to me, it would become a chore. -
I love forum RP, only just got into it recently and i do it alot on our boards, its sometimes even more immersive than the game, theres no deadline as such and things go easy. I personally aren't too knowledgeable of the rulings etc seems ive never RP'd my char on a public forum. But ive had alot of fun doing it on EVIL's boards, like i say, sometimes even more fun than the game.
It sounds like a good idea Pious, but if its gonna be that serious isnt there like a character sheet thing? So you cant suddenly say "My char can do that though" i dont know not too knowledgeable of the subject. -
Said at the exact same time after Lunk/Ben Campbel makes a social Faux pas
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Still puts a smile on my face that, wasnt scripted or anything. Typical cartoon thugs. -
I didnt mean to be aggressive in my posts toward you GreySteel, i was just merly saying that i dislike it if your AT is Brute, Corruptor, Mastermind, Dominator or Stalker your looked at as a Villian, regardless of how you play your char. The little icon next to players names feels like its stamped on their forhead sometimes. Ive no doubt its due to in-experience Roleplayers, but alot of people do judge a book by its cover.
With i10 coming i get the feeling views are going to be changed, i really do like the Vanguard and how they view Heroes and Villians as equals. But anyway, this threads gone well off topic, i suggest if your character wouldent like hanging around meta-criminalsin a neutral non-combat nightclub, it would seem its either GG, or Supergroup Roleplay.
Regardless, its good to see new Roleplayers trying to get stuck into the scene, i can imagine it is hard seems all the roleplayers i see have their little groups of people they RP with, even myself, though i do try to involve others, then regret it because my char ends up talking to three people at once and lose track of all conversations. -
In PD everyone mixes and there is not a bunch of heroes on one side of the room and villains on the other, so it would not be possible for a character to feel totally "safe" and relaxed.
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How would a char know they were Hero or Villian if both acted neutrally. I know that my char probably has more Hero friends than Villian, or atleast as many. She doesnt hate Heroes because their Heroes either, or Villians because their Villians. This MMO world isnt the traditional "I hate Heroes" "Villian scum!" its evolved and some chars are neutral to Heroes/Villians while other types of char do hate them.
PD's since it opened has been popular, and from my point of view, has went downhill, thus making a thread about it before where the vast majority agreed. Its slowly getting better, (from what ive seen) but still is a long shot from what it used to be. Still it seems to be the most popular gathering of Villians / Heroes in the game world. -
RE: PD and villains. Not all villains are like that. Heck, not all people from the Rogue Isles -are- villains.
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Thank you Z, said it for me, yes Echo has her sadistic side, but also has her good side (Which seems to be surfacing alot more nowadays). But i hate it when Villian players are pigeon holed into the "I'M EVIL MWHAHA KILL EVERYTHING DIE DIE DIE." when some 'Villian' chars arent even like that. -
Ive got some REALLY good ones, but i cant remember the full conversations.
Just single 'classic' sentances.
(While IC in PD's) [/b]DR Mechano:[/b] "Finding a straight woman around here seems to be a miricle in itself."
Awwh ive forgotten loads, Echo raising her forearm to Love Angel is always hilarious. (An inside joke)
Done Echos the other day, it has all her 'personal touches' OOC i think its a great idea, Echo is hesitant toward it though.
Worth seeing the costume options in i10 (on test) before finalising the thing though, Lunk? -
Hope you have a good time, i and Lunk done ours in Forum RP, its no risk then. And the wedding was 'privatly held' just two other characters to do the signiture stuff then the reception after the honeymoon. Which i think was at Pocket D's, oh all good fun.
I'm a slave to my own emotions, and quite frequently RL interferes with how I'm feeling, so the attitude of my toons reflects this. I try not to let it happen, but I'll be the first to admit that it does. I also tend to get seriously wrapped up in my characters' lives, and how I perceive my characters to be feeling can actually affect how I feel, too. In other words, it's quite rare for one of my toons to be angry without me being angry at the keyboard.
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I still do that now, some people say its wrong to be emotionally attached to your char, others say its the best and most realistic form of RP, myself i believe in the latter.
And i admit to the above, for sure, whether it means i'm a bad RP'er or not, i still enjoy it.
Ive nearly cried by just writing story pieces about my char, the recent 'beating' she got was suprisingly hard to describe and type. I'd quote it here but its probably a little bit too adult, she ended up with flail chest and alot of bruises, then after all that mildly tortured for info. But i'd have to admit, my feelings reflect my characters, and my characters reflect mine, its one of the best, and sometimes worst things about my style of Roleplay. -
I'd say go for it too, like Blackdove says. I think every week a building blows up, hehe.
Though for a bit of fun, me personally, i'd make some newspaper photoshop or something with "The so and so building goes up in smoke!" or something along them lines, thats just me though.