The Big Thread of Amazing COH\COV Quotes




It took me a while to decide where I should start this thread (since I noticed we were sorely lacking in one), and I wound up deciding to make it on RP section because most of the fun quotes come out of RP -- you know, those little moments of literary brilliancy that just BEG to be preserved for posterity. However, and by all means include OOC quotes or even NPC quotes.

I'll start:

IC (Lady Skorpio and Oldest One (Babilonic Demon Queen) both villainous mercenaries in the same VG -- as Oldest One logs in)

OLDEST: "Bow down before your Queen!"
SKORPIO: "Sorry, my lady, we're all equals here. There will be no bowing or scrapping at the moment... unless you pay me for it."
OLDEST: "Hmmmm, how much?"
SKORPIO: "Make it a round 1000 dollars and I'll bow to you whenever you arrive."
OLDEST: "Make it 900 and you get to sneer while you do it."

(OOC, in a mission)
Brute: Uh oh. You may want to think about a moving back a teensy bit.
Corruptor: Uh oh? Brutes do not say uh oh. And how far back is a...
*proceeds to get slaughtered by two blood widows and a Mu Adept*
Corruptor: Oh. That far back.
Brute: I tried to warn you.


Steel Canyon, Outcast NPC says to Tsoo NPC:

"Those who live by the sword, get shot by those who don't."


Somewhere in Crey's Folly:

Random Crey Agent NPC: "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again."


NPCs, in the middle of a Villain Mission, to recover a "Harmonic Chronomitron"

Fire Tarantula # 1: What the Hell does "Harmonic Chronomitron" even mean?
Fire Tarantula # 2: I joined Arachnos because I couldn't afford a good education. Why are you askin' me?
*Pause* Well, that and the shooting people.
Fire Tarantula # 1: True. The shooting people is pretty good.

Arachnos NPC: Somewhere in Grandville:

Wolf Spider: "You have the right to remain unconscious. Anything you might say ain't gonna be much."


OOC (Sean's mun and me chatting through tells, as Sean was tanking in the Heroside)

Sean's Mun: "And today's quote is: "They're just +6 bosses. I can tank it."
Me: "Ahahahahha"
Sean's Mun: "And the worse is.... I wasn't kidding."


Vicky's (Ms. Valentino) frequent quotes:

"You know me: when I'm good, I'm very good. When I'm bad? I'm even better."

"Knowledge is power. Power corrupts -- study hard, be evil!"



Ive got some REALLY good ones, but i cant remember the full conversations. Just single 'classic' sentances.

(While IC in PD's) [/b]DR Mechano:[/b] "Finding a straight woman around here seems to be a miricle in itself."

Awwh ive forgotten loads, Echo raising her forearm to Love Angel is always hilarious. (An inside joke )



*Cracks knuckles*

Trust her, she's a *
Madame Midknight heads to the door and smiles. "Sweetheart, trust me, okay? I'm a gamesmaster."
Dark Stone: That has to be your favourite line. 'Trust me, I'm a woman', 'Trust me, I'm a Matron Mother', 'Trust me, I have a hat'

[/ QUOTE ]

What goes on in the Darcmobile?
"Darcmobile it is, with a delicious popcorny smell too after I took Nene to the cinema and we had our popcorn on the way home." Jane grins, heading to unlock her car.
"You were eating while driving? thats dangerous you know, you could have been killed." Jared chuckles and leans on the roof with his elbow.
Madame Midknight grinned. "Pff, I wouldn't be so reckless with my unlife and my car, babe. Oh, and Nene too. I drove, Nene finger-fed me popcorn."
Dark Stone: Kinky.

[/ QUOTE ]

Witty one liners aren't dead yet.
*Upon having a member of the Skulls burst into the resturaunt Cauter and Lyn-Legend are eating at and demanding people to hand over their wallets.*

Cauter goes to reach into his pocket. "Sure, let me just get my wallet." he says, before bringing his fist forwards and up in an uppercut aimed at the man's chin.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aren't there bylaws against that kinda thing?
Memory: When we checked down in the sewers, we found at least twenty human bodies clogging a drain.
Chrysalis: Ewww...
Jane Darc: Geez. Some people will flush anything these days.

[/ QUOTE ]



*someone level*
-spammer : Gratz !
*spammer eat dirt while typing*



Random lvl 32 blaster: (either just lvled or first time in a team)
"watch this!"

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Red Commiwit.

Red Commissar: Mind ze chassis, she iz a robot.
Marii: good evening
Shadowe: Goodness me, what happened to your arm?!
New Gargoyle: She doesn't look like one...
Marii: I sustained some damage
Shadowe: Some... It's a wreck.
Red Commissar: She took on a big Clockwork Richard.
Marii: the clockwork take a 'special' interest in me
Red Commissar: Maybe zey are attracted to you.
New Gargoyle: Oh, I was looking at the wrong person...
Shadowe: I can imagine. This being the woman who survived a fall of several storeys on her first day of activation.
Marii: possible. They scavenge any metals they can find, I am made of very durable alloys, it would be invaluable to them
Shadowe: Helena? Can you scan Marii's surviving arm and see if we have the parts in stock to make a suitable replacement?
Red Commissar: Zo vhere did you go Gargoyle?
New Gargoyle: Eh, went to check on some things, grabbed a snack...
Marii: I managed to retain most of the pieces...
Red Commissar: How handy zhere.
Red Commissar: Apologies Marii.
New Gargoyle: Reminds me of that golden robot...
Marii: it is alright Red, I'm beginnning to understand tasteless humour better.
New Gargoyle: Do you know a lot of languages?
Red Commissar: Good.
Red Commissar: Me? I know good and bad comrade.
Red Commissar: Seriously?
New Gargoyle: I meant Marii.
Red Commissar: Ah.
New Gargoyle: I have no idea what they program robots with these days...
Marii: I know English.
Red Commissar: Anythink else Marii?
Marii: I have several corrupted files in a subfolder called languages but I am unable to access any of them
Red Commissar: Oh dear.
Arrow Flame: Yeah...
Red Commissar: Hope you can un corrupt zem zhen.
Marii: Remember when you found me, English was difficult for me
New Gargoyle: As doc Banner said, "I don't get the blues, I get the greens."
Red Commissar: Da. True.
Marii: Thank you Richard
Marii: it is difficult to do by myself
Red Commissar: Don't you just get ze grey though?
Shadowe: Hmm... Screwdriver... Umm... Just a sec...
Marii: I meant to ask Richard, how did things work out between you and Kitmarsh?
New Gargoyle: Well, it's not based on emotions.
New Gargoyle: I just will it to happen.
Red Commissar: Zat vas a joke.
Arrow Flame: To late.

[/ QUOTE ]



okay probably not direct quote:

Arrow Flame: "so, asides from the pipe bombs, the nuclear missiles, sticking to the ceiling, setting things on fire, destroying the furniture, stressing your mother and putting a grenade in Tabaam's mouth what did you do?"
Ebon Child: "who said it went in her mouth..."

Arc, i'm sure you can remember some more from OOC convo's etc...? lol



You had to ask :

((OOC madness,mostly))
"And today a staggering fifty percent of the worlds alcahol has been stolen. In other news,Canada is missing"
"My cousin was there! what happened?"
"First date"

((More OOC from the greatest TF in all history of me))
Arrow Flame: We are being watched...Hi mom!
Dark Blow: Hi son!
Arrow Flame: Thats....disturbing
Dark Blow: I surprised i even contemplated it...

((This was one IC which made water burst out my tear ducts))
*Shadowe and Kitmarch having a conversation. Lillit pokes her head between Richards legs*
"And yes...You have a small furry thing between your legs"

((Beet...OOC on MSN))
Beet: You lost,kiss Red
Havoc fang: Double or quits!
((I say no more))

((Another one with Stal OOC))
Stalingrad: How are you?
Havoc fang: Explosive.
Stalingrad: that good or bad?
Havoc fang: Depends who hugs me next.

((All members of GGOOC will know how this caused mass brainmeltings))
Solar: And Arc has to sing I feel like a woman

Aaand thats all i can remember for now...look at my sig for more memories.



Warning, some of these quotes are PG rated!

Laugh Riot: I need a beer.
Big Lunk: let me guess, you had a hard day in your secret identity as a male prostitute
Laugh Riot: ...No. I just like beer.
Laugh Riot: Fancy giving me a hand with something?
Big long as it doesnt involve stealing beer kegs
Laugh Riot: You wouldn't say no if it was.

[/ QUOTE ]

On being broke out of prison:
Big Lunk: not having free meals delivered to my room every day is going to take some getting used to, but i think i'll manage

[/ QUOTE ]

Two Drunk Brutes
Big Lunk shakes his head, spraying water everywhere "not that.... i dont like HER not how she looks"
Laugh Riot: Tao's nice. Great [censored].
Big Lunk: .... not as nice as echo's
Laugh Riot: Tao's [censored] is nicer than Echo's.
Big Lunk cups his hands in front of his face "s'like a peach...wrapped in leather..."
Laugh Riot: Y'know who's [censored] is great?
Big Lunk: Echos!
Laugh Riot: No! Not Echo's!
Big Lunk: mine?
Laugh Riot: Well, Echo's [censored] is good.
Laugh Riot: But that's not who I meant.
Big Lunk: S'mine isnt it?
Laugh Riot: Its not yours!
Laugh Riot: You have an [censored] like a sack full of puppies.
Big Lunk looks behind himself "puppies are cute"

[/ QUOTE ]
(20 points for anyone who guesses the [censored]

More drunken stupidity
Big Lunk rolls off the sofa onto his face, then jumps up with a startled look
Big Lunk: IT MOVED!

[/ QUOTE ]

Had some good ones of riot and lunk teasing Big Game and his current girlfriend behind their back, but that would mean sifting through a lot of chatlogs.



oh, and another.

OOC, on a TF, the team (including 2 brutes, who i shall call LecLunk (Ben Campbel) and LecBrute2) get wiped out, and the team runs back, with no hope of rezing.

KOed LecLunk swallows inps (awaken, BF,heal,end) and starts fighting again.
KOed LecBrute2 tries same
KOed LecBrute2 Faceplants
LecLunk kills all
LecLunk "/e points$$l NOT THE LUNK!"



This was a quote from a mission where half the team either left, disconnected, or were AFK. The scrapper on the team decided to make a dramatic speech before we charged to our deaths

Scrapper: They shall know that we stood, where many would have fled.

Scrapper: And that we fought, above all, with honour

*sound of me firing my sniper rifle*

Scrapper: Or...maybe not.



Terramis (Circle of Thorns, NPC)

"...and he says 'Aren't you a little old to be believing in leprechauns?' Then I threw him out the window! Hah! I love that one!"

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



(While IC in PD's) DR Mechano: "Finding a straight woman around here seems to be a miracle in itself."

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh I'd forgotten that one...made me lol...again

Doc: You sir, are a small lawn mower!
Brit: And that means what?
Doc: Exactly how it sounds, you're a small lawn mower
Brit: riiiggghtttt....

Doc: How dare you say that about my robots...they're 99% washing machine free...well there is that one component you really can only find in a washing machine...

While in Pink catboi form after a long winded explanation on his evil, if random and quite crazy plan:
Lunk: You're a fruit doc.
Blanscher: well he definitely is 'fruity' if that's what you mean.

and OOC:
Me: hmmm kittens...
Me: hmmm cake...
HH (i think): ok...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Britanic in response to Dr. Mechano showing off his bots in Pocket D.

"Great, another bloody walking toaster!"

That single comment was taken, twisted into a bizarrely absurd invention, and then marketed to the Union RP community...and I didn't even get a cut of the profits.



A heart warming conversation I just overheard between two Freaks that put a smile on my face;

Freak Chopper: Man, with all these jerks, how are we gonna start that riot now?
Mad Freak Gunner: It's all good, man.
Mad Freak Gunner: We can have a riot anywhere we want.
Freak Chopper: Really?
Mad Freak Gunner: Yeah, really.
Mad Freak Gunner: That's the truth about the Freakshow. The riot is right here inside all of us.
Freak Chopper: Oh, wow.
Freak Chopper: That's so Profound.
Mad Freak Gunner: It's a little something I do.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



After saving the vigilante hero Nevermore from a strain of the Vazhilok virus, Zortel got talking with him and the subject soon turned to romance.

Zortel: That was rather impressive you know.
Nevermore: Thanks...
Zortel chuckles, eyeing Nevermore up. "If only you were a woman."
Nevermore blinks, then laughs. "If only you were straight."

[/ QUOTE ]



Quite a funy one which is quoted in someone's sig (between two villains I think):

Why do I care if the Rikti want to anal-probe some captured Longbows?
They want to anal probe you, too. Motivated now?

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



When dating a geek, know your Star Trek puns

Rosalin: Hmmm, a romantic scifi?
Alex: "Romance and Sci-fi... very rare combination."
Rosalin smiles "I'm sure you'll pick a nice one, even if it's not romantic... I think I can make it so" chuckles at her pun
Rosalin lays down on the sofa with plenty of room to lay beside her for cuddles
Alex snickers, "Hmm, at least I'll have you to Klingon too." blinks, "Did I really say that?"

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Nene, upon talking about her power core installed in her chest, while wearing a little red dress.

Rosalin Thorne: Out of space, out of time?
Josie Ironside looks speculative. "A dimensionally transcendant power system?"
Nene: In a sense... The volume capacity of my chest exceeds its physical size.
Nightschild: Well, it very nearly exceeds the physical capacity of that dress, anyway.
Nene blushes. "Not remotely what I meant."

[/ QUOTE ]



Mechano after being told he would have to share a bed with Big Game in the EVIL base since his own home in Darwins landing isn't secure (Where Big game was also staying) is under threat.

Mechano, "I'm Bert, Your Ernie.."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Mechano after being told he would have to share a bed with Big Game in the EVIL base since his own home in Darwins landing isn't secure (Where Big game was also staying) is under threat.

Mechano, "I'm Bert, Your Ernie.."

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah yes, whats even more hilarious is the recent forum RP, considering all agents of EVIL have been moved to base for saftey. (Well most) heres a snippet:

3:30am: base lab

If Tony hadn't done his best to warn the other people that had now made the base their home, then they'd find out about Doc's odd sleeping that most of the time he seemed to have none.

"Right...time to get to work...let's get out that Angle grinder..."


Then Tony after the dreadful sound wakes everyone up;

Big Game had been asleep roughly half a hour when the grinding, and scraping sound echoed through the base. Wearing nothing but a pair of Stars, and stripes boxer shorts Game leapt out of the bed and onto the floor of his, and Mechano's cubicle.

"S***! The Rikti are freakin' trying to cut their way in."

He then snatched up his rifle, and combat webbing, and started shouting.

"Wake the f*** up!!!, they're cutting their way in!!!"


I swear when i seen that today i burst out laughing, Mechano, your just ebil in its purest form.



Project Rebirth, on the fact that criminals do sleep sometimes;

"Criminals do. Evil little clockwork robots don't."

Flame of Hades, on Miss Liberty's actions during a Rikti attack;

"And once again, Miss Liberty did jack s***!"



DR Mechano: pain reminds us we're alive
Lunk: then lets make the rikti NEVER forget
Professor Terror: I get the feeling Mr Campbel is enjoying this too much