The effects of War on the City and RP




Well, as we all know OOC, War is coming. Hwuh! Yeah! What is it good for? Well, Exp and absolutely nothing.


What kind of effects will it have on the city however, that would be reflected in RP?

Well, day jobs for one. Some people are gonna find themselves out of work, either from the places not opening up (The Pits will be closed, who wants to go clubbing in a war zone?), or places being destroyed. Moneys gonna be tight.

What about rent and bills? With money scarce, will banks and landlords and the city council freeze repayments?

I doubt trucks are going to be able to get into the city that well, so food prices may go up, rationing may happen, and heroes may find themselves escorting vital supplies and food into the city.

Looting, robbery, those things will probably go up as people get desperate. And the violent/gun crimes associated with them. Martial law declared?

Schools closed, well, it's summer, so they're not open anyway, same with other places of learning. Hospitals working over capacity and over hours, heroes with medical knowledge might be needed there to assist.

Supergroup bases used as refuges, ala the London Underground tunnels in the 2nd World War? Medical facilities in the bases being commandeered by the city's forces?

What about the gangs in Paragon? Are they going to be opportuinistic parasites and revel in the chaos, or will they realise that if they don't do something, they're screwed and lend a hand against the Rikti?

There's probably more considerations and effects that I missed, but its something to think about.



Do the Vanguard deal with this aswell or are they solely designated to deal with the Rikti threat.

Also the UN, and Armys will be on full alert, patrolling the streets i would of thought?



World wide invassion, right?

Paragon won't be alone, though probably bear the brunt of things.

Rikti fight dirty, right?
Invading the agricultural zones of the US would pretty effectively put it at danger in the long run. "Food? Hey look a rat! we're going to feast tonight"

cuicides of people who can't take it anymore

an influx of enlistments who aren't ready for anything being pushed to the front lines

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I imagine Longbow will take up that task, they already have patrols. Remember though, this is another worldwide attack, so UN forces are going to be stretched to the max all around the world. Relief shipments of food and medical supplies might not be as readily available as thought, as everywhere is fighting for survival.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(The Pits will be closed, who wants to go clubbing in a war zone?)

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How is that any different from usual

The war industry will rise again.. isn't that what saved the US depression of the 30s?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Also from what ive played the invasions arent constant their in waves? In the game that is. The Rikti use hit and run tactics with the Teleporters they use etc. Though IC wise ive no idea how that would work.

All the suggestions so far seem viable, loving it myself, got alot of things planned for my character and am generally looking forward to i10.



*imagines walking over to a few character complaining about the lack of food... eating a 500ounce steak sandwich*

edit: okay... 14-15 kg might be a bit over the top...

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



You're evil. And HUNGRY!!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Looting, robbery, those things will probably go up as people get desperate. And the violent/gun crimes associated with them. Martial law declared?

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well, i got one char that will most likely be out looting

as for the possible food shortages... i suggest we eat the catgirls.
Its okay, they're not human.




What kind of effects will it have on the city however, that would be reflected in RP?

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How about... not a thing?

Sure, there's an invasion, big deal, it's not like it's the first.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.




What kind of effects will it have on the city however, that would be reflected in RP?

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How about... not a thing?

Sure, there's an invasion, big deal, it's not like it's the first.

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Seeing as the first invasion resulting in the devastation of most of the city, and the deaths of most of the cities hero population; I'm not sure this one will be ignorable...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I know one of my chars will take advantage of the chaos, and he isn't a villain

The aftermath will be fun, seeing how/if everyone helps rebuild or do their part helping people.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc




Seeing as the first invasion resulting in the devastation of most of the city, and the deaths of most of the cities hero population; I'm not sure this one will be ignorable...

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Of course, any invasion shouldn't be ignored. And we can't. That's already been established. But will the secondary effects like those listed above happen?
The Vanguard seems to have been preparing for this (I'll bring in the suddon change of the RCS to the RWZ in a matter of hours with all the vanguard equipment as a reason.)
Teleporters. Who needs trucks to transport food? Sure it's cheaper probably but it's an emergancy.

Lost your job? Go work at a weapons factory. Passifist? Go work at the armour factory instead.
Not want anything to do with "the war effort", become an activist and protest against the Rikti.

You know the US of A always plans for all sorts of disasters once they've happened to them. A second invassion would fall under them.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



The secondary effects won't happen in game, no. But story wise, they should as they're a logical progression of a war zone. Just look at any of the real conflicts that went on in history; each of the things described have happend to one extent or another...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



But why?

it'll only cause different view of the city.

Characer A and B are on a bench talking about this and that, the war comes up and what not...

Player A has had Character A escort in food supplies

Player B has had Character B patrolling the city perimiter and seen no signs of such

Player C's character comes along saying that millions of achers of wheat and corn and cattle have been bombed...

and that's just the food bit.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



You mean, pretty much like what happens already in a number of cases? :P And would probably happen anyway?

The only way we'd have concrete information on what happens is if Manticore or someone posted and told us the little backgrounds details us RP'ers like/need to know, and considering previous things to do with lore, the chance of that happening is slim to nil.

Even if this post never came up we'd have the person A/B/C scenario. CoH, like many MMO's, isn't very RP friendly, so the RP'ers have to work around that. And sometimes, it takes a hella loada working round.



You mean, pretty much like what happens already in a number of cases? :P And would probably happen anyway?

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Why bother bringing it up in the first place?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Because maybe by bringing it up, some kind of majority concensus could be worked out to smooth things along a little?

Then again, when has that ever worked? Ah well. Might as well disregard all of the above and apply fudge/disbelief suspension (front and back)/blackout tape as usual to whatever gets thrown at people.



Sorry about my posts for today... it's not been a good day for me.

I do not like the idea of the invasion (and the missery that it involves), so I do not like the idea of making it more 'realistic' (ie: more missery), sorry that today my self cencorship filter had broken down.

I'll probably stay out of this thread from now on. Some of you no doubt like discussing this and these things.. I shouldn't ruin your fun because I don't like it.

Sorry again to everyone.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Food shortages, got that covered, Project Rebirth is a robot, he don't need to eat. Jobs, he never worked to begin with, and it won't affect his nonexistent social life. Rebirth is sitting pretty. Aside from the aliens.



I do not like the idea of the invasion (and the missery that it involves), so I do not like the idea of making it more 'realistic' (ie: more missery), sorry that today my self cencorship filter had broken down.

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I hate misery too and my chars been through alot of it. At first i looked to the invasion the same as you are, i didnt like the idea and feared it'd send my char down a bad road. But now after ive played on the test server picked up how things are working, the Vanguard etc. Ive already got a character plot in the pipeline and its far from being a miserable plot, i'm really looking forward to it now.

BUT! Thats me, and i understand your point of view Ghost, its a major threat to the way of RP i assume you enjoy, so its bound to be a dampener, i changed what i thought about the Rikti invasion from. "I havent a clue what my chars going to do, this is probably just bad news for her." to a posotive plotline (And a posotive plot seems a rarity nowadays.)

Just my 2 cents, i understand if you dont reply to this post as you did state you were going to steer away from the thread.

Back on topic, the effects on the Rogue Isles will be massive. I wonder what Recluses' outlook on this would be, seems the bombers will be bombing the infamous Grandville Tower. I know that IC wise my char will most likly refuse to defend Recluses' little palace as 'Its his own problem' The rest of the Isles though, she'll defend undoubtibly, and aid in RWZ when she can, most likly working with the Vanguard.



At first i looked to the invasion the same as you are, i didnt like the idea and feared it'd send my char down a bad road. But now after ive played on the test server picked up how things are working, the Vanguard etc. Ive already got a character plot in the pipeline and its far from being a miserable plot, i'm really looking forward to it now.

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allow me to recreate that evening on the TS

Lunk: "blah blah blah invasion blah blah blah plot blah blah blah vanguard blah blah"
Echo: "omg! your right!
Lunk: "of course i am. As i am never wrong, logically, i must be right."


I wonder what Recluses' outlook on this would be, seems the bombers will be bombing the infamous Grandville Tower. I know that IC wise my char will most likly refuse to defend Recluses' little palace as 'Its his own problem'

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hey, thats my line. "Recluse can protect his own damn tower!"



CoH is a comic book world I think a lot of the details can be skipped if people want, people should not force grim realities of war on people if they don't want it. I'm really not sure this setting lends itself to realism all that well anyway, there are other rpgs that do that much better. And well to be honest (thankfully) I don't have the first clue what it would really be like to live in a warzone the real reality is not something that could be recreated in a game, even if we wanted to.

For me personally my characters will treat it as a time to fight I expect, they fight every day to get things done in the face of war they will want to be all the more active I expect, for various reasons depending on the character.



I'm really not sure this setting lends itself to realism all that well anyway,

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Yeah, Paragon City's public transport infastructure sucks, the place is barely disabled accessable (All those steps up to Freedom Court and City Hall, where are the ramps?) and more are just the tip of the iceberg.

Sorry about my posts for today... it's not been a good day for me.

I do not like the idea of the invasion (and the missery that it involves), so I do not like the idea of making it more 'realistic' (ie: more missery), sorry that today my self cencorship filter had broken down.

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No need to be sorry, mate. Your oppinion is as valid as the rest. You know what I'm like for realism (Heck, I made sure the entire Unity Vigil base had ramps for wheelchair access, recycle bins, and the same goes for The Pits, including lighting on the strips of the stairs so people know where they are.)

I guess that, apart from being a lore-guzzling fiend, I tend to play my characters as people who are heroes, or people who just have metahuman abilities, than heroes who are also people. Hence why I'm worrying about if Isaac'll be able to make the rent on the apartment and those other little essentials.