Acting Avatars




Hey guys. Basically if you're looking for a new avatar, or not, have a look at these and see if you'd like one done for you. Acting Avatars

Decide who would play your hero or villain if a movie was made about him or her. Then post here the name of the actor (or a link to the preferred image) and the details for your character: origin and archetype. Within a day or two, I'll have your new avatar ready for use.

I look forward to making your new avatars, but please no rude images. If you must, send the link in a PM. Thank you.



Wow they look cool.

Nice work and looking for more avatars from you.



I like this Idea of a gallery for the actors you would envisage playing the role of your CoX Character, welldone!.
It would be nice to see everybodys Ideas together in what looks like a visual version of Sayia's "Who would play you?" post, - You may be able to get some more ideas from there as well Pistol.
The avatars with their Origin and Archetype buttons remind me of my concept for the "Whats your Secret Identity?" Ad NCSoft ran with 2006/7.

Feel free to include Mother's Love (Mutation Defender) in the gallery as portayed by either.

Jessica Lange


Helen Mirren



Heh i have my picture here. "Looks his avatar" You can add this cute thing there too.

Psy-knight is a Science Controller, but i prefer real aspect of him on the picture, Mind and Rad symbols. ^_^



Oooh the temptation is to great!
If Catz was being acted then..
Ellen Page
Also Catz is a Magic - Tanker




Finally decided who would play Efranof in a film, and it would have to be Rich Hall.

Mutant scrapper

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



I think I have a new avatar, thanks!

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Woohoo! Changing it now
And i gots a lovely
Actually it really does look how i would want Catz to look, excellently done




w00t! *dances a happy dance* Glad you like them. Coin, I'm right on it!

Edit: Coin

I'm quite chuffed with this image-find, I hope you are too mate.



Seeing as I have put off sorting out my avatar and sig on the site, I suppose this is as good as time as any to get some form of avatar up. Canny idea too actually

Some Celebrity look a like reconition tool suggested Eleven looked like Gale Harold the most.
Gale Harold Pic

Quite a good choice I think, although that pic is the closest thing I could find of him scowling in anger which is the usual facial expression of Eleven. That shot would do, but if you happen to come across a picture of him with the same hair style but with a lot more menacing look on his face, then knock yourself out.

Eleven is a Natural Scrapper

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



How about a Johnny Depp (no beard-version) Technology Defender?
He'd be perfect for Blue Rush.



Here's Tyger and Eleven. Blue Rush was a tricky find.

I wanted one that would meet the persona suggested in your current avatar but Johnny is seldom beardless in a dramatic shot. Here are the three I'm most happy with, should be interesting to see which you pick if any. I can always change the image.

Blue Rush 1

Blue Rush 2

Blue Rush 3

Hope you guys like yours too, Coin, Eleven and Tyger.



I enjoyed drawing these up, I hope you don't totally hate 'em.

Mothers Love 1
Mothers Love 2
and the lovely Catz

If you'd like them altered, I'd be more than happy to edit them.

[/ QUOTE ]

These pictures totally rocks. But i found another picture of Mr. Behr which i think more proper for a mind controller. (And more sexier ^_^)

I will get your work and put it on my MSN.

Thanks for your work, Pistol. Really really loved it.

PS: @Mother's Love, heh the first one is just what i see everytime see mother's love in game.



Here's Tyger and Eleven. Blue Rush was a tricky find.

I wanted one that would meet the persona suggested in your current avatar but Johnny is seldom beardless in a dramatic shot. Here are the three I'm most happy with, should be interesting to see which you pick if any. I can always change the image.

Blue Rush 1

Blue Rush 2

Blue Rush 3

Hope you guys like yours too, Coin, Eleven and Tyger.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think there is only one word I can use in this situation.....


Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



I enjoyed drawing these up, I hope you don't totally hate 'em.

Mothers Love 1
Mothers Love 2
and the lovely Catz

If you'd like them altered, I'd be more than happy to edit them.

[/ QUOTE ]

oOoh!, number 2!- thats the ticket, thankyou...x



now this look fun =D


Sanctus Vir

now the hard ones...
another x-men one here... =S add blank white eyes, blondish hair and a soul patch and i think you could have... (admittedly looking a bit [censored] off here but i found it really hard to find one for him):

Gauisus Somnium

With shock white hair and blue eyes this could be Sophie:

Ebon Tear

and finally Zian.. i can't do Zian... difficult... okay, not going to *try* for that one since it was hard enough for the other ones and i can't imagine Zian as human really... =D

so those above are it



I just love these. I feel the compulsion to change mine now.

Excellent work dude.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



now this look fun =D


Sanctus Vir

now the hard ones...
another x-men one here... =S add blank white eyes, blondish hair and a soul patch and i think you could have... (admittedly looking a bit [censored] off here but i found it really hard to find one for him):

Gauisus Somnium

With shock white hair and blue eyes this could be Sophie:

Ebon Tear

and finally Zian.. i can't do Zian... difficult... okay, not going to *try* for that one since it was hard enough for the other ones and i can't imagine Zian as human really... =D

so those above are it

[/ QUOTE ]

Well looks like someone else likes the Xmen actors




You've inspired me

<--- Jewel Staite as Flamingo Jones.

"Maybe in the end, what makes heroes into that we're just too stupid to quit."



Heeey, long time no see, I haven't played villains much therefore my Thug MM hasn't had much lovin' (Lugo Orzech - name from test all that time ago)

I'd love to see Satan Spawn embodied by Ron Perlman, as he has done Hellboy real well, along with the character Reinhardt in Blade II.

Really love to see what you could do with it, either him from Hellboy or Blade II, I don't mind either way, just as long as hes looking baaaad (and bald).

Satan Spawn is a Science Scrapper.

Cheers Pistol



Really glad that you guys are liking those avatars so I'll definately keep them coming.

Aureleous, here is Satan Spawn. Its not human 'cos Ron's bald shot was too small, but I hope you like it.

Whitechapel mate, give us the details for your characters. Origin and archetype.