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  1. They've been going up and down for 60 seconds at a time although there is notification, server restarts or something. Seems fine though, hehe.
  2. Not my place to post, but i'd definatly advise Freeforums, hasnt let me down yet anyway, bar the very occasionally 'DEBUG' mode it does when you post, happens very rarly, and i aint seen one advert yet. Its never been down yet or slowed at all (Fingers crossed), on Pacts boards anyway.

  3. Often use the badge titles to describe my characters current situation, or describe herself. Ive never treat a badge as IC though, definatly no harm in doing so.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Otherwise, links just appear as you play them. Plots can take characters in certain directions where it is possible that they might run into another of your creations. There are thousands of ways people know of each other, even if it's just having bumped into them in the past

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What Dante said is pretty much spot on.
  5. I also offer help if its needed for any other tasks, i think the Wiki is just brilliant, i love the amount of effort put into it, and plot help its given. I'd be more than happy to help out. Working only part time gives me alot of spare time.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    The incentives could be tricky to get right. Putting a loved one in real, mortal danger could have the wrong sort of effect on some characters, especially if the scarcity of items to retrieve drives them to desperation.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats a good point, because (serious) retaliation would probably be taken, atleast from my chars, so then it becomes a bit bitter which would probably take the fun out of it. I guess things have to be done carefully.
  7. Maybe not make it a Hero and Villian thing, meaning a Villian could take a Villians item, a Hero could take a Hero. The reward is the easiest thing i guess, that could be worked out i'd assume. Maybe the Media could offer items or money, afterall a 'famous' or 'infamous' character item could be eBayable, or something along them lines.
  8. Its amazing how our chat turned into a comminity wide plot Brit, i'm loving it though, seems like a fun idea and as Brit said it would bring characters together who might not usually talk, very fun idea and it gives everyone something to talk about, even to people they might not usually talk to.

    Echos infamous bright pink tassle is undoubtibly up for grabs. And countless other stuff, it sounds like a really fun thing though, and a very good ice breaker for some characters i'd assume, gives everyone a chance to get involved somehow.

    Echo gets home "Where the bloody hells my tassle, i'm sure i wore it tonight" sigh
  9. I myself admittingly skim the recaps, i'm not a massive fan of reading. (Ive never ever read a novel) Though one thing i keep an eye out for is my own characters and/or characters she might know or interacted with recently, i think you do a great job Coile and its obvious alot of effort goes into this, like i say i skim until i see something that might involve my char or others shes recently interacted with.

    The main reason i dont do recaps is because not much is really happening at the moment, only been playing CoV lightly and RP for that, it seems a little quiet currently and with the PD event, as it is everytime, it becomes that little bit harder to find some decent roleplay without being swamped by 'LOL's' and all the rest, second reason is, i'm a bad writer, i aint too confident on that front and so it becomes a chore.

    From my eyes your doing nothing wrong, as i stated i'm not a big reading fan, but if i see something that catches my eye (That might involve someone elses opinion of my chars) i'd read that bit properly. Thats hardly your fault for doing wrong, its just my personal reading style. You do a brilliant job Coile, the effort you put into getting stuck into the Roleplay community is really quite inspiring, i'd imagine there isnt many chars who havent actually heard of Coile in some way shape or form.
  10. Kassie, being a subscriber to every tech and biotech magazine on the planet held the magazine between her heat emitting steel fingers, she blinks as the camera in her left eye focused slightly, turning page after page she didnt really read it she was more intrested in the pictures.

    "Ooooh Coooooooool!"

    (( Nice way to put across character info ))
  11. (( Great work, as with Brit i lol'd at the adverts. The demon thing is described well too. ))
  12. Just an idea, has it been talked about getting a link put on the City of Heroes, city of Villians hompage, like a write up type.

    For example in the Community news currently on the Villians homepage is 'Freshly Squished 3 - Freind or Foe' suits perfectly because it is community news, i think having the Wiki website up there would promote it even more, and Roleplayers looking for something other than the typical fantasy WoW / EQ, type setting can see the homepage and see that theres a dedicated Roleplaying community.

    Just a thought, if its already been suggested, my bad.
  13. Elky_

    IC rumours

    (( Image Link: Rogue Isles Protector, 4th page, Saturday 15th September. ))

    [u]Rogue Isles Protector[u]

    Saturday, September 15, 2007

    Arachnos Fooled?

    Dinnertime yesterday Friday the 14th, an Arachnos facility was infiltrated by two female Arbiters, or so it would seem. Huntsman Olako talked to the Rogue Isles Protector earlier and issued this statement. "There is alot of rumours around currently, but we have confirmed that two Arbiter gowns were stolen on the 12th of September, these gowns were used to infiltrate the experimentat--" Huntsman Olako then stopped as a goggle wearing scientist forced himself to talk to us in a frenzy of speech "Two of them! They said Arbiter Daos himself wanted an experiment by the name of 'Blue Serpent'! I was fooled foooooled!" The Huntsman then moved this wacky character aside. "... As i was saying this is nothing serious to worry about, both the robes have been seized, although we have been told by Lord Recluse not to carry out forensics, our master sees this as humourous." Olako then left the press conference, seeming slightly agitated himself.

    My views on this? When will Arachnos start keeping a leash on these so called 'Destined ones' even at the height of portraying as an Arbiter, the most powerful in the ranks of Arachnos even more so than Recluses' Lieutenants.

    - Gary Uzi
  14. I love it!

    Really makes the game world seem more realistic when theres magazines (That also look authentic) newspapers, TV stuff. Thumbs up cant wait for the next edition.
  15. Potters Field in Sharkhead Isle would be perfect.

    Potters field the red zone in the South West.

    Although reasonably safe could be a little more difficult!
  16. I thought i would clear up the bad air that is circulating, and say things how they are as i can see this painting a very bad image of whom i am.

    For a start the forum issue, i took it in my hands as an Administrator of http://evilcov.jconserv.net/ to make modifications all be it slight, this was because of an offending post to not only present members, but ex, and past, this is not my opinion either and i was told i done the right thing by not replying, and doing what i did what wasnt removing access masks it was simply by removing everyone from the usergroups so the only viewable forum was the public ones (IC Introductions, EVIL Agent files, and Gossip and Rumours) i feel if i deleted the post in question i would be ridiculed and told i done the wrong thing, the simple way to put it was: "I didnt want people to see such a harmful post, that not only has no warnings, it breaks the forum providers Terms of Service and offends a vast amount of people." it really was unneccisary to post such a purposefully harmful post. Unfortunatly now when i log on EVIL out of my account i can view the post in question something i did not do (To make that forum public.) i never intended harm in what i done, or bad feelings, i done what seemed to be right at the time, try to stop people seeing the post without deleting it. I will also add that i will gladly fix the usergroup problems un-biased, and cause no vandalisation to http://evilcov.jconserv.net/ seems everyone (including public) has seen the offending post.

    As for the headhunting the core members, i never headhunted noone and i talked to everyone who realised EVIL was going downhill, i simply offred these players an oppertunity i didnt push them into it. I gave people a chance to decide it was their choice entirely to join 'Pact' this was planned almost a week before the event of the 'mass walkout' and it was discussed amoungst all the members whom were leaving how it would happen IC, a simple email from my character confirmed the time and date, aswell as the meeting place to discuss the new group, this all went smoothly IC and even OOC for that.

    Also before it arises, yes i admit me and another player (Who will remain unnamed) emptied EVIL's salvage racks as we strongly presumed the group would be disbanding. I'm deeply sorry by this and now that i reflect i can see i done the wrong thing by assuming this, i'm more than willing to return all the salvage and 5 million infamy as a compensation to buy extra salvage for the group, and replenish all three of the salvage racks.

    Just thought i'd say what happend for the public to see before i'm accused of anything else. Please dont reply to this post, i'd really like to let this lay now, anything that needs to be said to me, or any questions or debates and so forth, PM me on these forums.
  17. Group Name: Pact

    Server/Game: Union/City of Villians

    Theme: Basically, a band of ex-EVIL mercenarys who have splintred from the Immorality League to form their own business under their own rules, there is no particular theme really, trying to make the group as neutral as possible so everyone is welcome.

    All of the members so far used to be in EVIL, IC and OOC problems caused a splinter. The core is essentially immersive roleplay. ICA=ICC is top of the list, everyone in the group knows that some actions lead to consiquences and everyone in the group realises and is willing to this.

    Majority of the members in the group are currently standard Mercenarys, there is a few Meta-humans but no demi-gods, god-moders or anything along them lines, Roleplay is taken seriously although sometimes very humourous, aiming to be a friendly Villian Group, of which isnt actually a real evil Villian group, simply a rag-tag band of Mercenaries making their way in the world how they deem fit, most members have many Hero friends.

    Webpage: http://pact.freeforums.org/

    Alot of the forum is out of bounds to public, for obvious reasons, but there is an application section in which you can apply to join here.

    Contacts: @Ech @Britanic @Remus? @Red Sickle @Dr Mechano @Shadow Phoenix @Psyfly

    All the current members are contacts.

    Usual Activities: IC missions as often as possible, Pocket D's most nights.

    Other Activities: Around the Rogue Isles Roleplaying, character plots, group plots, all the standard things.

    Background & Structure:

    Founded on 29th of August several members of EVIL decided they'd be better off elsewhere, better money, more freedom and a more family like atmosphere in which everyone would look out for everyone, after an hour long secret meeting it was decided, the group name, the base of operations and the people who would be invited to come along. Each of the close knit members now looks to have the business flurish, and are looking for more Mercenarys who see it as more than a job, its a way of life.

    Admission Notes/Requirements:

    AT doesnt matter at all, nor does level, or how long you've been playing, if your new to Roleplay and are eager to learn theres no doubt people would help. Obvisouly the character would have to fit in the group, characters who join and just want to kill everyone including group members will be turned away. There is such thing as a sociable Villian group thats what Pact is aiming for.

    Wiki: http://union.virtueverse.com/index.php/Pact
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    My vote is on removing sexuality and just having that in the Character Box, and then having 3 entries in the category box:

    Male, Female, Other

    [/ QUOTE ]

  19. Oh and to add, this thread deserves a sticky, to advertise the Wiki itself.
  20. Amazing work, absoloutly amazing, so much effort gone into it and you can tell.

    THANK you Zortel, Pious, and the others that helped make this, ive already half done Echos, i'll keep addingbits when i can, but the bulk of it is there.

  21. Elky_

    War experiences

    Echo Campbel supposidly done a good deed, saving a Mother and Baby, and is inline to be honoured if the war ends. Instead of fighting the war in the Etoile Isles, she has headed home (London) to meet her Sister and hopefully find out who her parents are.
  22. Elky_

    War Stories

    (( Takes place 29th of July, around 2pm, 'Little Round Top' The Rikti Warzone ))

    An armour clad female figure walked over the fresh smoking ruins of what appeard to be a home, high-tech equpiment scattred all over from a recent explosion causing the house to turn into a cloud of thick dust, one wall left standing the other three and the tiled roof caved in-over. The black wearing female looked up stood ontop of the rubble. The Rikti were starting their footmarch toward the freshly bombed rubble, a platoon of about fifteen sword weilding highly advanced alien invaders, a few drones hovred high above the building acting as scouts, she knew this. Quickly the girl seeming in her twenties lifted up a slab of rubble, the mechanical fingers of her fist lifting it enough for her to squeeze under, a hiding place, for now. The advanced Rikti drones seemed to use heat seeking, but the seven inch thick slab of concrete made it impossible for the heat-seeking drones to detect the masked girl, the foot soldiers were approaching fast though. Vanguard snipers holding up on a nearby rooftop took lucky shots with their high-calibre rifles, managing to down a couple of Rikti, the thump of their bodys hit the rough cold concrete floor, ten yards from the hiding human. Peering out from a gap she knew this wouldent be easy, too much of a risk, best to stay undetected she thought, the black lenses covred her eyes as she slid her goggles down shaking off the dust before she did so, adrenaline was pumping as they got closer.

    A scream from her left, from deep inside the rubble of the home, a baby crying and a Mothers screams of agony, the goggle wearing girl looked over as quick as the Rikti did, each of the organised platoon assembling positions. Unfortunatly the Vanguard snipers didnt last too long, their screams heard in the background as the hovering drones melted their flesh. "B*****d", she whispered to herself, the thud of a steel like substance right above her, the heavy breathing of an armour clad Rikti directly above the lone human. She looked up, the screams of the woman and child getting louder, it made her determined. Echos hands beamed a powerful red, causing the Rikti to look down as a strange red light came from the cracks of the solid slab beneath him, within seconds the concrete below him disintegrated as an enraged Echo forced her body upwards, smashing through the invaders armour the smell of his burning flesh disguisting the aliens mid section dissappeared seemed to be missing a plate sized chunk of flesh and armour, before any of the other Rikti could attack she launched another fist of Mu electricity into the Rikti's armoured head, then kicking the limp body backward. She backflipped twenty feet into the air as the platoons firepower was concentrated at Echo, landing on the reminents of one wall she dissappeared jumping behind it, hiding once more.

    The platoon leader shouted out orders relentlessly, even Echo could tell panic was among them, she stopped breathing breifly hearing foorsteps to her right, the babys screams and Mothers whelps still ringing in her ears, she leaped up silently back ontop of the wall, in which she looked down from. Thankfully the drones were gone distracted by Vanguard reinforcements, rubber clad and Plasteel vested Echo had a birds-eye view of where they all were, around twenty feet up. Her blue eyes behind black tinted goggles focused on the squad leader. "Take him out and their like headless chickens", she thought even having the confidence to giggle lightly at her own remark, once again she concentrated preparing her electrical fists each of them a devastating torrent of concentrated Mu electricity. The alien only had time to look up as she pounced dropkicking the huge alien to the floor, he swung his sword hitting a barrier of electricity which coated Echos body, the energy side of the beaming sword simply absorbed by Echo, the kinetic side still caused her to jolt back winding her, nearly knocking her to the floor, this gave the Rikti time to get to his feet and yell out for help. She dodged, one, two swipes sidestepping out of the way, such a large sword, powerful but slow and easy to read. The third missed again, but Echo never, her mechanical fist driving into the squad leaders face like a fluorescent sledgehammer, smashing and melting his jaw, Echo looked around in panic slightly, jumping away quick as she possibly could, she hid once more. "Still too many to fight all at once, i'll pick the b*****ds off." she thought to herself, panting for breath.

    A Communications Officer started to prepare to setup a portal. She had to move fast, the whole squadron surrounded the Comms Officer as he typed in his wrist communicator and knelt down setting up the neccesary components. All this effort was making Echo sweat, though her hair was covred completly with her mask, she didnt wear her typical topknot either, she didnt want her tassles to get dirty with the grime of war, instead beads of sweat covred her cheek quickly going grey as it collected the blowing dust, something that was aiding Echo right now, making her slightly harder to spot. She watched them still, the portal was nearly set up, biting her top lip she concentrated harder going completly silent, not even breathing, thick electricity surrounded her whole body, so thick she was hardly visible the lightning around her desperate to be free, reaching out to the nearest conductor upto twenty feet away, the reinforcing of the concrete stuck out of the rubble on the partition of wall Echo sat crouched on, the steel started to glow as electricity reached out to it, heating and electrifying it. She leapt suddenly, dropkicking the Rikti Communications Officer, landing on her back awkwardly, the Rikti turned each of them looking down on the electricity surging female, winding back their swords prepared to come down with a killing blow. Echo let her mind go completly, purposefully losing all of her focus, a ball of raw uncontrolled Mu electricity lit up the area a bright red and white, acting like a small bomb killing each of the invaders instantly, the dust kicked up clouding everything, an unconsious Echo lay on the bricks, mortar and concrete, with her laid all eleven Rikti their flesh bubbling the smell putrid as they sizzled.

    Minutes later Mrs Campbel dragged her body up and looked around, by now the dust had settled, her usually sparkling bodysuit was far from sparkling now, torn, ripped and covred in a thick layer of sandy coloured concrete dust. The babys cries and Mothers plea for help still echoed around the area, aswell as them coughing from the dust cloud Echo had created. She crawled at first then limped as she brought herself to her feet. If it wasnt for them cries of help Echo most likly may of ran, but letting anyone die to these alien b*****ds was something she wasnt prepared to let happen. She got closer, digging, the glass on her goggles now smashed, she threw them aside coughing using her mechanical arm digging toward the voices. Finally she found them, a baby and Mother, they seemed to be vagrents from first appearences, the room they were in covred in various technology. Echo held out her left arm. "Quick..." she coughed "...More will be coming." the baby cradled in her Mothers arms cried like a baby would, explosions and gunfire echoing in the background, this was a warzone these people shouldent be here. Echo lifted the Mother and baby from the room, cradled her in her arms, limping, trying to run to the nearest Vanguard outpost. Echo was exhausted, letting out the power she had done in such a short space of time took toll on her body and mind.

    The Vanguard flag got closer and closer, the woman in Echos arms crying, aswell as the baby, she got within fifty yards of the outposts heavily armoured gates, they opened slowly two male Vanguard soldiers rushed out, another female medic with them, the medic took them from the battred, bruised and exhausted Echo, seconds later she fell to the tarmac floor as they were taken out of her hands, falling unconsious again, due to exhaustion. The two soldiers dragged her in quickly, looking outward constantly, the gates shut down when the unconsious girl was inside, she was rushed to the outposts airlocked hospital.
  23. I myself would say that Mutants would be accepted in todays society, but like racism / sexism unfortunatly pockets of people will still protest, i'd put Mutants in the same category, but with the vast majority of the public viewing Mutants as one of their own not as 'freaks' but thats just my look on it, and from what ive seen during Roleplay.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Mechano after being told he would have to share a bed with Big Game in the EVIL base since his own home in Darwins landing isn't secure (Where Big game was also staying) is under threat.

    Mechano, "I'm Bert, Your Ernie.."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah yes, whats even more hilarious is the recent forum RP, considering all agents of EVIL have been moved to base for saftey. (Well most) heres a snippet:

    3:30am: base lab

    If Tony hadn't done his best to warn the other people that had now made the base their home, then they'd find out about Doc's odd sleeping patters...in that most of the time he seemed to have none.

    "Right...time to get to work...let's get out that Angle grinder..."


    Then Tony after the dreadful sound wakes everyone up;

    Big Game had been asleep roughly half a hour when the grinding, and scraping sound echoed through the base. Wearing nothing but a pair of Stars, and stripes boxer shorts Game leapt out of the bed and onto the floor of his, and Mechano's cubicle.

    "S***! The Rikti are freakin' trying to cut their way in."

    He then snatched up his rifle, and combat webbing, and started shouting.

    "Wake the f*** up!!!, they're cutting their way in!!!"


    I swear when i seen that today i burst out laughing, Mechano, your just ebil in its purest form.