Press Release in the Rogue Isles Protector




((The full page spread is headed with the European Villianous Immorality League's logo))

"To our valued clients, and prospective clients:

Much has been made over recent days of apparent troubles pulling apart our organisation, we would like to take this opportunity to present the entire story.

We have recently moved to dismiss several employees for attempts to launch a hostile internal takeover attempt. The removal of these elements allows EVIL to close a sorry and troubled chapter of its history and move on to a brighter future free from the petty squabbles and jealousy of certain now ex-employees.

The company now stands to gain immeasurably from the removal of the bad blood, and can now progress with internal reviews to provide a more focused and friendly service."



((just want to say best of luck to kelvin and Tress/HH who are taking over what's left of EVIL. I'll be leaving the SG myself next month.

rather annoyed to find out today that one of the people who left EVIL, and head hunted a lot of our core members, took it on themselves to also vandalise our forum too, by deleting all the access masks.

But EVIL's gone through a lot before, and hopefully now it will come back stronger ))



((good luck guys, sorry we couldn't hack it anymore... hope you do a brilliant job, well I know you will keep it up ^_^ ))



I thought i would clear up the bad air that is circulating, and say things how they are as i can see this painting a very bad image of whom i am.

For a start the forum issue, i took it in my hands as an Administrator of to make modifications all be it slight, this was because of an offending post to not only present members, but ex, and past, this is not my opinion either and i was told i done the right thing by not replying, and doing what i did what wasnt removing access masks it was simply by removing everyone from the usergroups so the only viewable forum was the public ones (IC Introductions, EVIL Agent files, and Gossip and Rumours) i feel if i deleted the post in question i would be ridiculed and told i done the wrong thing, the simple way to put it was: "I didnt want people to see such a harmful post, that not only has no warnings, it breaks the forum providers Terms of Service and offends a vast amount of people." it really was unneccisary to post such a purposefully harmful post. Unfortunatly now when i log on EVIL out of my account i can view the post in question something i did not do (To make that forum public.) i never intended harm in what i done, or bad feelings, i done what seemed to be right at the time, try to stop people seeing the post without deleting it. I will also add that i will gladly fix the usergroup problems un-biased, and cause no vandalisation to seems everyone (including public) has seen the offending post.

As for the headhunting the core members, i never headhunted noone and i talked to everyone who realised EVIL was going downhill, i simply offred these players an oppertunity i didnt push them into it. I gave people a chance to decide it was their choice entirely to join 'Pact' this was planned almost a week before the event of the 'mass walkout' and it was discussed amoungst all the members whom were leaving how it would happen IC, a simple email from my character confirmed the time and date, aswell as the meeting place to discuss the new group, this all went smoothly IC and even OOC for that.

Also before it arises, yes i admit me and another player (Who will remain unnamed) emptied EVIL's salvage racks as we strongly presumed the group would be disbanding. I'm deeply sorry by this and now that i reflect i can see i done the wrong thing by assuming this, i'm more than willing to return all the salvage and 5 million infamy as a compensation to buy extra salvage for the group, and replenish all three of the salvage racks.

Just thought i'd say what happend for the public to see before i'm accused of anything else. Please dont reply to this post, i'd really like to let this lay now, anything that needs to be said to me, or any questions or debates and so forth, PM me on these forums.



I gave people a chance to decide it was their choice entirely to join 'Pact' this was planned almost a week before the event of the 'mass walkout'

[/ QUOTE ]

((which makes me feel that the problems caused by certain members, lowering the 'community spirit' within evil, was part of an orchestrated attempt to split the group.
Paranoid, maybe, but thats how i see it.

that "small" change on the forum had big consequences.
Pressing a delete button on everything on a server would still of been a "small" action.

There is also the case of the salvage stolen by members of 'pact' as they left.

I have tried on occasions to repair our friendship, echo, but all i was met with was hostility. even after my outburst on the forums, i might of possibly one day said "okay... maybe try and repair some of the burnt bridges"

But that petty, childish action really stamped on that idea.

perhaps your little defence would of been more suited on EVIL's old forum, rather than cluttering a thread MEANT to be promoting EVIL's change of ownership))



((stop it..look there's KITTENS

Sorry old habits die-hard...lets not drag this onto these boards shall we folks, thanks ))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I'm going to ask both of you blokes as nicely as possible to stop.

There are a lot of things I would really, really like to say but I'm holding myself back on. So I'll just say this:

Echo, you state that what is on the EVIL forum is offensive to many people, yet provide two links to the forum in the same paragraph... Seems you're trying to get people to look at it... Drop the martyr act.

Lunk, make this the last public act of the saga. Time to move on. Next time you get angered by someone, perhaps allow sometime for calming down before posting on forums. Deep breaths and so on...



Hear Hear.

I would like to make it clear to all prospective members of either group that the OOC grudge begins and ends with Echo and Lunk. Future problems will hopefully be minimal, and apologies to anyone who has been inadvertently caught up in the crossfire.

@Shadow Phoenix - Union roleplayer and number-cruncher



the OOC grudge begins and ends with Echo and Lunk.

[/ QUOTE ]

And blue. Really cant stand him to be fair.
And i know there's a few echo doesn't like as well.

but yes, Helios is right, this all boils down to an OOC argument weeks ago.

That argument bled into echo's IC feelings, i lost my rag at him for it, and its been going downhill since then.

and just to point that out again.... i REALLY do not like blue