Roleplaying Supergroups
Group Name: Silent Tempest
Server/Game: Union/City of Heroes
Theme: There is no particular IC theme save for the obvious Were protectors not soldiers, we dont kill etc. The theme would be more OOC kind but hard to define and impossible to say how we differ from any other group. Ill list a few things that might apply to every single SG out there but at the very least applies to us.
We're immersionist roleplayers which means that the characters have their own lives that go on while the players are offline either in just our heads, or in forum rp, PMs, stories and diaries. There are parents and friends and years of history that all make our characters what they are today. The immersive approach also includes a sort of levelheaded look at the world. While staying in context of superhero genre we hold on to realism. Sometimes, albeit rarely, the price for dedication to this line of playing is IC death and rerolling the slot.
Power-wise the members are closer to streetlevel heroes than denigods although it comes really down to more play style than actual powerlevel. One way to look at it is to say powers dont matter meaning that what comes out stronger is the personalities of the characters, not how they fight crime. In general the characters are not very rich, not very famous, not very powerful and yet there could very well be a character that is everything that and more and still fits in.
To summarize we're here to live an exciting life and take the blows as they come. It's always win or lose. However it goes. Que sera sera.
Access to some sections needs registering on the forum, and activating the account. For that, contact Coile either In-Game or through a PM on official forum.
Contacts: @Coile
Usual Activities: IC missions, hanging out in Pocket D
Other Activities: Hanging out wherever.
Background & Structure:
Silent Tempest has been around since the beginning of May 2006. Out of four founding members only two survived to see the next year. The roster has never been that big but has changed over times quite a bit. Originally the team was lead by Coile and Coila but the latter got killed. Nowadays Coile is in charge of the tactics and operation planning while Sword of Truth commands the team in action situations. Members themselves are quite free to come and go as they please. With regular irregularity there are weekly meetings.
Admission Notes/Requirements:
AT does not matter, level does not matter. Its all in the OOC attitude. We want folks who play with us because they are having fun that way.
Group Name: The Fletched Alliance
Server/Game: Union/City of Heroes
Contacts: @Fridan, @Kathena
Usual Activities: Angst. Explosions. IC missions. More Angst.
Other Activities: More explosions.
Background & Structure:
While teasing the hell out of Red Saint one day, Quiverfull led him to believe that she thought they should become a couple, then at the last second changed her story, claiming that she meant all along that they should form a Super Group, called The Fletched Alliance, insisting on a red and black colour scheme. While she was away in the Rogue Isles, Saint took it upon himself to actually form The Fletched Alliance, alongside an old family ally, the Vaticans head exorcist, Crucifix III. When she returned, Quiver was quite taken aback to be welcomed home by something she'd invented as a joke to tease Saint.
As a group, the Alliance is remarkably tight-knit (though often as angsty as all hell). Previously lead (as mentioned above) by the Red Saint. However, following his suicide, the mantle of leadership was passed to Akkarin, who promptly made Kathena, and Luminous Phoenix his chief advisors, and began a carefully targeted recruitment scheme.
Today the FA is one of the better known Supergroups in the area, though not always for the best reasons. The "carefuly targeted" recruitment seems to be sweeping up anyone with a liking for big bangs or a lack of self preservation. They have a reputation as a bunch of boom-happy-looneys among some quarters, and as "the lot with the explosions" in others.
Admission Notes/Requirements:
A lack of self preservation and a fondness for messy explosions are a plus. Primary requirement is a good sense of humour and a certain willingness to put up with a load of folks who are totally off their rocker, both IC and OOC.
A lack of prejudice and stereotyping are a must, as the upper ranks are populated by a vampire, a catgirl and an alien-hybrid, among others.
All new admissions are put on a two week trial period, no exceptions.
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Group Name: The Hunters Guild
Server/Game: Union/CoH
Theme: magical, nature, well technology, basicly a group from way back in time which uses a mix of magic and tech.
Webpage: none. yet.
Contacts: @Drade (i believe i change it to that) and messages on here and in game.
Usual Activities: RP of all sorts missions set by the leader (i.e. me), helping out any and all.
Other Activities: building up a strong base and ranks in the group.
Background & Structure: background is given on post "Drade and The Hunters Guild" and is far too long for me to repost here. Structure is still being planed atm, ranks will hopeful be gained via work for the group and points as well as time spent.
Admission Notes/Requirements: any magical, natural, or science/tech origin well come. mutants and others will depend on back story and testing.. basic know-how of RP is needed but i welcome first timers as well.
Group Name: The Gang (aka. New Mafia)
Server/Game: Union/City of Villains
Theme: A mafia syndicate of several gangs across the Rogue Isles.
Forums: European Forums Thread
Contacts: @Killfrenzy @EnergyReaper @Pious. (with a dot)
Usual Activities: Strike Forces. GM-hunt. Missions and Hero/Villain PvP
Other Activities: Pocket D Roleplay and In-Character Missions.
Background & Structure:
OOC: When issue seven opened up on the test server, Test. (Ali Cordini) led eight-man teams of thugs masterminds and all the potentials of such a team suddenly hit us. We realised a supergroup had to be formed.
IC: There is almost always a kingpin of organised crime. In the 1930's a criminal corperation known as The Mafia controlled the New York underworld and their master of masterminds was known as The Godfather. Today, there are evidence that the Mafia still operates.
In 1998 Alicia Barzini, a Sicilian-American girl raised on the streets of New York married Axel Hunter, leader of the 'Gangs of New York' and used him for his money, status and power in the criminal underworld. She kept secret her ulterior motive - to meet and assassinate the New Mafia boss, Ali Cordini aka The Godfather. Eventually, she succeeded and with the might of Axel's gang, gained his position.
Several months later, the Freedom Phalanx were called to investigate and stop a series of major bank heists led by Gangster Boss Axel Hunter in which the new Godfather, the Notorious Pistol (Alicia) was captured by the Statesman. She spent less than five weeks in the Ziggursky Penintentiary, before Lord Recluse sent for her to be broken out. Countless other villains, some who knew who she was followed her out in her escape and later reformed the criminal syndicate known as the New Mafia.
OOC: There is little hierachy in the supergroup structure, only titles of classification gained by your OOC and/or IC contribution to the team. Starting as an 'Inmate' you become a 'Gunslinger' then a 'Gangster' and ultimately a 'Crimelord'. The Godfather wears a 'Bulletproof' vest and is often a Thugs/Force-Field build.
Admission Notes/Requirements:
To join The Gang, you'll have to be a Thugs Mastermind and are expected to play at least once a month.

Group Name : Demonspawn
Server/Game : Union/City of Heroes
Theme : A (RP) group for Demonic Heroes.
Webpage : none
Contacts : Drake Kane, Prosser Candleston or Bryn Candleston
Usual Activities : Missions, hunts.
Other Activities : Talking to random strangers (or at least that is what the Candlestons get up to).
Background & Structure :
Demons are often misunderstood, we are not all evil...
Admission Notes/Requirements :
1. Your hero MUST be at least part Demon.
2. You need not have horns and a tail, etc, but you should look 'odd' in some way without it just being 'costume'.
3. You don't need to RP 100% but if you are please use Team as OOC and Local as RP - use Team or SG as RP if in different zones (just lable it as IC) we do have radios after all.
Stickying this for now, but please try to keep it on-topic and factual. Thanks.
Group Name: X - Babes
Server/Game: Union / Heroes
Theme:A group of pretty-sexy girls, all mutants. Joined for fun, money, fame and glory
Webpage:Not for the moment
Usual Activities:Missions, recruit new girls, meet boys, have fun
Other Activities:Shopping, make - up, go party, dance all night at Pocket D ....
Background & Structure: Have i more to say ? .... Well, you know ... a group of joyful babes that want fun , meet more girls to have better disco-base and of course have fun ... a lot of fun at CoH.
Admission Notes/Requirements:The girls have to be mutant ... only mutants. And sexy ... of course ... like the mutant girls at comics.
We accept boys too ... but they have to convince ours to join the SG. If they are handsome and graceful ... we can admit them.
We pretend to RPG all this and have a good time !!!
Group Name:Gods of Metal
Theme:Heavy Metal and Heavy Armors
Webpage:n/a(for now)
Usual Activities:Slaying Demons, heraing Heavy Metal, cleaning our Armors, Kicking Vilans out of Paragon City
Other Activities:Missos, Task Forces, PVP, etc...
Background & Structure:It's a brand new group an i'm looking for pepole who want to be the founding menbers, but it will be a kind of young hardcore group of Heroes.The ranks are: Brother>Iron Warrior>Steel Guardian>Armored Knight>Metal Warlord
Admission Notes/Requirements: The caracther must like Heavy Metal(the player doesn't need to like but I recomende), the char must wear an armor or in alternative a trenchcoat and a pair o army boots or any other kind of clothes that suit a Headbanger.
Why the Hell can't I edit my post?
Quote from Forum FAQ: Users can edit their own posts up to 6 hours after they are made. Where the change is substantive, you should mark the post as edited so as to alert viewers to the changed content. For cosmetic changes it's better not to do so. Hope that helps.
ok, anyway here is the Sg website where you can find update imformation and other stuff: Gods of Metal
Group Name: The Militia (Est. June '06 by Battleflag)
Server/Game: Union/City of Heroes
Theme: A team of special individuals who serve the city as heroes.
Contacts: @Lotus X, @Crimson Archer, @Dante
Usual Activities: IC Missions. SG Base & Pocket D Roleplay.
Other Activities: Hero/Villain PvP. Forum Roleplay. Videomaking. Comicbook Art, Drawing and Story Writing.
Background & Structure:
The Militia was first established as a small crime-fighting group but has now grown to become the much celebrated team known today. They are an organised civil force, a team of powerful heroes dedicated to maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws. Their mission is to make Paragon City a safe place to live and work.
On a Thursday, they appear en mass to patrol the city but can also be found on duty as individually licensed heroes every other day. Some of them have even been seen working with other heroes and super-groups in the on-going effort to improve the city.
Structure: Commander > Team Leader > Active > Dragons > Reserve
To quote the great Crimson Archer, "I wanted with these new ranks and permissions to try and make sure that we are getting the best out of all of our members, and at the same time giving them the best back. Our members can know that they don't have to consern themselves with how things work, while being assured that they will be getting the best support from the SG for their gaming and creativity."
Admission Notes/Requirements:
There are no restrictions or requirements to join except the common expectation to be play nice and have fun.
Group Name: European Villainous Immorality League (EVIL for short)
Server/Game: Union/CoV
Theme: A mercenary agency. Most of our members are only in it for the money. Sure, there are a few who are just violent psychopaths using the work as an excuse to go on a wholesale killing spree, but for the majority, its a job.
Webpage: (only just got a new forum)
Contacts: Via the EVIL's forum, IC in the recruitment section, by OOC PM here to either me or Echo. and by in game email to "Big Lunk". (IC ingame mail will definatly earn you brownie points with me, and encourage me to deal with your recruitment quicker ;p )
Usual Activities: IC missions, Hanging out at the base or D's, personal and running plots.
Other Activities: Occasional PVP, Forum RP, realy poorly done creative writing.
Background & Structure: The European Villainous Immorality League rose from the ashes of an organisation called 'Deltatemps', a british metahuman recruitment agency of the 1970's.
At some point during the 80's, deltatemps began to take on more and more dubious contracts to survive the economic recession. By the mid 90's, deltatemps was corrupt to the core, and was forced to shut down by interpol, and other police organisations.
In the weeks following Deltatemps' dispansion, a man known only as "Dorian" contacted many of their previous employees, and tried to take off where deltatemps left off.
his eventual meeting of "Mouvance", a french meta-villain, led to the spread of the opperations to france, and the founding of The European Villainous Immorality League.
Since then, EVIL has expanded its offices to the Rogue Isles, which later broke from the head-office in a relitevly bloodless coup, and the power was forced out of control of the director (whirlmeister: currently MIA) into the hands of a council, including whirlmeister, Big Lunk, Echo Hammer, Laugh Riot, and Tao'Grim.
Admission Notes/Requirements: Theres no real requirements other than being a good roleplayer.
We do tend to frown on the megalomaniac types though, and some members have 'personal issues' with demons (although we do take them in). and we have a policy about not taking direct employees of arachnos .
The core of our members are immersive roleplayers, and we like to keep it close knit, but all we ask of other members is to get involved, and enjoy themselves.
Group Name: The League of Extraordinarily Evil Gentlemen
Server: Defiant
Theme: In a word Evil.
Contacts: Dr. Apocalypso, Mr Big Cheese
Usual Activities: Team missions.
Other Activities: Helping each other to be our evilest. Hanging out in the evil lair.
Background and Structure: A mysterious, mystical guild. o, I'm not giving away our secrets here.
Admission: Anyone willing to harness their true evil potential.
Group Name: Torchwood - Paragon City Division
Server/Game: Union - City of Heroes
Theme: An RP group for those that like to RP all the time. Ideal for fans of the show, or similar shows.
Contacts: Global= @Eleven - Local ether Leon Tasker or Eleven.
Usual Activities: Aim is to team with fellow SG members, IC, for any sort of mission task that members want to complete.
Other Activities: New ideas always welcome, as long as they keep within the continunity of the SG's theme.
Background & Structure:
Torchwood. Outside the government, above the police, beyond the United Nations. Secretly investigating alien activity on earth, salvaging alien technology and arming the human race for the future. The 21st century is when it all changes....and you've got to be ready!
For the first time in it's history, the Torchwood Insititute has expanded outside of the British Isles and has opened a new branch in Paragon City to tackle the continuing threats to humankind coming out of the city streets, be it earth based....or unearthly!
SG is brand new, but the idea has been around for quite a while. Aimed for those that like to RP all the time.
The SG should be ideal for those looking forward to using the upcoming invention system in I9, due to the theme of the SG being based of the Torchwood TV show.
Ranks are: Private>2nd Lieutenant>Lieutenant Commander>Group Captain.
The top rank, "Brigadier" is reserved for one man only, and thats the SG leader, Leon Tasker.
Admission Notes/Requirements:
1: All levels are accepted as is experience. As long as you play regularly, you are welcome.
2: We do not restrict any Arch-types but keep in mind for RP purposes it is best that you ensure your character makes sense in the SG's environment.
3: I must stress the aim of this SG is for those that RP all the time. An OOC channel will be setup for in game, and the forum is more OCC then IC. But if you are just a casual player that doesn't talk much IC, then this SG is probably not for you.
4: SG Coalitions are very welcome. Happy to team with other SG's, again though, as long as it makes sense to our SG's continunity.
Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar
List of toons on Union Handbook
Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"
Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"
you know you have jsut advertised that your SG is using a an EULA breaking name don't you?
Alterations then have been made to the SG since my orginal post.
In game, the SG is known as TW - Paragon City Division to avoid any legal backlash.
Website and forum address remains the same however as both are outside of the game, and have there own legal disclaimers attached to them.
Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar
List of toons on Union Handbook
Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"
Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"
Okies, thought i should mention it as it was now in a public place.
Okies, thought i should mention it as it was now in a public place.
[/ QUOTE ]
No problem. Better sorted now, than later with a bunch of over priced walking suits tagging along!
Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar
List of toons on Union Handbook
Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"
Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"
Alterations then have been made to the SG since my orginal post.
In game, the SG is known as TW - Paragon City Division to avoid any legal backlash.
Website and forum address remains the same however as both are outside of the game, and have there own legal disclaimers attached to them.
[/ QUOTE ]
If the backstory of the SG or any of the characters in it still refer to the show, it'll still be a EULA violation.
My suggestion, if you want to set up this kind of SG, is to come up with your own 'secret' organisation in the City of Heroes world. Being inspired by someone else's ideas is fine - a straight copy (even if the name is abbreviated) is still a EULA violation.
The SG then has been closed totally to avoid any further issue as has website and forum.
Please edit/delete my original posts.
Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar
List of toons on Union Handbook
Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"
Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"
Group Name:
The Hyperion Watchmen
Union/City of Heroes
A disparate group of people changed forever a year ago. They have bound together as heroes but work to their own agenda rather than carrying out random acts of bravery.
To join the Watchmen seek out the characters Bastinado, James Carter, Solar Flare, Psyte, White Vampyr, High Burn or Fry Up (Wednesdays from 8pm would be the best time to do this). Or contact me in game @Romanov.
Alternatively, post a message in the Roleplaying thread Maybe, just maybe.
Usual Activities:
We roleplay in missions every Wednesday evening from 8pm, post IC journal entries and short stories on the forum, and roleplay in our base and Pocket D.
Background & Structure:
One year ago the hero Hyperion Star died at Rivera Medical Centre and the resulting explosion killed some and changed the lives of more. In the following months many of the survivors have exhibited super powers. Some have died, victims of their own new abilities. Others have bound together under the banner of the fallen hero. Their aims: to seek other survivors; to discover the truth about what happened at Rivera; to find out about the hero Hyperion Star, why he has been erased from city records and bring his killer/s to justice; and find a way of curing or controlling their powers before it is to late.
Admission Notes/Requirements:
Ideally, new characters will have been at the Rivera Medical Centre one year ago. Over the last year they will have exhibited powers and come to deal with them (or not) in their own way. However, any hero wishing to help the Watchmen in their quest would likely be accepted into the ranks.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
Group Name: X - Babes
Server/Game: Union / Heroes
Theme:A group of pretty-sexy girls, all mutants. Joined for fun, money, fame and glory
Webpage:Not for the moment
Usual Activities:Missions, recruit new girls, meet boys, have fun
Other Activities:Shopping, make - up, go party, dance all night at Pocket D ....
Background & Structure: Have i more to say ? .... Well, you know ... a group of joyful babes that want fun , meet more girls to have better disco-base and of course have fun ... a lot of fun at CoH.
Admission Notes/Requirements:The girls have to be mutant ... only mutants. And sexy ... of course ... like the mutant girls at comics.
We accept boys too ... but they have to convince ours to join the SG. If they are handsome and graceful ... we can admit them.
We pretend to RPG all this and have a good time !!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Im interested
Hi there. A lot of new comers to roleplaying here in CoX look for RPSG's to join or team with, so I thought I would construct a simple form for leaders or spokesmen to fill in and list their established roleplaying groups and hopefully help make information easier to find. To enter your RPSG, its easier to just copy and paste the form below.
*Kindly post here only to list your RPSG and keep questions and discussions elsewhere. Thank you.*
Group Name:
Usual Activities:
Other Activities:
Background & Structure:
Admission Notes/Requirements: