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  1. The communist party tried to follow with the work of Yura but it was impossible, since by fear to the foreign espionage the doctor had codified it and the key died with him.
    To the three created supersoldiers (Red Oktober, Siberian Dawn and Soviet Hammer) joined an agent of the KGB with a great level of ESP, The Political Comissar.
    The Network Men had been born. During 14 years they fought against the foreign interference, the espionage and the capitalist supermen like the Major Manhattan, the Patriots of Texas, the Allies and the first incarnation of Euroforce.
    Also during those years of glorious victories and some shameful defeat, many faithfuls communist with superhuman abilities were united to of Red Men's cause.
    The glorious first Sptunik Star, a space pilot of the project Mercury who acquired powers thanks to cosmic rays. As Red as Blood, spy master. T-34, the one man Red Army. Ural, the magic defender of Soviet mounts with the resistance of the same mountain. Baba Yaga, inmortal russian wizard whom betrayed the group by his anxieties of power. Red Vanguard, the Soviet Superman.
    At 70's, the soviet government in decay decided to end the group, since the project was left without confidence nor subencion. The original members were victims of a trap and were congealed in a cryogenic camera forgotten with the passage the years.
    They rested there until Lenin, revived thanks to the nuclear power of Chernobil, investigated on the Orzhov project and found the vault where these four heroes rested. He revived and gave a new mission to them, adapted to the new times, to fight by the Red ideals in Paragon City.
    Siberian Dawn and his comrades returned to the Final Stand !!! The Ultimate Soviet has born !!!!! .
  2. Well .... if you want to RPG with a new group of Red Fighters ... can join us.
    Teen Red Titans wants :
    1.Fight Capitalist
    2.Have good time with Red Comrades.
    3.Miss, TF, Base SG and so one ..... in a Red Way and young way.
    4.Know new patriots and have fun

    You only must have a toon with comunist fashion. You can speak english and spanish. And wants to have a good night play on CoH.

    You can post if you're interesed or contact with :

    Revolution Kid, SPUTNIK STAR, Comrade Bro ... via e-mail on CoH

    Thx for all comrades
  3. Greetings comrades !!!
    This is an official notice of the honorary lieutenant of the missing Red Army, Lt.Revolution Kid:
    “We are last generation of heroes of the Communist Party. We are the legacy of the Project Orzhov 3. Last patriotic of the Mother Land choose us to help the communist efforts here, in Paragon City.
    We are proud of our veteran comrades, Ultimate Soviet, who fight day to day in this city of crazy people by a high ideal. We must a respect to them and we will collaborate in all the possible.
    We display our respect to the comrade fallen in the fight, Comrade Bro. Any fallen comrade is one step back in the final victory.
    We announce that its absence will be replaced by the presence of a new allied group. Sptunik Star and I, Revolution Kid will increase our efforts to the fight. Teen Reed Titans will fight !!!.
    We want animate all patriotic ones that can contribute something to our efforts that join to our small communist club. Teen Red Titans.
    Sptunik Star is grandson of the famous, first Sptunik Star, Nicolai Tachenko.
    And i am , Revolution Kid, the definitive manowar.
    New times .... a new style of Red Fight !!!. "

    H.Lt. Revolution Kidd.
    Science Blaster Lvl 7
  4. In 60 years communist government of the CCCP attend to the North American birth of a great amount of superheroes.
    This supposed a great preoccupation to sovietic's leaders that looked for a sooner solution to balance the situation.
    The CCCP joined under the name of Orzhov Project the best scients of the age. Its intention was simple, the creation of the first generation of soviet superheroes.
    One of those scients was Yura Stolivnaya. She was during years the head of the project.
    He discovered the Orzhov's gas. In the correct amount it increased the capacities physical and mental of the volunteers of the project, most came from the army.
    They were five years of development, many died or developed diseases by the gas , only three seemed to have superhuman capacities.
    Natacha Stolivnaya, daughter of Yura and lieutenant of the Red Army, were one of the three, its powers consisted of the control of the cold one. Her code name was Siberian Dawn.
    With the young general of Red Army, Basili Ivanovich, whose code name was Red Oktober and the sergeant, Olympic champion of fight, Sergei Litnenko, code name Soviet Hammer, was the first generation of Soviet supermen.
    The metering of the gas seemed clarified by its creator but before beginning of the second phase of the Orzhov project, it was assassinated in strange circumstances.

    TO BE CONTINUED ......
  5. Cloak and Dagger ???? These comics are about capitalist fashion ? Me don't like it.
    I recommend you real Red comic books like " Red Oktober & the Teen Red Titans ", " As Red as Blood, agent of KGB ", " Amazing Death Thundra, the Soviet Amazon " or the great crossover ... " Crisis on Infinite Mother Land ".
    These are great and Red, bro !!!

    Comrade Bro
  6. Comics arrives at cold Mother Russia too, bro !!!
    I always read the adventures of " Red Oktober, Proletarian Defender " or " Soviet Hammer, Red Army's Proud "

    Comrade Bro.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What is this "Final Stand"?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well ... Final Stand refers to a commie proverb ... it's refers to " Final Fight " or " Final Strike " whatever you want .
    It's refers to the last fight against the enemies of the mother country ... the last confrontation.
    Thx for you question, friend. I expect i answer you well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought it's reference to the The Internationale, yes? "This is the final struggle/Let us join together and tomorrow"


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here you are !!! Thanks for give this information. My english is poor and sometimes i have problems to express myself.
  8. Group Name: X - Babes

    Server/Game: Union / Heroes

    Theme:A group of pretty-sexy girls, all mutants. Joined for fun, money, fame and glory

    Webpage:Not for the moment


    Usual Activities:Missions, recruit new girls, meet boys, have fun

    Other Activities:Shopping, make - up, go party, dance all night at Pocket D ....

    Background & Structure: Have i more to say ? .... Well, you know ... a group of joyful babes that want fun , meet more girls to have better disco-base and of course have fun ... a lot of fun at CoH.

    Admission Notes/Requirements:The girls have to be mutant ... only mutants. And sexy ... of course ... like the mutant girls at comics.
    We accept boys too ... but they have to convince ours to join the SG. If they are handsome and graceful ... we can admit them.
    We pretend to RPG all this and have a good time !!!
  9. Thanks to you and your support, friend.
    It's good to know people like you.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    What is this "Final Stand"?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well ... Final Stand refers to a commie proverb ... it's refers to " Final Fight " or " Final Strike " whatever you want .
    It's refers to the last fight against the enemies of the mother country ... the last confrontation.
    Thx for you question, friend. I expect i answer you well.
  11. Thanks friend. You're generous one.
  12. We iniciate this new thread again. Ultimate Soviet don't want to insult nobody and only wants to play RPG with our SG and with all people that wants to life the supercommie experiencie with us. I'd prefer this time the new thread will be only used for that it is created, for talk about the SG, take contact with others players and to have fun with our humble idea. No more angry discussions here, please.
    Thanks and wellcome.

    Salute Comrades!!!
    We're the Ultimate Soviet, the old fashioned commie SG. We arrive to this city to learn you how to fight crime in a soviet-socialist way.
    We're a spanish-english group ( our english is horrible but we made all we can ) and we're looking for new members. We pretend to be a RPG SG, and i want to invite all players that wants to have a fun RPG experience to our group.
    We only demands a " Commie " fashion in your characters ... you know ... red costumes , hammer & shickle , red stars , KGB fashion ... any new idea about this point will be wellcome.
    You can contact us in Union or in this forum. We're about 20 members actually but we need your help to the Final Stand.
    You can search us under these names :
    La Momia de Lenin ( Lenin's Mummy )
    Red Oktober
    Stalingrado Mark 5
    Comrade Bro
    Siberian Dawn
    Death Thundra
    Camarada Bakunin Jr. (Comrade Bakunin Jr.)
    Siberian Bear

    We wait you to join us soon. We expect to have fun with this idea.
    We'll continue inform you !!!

    Dosvidaniya Tovarisch!
  13. You will do a great service for our Mother Land if you tell him about us.
    I know Hotkoldski .... i met him when we arrived at Paragon.
    He looks strong, a great comrade. He spoke to me at Atlas, when i was only a aprentice.
    Well, tell Siberian Dawn is looking for him, the Ultimate Soviet are interested in powerful and faithful allies.
    You can join us too if you want.

    Dasvidania !!!!

    Lt. Siberian Dawn
  14. Salute Comrades!!!
    We're the Ultimate Soviet, the old fashioned commie SG. We arrive to this city to learn you how to fight crime in a soviet-socialist way.
    We're a spanish-english group ( our english is horrible but we made all we can ) and we're looking for new members. We pretend to be a RPG SG, and i want to invite all players that wants to have a fun RPG experience to our group.
    We only demands a " Commie " fashion in your characters ... you know ... red costumes , hammer & shickle , red stars , KGB fashion ... any new idea about this point will be wellcome.
    You can contact us in Union or in this forum. We're about 20 members actually but we need your help to the Final Stand.
    You can search us under these names :
    La Momia de Lenin ( Lenin's Mummy )
    Red Oktober
    Stalingrado Mark 5
    Comrade Bro
    Siberian Dawn
    Death Thundra
    Camarada Bakunin Jr. (Comrade Bakunin Jr.)
    Siberian Bear

    We wait you to join us soon. We expect to have fun with this idea.
    We'll continue inform you !!!

    Dosvidaniya Tovarisch!