
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. As far as I've come to understand that IO, no, it will not work like that in those powers. If you'd like it to constantly give the chance for END to self, you need to put it in an auto power like Stamina or Physical Perfection (or put it in a toggle power and just leave the toggle on).
  2. Issue 21. The Issue that just keeps on giving.

    I cannot wait for this thing to go live.

    Awesome job, Devs!
  3. Click the 'Menu' tab (as if you were going to quit the game), then go down and select 'Costume (K)'. (You can do this by either clicking the name, or hitting K on your keyboard)

    This should open up a a pop-up box that shows all of the different costumes you've made.

    To use the costume emote, there will be a drop-down arrow in a box underneath the shown costumes. Click it and scroll to the emote you want to use, then click on the costume you want to change to. The costume should switch and the emote should play.

    Hope this helps!

    - El D

    Edit: Aww, nuts. Issue was resolved already. Well, its what I get for taking too long, I guess xD Glad everything was resolved!
  4. No idea if this will get noticed or not, but I'll post it anyway. I was looking back at the old trailers for past Issues and noticed something in the Issue 13 Pain & Shields Powerset Trailer

    The Fire Shield in the Issue 13 trailer. (appears around 0:23 & again at 0:29)

    This actually looks like fire.

    The current Fire Shield.

    This, while good, looks like solid lava. Please bring back the old version of the Fire Shield.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Void_Huntress
    You are now officially my favorite redname.
    Seconded. Very funny list, Zwill. Glad to see your still having fun despite all the questions and squabble on the boards.
  6. Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al - The Legacy Chain just use recolored Energy sets (Blast/Manip./Assault)

    Laser, pulsar, disruptor firearm Powerset - You could get away with Dual Pistols or AR as this with a bit more extensive Costume/Sound Effect options (or use a Robot MM, but I know that isn't quite what you were looking for)

    Magic graphics for current powers (examples provided on request) - There are various auras that are magicy (first and foremost that comes to mind is Runes, then the Steampunk Victorian one). So you could utilize those. But more power customization is more customization, so more aura options and choices? Sign me up!

    Water Blaster Powerset - As far as an actual Water Blast set goes, I have my reservations that it'd be worth the time and investment to get the Power FX right (and have them not lag the game to Hell) for reasons that BABs pointed out when he was asked about it. As much as I wouldn't mind getting another new elemental powerset, it's still a better bet to recolor another set (like say, Energy Blast again. Man, that set can be used for a LOT of concepts).

    Underwater Zone, aka Atlantis
    Outerspace, durn it! (including Moonbase)
    Elemental effects on melee weapons
    ^^^ Agree completely with these

    True Shapeshifting Powerset - Same reservations here as with the Water Blast set. I just have my doubts that the return investment of time it would take to get this single set right wouldn't be worth it. Granted, if new skeletons were made, it'd open up a lot of doors, but then again, the Devs would have to concentrate exclusively on things that would utilize it for the next two Issues or so (at least) to get something out of all the work that would take (refitting costume options, from scratch animations, power effects, movement, etc.)

    Giant Powerset (ala Wasp and Giant Man) - Same issues as with the Shapeshifting Powerset, while on a lesser scale (but this is a Giant set! You can't have Lesser scale in a Giant set!). Giving Players the ability to use Giant Monster scales and having them shrink to Baby Newyear sizes (and smaller), and having those linked to powers themselves, would run into a lot of issues (in-door maps in offices/sewers/warehouses being the chief among them). If you wanted to just have your character get stronger/tougher as they changed sizes, why not get the Science Pack Power (that lets you change your character model) from the Paragon Store once it comes out, and RP Super Strength/Invulerability/Will Power that way? (or, if you've already bought it, run with the concept that way).

    Emanation Point customization (where's my fiery eyeblast!) - No issue here. This would add a lot more options to the creator and open a lot more concepts with various powersets.

    Reorganization of the CC---it's a hot mess, right now - This I don't really get. While the CC interface could be streamlined a bit more, its always seemed (at least to me) to be pretty easy to pick-up and use. How would you reorganize it?

    All in all, while I wouldn't mind getting all of this stuff either (and quite a bit of it are things other players have been asking for as well) some of it would bring up too many issues and utilize too many resources to be directly implemented (which is why over time, we've made work-arounds for them ). Should the Devs find some new way to make all of this stuff and have it not be the hassle it currently would be? I'd say go for it
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle
    The character transfer tokens do stack.
    The awesome you guys (and gals) keep stacking on this new system just keeps getting better and better! Thanks for the info, Beastyle!

    Edit: Unintentional pun was unintentional >.>
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel
    With the way this is worded I gotta ask, does this mean Mercy Island isn't getting a visual makeover?
    As per the UStream, Atlas Park and Mercy Island are both getting huge visual overhauls, with Atlas being the shinier of the two (Mercy hasn't quite gotten to its level yet). Also, Villains won't spawn in Fort Darwin anymore. Much more impressive starting area in city is cited, apparently has a 'mind-blowing' vista. (New story: retake Fort Darwin from Longbow)

    So yes, Mercy is getting a revamp too.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger
    I think a big point for me was that If I go F2P I wouldn't be able to use my Veats,Eats,MM's or Trollers unless I purchase them again, sucks a bit as MM's was the reason I brought CoV.
    Posi has said that if you've been playing for about 5 years, you still might have full AT access even if you did go f2p. So I'm thinking some of the new Veteran Rewards is still accessing parts of the VIP game even if you lapse into free game territory.
  10. The Jounin (Ninjas Lieutenant pets) have katanas across their backs, as well as all the different Knives of Artemis mobs. Off the top of my head, these are the only NPCs that have them.

    EDIT: Infernal also has an axe across his back. Forgot about him <.<;

    EDIT 2: Now that I look at it again, the katana across the woman's back and the ones on the Jounin look really similar. And unless I miss my guess, the ninjas get more katanas given the amount of upgrades they get. So she could be using something from the base or first tier upgraded Jounin.

  11. El__D

    What is this?

    That is a portal to Praetoria, a holdover from the big game-wide server invasions the Devs hosted a week back. Seems to have been one portal, or an extra WarWalker or something walking around in zones after the invasion (something to do about helping to cue the event spawns, if I remember right).

    EDIT: Huh. Having those in-place for the badge...didn't think about that. Might be it
  12. -Merit Costs for cosmetic items: Mentioned as "20 Empyrean Merits for the really high stuff, but most of it is a lot lower." Also "Entering beta, so is subject to change."

    Bolded for emphasis. Not all of the costume bits and auras will cost that much (in fact, the majority of them won't) and even then these prices are still subject to change.

    And who knows? Maybe the 20 Emp merit bit unlocks the entire Ascendant Armor set, instead of just a few Emp merits (or Astral merits) for 1 of new new auras. We'll just have to see how it pans out.
  13. At first, I'll admit that I was leery about all the bemoaning I thought was coming from the boards about the trials and the Rares/Very Rares and the Inf costs. I figured that it couldn't really be that bad, and went on my way.

    I started running these trials the day the Issue went live, and have been running them on and off since. Some days I ran 3 or 4 of each, some days I didn't run any. I had fun with them, believe it or not, and made a lot of new friends on Protector with the trials.

    Then I reached the stalling point, where you have all the lower salvage you need, but no Very Rare drops and not enough Inf to craft them from salvage. As it turns out, the costs and requirements are that bad if they can take a system about continued character progression to a complete halt.

    /signed. Not asking to take the costs out completely, just make them more manageable.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall
    Spiderman on Broadway is a fiasco because they are trying to bring theatrical and comic book style web slinging and fight choreography to a broadway stage and broadway stages aren't set up for people to swing around like tarzan for 3 hours. It's too ambitious for it's own good.

    This looks genius though. I can't wait. I thought Nolan said he wouldn't be using Robin though? And where is Tom Hardy as bane? I didn't see him in the clip...
    It looks (at least costume-wise) to be based on the older Batman movies from the 90's. So no Nolan awesomeness for you.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
    Statesman's Unyielding probably still roots him, so he never turns it on...
    Explains why he almost never leaves IP. He has Unyielding on. >.>
  16. I think some of them are character models used in the official trailers for the Issues. They've been appearing and reappearing every so often in pop-ups like this and for some of the booster packs, too.

    Or they could just be various Dev-made characters that they play while testing out the stuff we haven't gotten yet.
  17. The random/participation-decided rewards was fine... when you could use just about anything it gave you. Now, when you only have that one piece of Very Rare salvage you need? Pfft. Hope you appease the luck gods.

    I agree with this idea. Because its not like we didn't go through set parameters to get specific rewards before in CoH (like in the TFs/SFs...or Regular Trials...or the Special Holiday events...or the Rikti Invasions...or, Hell, the Alpha Arc itself...)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    If I were an Incarnate, I'd rather fight Rularuu or the Coming Storm.
    Oh. Things should be quite convenient for you then, when this happens. Two birds, one stone and all that.
  19. Well, I'm not bored with Praetoria, and I've been been dealing with the place since it was introduced in i1 >.>

    And Praetoria isn't really the source of the new Incarnate content. Technically, that is still what its always been (The Well/Water of the Furies). Praetoria is the place where all this stuff takes place though, because Praetoria always has been one of the big End-game level 50 threats (like Hami, Rularuu, the Rikti) but unlike those others actually has the main big bad with a major connection to the Well (and a lust for absolute control). Plus, with all the new renovations and environments, why not show them off more?

    As for your villains not wanting to save Praetoria's citizens, I can understand that (and agree with it. My villains wouldn't want to help them either). However, that isn't really the main goal for them, is it? They just want to keep Cole and his water-logged forces on their side of the dimensional fence (thusly leaving Primal Earth to the villain's own diabolical clutches) and if that happens to help a few powerless mooks in the process, eh, not much they can do to stop that.

  20. The pack in the video is the same model as the 30-day Temp power Jet-pack you can buy from the CoH store. While it could be a sneak-peek at jet-pack costume options, not sure if it is.
  21. While I can understand the reasoning behind the issues about the Incarnate/Well story-line, getting upset because it goes against your character concept is sort-of pointless.

    The Well/Incarnate Arcs don't control your character's story; you, the player, control the story. You aren't forced to write your character as an Incarnate or Well Lacky if you don't want to.

    You don't always need to go completely with in-game events when telling your story. Way back when, long before Power Customization, I'd make characters who's powers were somewhat or even totally different than the 'in-game canonical' Powersets (Dark Melee being dark-matter instead of Netherworld energy, Spines being Ice crystals) and before AE I'd run Story Arcs where the character would actually be doing things other than the mission objective but would still accomplish the same goal (Talking the hostage takers into releasing the captives, sabotaging Council gear instead of just hacking computers).

    The Incarnate stuff works exactly the same way, even if some of it is a little harder to get around (Lore Pets, I'm lookin' at you). I'm not saying that in-game canon should be blown completely out of the water and have your character be Statesman's dad or something, but at the end of the day, what you write in that little bio box, up here on the forums, or RP in-game is your decision.

    Edit - Nuts. I get up here on my little soapbox only to get ninja-posted by Dr Mechano. My hat is off to you sir!
  22. You mean the same legal agreement you had to accept each time you started up the old CoH Updater?
  23. El__D

    Regen Tissue

    You can put it in an auto power (like Health) and the bonus will always be active. If you put it in a click Heal power (like Dull Pain) it will activate when you click the power and last for 120 seconds.

    So you'd be much better off putting it in an auto power, so it will always effect your character.
  24. Some variant of Super Strength or Martial Arts?

    I'd assume werewolves are stronger than your average citizen (possibly exponentially so depending on just which werewolf myth you use) and the explanation could be he uses hand-to-hand combat training coupled with his increased strength to take down crooks (and super-powered villains as well). Plus, it gives the option of non-lethal force (due to it being sans-claws) if he pulls his punches.

    As for secondary, that more or less depends on how you want to work with the werewolf aspect. Traditional? I'd say Invulnerability or Willpower. Or if you wanted an 'enhanced senses' take, go Super Reflexes. Hell, he's a police officer; werewolf with a Riot Shield