
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. @El D - Morphic, 50, Arachnos Fortunata

    I plan on having him there for all four, though if I need to grab someone else just give me a poke.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect
    Who said that's Atlas Park in the picture? Surely even Praetoria had an Atlas and built a statue in his honor.
    Praetoria might have, as the timeline (from what we can tell of it) would allow for Atlas to have existed and fought off the Nazi attack on Paragon. However, AFAIK the Praetorian Paragon City (I want to say I remember it being called 'Shroud City' at some point) was nuked and/or destroyed by Devouring Earth in the Hamidon Wars. Perhaps both.

    So there might have been an Atlas Park in Praetoria at one point, but there isn't one currently.

    Edit: Got ninja'd by Golden Girl. Should've made my post shorter xD
  3. I can't recall having seen this suggested on the boards before (though it wouldn't surprise me if it was) but I had the idea in the thread title yesterday while thinking about Issue 24 and travel pool/power pool customization.

    'Why not take it a step further and allow the Path Auras to be used as power customization for Super Speed?'

    It'd allow that much more concept customization, let characters actually have a Path Aura and a regular Aura at the same time (at least, while Super Speed was running*) and well, just seems like something that would be pretty fitting given what the Path Auras are designed to do anyway.

    Just my two cents on something that might be a neat addition.

    - El D

    * No, I'm not sorry for the pun
  4. The Vanguard organization actually does have a stake in Praetoria, as well as the Shadow Shard (they ended up playing a pretty heavy role in the Shadow Shard influnced SSA 'Who Will Die?').

    Vanguard's modus operandi has always been 'extra-dimensional threats', it just happened that the Rikti were the first widely known and most heavily influential extra-dimensional threat to appear. That caused a lot of the Vanguard's focus to be put specifically on the Rikti.

    But yes, Vanguard does look at all trans-dimensional occurrences.
  5. It looks exactly like the CCE emote graphic (don't know if it scales to the enemy it triggers on, though) - Linky

    In my experience, you'd just need the proc slotted for it to show up (have a character with all the set slotted sans the quad (I think. I forgot which she's missing, but I know she's only got 5 of them slotted) and she's triggered the graphic before).
  6. It triggers an additional power graphic (on a separate proc to the Knockdown one, I think) that has the same graphic as the 'Nuke' Incarnate-unlock costume change (and the nuke attacks that some of the new Shivans use).
  7. An invasion event? A Shark Week invasion event? With Captain Mako?

    ... We're gonna need a bigger zone.
  8. That's true. Skip over the extra graphical hassle by removing it altogether. Heck, then the Claws skins could just be ported over each time, since nothing would need to be fiddled with. Makes the animations easier to work with, less additional work to do later, and players still get more customization... Yeah, I can readily agree to the 'Remove FX' option, should it be doable that way.


    Wait, already did that.

    /doublesigned? O.o
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski
    correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't some of the widow attacks have claw extension animations? Wouldn't that prevent a lot of the standard claws customizations?
    They do. The Widow attacks use a mix of Claws animations and Spines animations, in addition to the 'extending blade' effect on some powers. This means that the animations would require extra work to facilitate weapon customization, as they'd need to synch up the 'extension blade' aspects in each of the additional weapon skins with new graphical effects, on top of giving Widows another set of attack animations strictly for the customization to work.

    Also, each time there was a new costume pack with a Claws weapon skin, someone somewhere would need to make another set of new graphical effects for Widows, on top of all the Claw options they'd already have to do if they opened it up for full customization.

    Don't get me wrong here, I'm /signed for this too. I'd love to use the Mecha blades on my Widow character. It's just that customization for Widows would take a bit more than just porting the Rifle models like it did for the Soldiers.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei
    Any game of chance that involves anything of monetary value is gambling.
    The Superpacks have a set cost, of which you will always receive a group of items for that are worth that much. Let me restate - The items you get in a Superpack are, monetarily, the value of the points you are paying for them. You always get your amount of points worth of 'stuff' when a pack is purchased (actually, you get quite a lot more than that, given that if you bought the items from any one Superpack individually from the Store, it'd cost a lot more than 80 Paragon Points).

    There is literally no chance at all of spending money and gaining nothing, like actual gambling.

    I understand that people might feel slighted about the 'chance' aspects for items they'd rather get and that the personal value of the various items will vary from person to person. However, while that might influence personal decisions to purchase the packs, the fact remains that the Packs are not, money-wise, gambling.
  11. Well.

    My Ex-Resistance Warden character Enriche is definitely getting remade with this set.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zhoutai
    Most of you aren't thinking along the right lines for the mechanics for this set, just imagine a basic sword, thrusting it towards the enemy and the blade grows longer, in a straight line. It doesn't separate, it doesn't become like a whip, it simply grows a lot longer.
    The Devs have gone on-record as saying that Stretching powersets are things they can't do with the game's engine.

    Is it possible they'll find some way to fudge around with the code or somesuch stuff that will make a passable substitute? Maybe. IMO I don't think it's that likely, but maybe.

    And if ranged characters are getting weapon sets, they're going to be Manipulation/Assault sets, as that's the only feasible way the Devs will put swords/axes/hammers/martial arts on characters with Ranged primaries.
  13. Hello! Glad to see a returning player!

    If you want information on the various features and additions that have been put into City of Heroes from the time you've been gone, I'd suggest Paragon Wiki. It has overviews of all the Issues, their content, and numerous interior links that explains all the details of the new additions.

    Given that you said you'd been gone for around 2 years, I'd think that Issue 18 ( http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Issue_18 ) and onwards would cover most of the things you've missed. That way you can see all of the features, new missions, and content that has been added to the game, and decide what you want to try out, as well as hopefully alleviate some confusion.

    Hope this helps!

    - El D

    Edit: Speaking of people who fight to get to help folks first, I just got ninja'd. By a few seconds, it looks like. Bah. You win this round, Roderick. :P
  14. It seems that the allowed options for chest details for Jackets is horribly inconsistent depending on which model you use.

    Huge models allow all Chest Details, both Under and Over jackets, going all the way down to the Greek Letters.

    Female models have the Under details only down to the Numbers (ending at 0), and the Over cuts off at Star 14 (cutting off Suns, the rest of the Symbols, the Special Vet Chest details, Numbers, Letters, and Greek Letters)

    Male models have all of the Under details, but for Over it cuts off at Star 16 (oddly enough, skipping straight from Star 14 to Star 16).

    Also, the Kanji Chest Details are not showing up for Huge Under or either of the Female options (the Male model has Kanji for both Over and Under).

    Edit: I've gotten screenshots to illustrate these bugs.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Energon
    Are those also new pants on the VEAT?
    Those pants are from the first VIP Tier 9 costume pack (Celestial).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry
    And of course, Luminary I and Luminary II. The first Luminary was a male human. The second is, apparently, a female robot.
    Positron modeled the robotic Luminary II after the human Luminary's wife.
  17. Darn Issue 23 distracting me. x.x

    Thanks for the arts, Tartyr! And glad to hear this whole thing has been helpful, instead of stressing you out (I know I'd be stressed after doing arts for around 3 months straight >.<).
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture
    No, it isn't. "Level-based story progression" was on life support to start with and got its final lethal injection with the destruction of Galaxy City, which happens at level 1. The devs keep trying to cling to this shibboleth but there are way too many inconsistencies. The one that gets trotted out most often is helping Angus McQueen stop a second Rikti invasion that's in full swing by the time you can run his arcs. They're trying to have it both ways and you just can't do that.
    Level-based Story Progression does work in-concert with Uniform Story Progression. Since you've brought up the Galaxy City tutorial, I'll use that as an example with two of my Scrappers, Daniel Eldridge and Chance.

    Daniel, having been in-game for around 3-4 years or so now, went through Outbreak at level 1 for his tutorial. That has been in the past as far as current events go, and was put well into the past with the new Galaxy City tutorial.

    Chance, being made maybe two months ago, went through the new Destroyed Galaxy City at level 1 for his tutorial. That, while a more recent event, is now in Chance's past (as he is a level 30 Scrapper, and has been out and away from the tutorial for some time).

    Just because it was Chance's starting event doesn't mean it didn't happen for Daniel. It still happened at the same point in time for both characters, just at different points in their level range/individual narrative. For Chance, it was his beginning. For Daniel, it was just an event that happened well after he'd been level 50+(insert number here).

    When you have a big, game-wide event like that, it does effect all the characters, and the measure of the effect depends on your level (if you go through the tutorial or are well past that stage).

    As far as the Angus McQueen arcs go, just change 'second' to 'another', or say it's part of the larger invasion. The Rikti still have a giant ship-base in the RWZ. They still, occasionally, launch raids due to players finishing the Lady Grey TF. Now, if something changes to where the Rikti stop attacking Primal Earth altogether, then there will need to be more broad changes. Until then though, we still do have Rikti to fight, and arcs to work out with RP, and Vanguard content to run.

    It's an MMO; content is adaptable insofar as how and when it applies to different characters based on when and where they are. The broad, game-wide event timeline applies to them all generally, and the individual mission arcs and Task Forces apply to them specifically, based on level.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai
    According to Paragon Wiki, Infernal's description says he's from an alternate earth to begin with.

    However, during Maria's arc you do come across a Praetorian version of him... so... who knows?
    I can't remember which poster commented with it, so I'll paraphrase from memory:

    Primal Infernal - K'Varr D'Shall. From an alternate dimension, master demon-binder, had Numina's help in becoming a Hero, is searching for another demon-binder named T'Keron who was jealous of Infernal's skills, and fused with the Lord of Demons, Valmaz, to become stronger than K'Varr.

    Praetorian Infernal - From an alternate dimension, master demon-binder, had Diabolique's help in making him want to bind even more demons to himself/his armor. Is happy to cross dimensions if it means he gets more demons to use.

    Some fan-canon has speculated that Praetorian Infernal is actually T'Keron, and not just an alternate alternate version of K'Varr.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel
    <long post citing the longer, detailed history of Union RP>
    It just annoys me immensely when people get a sniff of this notion and think it's some abhorrent concept that must be altered and changed because hell knows what reason cited, as if a rich shared history set to a consistent timeline is a terrible thing. My brain just can't try and make things clearer though, so sorry about that.
    I'm not saying it needs to be changed, and I apologize if it came across that way. I know that the Union folks have a large collective of shared, server-wide history (I've read what I could on the Roleplaying forums) and I respect that.

    What I was commenting on (or rather, meant to be commenting on, as looking back on that I probably could have phrased my post better <.<; ) was the fact that Night_Watcher's comment was saying that's how it should be, period, end-of-discussion, for all players. It isn't the method of Roleplaying that I have an issue with, but more the application of telling others (players and the Red Names) that they should run their game that way, when they've already said and established in-game that that isn't how they're managing the timeline. If that is how you've decided to Roleplay the game, more power to you! However, don't say that's the only way to Roleplay the game.

    Again, sorry for the miscommunication on my end. ^_^;
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Watcher
    That is not how RP should work.
    There is no back-at-lvl-15 timeline and lvl 50 timeline, they're one and the same for both players.
    That is how the lore works, full stop. Ouroboros has characters locked at different power levels based on different historical events. Zwillinger himself has stated that the timeline in City of Heroes (a comic book game) does not work the way you are attempting to imply.

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger
    As has been pointed out several times, story telling works in many ways within the structures of City of Heroes, as do timelines.
    I get that you and some of the other European RPers see it differently, but attempting to argue that it doesn't work that way because that's not how you play the game, when the majority of the other players and the Red Names have spelled out that it does, in fact, work that way, is a battle you have already lost (and not just in this timeline, either).
  22. "I told you talking with that trench-coat wearing, goatee sporting jerk was a bad idea but nooooo, someone had to go and be big bad Mr. 'I'll Just Devour the Puny Mortal'. Well, look at what that got us. The Shard looks exactly like Paragon now!"
  23. Still loving the updates, Tartyr. Both the awesome V. Day drawings and the adorable, squee-inducing cihibs. Sign me up, please!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow
    I was pretty pissed off at this death scene, too, but that had more to do with the Statesman wanting to die and people suggesting he committed suicide, as well as Matt Miller's comment that the Statesman had to die because Jack Emmert made him. It pissed me off because I found it extremely mean-spirited and largely mishandled. And it pissed me off because that ******* of a Ruladak the Strong hit me for more than my maximum hit points with his Total Focus.
    1) Statesman didn't want to die. He was fighting the spell as best he could (you know, since it was tailor-made to take him, as the Incarnate of Zeus, out) until Monica told him that this wasn't something he needed to do himself (because, well, he couldn't). I don't really think it can be called giving up when you cannot, in-no-way-shape-or-form, beat what you are up against and it kills you.

    2) Statesman didn't commit suicide either. He didn't rush in lightning-blazing ready to beat Wade's head in. He went in calmly (albeit probably with tranquil fury) and was going to put Wade to justice (because Statesman is, you know, an actual hero and not a vigilante). Statesman probably had the same outlook on these things that Superman has; I've been there, I've done that, I've taken the hardest hits out of anyone and lived to talk about it. If I can take whatever attack this guy has, I will because that means he won't be hurting anyone else while he's on me (basic Tanker mentality here, folks).

    Did Statesman know that Wade had planned for years and knew the exact ritual needed to kill him? No, but why should he have? What reason did Marcus Cole have to think that Wade (a nobody at that time) could kill him when everything else, over a span of more than 100 years, had failed to do so? The worst complaint you can throw at Statesman (and really any of the other Phalanx members) is that they were unprepared for this, though with good reason.

    A truly successful villainous scheme should only become apparent once the villain has already succeeded, and Wade is the first one that we've gotten in-game. Of course it looks like he's accounted for everything when we've been able to stop just about every other major villain plot in the game (and frankly, what would have happened if we'd stopped Wade in WWD 5 or 6? What would that leave to be done in the last arc(s)?).

    However, I've gone a little off-track.

    3) Posi commented that Statesman had to die because he was one of Jack's characters? Could you quote the source for me? I find it hard to believe that's what Positron said, or even meant if you're attempting to paraphrase him.

    IMO, Statesman was killed off because the Developers couldn't write for the character anymore without getting complaints about what the character did, or that he was being written about at all.

    When Statesman doesn't do enough? 'Statesman is a useless character! He has so much power but he's lazy! The Devs are bad writers, and I'd have written it this way!'

    When Statesman does do something useful? 'Statesman is too powerful! He's a Mary Sue and overshadows everyone else! The Devs are bad writers, and I'd have written it this way!'

    Then, the all important 'The game should be about me, and my character! I should be the one to do all of this, not [insert signature NPC here]! The Devs are bad writers, and I've have written it this way!'

    Unfortunately, this is an MMO. The game cannot put your special snowflake of a character on any higher of a pedestal than it already does without being single-player. Plot-wise, your character can't kill Statesman because that's whats called 'canonical inconsistency'. I'll give an example.

    Player 1: 'I just did SSA #5! My character 'Evil Villain X' killed Statesman!'

    Player 2: 'Pfft. I did that arc a week ago, and it was my character 'Super Badguy Z' that killed Statesman, not your character.'

    Player 1: 'No, my character killed him off!'

    Player 3: 'No, my villain, 'Lord Recluse Jr.' killed States! I played that arc a month ago!'

    Player 1 & 2: 'Yeah, but you played it on [insert different server here] so it doesn't count.'

    The plot and storyline of the game has to move on and be consistent for all the players, which can't work when everyone and their mother has five different characters that all 'killed Statesman for realz'. The plot already puts your character out there more than enough, saying that you're the only one that can take Darrin Wade out, he planned for everything but didn't account for you, and all the other 'Hey Character Name! You're super awesome!' rigmarole. If you want your character to be awesome in the actual gameplay, beyond the dialogue and plot? Play them that way, make them awesome. You have more than enough tools in-game to make epic characters that can, numerically-wise, back up just about anything you work into their background. I should know, I've watched others do it and done it myself.

    4) ...that Ruladak thing I can't really say anything for. I'd be ticked about it too, honestly.