Jacket Chest Details Bugged




It seems that the allowed options for chest details for Jackets is horribly inconsistent depending on which model you use.

Huge models allow all Chest Details, both Under and Over jackets, going all the way down to the Greek Letters.

Female models have the Under details only down to the Numbers (ending at 0), and the Over cuts off at Star 14 (cutting off Suns, the rest of the Symbols, the Special Vet Chest details, Numbers, Letters, and Greek Letters)

Male models have all of the Under details, but for Over it cuts off at Star 16 (oddly enough, skipping straight from Star 14 to Star 16).

Also, the Kanji Chest Details are not showing up for Huge Under or either of the Female options (the Male model has Kanji for both Over and Under).

Edit: I've gotten screenshots to illustrate these bugs.

Global - @El D

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