omg, i donno where to start -_-




just come back a few days ago after about a 2 year leave, thought id test CoH again because of this freedom thing.

i cant access most my characters (untill i paid) and when i did log on em, i dident know wot to do. all this new stuff is confusing.

my acc is upgraded to the most u can get (i think) and ive got vip and all tier 6 and some tier 7 stuff on my little paragon rewards page thing.

for last 3 days ive been playing some of my characters and i just feel "lost" on here now.

could someone give me like a little heads up on where i can find out all whats been happenin lately, or u think its just best to start from level 1 again and spend abit learning like a newbie again?


Level 50 Heroes:
Pilgrim Of Darkness - Spines/Dark Armor
Angeltearz - Fire/Kinetics
Angeltears - Energy/Energy
Tearz - Willpower/Energy Melle
Trives - Katana/Super Reflex
Strain - Firey Melle/Super Reflex
Tarox - Firey Melle/Regen
Baium - Dark Melle/Super Reflex
Kottos - Peacebringer



Starting a new character and getting the feel for the game again, and then going back to your old characters is definitely a good option.

Paragon wiki ( ) is your resource for pretty much everything you need to know. If you have specific questions that you can't find the answer to, feel free to ask here on the forums. We have lots of friendly people fighting over who gets to help the newbie first. :P

Edit: Welcome back!




Hello! Glad to see a returning player!

If you want information on the various features and additions that have been put into City of Heroes from the time you've been gone, I'd suggest Paragon Wiki. It has overviews of all the Issues, their content, and numerous interior links that explains all the details of the new additions.

Given that you said you'd been gone for around 2 years, I'd think that Issue 18 ( ) and onwards would cover most of the things you've missed. That way you can see all of the features, new missions, and content that has been added to the game, and decide what you want to try out, as well as hopefully alleviate some confusion.

Hope this helps!

- El D

Edit: Speaking of people who fight to get to help folks first, I just got ninja'd. By a few seconds, it looks like. Bah. You win this round, Roderick. :P

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



After being in the same proverbial boat about a year ago (but only for a few months), I highly recommend this.....

Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Starting a new character and getting the feel for the game again, and then going back to your old characters is definitely a good option.

Also, as has been stated before.....check out Paragonwiki and feel free to ask questions on the 'help' channel in-game. Both are excellent resources.

Welcome back!!



Here's a recent thread from another returning player: Returning Player Diary that contains a lot of tips.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
Here's a recent thread from another returning player: Returning Player Diary that contains a lot of tips.
Yes, learn from my mishaps!

Also, I third the above advice- starting a new character and checking out the new content is a great re-introduction to the game. I was also a bit overwhelmed logging in my 50's for anything but checking their market slots and fiddling with their costumes a bit. My new level 10 street justice/shield scrapper is more my speed just now. =P

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Kottos View Post
i cant access most my characters (untill i paid)

As a returning player, you should have had 3 to 5 global unlocks floating about for you to use to unlock a few of your characters. If you had previously used those unlocks, they're available on that server only, but they can be used on any character, or even an empty slot. Look on the very top left part of the character select screen. It should tell you how many global slots (not sure if that's the exact wording) you have. When you go premium, this will increase slightly.

Look around on your most played servers. Any server with extra character slots (more than 12) is a good candidate for a server with global unlocks.

To unlock, just click on the character and click Next like you were going to log in. If the character is locked, you'll get a pop-up asking if you want to spend an unlock on it. Be aware that an unlock is permanent once assigned, so only pick characters that you'd really want to play as a premium.