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  1. Depends on how good i75 is by the time i go
  2. Hi, my name is Damz and i play on low/medium graphics!

    Yes it was months before i knew that some parts of my costume was glowing and it was only because of a passing comment from a random player!


    6 weeks until i can get a new computer anyway so woop!
  3. EU_Damz

    I24 hopes?

    One final happy issue before we have the next few issues of doom, gloom and end of the world content [coming storm].
  4. I do two things.

    1) Do not play to the full extent of my abilities. This is so that they feel like they are actually helping out in the mission and thus learning/having fun at the same time.
    2) Also occasionally show them some of the more flashier and impressive powers to make them want to go that extra mile in the levelling up process and possibly turn VIP.

    I know that when i was showing my younger brother the game, i showed him some of the power my level 50 characters had. This was purely to show him how much you CAN improve in the game and that there is a clear sense of progression [power wise] in the game.
  5. I decided as soon as incarnates came out that i could only afford to fully incarnate 2/3 characters, rest of my 50s can only be worked on in any spare time i have or bored.

    Though i do think its unfair to judge a system on how long it would take to get to the new level with anything over 10 alts I know a lot of us have that or more, but kind of impossible to make a fair system based on it being run for 20+ or so characters.
  6. The final mission of Wards arc, i had FOUR Talon EBs spawn on me [difficulty at x3]. Pretty certain it said the mission was going to be tough but was not expecting to be against anything that could insta kill my regen brute
  7. Really though i can't see how they could have made him into a character that we would all warm up too.

    The only way i think i could is if Wade took all his powers and States was now just an ordinary, mortal man. THEN you can build his character from the ground up again as an ordinary man determined to change the world no matter what the odds.
    Something like that would make me like him. However the 7/8 years he was in the game? He did nothing that made me think i could like him.
  8. Comes to a point where its no longer a prank but a danger to himself and the community.
    Should have been arrested for the way he was acting.

    That being said, worst zombie impression ever!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    I don't see it as trying to show you up.

    Some people (my self not excepted) have a few Grammar-peeves and they ca't help it. I myself have accepted this about myself. (accept/except, affect/effect).

    On a non-related note, nice avatar.
    If that is the case then i'll gladly hold my hands up and say i was wrong and that i am sorry

    Thank you also
  10. Quote:
    It hasn't shown that anyone is the star of the game.
    These last few issues actually have though, we are no longer just a single hero in a city of heroes, but rather THE hero like Statesman was.
    This is reflected in the latest story arcs, no longer do we seem to be working alongside X signature hero because they can't be bothered to do Y task. Now they are coming to us because THEY need OUR help.

    In regards to Statesman though, he was seen as a character who could never die and thus had a boring story gameplay wise. How many times can a good story be told against a hero that cannot be killed?

    Thank you for your positive and constructive post, in future reference however could you please private message me if my method of posting annoys you. I do 4/5 things at once and so i do have the odd spelling mistake, if however you do not wish to do it in a constructive manner then feel free to have me on ignore instead of trying to "show me up" on public forums.
    Thank you
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    I still think it was a mistake to 'remove' Statesman from the game.

    The game has lost it's one true iconic character ... and more worrying in doing so it's possibly lost its very identity as well.

    What advantage has actually been gained by taking him out of the game? Or to put it another way ... Who gains from Statesman's removal?
    It shows the game in a light that unlike the other superhero MMOs, nobody is safe from changes and that YOUR the star of the game.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Ms. Liberty has already wiped out her family through manipulating her fall guy Darrin Wade, along with bringing about the death of the only psychic with enough experience to read her mind - BAB would be well advised to keep out of her way as she tightens her grip on the city, especially now that her plan to revive Red Widow as a distraction for Recluse and Arachnos has allowed her to withdraw several Longbow units from the Rogue Isles and redeploy them on the Paragon streets.
  13. Bought the signature summon thinking i was being smart in that i could use them in iTrials . . . . you cannot .

    I am a noob!
  14. I am VERY tempted to purchase the Valkyrie and Barbarian sets as they're the only ones i dont have. Some very good sales here though which is great!

    Also tempted to buy the signature summon!

    Since starting this post i have gone from maybe buy them to why not! Lets buy them!
  15. Thank you Texas Least it is official now! Also interesting to read about the damage buff, was wondering how sometimes i would get hit for just over 1k then the next trial be getting destroyed by over 3k [poor controller never stood a chance!].
  16. I do think that if you purchase it via Ouroboros that it should be unlocked account wide while the recipe can be used to unlock it for that character only.

    That would seem a lot more fair than the current version imo.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    There have been a lot of MoMAGs running on Freedom the past few days. It seems there is less Mag Farms going on and more actual Mag trials. Like most trials..after a few days...people figure things out more and success rates go more tend to be ran.
    I am actually curious if anybody has been able to do a MoMag in a single run as that seems a pretty tall ask
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    What I don't care for is this:

    Why isn't there a Combat Medic in the DreamSpace hospital that sells inspirations like all of the other iTrials?

    Just annoying
    I'ld say its mostly to do with the fact that its the one trial where constant damage is needed, having players be away from the battle to stock up on inspirations would take away far too much valuable time imo.
  19. So i've been running the Maggie trial now on a few servers and a few things always seem to pop up in every league that i would just like to address.


    People are only assuming this because of his high regen that without a constant stream of damage being done to him, that it looks like his health is just shooting right back up.
    Have been on one too many trials now where i see players [non leaders who are speaking over the leader] slowing down the progress of a trial by saying that people shouldnt go to the hospital because of the regen.

    The ONLY time a league should avoid the hospital is if you have a few players who can rez [including destiny rez] so you are keeping up the DPS on a constant basis.


    Rant over! Back to whatever you was doing!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Anyone who doesnt get there slot unlocked is going to have a really hard time after this week.

    Because nerf or ixp or not, everyone assumes its coming and are blitzing their brains out till they are sick to death of it.

    This is going to be VERY VERY hard to get anyone to run once this week is over, and it really has little to do with the difficulty at that point, no one will want to run it after this weeks stupidity.
    Huh thats funny because we're already organising hw runs on regular basis now and possible rhw runs.

    The trick is to get people to know how to do the trial, also sad to say this but the leader HAS to be very vocal and very strict to the league otherwise it will fail.
    When i've led the trial, i've ALWAYS said a few things to each league so they know the score and that i dont suffer no fools.
    • Anybody who is caught afk without letting me know before hand will get ONE warning before being kicked.
    • Anybody who ignores the orders/tactics i am giving out, will get ONE warning before being kicked. If you didnt understand it then you should have spoke up when i asked if anybody didnt understand at first.
    • If you are dead for more than 10 seconds, then you are as good as AFK and will once again get one warning before being kicked.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    I am extremely doubtful that 24 +1s or 50s (Remember, you only need Destiny and Lore unlocked and not slotted to participate) running SOs (some red, since not everyone has fresh ones) and at base HP at 50 would succeed this trial.

    Of course, that' a pretty narrow field but it sure looks like 50+3 and slotted Lore/Destiny (and IOs?) are needed, which creeps more and more away from "any pick-up group can beat this."
    Oh almost certainly, a league of 50+1s in this trial would have next to no chance in this trial. Not saying it couldnt be done, but would be very suprised if they did.

    However as long as the majority has the level shifts needed, then i think [given time] PUGs can complete it. The hard way/very hard way badges though are a VERY different matter. I actually found that IO set bonuses are really not needed in this trial though, def does NOTHING against his attacks so as long as a player has their slots slotted enough for damage/acc/rech [which SOs should be] then they are on an equal playing field as IO users on this trial . . . imo

    Edit: Just to add that in our really hard way run, not everybody was +3 as a few people had to alt around so we had enough dps/debuffs, though most obviously was.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I think some of those 3-starred players probably deserve to be bumped up a star or two after this. Also, thanks a lot, you realize the devs are just going to make the badge even harder now; you're not supposed to be able to get it yet.
    Translation = Well done
