I've done some sums
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Bye =) can i haz your stuff?
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Thats a lot of characters Thyristor...
Maybe that is the reason why I have limited incarnate stuff to currently 2. (Ok another reason might be, cause I've only got 2 lvl 50 to play But many other lower tiers. )
Even with nr 2 I look at all I need to equip her and go more "... in time... no rush"
My namesake though gets the full bit.
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
So I opened up the hybrid slot on my main. It took 5 runs in all, about 2.5 hours playing times not including recruitment. After I had done this I worked that that I wanted this slot on 18 other characters.
This would mean that I would need to be involved in 90 Magisterium trials which means 45 hours-ish of grind. With that in mind I decided there are far more interesting things to do with my time. Have fun everybody and as always 'best of luck all' |
You have to unlock all five of the preceeding slots before you can run Magi at all.
I decided as soon as incarnates came out that i could only afford to fully incarnate 2/3 characters, rest of my 50s can only be worked on in any spare time i have or bored.
Though i do think its unfair to judge a system on how long it would take to get to the new level with anything over 10 alts I know a lot of us have that or more, but kind of impossible to make a fair system based on it being run for 20+ or so characters.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I knew you said something along these lines on chat last week @Thy, however I have to say...

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't go!
And I have to agree with Damz in that my main gets my focus for new IO's and Incarnate slots, my other characters are getting what they can as and when I play them and generally I find that a good way to play

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
So I opened up the hybrid slot on my main. It took 5 runs in all, about 2.5 hours playing times not including recruitment. After I had done this I worked that that I wanted this slot on 18 other characters.
This would mean that I would need to be involved in 90 Magisterium trials which means 45 hours-ish of grind. With that in mind I decided there are far more interesting things to do with my time. Have fun everybody and as always 'best of luck all' |
And I've said this before to this type of complaint: The game is balanced around one character. If one does not realize that creating and maintaining more characters than just that one is necessarily more of a time investment, then one does not have grip on how time works.
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Sounds like one of those "It's not the destination, it's the journey" situations. I'm running Volkanik on the DA Arcs at the moment and really enjoying the story and its rather sinister flavour. I did wonder last night what I was going to do after I'd finished those given that I'm only 33% through my Lore and Destiny slots. I have a handful of other characters that I'd like to get some Incarnate powers for, but not the end of the world if I don't.
My advice would be the same as it was to all those people complaining about lack of end of level content before we got our end of level content. Enjoy the process of reaching those new heights of awesome, don't focus or stress on getting there. I really enjoy the Incarnate content, and I still really enjoy a small team of level 8s running Frostfire missions in the Hollows. The game is fun; just play it.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Sounds like one of those "It's not the destination, it's the journey" situations. I'm running Volkanik on the DA Arcs at the moment and really enjoying the story and its rather sinister flavour. I did wonder last night what I was going to do after I'd finished those given that I'm only 33% through my Lore and Destiny slots. I have a handful of other characters that I'd like to get some Incarnate powers for, but not the end of the world if I don't.
My advice would be the same as it was to all those people complaining about lack of end of level content before we got our end of level content. Enjoy the process of reaching those new heights of awesome, don't focus or stress on getting there. I really enjoy the Incarnate content, and I still really enjoy a small team of level 8s running Frostfire missions in the Hollows. The game is fun; just play it. |
This wholeheartedly, of course, i dont know Thyristor personally, i have though seen him in game and on his alts and teamed many times in the past, to have someone so connected to the community to leave is unfortunate to say the least, maybe one day you will change your mind over this but time can only tell, i always say what most of the posters say, that these incarnate powers are really for your namesake, or make time for the characters you want to have it, as an alter myself my mind crumbles of the thought of doing this over and over again, however, i like playing low level content just as much as end game content, i actually thought of being a premium member for some time, however, its the community that brings me back aswell, and of course being a comic book nerd at heart doesnt help either

best of luck to you Thyristor
Sypher v
Because you play all 18 characters every day and that they all can't have one extra power after just a few hours it's not worth playing at all?
And I've said this before to this type of complaint: The game is balanced around one character. If one does not realize that creating and maintaining more characters than just that one is necessarily more of a time investment, then one does not have grip on how time works. |
I don't understand the change to this endgame type grind, and the more people it drives away the worse it will be for us all. Union feels totally empty most of the time now and I rarely see any shouts for PuG TF's like I used to, and when I do there is hardly any interest because there just aren't that many people on. I entirely blame the incarnate system for that.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
The draw that kept many people in this game used to be the ability to create, play and enjoy lots of different alts. Unlike other games it was never about having a 'main' that got all the good stuff and a few others wearing hand-me-downs.
I don't understand the change to this endgame type grind, and the more people it drives away the worse it will be for us all. Union feels totally empty most of the time now and I rarely see any shouts for PuG TF's like I used to, and when I do there is hardly any interest because there just aren't that many people on. I entirely blame the incarnate system for that. |
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

"You can play the game you've enjoyed for 5+ years for free, but to talk about it you have to pay for the new trial-grind that is why you didn't enjoy other MMOs."
I agree with you 100%. Alas, I tend to think I'm in a minority about it these days.
Just got me thinking because on another thread I posted that I couldn't think of any reason why the forums were VIP only at any point, and now I can! They probably didn't want all the dissenting voices.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Thats a lot of characters Thyristor...
Maybe that is the reason why I have limited incarnate stuff to currently 2. (Ok another reason might be, cause I've only got 2 lvl 50 to play ![]() Even with nr 2 I look at all I need to equip her and go more "... in time... no rush" My namesake though gets the full bit. |

as you can see I have 14 lvl 50,s but this has not been updated also they are spread over several servers.On Defiant alone I have 44 alts so rushing thru to end content is not a concern of mine,if the game is around long enough they will all get up to lvl 50

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
I sympathise, Thyristor. I'd also miss you if you left.
Generally speaking, I tend to only alpha my 50s, and maybe interface them too. Sophia is the only character of mine who has gotten the whole Incarnate treatment so far, mainly because I still regard her as my main, even if I don't play her that often these days.
Mostly though, once I get a character to 50, it stops there. I put IOs in them (not sets necessarily), and leave them. This only changes when I can see that I might use them a lot - such as Zoe, Sophia, Phoenix, Aisho & Abyssal - and the likelihood that i'll retire them is low.
Still being a relatively casual MMO gamer, I've come to resent this grind, which time-locks and price-locks some potentially useful game mechanics and/or equipment. It is perhaps the main reason that CoX has for so long held my attention - that, until recently, there was a lack of this screwing over the casual gamer.
Useful <> Required.
Most toons are still perfectly viable doing old school content on SO's. You don't HAVE to fully Incarnate your characters to make them useful unless you're going to be regularly doing Incarnate content. There is still non Incarnate content being developed and implemented.
I don't see the problem, frankly.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Existing <> Populated.
A lot of people left because they couldn't find other people to do non-incarnate content with once they got bored of it. With the amount of instancing CoX is an unusually easy mmo to be alone in.
So I opened up the hybrid slot on my main. It took 5 runs in all, about 2.5 hours playing times not including recruitment. After I had done this I worked that that I wanted this slot on 18 other characters.
This would mean that I would need to be involved in 90 Magisterium trials which means 45 hours-ish of grind. With that in mind I decided there are far more interesting things to do with my time. Have fun everybody and as always 'best of luck all' |
In this fashion you'd more likely be facing 6 hrs-12hrs, depending on how long it takes to form teams. Realisticly how many BAF's did we have to run to unlock lore?
Anyway always sad to see our community suffer a loss.
"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies
Existing <> Populated.
A lot of people left because they couldn't find other people to do non-incarnate content with once they got bored of it. With the amount of instancing CoX is an unusually easy mmo to be alone in. |
Secondly, as CoH introduces more zones and revamps existing ones, this is further going to spread out the thinning playerbase. Given that players with level 50 characters have for such a long time been asking for end game content, have we any proof that people who still wanted to alt left at a higher rate than people who finally got the endgame content they wanted and returned?
Thirdly, now the server lists have been merged, EU players who were only limited to 4 servers (realistically 2 for English speakers) now have 15 (or so) to choose from and the facility to move existing characters to other servers made that much more available than previously. Several of the people on my global list have active characters on Freedom and Virtue who previously only had characters on Union or Defiant.
The game is past its "over populated Union / 800 concurrent user" hay day simply because of its age and the other factors I've highlighted. That situation isn't about to change, and imo the Incarnate System has very little to do with that.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Source? Couple of other things to be aware of here.. firstly CoH is quite an elderly MMO and I would imagine (I'm guessing, because I don't have figures to backup my conjecture) the new shineys over the years have further thinned the playerbase.
Secondly, as CoH introduces more zones and revamps existing ones, this is further going to spread out the thinning playerbase. Given that players with level 50 characters have for such a long time been asking for end game content, have we any proof that people who still wanted to alt left at a higher rate than people who finally got the endgame content they wanted and returned? Thirdly, now the server lists have been merged, EU players who were only limited to 4 servers (realistically 2 for English speakers) now have 15 (or so) to choose from and the facility to move existing characters to other servers made that much more available than previously. Several of the people on my global list have active characters on Freedom and Virtue who previously only had characters on Union or Defiant. The game is past its "over populated Union / 800 concurrent user" hay day simply because of its age and the other factors I've highlighted. That situation isn't about to change, and imo the Incarnate System has very little to do with that. |
Either way changing the dynamic of the game from casual and 8 man max teams to raiding is not usually a good idea and even if there is no proof of it I hope you can see that the change had the potential to alienate most of the existing playerbase.
End game content never needed to mean huge multi team raids, it meant clever mechanics and content that got harder and harder. They should have stuck to the formula that had served them well up until that point. Or at the very least they shouldn't have introduced a new type of incarnate only reward. Allowing people to unlock incarnate stuff from normal XP and drops would have meant those who had no interest in raiding could have continued as they were and still not been left behind.
I honestly expect it to get worse and worse because the more +levels you need to do the new content the more those who aren't farming the trials are going to miss out and the harder it will be to catch up. We will then see even more people leaving. And if you don't think people have left I would point you to the amount of dots on the server status page, only 2 servers now ever seem to have more than 1 dot, and that wasn't the case before incarnates.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
I can see how it might have the potential to affect things in the way that you describe, but other than the anecdotal evidence you mention that is posted on the forums (which, it's worth remembering, have only ever represented a fraction of the total playerbase), we have no real evidence of that. Indeed, the situation you describe has long been the case and long before Incarnates was introduced.
I played originally from i6 to about i12ish and I left because it became increasingly difficult (for me) to find teams and find team members for teams that I started. That's why I'm of the opinion that there's a whole load of other issues that you need to take in to consideration before placing the blame solely on the Incarnate Systems shoulders.
I'm relatively fortunate in that respect now, in that a handful of members of an SG I played with towards the end of my original CoH tenure have all resubbed, independantly within a few weeks of one another. Had that not been the case, I'd have probably played through the DA arcs with one or two characters and then left again. It's also worth mentioning that over the past couple of weeks, we've not done any Incarnate stuff as a group despite talking about dusting off 50s to run through some of it. My point being that people who like and want to do the Incarnate content can and do. Equally the people that don't still have stuff to do with like minded people that would rather not.
I think perhaps if you are someone that wants "proper" end game content other than just re-rolling and doing it all over again, and what you get isn't what you want, you're going to be understandably disappointed and make you more inclined to review your subs. I also I think under those circumstances it's difficult to remain objective in assessing how your opinion of introduced end game is perceived by everyone else.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
I think perhaps if you are someone that wants "proper" end game content other than just re-rolling and doing it all over again, and what you get isn't what you want, you're going to be understandably disappointed and make you more inclined to review your subs. I also I think under those circumstances it's difficult to remain objective in assessing how your opinion of introduced end game is perceived by everyone else.
I play for end game rewards, I won't pretend otherwise and I have a maxed out build planned well before I create a character, and I really hate how I can no longer reach that goal while doing activities that I enjoy because the new rewards have been locked behind such a small portion of content that is also so different to everything else (I think locking IO's behind TF's for example would never have gone down well, even though it could have been called end game content in the same way as incarnates is).
If the trials were just there as difficult TF's with rewards based on time like the rest of the game I think they would still get played (And if they were 8 man they would have been played just as often) without having to gate progression in such a way. In fact I know my SG would have loved such a thing because we always preferred to run content on high difficulty anyway, rather than becoming the ghost town it is now.
The setup of CoX before incarnates was revolusionary and was the one thing I felt the devs should have been proud of and other MMO's should have copied (I played SWToR when it first came out and aside from the game being poor the thing I missed most was just being able to team when I wanted with who I wanted. And the first problem I noticed was how as soon as you hit max level the game changed to be something it wasn't for the entire 1-50 journey).
For me if you are going to release new content you have to ask 'will people play this without being coerced?' and if the answer is 'no' you should adjust the content rather than coerce people. I feel the dev team wanted some huge trials and then decided they needed to give us a reason to run them.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Ah Thy, I hope you don't go, not now I've finally dusted Spanky off and got him out of retirement.
I suppose it's different if you feel you NEED to have everything on every toon, but thankfully I've managed to avoid that. I want to gear up Spanky and then, if I'm still in the mood, one of my other 50s.
Anyway, I hope you decide to reconsider mate.
In-game @Spanky the Loveclown
Twitter @simon_writes
So I opened up the hybrid slot on my main. It took 5 runs in all, about 2.5 hours playing times not including recruitment. After I had done this I worked that that I wanted this slot on 18 other characters.
This would mean that I would need to be involved in 90 Magisterium trials which means 45 hours-ish of grind.
With that in mind I decided there are far more interesting things to do with my time.
Have fun everybody and as always 'best of luck all'
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)