178 -
Quote:+1Sorry, can't say I agree. At all.
The more I think about it, the more this one is becoming my favorite booster they've done. Fifteen costume pieces -- 5 capes and 10 auras (auras with multiple options) -- makes me a happy camper. I use capes often. I use auras often. If you don't, then your wallet should be excited you don't have to buy this one.
In fact, I'd much rather have more targeted boosters like this, which I can either take or leave, than have hodge-podge boosters which end up maybe having one or two things I like, but are otherwise filled with stuff I'll never use -- like the science booster, which was pretty useless to me except for the super tailor. None of the previous boosters besides Magic have looked as interesting to me as this -- 10 auras I can use from level 1.
I'm not disappointed, not one bit.
I agree totally. I bought most of the boosters due to one or two things that fit with concepts I had at the time for certain characters...
This booster I will buy specifically for what it targets... -
You might want to take a look at some of the guides that are located on the blaster boards. Although some may be a tad out of date most are very well written and thought out and may give you a little more insight to our beloved "glass canon" AT.
Welcome to COX... -
Quote:Based on the specifications for your machine it looks like you can go up to four GB's of Ram (Although 32 bit XP will not see the entire 4 GB). With 1 GB being the minimum when you purchased it.I'm not quite ready for the pain in the *** of reloading everything quite yet, but I'll probably just go ahead reinstall the system the next time I have a problem.
I'm kind of dunce when it comes to the inner workings of a computer; how do I go about increasing the RAM?
Component Attributes
Memory Installed 1 GB
Maximum allowed 4 GB* (4 x 1 GB)
*Actual available memory may be less
Speed supported PC-3200 MB/sec
Type 184 pin, DDR SDRAM
With the cheapness of RAM these days it would be a good investment. Just doubling the amount you have now would be a big improvement with things other than COX.
Armed with the above information you can purchase online from Newegg or you could visit your nearest Best Buy. -
I believe Posi said that there are 5 badges with running the Halloween tip mission. Then a sixth one for getting the other 5. A lot like the snap tooth save baby new year stuff. Just not sure about the number.
Quote:Originally posted by Positron
You should be getting a Reward Choice table upon finishing the mission. Is that not happening?
One badge for each choice, one badge for eventually choosing all of them. -
Quote:As an event it is not made mandatory to participate. Some players do not participate for a lot of reasons. They may have all the badges on the character they are currently on, could be on a taskforce, could just be traveling through the zone to another zone; rig may not handle it, etc.
originally from Redlynne
It is neither Deadly ... nor an Apocalypse.
In this sense, the "Deadly Apocalypse" fails on both counts for truth in advertising.
First of all ... the "Deadly Apocalypse" is easily ignored by players, to a far higher degree than Rikti Invasions, or Zombie Invasions. This is because there are NO repercussions of any kind to avoiding (or ignoring) an ongoing Deadly Apocalypse within a zone. Personally speaking (see: Subjective Feedback) ... I would have expected something like:
If the Deadly Apocalypse is NOT stopped, then all players who are not sheltered Under Cover (see Invasion(s) definition of "cover") are automatically defeated (Dev's choice as to whether or not a Debt Penalty should even apply) and given a choice of Teleport to Hospital or Base.
This is like saying if the Hamidon raid or Rikti Ship Raid fails then everyone on the server should be instantly nuked even if they are not involved.
Quote:originally from Redlynne
Without player involvement, the event becomes a very big Non Event, and is essentially relegated into the class of "nuisance" rather than "fun" like the Invasions (Rikti, Zombie).
Quote:originally by Redlynne
Furthermore, the level of cooperation REQUIRED to pull off the "Deadly Apocalypse" suppression borders on Raid Level degrees of communication and cooperation in order to beat the timer. This then places a high bar to hurdle, even before players can BEGIN to engage to defeat the Event.
Quote:Originally by Redlynne
There needs to be a ... PENALTY ... put in place for "ignoring" the Deadly Apocalypse. As I mentioned above ... if the timer runs out, and the Final Boss is not defeated ... simply auto-Defeat every Player (and NPC Mob) in the Zone who is not "under Cover" ... and then let the Zone restock itself naturally over the next few minutes as the Players (and NPCs Mobs) recover from the DEADLY APOCALYPSE that was NOT averted! Debt Penalty for being auto-Defeated in this fashion is Dev's choice ... but understands that if there is NO Debt Penalty at all, then that "encourages" people to IGNORE the Event completely and just go about their business as usual.
As far as the merits go. For me it's a non issue because I participate for fun and badges (I am not a badge hound but like getting them.) To me your suggestion would keep teams from inviting anyone who wants to participate and just invite the most powerful people they can find. May not happen but that was the first scenario that popped into my head.
My 2 cents and all... -
Probably the wrong forum to ask this Moon. I would try posting this question in the Technical forum. That's usually were all the savvy tech gurus hang out. Probably a good idea to give some information about your current rig while your at it too.
Congratulations on reaching 50. It really is a milestone to be commended on.
You did not say whether your 50 was red side or blue side. You have Heats or veats to play with now. They really do play differently from the standard AT's. Just remember that the "Epic" is in the story line and not in the AT's themselves. -
I can't remember who run's it but there is also a mentor's movement to help new players ease into the game. Basically long time veterans who team up with newbie players and answer any questions they have and can guide them through the nuances of things like crafting and the market.
Edit: Did a little searching and found the thread about the Mentor Project.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=212083 -
I believe you could also use the program tweakcoh to do the same thing before starting COH up also.
The effects are basically "baked" into the costumes themselves and are not separate aura's
When you start to combine enhancements you can drag them from your tray on top of the one you want to combine and it will take you to the combine enhancement manager screen. After clicking on combine you can immediatly click on exit and rinse and repeat.
The combine animation for the enhancements is pretty long and this (for me) saves a lot of time when doing a lot of combining of enhancements. -
Last I read about the banner event was that there was a small chance for it and the Zombie Apocalypse to trigger if someone turned in Halloween salvage so advanced notice is not going to happen if this is the case.
Beyond the usual grips that it kills all mob hunting in the zone, can't get team together and etc. I haven't seen it happen to often lately myself but since it doesn't happen every five minutes in every zone I don't see the big deal. -
One more thing I haven't seen mentioned yet that a lot of new folks get tripped up on going from the trial to the full game... Make sure that you upgrade your existing account in the account manager and do not make a new one when you purchase the game and apply the code.
This way you get to keep everything you have worked on in the trial version of the game.
And a hearty welcome aboard... -
Quote:Not to nit-pick but wall's of text are not fun to read at all.NC Soft had K people a year a half to maybe two years ago playing this game. It was a tally in PC Gamer magazine about MMO's and how many subscribers they have, although it was an estimation! I remember when this game first came out there was tally then and CoH had around 1 million people at that time. But, then again, it was an estimation too. Also, you didn't say you were content on the game being mediocre, that was what I got from your post to me. I was angry at the remark that you made to me about my ideas that I sent to this company. Of which you had know idea what they were, just that you HAD to make the....well, I can see way they haven't listened! My idea then was to, let people make or send in their own "personally made" (none trademarked) emblem (like: Pepsi, Coca Cola, EA, Nike, etc.) and charge anywhere from 5 to 10 dollars to have it in the game. That way, most people would not have the same emblem and the game would make some money. It was an idea for everyone and I didn't here 1 thing back on it. Funny thing was...CO (Champions Online) had a contest on the same idea I had given to NC Soft. The winner got in on the CO Beta test. Anyways, there have been like 3 other ideas I have had that were better then that and they NEVER send me back anything....not a TY or we might think about it....nothing! So, there you go...take it anyway you want. I tried at least to help bring in more people and for them to make more money in the process. To me....doesnt seem like they care or know how to do that, but maybe GR will? Good Day!!!
This "attitude" you are conveying is running the thin and ragged edge of an entitlement rant. How dare they not implement my ideas this instant! Do they not realize I pay a monthly fee?
Sending in ideas and whining about not receiving personal recognition from Bab's or Posi is ridiculous. Do you pick up a tin can from the ground, throw it in the trash, then want pats on the back from strangers about your accomplishment? Or... you could take pride in that you gave input, for good or bad, to help the game improve instead of sitting back and gripping about what's wrong.
Quote:NC Soft had 300K people a year a half to maybe two years ago playing this game. It was a tally in PC Gamer magazine about MMO's and how many subscribers they have, although it was an estimation! I remember when this game first came out there was tally then and CoH had around 1 million people at that time.
You need to take a deep breathe and relax... -
I second that tying powers to a Deity would be highly doubt full. Look how the Patron powers on the villain side worked out.
Lets learn from mistakes and not repeat them. -
Quote:I seem to be haveing the same problem...Thanks Beef_Cake,
However whenever I click on the link "Issue 17 Dark Mirror Map Pack" I get this message.
An Error Occurred
Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information
You do not have permission to view this topic.
Do I have to register on your website to download the new map pack? -
I have found my newest creation (and only female) to be a hoot on small teams even in my low 20's. An Earth/Thermal controller.
Nothing but win... (I had to double check to make sure this wasn't a Steelclaw post :P )
You sir may have your cake and eat it too. -
Just adding my hello to the welcome wagon... Go ahead and stay a while. The waters fine.
Can somebody swing a dead cat to hit this dead horse over here..
Quote:First and foremost... Welcome to the game.Hey folks, Finally started to get into the game and love it. Just a few questions
1) at 20 I know I have to do a mission to get a cape. The question is will I be able to choose the design and what not of the cape or is it a pre designed cape that is random when I finish the mish?
2) if I mess up on somthing such as enhancements can I redo thoes or is it a perm thing? and is there a way to respec a toon so I could try different builds or should I just start a new toon?
Thanks folks
1)At 20 a message will tell you to see the representative in Atlas. When you enter she is standing in the middle of the room where you pay your SG fees. After I think 3 talk to contacts you get the mission to get Hero 1's letter. After finishing and talking to the rep again you get the message that capes are now available at the tailor. You choose from a long list of patterns and you can have several styles and brooches to pick from. (NOTE - One caveat is that you have to do a small defeat all for the tailor before they will open up your 2nd costume slot at 20 but doesn't stop you from choosing a cape on your first costume.)
2)If you believe you have messed up your slotting on powers you could respec that character but if low level it might be easier to just re-roll or create an alt. Replacing enhancements might just cost you infamy/influence depending on what they are. Also of note is that at trainers you can choose your 2nd build but the enhancements from your first build do not carry over so you have to finance the enhancements to go into your second build. The nicety is that you could have a pure solo build but also have a team friendly build. -
Based on the announcements page I though Issue 17 would show up after the maintenance window today on test. After test came back up I logged in and checked the GMOTD and it said welcome to dual pistols test.
Is it a flip of a switch and if so did I miss what time this would start? -
have deleted cookies, temporary internet files and flushed the DNS. Tried running traceroute but hard to make heads or tails of it.
Maybe someone will reboot between here and Dallas maybe.
Thanks for all the replies. Will just have to hope for the best. -
My It guys can't access it from their computers either and have told me that they believe the problem may be in a hop somewhere. The primary line we are allowed to use is a DSL line by Bellsouth. Just wondred if I was the only one.
Hopefully somewhere down the information pipe this gets resolved.