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  1. Now I'm not a PvPer in the slightest, I don't min/max or munchkin to get the best out of a character, hell I even only have fly as a travel power (something of a taboo in PvP apparently) and I imagine Dark Melee/Regen scrapper isn't the best PvP build in the world either.


    Quite a few times I've entered PvP zones and had fun. One organised through Union Badge hunters and was the second Sirens big battle of the day, nobody called each other a noob and the whole event was enjoyable (especially when the villains took it upon themselves to take over a ruined building and rechristen it the "Tower of Power" at which point the night becomes a capture the tower type of event the tower switching back and forth between heroes and villains).

    Then duelling at DM/DA brute in Bloody bay, nobody interupted except once when he rezzed a passing dominator thought I was taking advantage of his low health and stun status and stepped in, though the situation was quickly explained.

    I have a feeling if the levels had been higher the match would have been far far more even. Seriously I've never seen endurance drop as fast as the DM/DA brutes did.

    Today I was out doing my daily warburg nuke run (I tend to eat through them and use them on trivial things for fun and giggles...I mean I'm going for the rocketman badge...yeah...) managed to gather all three nuke types with only one interuption. a Psi dominator had followed me down into the web and was running his force bubble, which proceeded to aggro a load of Aracnoids including a Boss which did most of my work for me. Had he not aggroed those mobs he would have clearly won and I stated so on Broadcast (more holds, stuns and confuses than I could shake a stick at).

    After that there was some small skirmishes, me managing to survive an AS (barely) thanks to IH still running giving me enough leway to use DP and Recon to get back to full health. The same said stalker was surprised he 2-shotted me later on. I got my behind handed to me more than I won (I won a few fights) and also go introduced to being TP and nuked by a Blaster (cheeky bugger).

    There have been moments where attempting to get badges in PvP zones has become an excersise in frustration. The Hero AVs in RV badges on my MM was downright annoying.

    Lately though PvP has become a more serene experience and more an excepted hazard, perhaps because I play when numbers are few in the zones or when an event has been organised.

    I don't intend to become a hardcore PvPer, never will but all in all the last few times has been quite fun.
  2. Unfortunately I don't finish work until 9pm tonight so I wont be able to make the start, by the time I get in it'll be about 9:30pm...so I should be on then.
  3. hmm the reason I think there aren't really any anti-hero SGs is partially the whole comic book genre to blame.

    Anti-heroes in the Punisher kind of sense are often shown to be lone wolves as it were, they work alone or with the help of a very select few, they're not the kind that likes to congregate in big groups and talk about it. Even other superheroes consider the Punisher far too extreme in his actions (wasn't it Spiderman, Daredevil and Wolverine that tried to bring him in once?).

    now let's see if I remember the scene correctly. The three big heroes finally confront Frank Castle, saying he needs to give himself up at which point he explains that if they send him to prison then he'll know the people in there are criminals and he'll just go out of his way to kill them, the only way to stop him is to kill him.

    A few moments of silence follow.

    Frank smirks and tells them he didn't think they had the guts and walked off.

    That kind of shows how The Punisher is viewed by 'real superheroes' (ones with powers beyond advanced military training and general allround badassery) as a nutjob and not someone you want to hang out with.

    Or another example is Rorschach from Watchmen.

    I think that's why there isn't many vigilante style SGs.
  4. Edward noticed the reply come up in his mail box.

    "Good...I will put a stop to you Omega...even if it means having to go to extremes to do it..."

    __________________________________________________ __________
    Dear General Bertram Uylise Osmand,
    Thank you for your quick response, I'm ready to move the required goods when you are ready to recieve them, I suggest during the quieter hours when Warburg is least populated by the annoyance of fighting factions intervening in our deal or trying to steal the delivery systems for their own ends.

    Yours sincearly

    Dr Adnihilo
    __________________________________________________ __________

    "Steve, get ready, we're taking a trip to Warburg soon..."

    He gently placed a dummy missile in with the three he'd aquired in Warburg.

    "May be overkill...especially with you Steve...but I don't want to give Omega a chance to hose me down with that virus, I may be immune but I don't want to end up being some Typhoid Mary carrying the damn thing.."
  5. Edward had been surfing through cyberspace for a while looking for clues, anything as to the whereabouts of Omega. He came across the invitation.

    "Hmm nothing new there...third world dictator looking to buy weapons...best check to see what he's buying and pass it on to Longbow..."

    He scanned down the list, "ok...grade four Biological Delivery system...what would a third world dictator need that for...biological warfare isn't exactly something I'd expect them to be after..."

    He looked back at the name, "Bertram Uylise Osmand...well I've not heard of him...probably a...wait...B.U.O! Battle Unit Omega...ha..caught you...now to begin tracing the IP the email was sent from..."

    He opened his eyes and pressed his wrist comm, "Gizelda, Grunt, Arhnuld and Elise...we've got some searching to do. I need you four to connect and meet me inside..."

    He closed his eyes and the four AI avatars fazed into view.

    "What's this about Dad?" Elise spoke up.

    "Someones going to try and kill the world with biological warfare...we've got to stop him...this may not affect any of us but if he kills off every single meta-human and mutant then we're not exactly going to have many friends left...I'll reply to the email, you four, begin scouring any and all Data packets for anything useful on Omega..."

    The four AI nodded and disappeared elsewhere.

    "Me thinks a little trip to Warburg is in order, Omega wont give up or surrender...so I'm going to bring some heavy artillery to the show and I don't mean just Steve..."

    He gave a reply to the email:
    __________________________________________________ __________
    Greetings General Bertram Uylise Osmand,
    My name is Doctor Adnihilo, currently I am located in Paragon City but I do operate out of the Isles. I cannot supply you with any of the military hardware you require but the Biological Delivery Systems and the rocket packs for your troops I can provide. Of course such things cost a lot of money and smuggling them through the border from Paragon to the Isles isn't going to be easy. However perhaps a neutral meeting ground can be arranged, one of the free-fire zones, of course this is more dangerous but it's far easier to smuggle said delivery systems into Warburg than it is into the Isles.

    Even Recluse doesn't like the idea of biological warfare delivery systems being smuggled into his realm.

    I'm sure we can reach some agreement on this.

    Yours sincearly

    Dr Adnihilo
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Edward smiled, "If I can get him in Warburg it also means I'm free of the restraints reguarding villains there...means I didn't waste the time rescuing those scientists..." he chuckled.

    Besides the computer sat two Rocket propelled missles one labelled with the Radioactive symbol the other with a warning about hazardous Chemicals. He was that determined to take down Omega...
  6. Edward paused for thought. Sitting in a run-down house in Kings row, a computer quietly humming, the light from the monitor gently lighting the room.

    He was having a hard time tracking down Omega as he had suspected he would, even with the high profile incident. There was dull squishy thuds as something approached Edward from behind illuminating the room in a dull green glow, he spun on his chair...

    "Ah thank you Steve..." Steve, Edwards 'pet' Shivan placed a cup of coffee down on the desk just beside the computer.

    The Shivan was getting more intelligent by the day, of course he had done some tinkering with the Shivans genetics. He did still have a habit of randomly covering people in goo when in public though, especially Red Commissar, who seemed to get the worst of it.

    He sipped the mug, which had 'worlds best Dad' written on it, a gift from his robotic family back when he worked in the isles.

    He stroke his chin as he pondered "Where are you Omega?"

    He lifted up his pony-tail and inserted a connector into the port at the base of his skull. He may be a christian but he still had a gift with technology and he intended to use it...

    Closing his eyes as he slipped into a pre-rendered world of cyberspace, a translation of the internet through the connection.

    "Time to look for any...interesting...connections, lets see if I can find you that way..." he begun his search while in the real world, Steve kept watch over his form...
  7. *sighs and rolls the police tape around the thread*

    Sorry guys, threads dead...I'm going to run an investigation since it looks like a case of neglect...

    Shame really that this thread died...and died a long time ago at that, the EU side of things doesn't get enough decent competitions as it is (ingame or onforum)...ah well...and I was going to nominate Doc Destiny too...
  8. Coming in Issue 11 as we all know is Weapons customization (something I like more than flashback...but that's just me ). Now more than ever does the idea for roleplaying 'the enemy' come to mind.

    I've always been a stickler for wanting to play 'the bad guys' whether it's playing as the bosses or even the low level enemies in streets of Rage (2-3 specifically) or really wanting to do a Freakshow tank character in City of Heroes.

    Someone having broken away from their old life of crime in one of the many enemy NPC groups to make a good start (Heroes) or as a member of a rogue faction which may even be worse than the original enemy group (Villains).

    Due to the wide variation within the enemy NPC groups themselves allows for a wide variety of AT's to be played, some admittedly more so than others.

    Lets take Trolls for example, I shall group the enemy names with what AT's and powersets.

    Trollkin Brawler/Bruiser: These can be pretty much any melee class since all that have is either brawl or boxing.

    Jutal and Trollkin Buckshot/Gunner: AR/* Blasters. Again secondary powers are not assigned to these mobs, so people are free to choose whatever it is they want for them. With the new Military Assault rifle and Merc. Assault weapon both very fitting for these two.

    Trollkin Slammer/Slugger: Obviously Mace tankers using the Sledgehammer or Baseball bat depending on which type they were in their previous criminal existence.

    Gardvord: */Regen Scrappers, since they possess both Intergration and fast healing. Primary power upto anyone, since you can't have */Regen on any of the AT's that also possess super strength.

    Supa Troll/Caliban: Invul/SS tank.

    Ogre: Stone/Stone Tank.

    These are just the options from Trolls alone. With Weapons customization it allows people to go that one step further. You want a Crey sharpshooter use the new Malta sniper rifle on your AR/* blaster.

    When I posted this topic last time round (though that was a proposing an RPSG called 'The Reformed' something which never got past the ideas stage sadly), people began posting pictures of all the 'lookalike villains' they had created, I once again hope this topic inspires such creativity once again.

    Cheers Doc Destiny.

    ((mental note to self, remake that costume on heroside version of Doc Mechano))
  10. ((yes I asked cactus first if it was alright I join the plot))

    Edward had been called in to the meeting thanks to his supernatural nature making him immune to diseases of the non-arcane variety, his skills with genetics, chemicals and the fact it would "shorten the time spent serving the community" according to the Longbow officer that had approached him.

    "Ah the TLF...never did really like their style even back when I worked out of the isles," he chuckled softly to himself, "Chaos and anarchy does not sit well with megolomania."

    "Hmm...well considering the TLF and EVIL use to be buddies in crime I think it's only fair I go after Battle Unit Omega...time perhaps to bring this big threat to justice or destruction..."

    He stood up, "time to tap some of my old friends in the Isles, see what I can find..." walking out of the hall slowly.
  11. Currently using the Jack in Irons badge.

    Giant Killer.

    Fits the description quite nicely but didn't think of the Seeker of Monsters, cheers Ly, wow bein helpful twice in one night, damn you and your niceness! (just kidding )
  12. hmm...post title inspiration is...

    Eric Bischoffs (can never spell his second name right) entrance music back when he use to be the Co-general manager of...RAW...I think...with Stone cold Steve Austin...that specific enough?

  13. aye I know...but considering I'd like him to have a collection of all the GM badges (now successfully taken out all the GMs...damn I wish there was a accolade..still is fun ) put up on his wall with pictures of them all with big red marker cross across all of them.
  14. The reason I asked was merely for the fact that I was wondering whether the GM badges would be considered 'awards for services in protecting the city' since I'd like to have my character actually displaying them in his living space.
  15. Just a quick check of general consensus.

    Would you describe the badges we earn as physical items (i.e. they come in their own little presentation box and presented like medals) or are they just a game function thing for you?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    A real doctor mind you, not Doc Mechano.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I perscribe(sp) fire and lots of it!

    works for anything.
  17. Aye...it does need updating a tad.

    As much as I like my character having the spotlight, I don't want to be seen hogging it, please, for my sake, update when you get the chance.
  18. Well everyone has come across something which made them chuckle or nod their head in agreement. Running the Synapse task force, around 8 people in the party to start off with. Now considering this party was 5 defenders, 2 scrappers and a tank there was a lot of buffs/debuffs etc. flying around.

    I decided to simply test whether I could take the alpha strike from a large group of clockwork while auto-exemped down to 20.

    I run in and manage (thanks to dull pain) to survive the alpha and begin scrapping. At which point one of the defenders jokingly says.

    "You know your meant to let the tank go first?" followed by a face.

    The reply from one of the other defenders was priceless and made me giggle.

    "What...he isn't a tank?"

    I chuckled at that.

    The Tank had to quit the TF for irl reasons. Which meant for the rest of the TF I was basically a Regen tanker, taking the alpha for a lot of the large 7 man mobs (and kept alive thanks to some nifty healing here and there from the Empath).

    Since the group had complained that their previous attempt at the TF had been too slow and boring gave the response of...

    "Well I'll keep it interesting then"

    At which point for all the missions I just went scrapperlock style crazy, charging mobs headon and just continually killing my way through the mobs aided by a fellow scrapper who took up the same style of play as well.

    By the end of the TF I was actually tired of kill all missions, 3 hours of almost non-stop scrapperlock took it's toll.

    Despite the party build being very very far from optimum, everyone really enjoyed themselves.

    So guys whats your favourite quotes, stories and the like with regards to scrapping, scrappers and the like?
  19. Ok changed my current build to this.

    Oh...and why are hero respec trials so much easier than villains?

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.21

    Level 25 Magic Scrapper
    Primary Power Set: Dark Melee
    Secondary Power Set: Regeneration
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Speed

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Smite -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Dmg(9), Dmg(13), Dmg(19)
    Level 1: Fast Healing -- Heal(A)
    Level 2: Shadow Maul -- Acc(A), Acc(3), Dmg(9), Dmg(13), Dmg(19)
    Level 4: Reconstruction -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(5), Heal(5)
    Level 6: Quick Recovery -- EndMod(A), EndMod(7), EndMod(7)
    Level 8: Air Superiority -- Acc(A)
    Level 10: Dull Pain -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(11), RechRdx(11), Heal(15)
    Level 12: Swift -- Flight(A)
    Level 14: Fly -- Flight(A), Flight(15)
    Level 16: Integration -- Heal(A), Heal(17), Heal(17)
    Level 18: Health -- Heal(A)
    Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(21)
    Level 22: Touch of Fear -- Acc(A), ToHitDeb(23), ToHitDeb(23)
    Level 24: Hasten -- RechRdx(A)
    Level 26: [Empty]
    Level 28: [Empty]
    Level 30: [Empty]
    Level 32: [Empty]
    Level 35: [Empty]
    Level 38: [Empty]
    Level 41: [Empty]
    Level 44: [Empty]
    Level 47: [Empty]
    Level 49: [Empty]
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Critical Hit

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    &gt;-KEE,MNFT`4AO&gt;6_`YY`4&gt;&lt;N7!15JF&lt;REEXXU3= 4QAA5`&lt;LS**11CQ[S\P&lt;#(63KKJK;/DWW_R&lt;R]P
    @Z5LKC?X6#R"WI@RN0]HT.L:X%_68O+(ZT+BI:3*&lt;ZG\I&lt;K)R&amp;?9*E:UZVF WK2/AO%&gt;FO+8ENB*R:09
    %K/L7ESBRUO-?S(Y,NO*Y`O-6`K1IWC9%LSZ@M`ENL*N0E\VVF"V;*X8X99I;9,&lt;G*?0?O& ltIA#-L)A
    </pre><hr />
  20. Thanks Nightmarer...will probably see you in Union Badgehunters first though .
  21. thanks for the help guys.

    Now...if only I could get someone to run little old level 24 me through the Terra Volta respec trial to shift about some slots.
  22. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He slowly begun taking steps forward.

    "Technically I'm a human who ascended to Demonhood but that's just an interesting formality...now...what's all this shouting and hollering about...some of us need to get some sleep, these last few days have been quite busy for me..."
  23. I took it early merely because there was simply nothing I wanted from either Regen OR DM at the time. Touch of Fear I was willing to wait for, Confront (not a tank), Siphon life (being /regen didn't feel the need to pick it up) and Dark Consumption I felt with stamina would be rendered moot anyway.

    The main reason my attacks have been underslotted was because I've been focusing on getting my secondary primed first, normally I'm the first one to six slot attacks as quickly as possible (playing an MM means I'm pretty much use to six slotting primaries as quickly as possible).

    I do plan to take FA at 41, currently I'm placing down the build in a way that it will hopefully not require respeccing at any point (seriously bad memories of the Tree of Thorns respec trial).

    It is a valid point though, stamina probably wasn't required until later but DM was coming off to me as rather End heavy, so I took it as soon as possible.

    Truth be told I probably will pick Hasten but leave it a little while before it's 3 slotted since I've now got to my attacks in order as both you and FireKitty have suggested.
  24. Another question, should I bother with hasten, my brain slapping me and telling me I should but my heart cries, "you've levelled this far without it, learn to live without it."

    What to do?

    Don't ask me why but I feel I could really use those slots I'd have to use in hasten elsewhere.
  25. This is my build so far, wondering what you guys thought on it

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.21

    Level 23 Magic Scrapper
    Primary Power Set: Dark Melee
    Secondary Power Set: Regeneration
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Fitness

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Smite <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy[*] (19) Accuracy[/list]Level 1: Fast Healing <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[*] (3) Healing[*] (3) Healing[/list]Level 2: Shadow Maul <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy[*] (19) Accuracy[/list]Level 4: Reconstruction <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[*] (5) Healing[*] (5) Healing[*] (9) Recharge Reduction[*] (9) Recharge Reduction[/list]Level 6: Quick Recovery <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Modification[*] (7) Endurance Modification[*] (7) Endurance Modification[/list]Level 8: Air Superiority <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy[/list]Level 10: Dull Pain <ul type="square">[*] (A) Recharge Reduction[*] (11) Recharge Reduction[*] (11) Recharge Reduction[*] (13) Healing[*] (13) Healing[*] (15) Healing[/list]Level 12: Swift <ul type="square">[*] (A) Flight Speed[/list]Level 14: Fly <ul type="square">[*] (A) Flight Speed[*] (15) Flight Speed[/list]Level 16: Integration <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[*] (17) Healing[*] (17) Healing[/list]Level 18: Health <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[/list]Level 20: Stamina <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Modification[*] (21) Endurance Modification[*] (21) Endurance Modification[/list]Level 22: Touch of Fear <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy[*] (23) To Hit Debuff[*] (23) To Hit Debuff[/list]Level 24: [Empty]
    Level 26: [Empty]
    Level 28: [Empty]
    Level 30: [Empty]
    Level 32: [Empty]
    Level 35: [Empty]
    Level 38: [Empty]
    Level 41: [Empty]
    Level 44: [Empty]
    Level 47: [Empty]
    Level 49: [Empty]
    Level 1: Brawl <ul type="square">[*] (A) Damage Increase[/list]Level 1: Sprint <ul type="square">[*] (A) Run Speed[/list]Level 2: Rest <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[/list]Level 1: Critical Hit

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    ,OCP5'QBAIL2E:3!;**K"`KR&gt;9DQ\B*DL%P)C6%T.2JR553 2$VI-*6.^M$Q'\$8H2";D5TN/@!7N&amp;VJ
    </pre><hr />