Favourite scrapper-based quotes and good times




Well everyone has come across something which made them chuckle or nod their head in agreement. Running the Synapse task force, around 8 people in the party to start off with. Now considering this party was 5 defenders, 2 scrappers and a tank there was a lot of buffs/debuffs etc. flying around.

I decided to simply test whether I could take the alpha strike from a large group of clockwork while auto-exemped down to 20.

I run in and manage (thanks to dull pain) to survive the alpha and begin scrapping. At which point one of the defenders jokingly says.

"You know your meant to let the tank go first?" followed by a face.

The reply from one of the other defenders was priceless and made me giggle.

"What...he isn't a tank?"

I chuckled at that.

The Tank had to quit the TF for irl reasons. Which meant for the rest of the TF I was basically a Regen tanker, taking the alpha for a lot of the large 7 man mobs (and kept alive thanks to some nifty healing here and there from the Empath).

Since the group had complained that their previous attempt at the TF had been too slow and boring gave the response of...

"Well I'll keep it interesting then"

At which point for all the missions I just went scrapperlock style crazy, charging mobs headon and just continually killing my way through the mobs aided by a fellow scrapper who took up the same style of play as well.

By the end of the TF I was actually tired of kill all missions, 3 hours of almost non-stop scrapperlock took it's toll.

Despite the party build being very very far from optimum, everyone really enjoyed themselves.

So guys whats your favourite quotes, stories and the like with regards to scrapping, scrappers and the like?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



From the days of being a Katana/Regen in I3/I4, when most defenders tended to be empaths.

From an Ill/Emp controller to an Emp/En defender on the team, about me after my HP bar had yoyo'd down and then straight back up again while in the Shadow Shards, IIRC:

"I've given up trying to heal him, by the time the heal's triggered, his HP's back up to full anyway."

That had something to do with Instant Healing being a toggle, and significantly higher regen than you can get these days.

I miss those days sometimes, being able to survive the front lines of a battle against ludicrous numbers of mobs, alongside an invuln tank back when they were tanker god mode. I'd have liked to have seen how some of my toons from after I5 would have coped in I3/4. (for a start they'd have no doubt had some very different builds)


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



best scrapper experience I had was Citadel TF with 7 scrappers and a controller. halfway through the 1st mission the controller basically said 'I've given up trying to hold anything, they're dead before I can activate the hold'

As soon as we entered the map it was basically a race to the mobs to see who could hit the most council. The map just spread out like a firework as scrappers fanned out through the mab, laying waste to the council as we went. it was almost magical

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Heh, some best things playing on my scrappers...

The katana/invuln scrapper
'wait... u got 2.4k hp?!?' Perma dull pain ftw ;D
'O_O wow, ur like immortal' Yeah, invuln is that good

Every time when I tank AVs or big mobs with him makes me smile. My katana/invuln is quite tough tbh, you can ask Aurrius for confirmation

'lol u actually died before the blaster' regen is so damn gimped in big teams / versus AVs
'stop healing and die ffs!' best quote ever, dueling my friend

'try to hold the aoes a bit... i cant toggle RAs on you :P' Oh yes, +3 nemesis being the only AoE damage dealer
'wow he runs faster than i fly!! and he has no travel power!!!!!!!!!!!' Heheh, loads of +runspeed set bonuses and slotted sprint/swift/quickness ftw

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Good times?

-Standing in the middle of a massive spawn of Carnies (including several Master Illusionists), no toggles up but Fortitude on me, shouting "COME ON! I'LL TAKE ALL OF YOU!" and the defender saying "I love scrappers with fortitude - they're crazy...". Also, in Carnie missions for a big team, running ahead to the next spawn so I can make the Master Illusionists spawn their pets because it's crazy wild fun.

-Tanking Infernal when the rest of the team wiped, and managing to pass out enough Awakens to bring the mission back to be a complete success.

-saying "Shadow Cyst in the next spawn! All of you stay back, I'll deal with it..." and then having to explain after everyone else dies that you did, in fact, warn them... It happened several times that mission, but I said every time what I was doing....

-The 3-2-1 rule (or whatever you call it). Once -one- person on the team has said Ready!, you count 3-2-1 and then run in. If you say Ready! when you're a scrapper, it's because you're already running in :-)

One of my happy memories, though it involved dying, several times, involved an eight person Nemesis mission. At one point, due to the mobs mostly being round a corner, we didn't realise that we were facing a couple of spawns mixed together, so two scrappers and a blaster ran straight into seven Fake Nemesises, as well as the rest of the spawns... It was a singularly surprising experience. "Oh hey, a Fake. Oh wait. More. Stacked forcefield. Hm. AOE. Argh! OMG DEAD!"




My katana/invuln is quite tough tbh, you can ask Aurrius for confirmation

[/ QUOTE ]

*nods silently*



On my main it's gonna have to be a recent arena match I joined in, myself versus 2 blasters and a troller. Playing a Katana/Regen and they just couldn't stop me. It took all three of em spamming holds and bashing buttons as fast as they could to even slow me down Hot Feet, Rise of the Phoenix, Ice Storm, Phantasm. Nothing could touch me, after that one of them asked me for my build as I kicked @55 that much he wanted to make one of his own, and it's not even pvp specced!

Favourite example was when I'd first got the game and was running some missions with an 8 man team at about level 20 or so, including tanks, blasters, defenders and trollers. Hit the Room Of Death and the tank accidentally aggroed the whole lot, everyone panicked and a team wipe ensued, with the exception of myself, who with a regular supply of insps supplied by dead teammates, cleared about 4 mobs of 8 man strong spawns solo! One of the defenders said: "He's unstoppable! He's nearly cleared off all my debt!"

Most fun EVER....



"You can't kill it. If you do it just comes straight back up. *manical laugh*" - Last Rikti War Zone mish with ambush after ambush and 2 AVs going at it while the rest of the team wiped and went to hospital 3 times

"Wait, Sere are you dancing infront of Siege?" - MoG on and team wiped on floor.



Back in the good old days of I3 and "proper" regen , ol' Bluetrino took out Lusca with only a team of 3 or 4 people - without faceplanting once (I might add) - took a bloody age but was great.

Again back in I3 - Jumping into groups of 8+ purples and wiping the floor with them.

Being mistaken for a Tanker - by a Tanker!

Soloing the odd AV (difficult now )




Facing two groups of +3 DEs. All faceplanted but me.

*Empath* - Holy <bleep!>! I got one shot again...
*Rad troller* - Same...
*Tanker 1* - Ok.. This is impossible. Change mission?
*Tanker 2* - I can kill'em. Wakie pls.
*Empath* - You just died 3 times so far, Tanker 2.
*Scrapper* - Err.. Guys? D Ripper is taking them down
*Tanker 1* - He'll die.

*Me* - Ok.. Done. I got 2 wakies. Empath and Rad, you both got rez right?
*Empath & Rad* - Yea.
*Tanker 1* - [censored]?... Temp powers?
*Me* - Debt protection only :P
*Empath* - He's a good scrapper.
*Tanker 1* quits.
*Tanker 2* - lol.. I feel ashamed... I want a Spines/SR too

Now, I did had some luck against all those DEs. Somehow I managed to get out of Fungis range and avoid those buffs/debuffs. Anyway, it was a really nice moment and probably the main reason I kept playing my Scrapper.

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Tanker - I wanna KIIILLLL tat thing!
Peacebringer - No, wait, that's a--


Tanker - U [censored] PB!!!
Empath - Before anyone asks me to rez--
Me - I know
Blaster - got any wakies?
Controller - nah, im out
Tanker - DONT REZ THE PB!!! IT'S EVIL!!!
Peacebringer - Oh, damn it all...

One of the funniest moments in my hero career



Didn't happen to me, but to a friend's scrapper:
Friend: I see a fake nemesis, Charge! <hack><faceplant>
Friend: Ow, what happen there?
Teammate: Read the mission briefing
Friend: Oh, so that's NOT a fake nemesis



I love it when a tanker says "Ok, I think you better take over the tanking"

especially during Posi TF with my DM/DA it was priceless

The other nice situation is when the whole team is running away and you stay behind not because you know you can take them, but because the phone rang just when the shout to run came and you didn't notice the team has bailed while you were distracted.



I love it when a tanker says "Ok, I think you better take over the tanking"

especially during Posi TF with my DM/DA it was priceless

The other nice situation is when the whole team is running away and you stay behind not because you know you can take them, but because the phone rang just when the shout to run came and you didn't notice the team has bailed while you were distracted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh thats just HARSH!!!!!!

Best fun I had with my DM/DA scrapper was on a pug. We were a full team of 8 on invincible and in a mission full of Freakshow, many of them tank smashers

Got to one part and basically managed to totally muck things up and aggro about 3 or 4 whole spawns. Well, in quick succession pretty much the entire team got wiped excpet for me and the Empath who was back up the map afk on a bio break. He comes back into the game just in time to see screams of RUN!!!! in the team chat and me with a yellow health bar and falling fast. In he leaps and heals me. I keep fighting he keeps healing. over and over and over again.

It was mental fun coz practically every freak just seemed to resurrect and I fought like the entire crowd twice. About halfway through I felt like a god coz the rest of the team had not gone to hosp but stayed and were cheering us on. It was like the end moments of a Rocky Movie where he finally pulls the fight out of the back. Truly superb.

I admit I would never had done it without the Empath but still to just go toe to toe with so many major bad guys was epic!



One I remember was when fighting 3 nemesis spwans at once on an 8 man invincible mission, within 30 seconds every one else on the team was dead, I continued to clear the room, about half way through, with most of my health left, one of my team mates says "Wow, elude really is good!" I replied "Yeah, i'm saving it for when i need it" the team's reactions were priceless!



Explaining scrapperlock to non-scrappers.

Defender: So what exactly is scrapperlock?

Me: Well paragonwiki defines it as akin to a beserker rage. Most scrapper will tell you "Scrappers go for kill, if we live or die, does not matter...only defeating our enemies matters" and that they're are three kinds of scrapper, feral, who lives in a permenant state of scrapperlock and thus not good to team with, wild, who has a tendency to go into scrapper lock and domesticated, which are least likely to go into scrapperlock and think more about the team.

Scrapper 2: hmm...say I was wild then.

Me: hmm...I don't think I've ever met a truly domesticated scrapper...

Me: I think Conan said it best that for a scrapper the finest things in life are "to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women..."

Scrapper 2: Conan...now you know that guys a scrapper...Broadsword/Invuln scrapper.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



<--- domesticated scrapper.
There must be a really good tanker for me to scrapperlock.... or a very bad team where scrapperlock isjust part of the "sod this after his mission I am out"



I tend to scrapperlock on teams with more than one other scrapper. The fights are over fast enough not to worry about downtime.



Well, I'm a scrapper and I got bored fast.
I just wane swing that sword and swing it again :P

Sometimes on missions people have to go afk. So if that happens, teams tend to wait for the others to come back.
Well, everyone but me that is. If it takes too long (longer then one minute) I tell them "I'm bored I'm gona kill something". I then flip elude, run into the nearest group of enemies and start to kill them. What follows is a bunch of people going [censored]? Some are smart and stay back because they understand scrappers, others go in and try to "save/help me" and die in the process. By the time they get back from the hospital, the enemies are dead and the group of smart people has just expanded by two or three members.