need a Dark Melee/Regen build advice/help




Now I'm being told different things by different people ingame, some say take staminia, others say Quick recovery 3 slotted with EndMod is enough.

Has anyone got any builds they can post or suggestions they can make to help me out?

Oh and plan to use fly as a travel power (character got wings, gonna use em)

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I haven't played my DM/Regen for a while so I'm out of date with IOs etc. but I found Stamina to be a big help. QR is good but especially at later levels when you're slapping down a big mob of Carnies QR wasn't good enough on its own for me. Stamina is a great comfort, and ditto Health - you'll have no defence or resistance to getting bashed so the one thing you have to rely on is your ability to heal as fast as possible. DM will help keep the bad guys swinging and missing (as will you, making Shadow Maul deeply frustrating until you get some Acc SOs) but Health was very important to my build. So I say go with Fitness pool - Health and Stamina maybe not be essential (I'm sure many here will scoff at the idea) but I found them to be extremely useful when the going got tough - after all, Instant Healing and Dull Pain aren't permanent, and villain groups at high levels are swines for sucking endurance. My DM/Regen used to eat Malta Sappers like they were kebabs on a Friday night - it's a good combination.

There are a few useful guides on the US boards - I found this one, which is recent enough to talk about IOs, but there are several excellent guides (although some may be much older). Some issues will provoke much debate - like whether or not to take Siphon Life: I loved it and it can get you out of trouble with its +health and -acc when bosses are thumping you. If you're going with Fly (as I did) then at least you have the option of Air Supremacy, which is handy given that DM doesn't have that many attacks. Because I had Air Sup I didn't take Shadow Punch, but some swear by it for the rapid delivery of -acc.

DM/Regen is a great fun build, and with all the respecs you must have accumulated by now, you can play around until you get what you like - which will probably change as you level and take on different story arcs. It can be a very powerful solo character as well as a very useful team player and even has a hold and an immob that deals extreme damage! On a scrapper! As usual, there's no right or wrong way but I think that however you build it you'll enjoy it. I know I did.



QR + Stamina + Dark Consumption altogether means forget endurance slotting attacks which can mean better high burst DPS and possibly even taking less attacks for more travel or damage sustainability. Decide what powers you want in your build and then slot to compensate.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Yes - what Shannon said! I forgot to mention that my DM/Regen had no need to slot End Redux after a while - its amazing how those spare slots can add up! I took Focused Accuracy from the Body Mastery ancillary pool too - but since DM has such erratic accuracy I kept acc slots in Smite and Shadow Maul even with FA slotted - call me paranoid but sometimes it's nice to have both belt and braces



Well so far (I haven't got hero builder) but I have (level 8).

Fast healing (3 slotted health), Reconstruction (3 slotted health) and Quick Recovery (3 slotted Endmod).
Dark Melee:
Smite (1 slot damage)
Shadow maul (1 slot damage)
Air Superiority (1 slot Accuracy)

Apart from slotting Smite and Shadowmaul with damage (and not accuracy which I now realise I should have done) Everything look alright so far? (I know I should put my next 2 slots in Reconstruction for Recharge reduction but I really am feeling the need for Accuracy in both Smite and Shadow maul)

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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lvl 8! I actually am cheap and tight on slots till SOs. Debt is too small to notice and levelling dont take that long. When you get SOs bare in mind that you will do more damage per end, miss less and have a generally healthier build than what you experienced with TOs so what may feel like stamina is stamina plus an end friendlier build.

I am more interested in what wings ya got! I fancy Bat wings with Dark, DM just reminds me of Batman. When streetfighting comes out (as the Devs themselves I think, wont find the game complete without so humour them ) we'd probably see a bit more of the Comic Book style way of fighting so often seen in old Batman films.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Well since I haven't got the 15 month reward yet (otherwise I would have used Demon wings) and the concept of the character is a Redeemed demon (don't ask very long RP-based story, he lost his right arm during the 2nd Rikti invasion and had it replaced) I use the Draconic wings, Black primary with a nice Red secondary gives them a very suitable demonic look.

Here's a Pic

As for slotting, well, I know I probably shouldn't slot stuff until 25 but i just feel odd with unused slots.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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Mind you, slotting TOs does help to lay the plans for your SOs, and if you just slot the ones you pick up along the way you don't lose much inf...I'm not as cheap and buy DOs at 12, though



Stamina and Quick Recovery 3-slotted (hmm, nearly wrote 6 there...oh the good old days...) will give you more than enough end, Dark Consumption will probably be made redundant. Also, if you end up slotting IO sets you will use even less end as they have an end reduction component.

As for slotting in the lower levels - I don't bother buying TOs but just stick whatever drops in the slots in powers. When I get to DO levels I tend to slot lots of accuracy, although now IOs are here I try to slot them if I have the inf.



but since DM has such erratic accuracy I kept acc slots in Smite and Shadow Maul even with FA slotted - call me paranoid but sometimes it's nice to have both belt and braces

[/ QUOTE ]

DM's low accuracy is a myth - it has the same base accuracy as Claws and Spines, the only reason why BS and Katana have a higher acc is because they have weapon redraw and MA's higher base accuracy is leftover from when the set used to be [censored].

The reason DM seems to have a lower accuracy than other Scrapper sets is because Shadow Maul has a very long animation which draws attention to the fact that it misses lots as well as a distinctive whiffing sound when you miss with most attacks.



But ToF does have the higher acc of the other sets, which tends to make the other DM powers look bad. Its not that they are bad, they just look it

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I don't doubt it, but like you say, DM and Smite seem to have pitiful accuracy becasue you wait for so long for your two principal attacks to come online and then you swish through thin air and those Vampire bosses just laugh and laugh and's so embarrassing...

I'd still slot for accuracy if I had claws,spines or MA - like I said, I'm paranoid and usually have the spare slots for it and I like belt and braces when my entire reason for being is to actually smite the wicked with the hand of Justice, rather than just fan them.



Oh yes - I always slot 2 Acc SOs regardless of the primary, you can't have enough accuracy.



Oh yes - I always slot 2 Acc SOs regardless of the primary, you can't have enough accuracy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here. I cannot tolerate anything less.



hmm another question.

Decided I'm taking Stamina (even if some people say I don't need it, I still have a feeling I do).

Now most DM attacks seem to have a -acc component to them, do I bother slotting tohit debuffs (not now, only just hit level 14, yay, no more raptor pack).

The thought was slotting 2 acc, 2 tohit debuffs and 2 damage into it worth it?

Oh and opening up a whole can of worms here, from what I can figure, MoG is far to situational (which sucks really for a tier 9, not as much as having to die to use your tier 9 like DA, slightly less than that) for common use so I probably wont be taking it which frees up more power options (well 1 more).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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You only need to slot ToHitDebuffs on Touch of Fear. At lvl 47, if you manage to get a few HO Lysosome exposures (used to be quite cheap in AH), you can slot 3 of them in ToF, until then, you can use 2xacc and 1xto hit debuff or 2xacc and 3x to hit debuff and respec the extra slots later when you get the Lysosomes.
The rest of attacks you better slot them with dmg, except Soul Drain that needs 2xacc and 3xrecharge (and maybe an endrdx if you wish).
If you are taking Siphon Life (not necessarily required on a regen) you can also use a couple Lysosome Exp on it instead of the 2xacc and 3 heals on it.



I dropped MoG in a respec as I personally didn't get much use out of it. It came in handy once or twice in the 30s but Instant Healing and Dull Pain had better recharge times and kept me going quite happily by themselves. My MoG was also hugely annoying when some Mage or Master Illusionist landed a psychic wallop - that HP drop is scary the first time you see it! (makes the team empath run to you like a greyhound throwing everything in the medi-kit though, until he realises what you've done ) I know lots of regens love their MoG and I used to want it just because Paragon Protectors annoyed me so much with theirs... but IH and DP do it for me. Just my tuppence, though. I also like brussels sprouts when its not Christmas, so that might give you an idea of how much my taste goes



hi, me again.

Now I've got Quick Recovery 3 slotted with EndMod, should I threeslot Stamina with EndMod as well?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



hi, me again.

Now I've got Quick Recovery 3 slotted with EndMod, should I threeslot Stamina with EndMod as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Try with just the base slot and if you feel you lack a bit of recovery, you can always slot a second one or even a third one.



Oh yes - I always slot 2 Acc SOs regardless of the primary, you can't have enough accuracy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here. I cannot tolerate anything less.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, never really slot more than 1 Acc in a power. Then again, i only have high lvl scrappers, which all have FA.

My Kat/Regen has 1 Acc IO in each power and atm unslotted FA (only end reducers till i get HOs).

And my herostats show than when fighting vs +3s/+4s my acc is 94-96 for all poewrs (which is the ceiling)

Then again, i mostly team. where there might or might not be acc/tohit buffs

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



Oh yes - I always slot 2 Acc SOs regardless of the primary, you can't have enough accuracy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here. I cannot tolerate anything less.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, never really slot more than 1 Acc in a power. Then again, i only have high lvl scrappers, which all have FA.

My Kat/Regen has 1 Acc IO in each power and atm unslotted FA (only end reducers till i get HOs).

And my herostats show than when fighting vs +3s/+4s my acc is 94-96 for all poewrs (which is the ceiling)

Then again, i mostly team. where there might or might not be acc/tohit buffs

[/ QUOTE ]

I am with you here, I find that 1 acc plus Focused Accuracy is enough for PvE. Only slot 2 acc in some DM key powers I don't really want to miss, such as SIphon Life, Soul Drain and Dark Consumption. In this case, being a regen, not sure he needs Dark Consumption and/or Siphon Life though.



This is my build so far, wondering what you guys thought on it

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.21

Level 23 Magic Scrapper
Primary Power Set: Dark Melee
Secondary Power Set: Regeneration
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fitness

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Smite <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy[*] (19) Accuracy[/list]Level 1: Fast Healing <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[*] (3) Healing[*] (3) Healing[/list]Level 2: Shadow Maul <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy[*] (19) Accuracy[/list]Level 4: Reconstruction <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[*] (5) Healing[*] (5) Healing[*] (9) Recharge Reduction[*] (9) Recharge Reduction[/list]Level 6: Quick Recovery <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Modification[*] (7) Endurance Modification[*] (7) Endurance Modification[/list]Level 8: Air Superiority <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy[/list]Level 10: Dull Pain <ul type="square">[*] (A) Recharge Reduction[*] (11) Recharge Reduction[*] (11) Recharge Reduction[*] (13) Healing[*] (13) Healing[*] (15) Healing[/list]Level 12: Swift <ul type="square">[*] (A) Flight Speed[/list]Level 14: Fly <ul type="square">[*] (A) Flight Speed[*] (15) Flight Speed[/list]Level 16: Integration <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[*] (17) Healing[*] (17) Healing[/list]Level 18: Health <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[/list]Level 20: Stamina <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Modification[*] (21) Endurance Modification[*] (21) Endurance Modification[/list]Level 22: Touch of Fear <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy[*] (23) To Hit Debuff[*] (23) To Hit Debuff[/list]Level 24: [Empty]
Level 26: [Empty]
Level 28: [Empty]
Level 30: [Empty]
Level 32: [Empty]
Level 35: [Empty]
Level 38: [Empty]
Level 41: [Empty]
Level 44: [Empty]
Level 47: [Empty]
Level 49: [Empty]
Level 1: Brawl <ul type="square">[*] (A) Damage Increase[/list]Level 1: Sprint <ul type="square">[*] (A) Run Speed[/list]Level 2: Rest <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing[/list]Level 1: Critical Hit

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
,OCP5'QBAIL2E:3!;**K"`KR&gt;9DQ\B*DL%P)C6%T.2JR553 2$VI-*6.^M$Q'\$8H2";D5TN/@!7N&amp;VJ
</pre><hr />

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Looks fine, although the attacks are a bit underslotted - concentrate your slots on them over the next few levels the build will be pretty good.



Another question, should I bother with hasten, my brain slapping me and telling me I should but my heart cries, "you've levelled this far without it, learn to live without it."

What to do?

Don't ask me why but I feel I could really use those slots I'd have to use in hasten elsewhere.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



You don't have to take Hasten but -recharge effects are a Regen's worst enemy after -heal. It's one power pick and 2 slots to get it as good as you'll need it which is hardly much it the scheme of things.
If anything you should be more concerned about the lack of slotting invested in your attacks. I would also question the need for Stamina, with Quick Recovery and Dark Consumption available it seems unnecessary so early on. (I know you'll probably need it later if you take Focussed Accuracy in the 40s.)