non-pvper having fun in PvP




Now I'm not a PvPer in the slightest, I don't min/max or munchkin to get the best out of a character, hell I even only have fly as a travel power (something of a taboo in PvP apparently) and I imagine Dark Melee/Regen scrapper isn't the best PvP build in the world either.


Quite a few times I've entered PvP zones and had fun. One organised through Union Badge hunters and was the second Sirens big battle of the day, nobody called each other a noob and the whole event was enjoyable (especially when the villains took it upon themselves to take over a ruined building and rechristen it the "Tower of Power" at which point the night becomes a capture the tower type of event the tower switching back and forth between heroes and villains).

Then duelling at DM/DA brute in Bloody bay, nobody interupted except once when he rezzed a passing dominator thought I was taking advantage of his low health and stun status and stepped in, though the situation was quickly explained.

I have a feeling if the levels had been higher the match would have been far far more even. Seriously I've never seen endurance drop as fast as the DM/DA brutes did.

Today I was out doing my daily warburg nuke run (I tend to eat through them and use them on trivial things for fun and giggles...I mean I'm going for the rocketman badge...yeah...) managed to gather all three nuke types with only one interuption. a Psi dominator had followed me down into the web and was running his force bubble, which proceeded to aggro a load of Aracnoids including a Boss which did most of my work for me. Had he not aggroed those mobs he would have clearly won and I stated so on Broadcast (more holds, stuns and confuses than I could shake a stick at).

After that there was some small skirmishes, me managing to survive an AS (barely) thanks to IH still running giving me enough leway to use DP and Recon to get back to full health. The same said stalker was surprised he 2-shotted me later on. I got my behind handed to me more than I won (I won a few fights) and also go introduced to being TP and nuked by a Blaster (cheeky bugger).

There have been moments where attempting to get badges in PvP zones has become an excersise in frustration. The Hero AVs in RV badges on my MM was downright annoying.

Lately though PvP has become a more serene experience and more an excepted hazard, perhaps because I play when numbers are few in the zones or when an event has been organised.

I don't intend to become a hardcore PvPer, never will but all in all the last few times has been quite fun.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I'm afraid this sort of thing if frowned upon amongst the community, if you find yourself enjoying PvP at any point in the future please leave the zone as quickly as possible.

In all seriousness PvP is often seen within this game as some scary pass-time where only the "l33t" need apply so its encouraging to see someone who has found for themselves that it can be fun without being one of the big 5 cookie cutter pvp builds.

Here's hoping you enjoy more PvP and next time, bring your friends



cherries in your avatar, stalking your posts !