Moth Cathedral




((Similarly to Thugs Mansion, this thread is an in-character roleplaying thread to be used by anyone involved in plots concerning The Priest or Moth Cathedral.))

------------------------- INDEX ---------------------------

Chapter 01: Rikti War Council: Big Lunk recruits the Priest. A certain Mr Campbell visits the church to find the Priest and bring him onto an anti-Rikti strike team. During their rendezvous, him and the Priest are attacked by the Princes of Hell and must fight off a gang of venomous Mercy Snakes. Occurs August 07.

Chapter 02: The Exorcism of Edward Johnson. In this dark hour, Doctor Edward 'Mechano' Johnson, tries to gain control over the demons within him, under the baptism of the Priest, but will the Princes of Hell intervene, will his soul remain forever damned to darkness. Occurs in September 2007.

Chapter 03: The Faceless Angel. A faceless creature finds his way to the cathedral, seeking spiritual deliverance from his condition. He asks the Priest to help him remember who and what he once was before his unfortunate incident with the Rikti army all those years ago. Follow the drama and prepare for a shocking twist. Also starring Doctor Edward Johnson. Occurs in September 2007.

Chapter 04: Shemyazaz the Nephilim. The Priest's ancestral past comes knocking in the form of a fallen angel known as Shemyazaz, who demands to see our hero's demon father, Nokteel. Also starring Doctor Edward Johnson and Kabaiel. Occurs in September 2007.

Chapter 05: Priest and the Nomad. A cyborg from the future, called Zero arrives at the cathedral with a message for the Priest but is confronted by church guardian Doctor Edward Johnson. Also starring the courageous Damsel. Occurs in January 2008.

Chapter 06: Open Season: Impervium Tower attacks the Priest. The arrival of the Blood Countess's most wicked servant, the Ghost of Death heralds the devastating approach of the Impervium Tower, a mechanical monstrosity sent to assassinate the Priest, leader of the demon hunting supergroup the Nighthunters. Also starring Leon Tasker, Eleven, Bishop and the Dunelm Group. Occurs in August 2010.

Chapter 07: Awakening of the Priest. After a deadly rematch with battle-hardened friend Ray Hammerfall lands the Priest in the hands of an old foe; Lord Memphis, a rescue operation successfully sees him returned, albeit comatose and unresponsive for over three months. May's Easter period sees the arrival of a heavenly angel sent down to awaken the Priest in time for the oncoming Praetorian Invasion. Starring Damsel, Hazel, Storm and future Nighthunters 'The Centurion', Glittergirl and Price aka Slingshot. Also featuring Priestess and the cross-dimensional Soldiers of the Most High. Occurs in April 2011.

Chapter 08: Hell comes to Dark Astoria. Just hours before his heroic return to the Nighthunter's team, the Priest is visited by Ray Hammerfall who brings with him a tail of police sirens. Matters worsen as the Princes of Hell once again attack Moth Cathedral, bent on destroying the Priest once and for all. Also starring Patsy Crusher, Synchronaut Sarkh, Centurion and the Shadow. Guest appearances from the Priest Corps and Archangel Evea. Occurs June 2011.




Sister Mary Stevens

Moth Cathedral 22 of August, 1:43 am

The large Gothic architecture of Moth Cathedral sank deep into the mysterious fog of Dark Astoria, at this time of night, only the ghostly spirits of the fallen victims of the Rikti roamed the streets; yet Altair Stevens feared no evil. With the speed of the fastest train, she bolted through the streets and around the Cathedral. With great effort, she pushed the front doors open and squeezed her way in.

The interior was dimly lit by moonlight, shining through the large glass windows and reflecting off the polished marble surfaces. A cloaked man was knelt at the alter praying. However silently she moved, Altair’s footsteps echoed through the hall. She found her favourite seat near the choir stand and sank into herself, trying to stop the tears.

The cloaked man had either finished praying or heard her crying and cut short his words, but only moments after she’d taken her seat, he rose from his perch and calmly approached her.

“You’re crying” he said, standing over her but keeping comfortable distance. Altair looked up with tearful eyes and tried to word her thoughts but she couldn’t. “May I?” asked the man, who’s cloak, now revealed, was in fact a cassock; the religious clergy attire of a catholic priest. Altair nodded her head silently, giving him permission to read her mind telepathically. There was no distinct movement indicating the priest’s mental reading, but he’d suddenly chosen to close the gap between the girl and himself, and took a seat next to her.

“Sister Mary Stevens, you’re stronger than this. We cannot allow mere words to cause us heartache” said the priest.

“I know” Altair agreed, furiously wiping away her tears. “You try to forget the past” she continued “and just when everything is going great, the Devil places a thorn in your paw and this particular thorn was very sharp Father, sharp and prickly!”

The two briefly made eye contact and the priest smiled with his eyes, something that always made Altair smile back, regardless of how low she felt. A few moments of silence passed with neither uttering a word; both feeling quite comfortable in the tranquillity of the church.

“You shouldn’t go to that place” said the priest, referring to the Pocket D nightclub “it is a realm cast outside of our world and outside of my jurisdiction. The vampire, the werewolf and the demon you encountered are not yet our problem. I know you meant well questioning them and indeed the answers you bring are helpful in marking them as potential problems, for that I thank you, but again, it would have been best to stay out of the isolated realm.”

“I went in there to confront Doctor Mechano; you didn’t see his television broadcast but I did, he thinks you and him should fight on opposing sides of science versus religion” said Altair. “But I told him it’s a ridiculous idea; science is and always has been the pedestal of religion, and sometimes vice versa, regardless of conflicting ideas, that’s what you told me, right?”

“Yes” said the priest, with a slight nod. “Well said”

Another moment of silence ensued. Later, Altair sighed and removed her thick black woollen trenchcoat to reveal a well defined athletic frame, albeit fully covered in black clothing. She rests her jacket across her lap and turned to the priest.

“I’ll stay out of Pocket D” she muttered.

“Thank you Sister Mary” the priest replied.

“Can I stay the night, again? I love it in here” Altair asks, smiling and leaping to her feet.

“As a member of the convent, you’re welcome to stay here at any time and for as long as you wish Sister Mary”

“Thank you” she replied, making her way towards a door behind the choir stand. As she reached for the handle, she turns back around to face the priest. “Pious, this Sister Mary thing, can’t you just call me Altair?”

“Okay, deal” said the priest, smiling with his eyes. “But Altair…”

“Yes?” she answered.

“Don’t call me Pious, to you, its Father Michael”


The Apocalypse 25th of August, 10:23pm

The Mansion of Lady Elizabeth Grey, Wimbledon, UK

A woman dressed in black sat by a roaring marble fireplace, a larger-than-life painting of her hangs vainly over the darkened room. Noiselessly, a man dressed in a cassock emerges from the shadows and kneels before the Lady like a warrior awaiting his knighthood.

“Good to see you Pious, however unfortunate the circumstances” said the lady, but Pious remained quiet. “It is all rather apocalyptic isn’t it… reverend, this daunting invasion”

“Yes. I suppose it is” replied Pious, still knelt, his head bent deep in the bright pink carpeting. “I assume you summoned me here for a reason?”

“Yes, boy” she replied patronisingly. “The Rikti, under the command of their war leader Hro'Dtohz, grow desperate; our forces have destabilized their new gateway to the Rikti home world, but already they look for methods to recover from this set-back. As the Dark Watcher informed us, the Rikti Lineage of War believe they can utilize latent human psychic energies to re-stabilize their portals and has so captured one of the most potent psychics on earth; Miss Penelope Yin”

“I’ll track her, I’ll find her and I’ll bring her to you” said Pious, following the lady’s pause.

“No, I can’t risk you going alone. I’m putting together a team. Go now, I’ll be in touch”

“As you wish” said the priest, rising to his feet and turning towards the door.

“By the way, how is my old knight in shining amour?” she asked.

The priest appeared startled but quickly composed himself. “My father is doing just fine” he said, before disappearing into the shadows.




Moth Cathedral, Sunday, 26 of August, 12:52 pm

The sound of heavy footsteps pierce the quiet of Sunday mass in Moth cathedral, echoing over the voice of the preacher, as the gigantic figure makes his way to an empty pew, and sits down, the wood creaking uneasily beneath him.



After the service, a young nun with strange eyes approaches the large man; a certain cautiousness about her. Still, she produced a smile. "Good afternoon, sir" she greeted, but did not offer a polite chance to respond, instead, rushing on with her request. "I have to admit, I recognize exactly who you are and would definitely like to know, precisely how I may be of... help this afternoon?" she smiled pretentiously.



The large man continues to look font to the altar. His voice is low and heavy as he addresses the young holy woman to his side. "I'm looking for a man who fights in the name of god, i have business to discuss... I was told i may find him here... or at least a member of you diocese would be able to put me in contact with him"

Reaching into his shirt's breast pocket, he produces a photo of the masked priest and holds it out at arms length towards the nun.



The nun looked closely at the shady photograph, wondering what sort of business a mercenary would want with the Priest. Cyber-telepathically, the cyborg, Sister Mary Stevens pages a text message to reverend Pious Hunter detailing the mercenary's request. "Come back tomorrow at dusk" she relayed, before turning away with a courteous bow "God be with you"



The giant places the photo back in his pocket, and stands, still not looking to the woman, "Thank you for your time and cooperation."
He side steps carefully out of the pew, turns, and leaves.



Apocalypse, The Recruitment 27 August, 5:55pm

A cloaked man steps out from within the shadows of the Cathedral grounds. A silver eye-plate and his white collar stands out against the black cassock. He stood motionless, clutching a small bible, apparently waiting for someone.



A deep voice floats out of the darkness "Glad to see you could make it... Although the choice of venue is not to my taste... personally, inside is far more comfortable, the rules of sanctuary being what they are."

A large figure lands crouching with a thump several feet in front of the priest, and straightens to standing. "... I assume you know who I am?"



"That would be an acceptable assumption to make Mister Campbell" said the priest. "Surely, with your records you can understand why I would prefer to met with you in the open. For all I know, you've been sent to harm me. Fortunately for you, I am a man of faith and delight in optimism. However, for your sake, I would advise we make this meeting very, very brief." The tone in his voice was calm, even soothing, yet it carried a sense of danger. "So, the question is, why are you here?"



Lunk smiles "Surely, with my records, you should know that the environment we're in would make little difference IF we where to fight." He trudges slowly around the holy-man, circling him "... although that's not what I'm here for. I don't know if your aware, but during the recent problem with the Rikti, I helped head a council of war, working towards breaking their assault... now the assault is past, we're taking an Elite team to hit back... Show them we're not to be messed with."

He stops and swivels on his heals, standing at ease in front of the priest "and you, father, come highly recommended"



"I am aware of the Council" said the Priest. "What do you plan to do and who was it that recommended me?"



"The plan is simple. A covert squad makes an insertion into a few Rikti footholds into this dimension, and using... liberated Rikti portal tech, we open tears into their world, and toss through devices designed to confuse and destabilise their top end military... And your recommendation... from none other than lady grey herself."

The giant smiles "so, are you in? I'm sure a can arrange for a donation to the chapel fund if you need the deal sweetening"



"Well, if the Lady sent you here then I have no choice. I will help you fight Rikti" said the Priest. Suddenly an ear-piecing screech is heard from the depths of the mist and two sets of fiery, demonic eyes can be seen slithering through the darkness. "Ha, here they come" said the Priest, producing a large sword. Another screech is heard as two winged snakes the size of Cathedral itself, emerge from the mist, breathing fire from their eyes. Without warning, one of them dives towards the Priest, who stood steadfast and motionless. "Dear God, the Twins of Sthenos!" he whispered, lowering his blade to guard a sudden attack.



The giant takes a step back, clenching his fists and poising himself as the serpent strikes at the holy-man "You knew these things where coming?"



"Around about this time of night, I get ambushed by the Devil's own; but I was not expecting these snakes. Sthenos must be up to something" said the Priest, guarding himself again and again. Suddenly, he strikes the ground with his broadsword and bellows in an amplified voice. "Enough! Steros, Elusa, I do not wish to harm you; I beseech thee, begone from this holy ground"

"You dare call the daughters of Ssthenoss by name, peassant?!" screamed the giant snake, one called Elusa.

"Perhapss he longss to join us Elussa" screamed the other.

"Mister Campbell" called the Priest. "I assume you're familiar with the snakes of Mercy; these two are High Cobras, their venom is threefold deadlier than the vipers on the Isle. Put simply, we must not be bitten"

Suddenly, two giant tails came crashing down from the heavens; the Priest narrowly escapes both. "I guess they really want me dead Mister Campbell" said the Priest. "We should end this quickly; pick one and do what you must Mister Campbell, I shall climb to Elusa's head and dismember it." With that, the preacher races towards one of the snakes, sword in hand.



"Lovely, just how I like to spend my evenings, avoiding becoming dinner for an oversized worm." Lunk mutters to himself.

He draws his pistol and takes aim. The air is cut with a loud "CRACK!" as he fires at the second beast, tearing its left cheek and fang from its face "Oh yeah, [censored], cant bite with no [censored] teeth, can you!?!"

The serpent darts forward, as the giant steps aside, and pushes the creature's face into the dirt. Kneeling over it as he begins to pound his energy wrapped fists into the back of the skull of the wildly thrashing snake.



With practiced ease, the masked preacher leaps onto the snake and drives his sword deep into the back of its head, until the head was dismembered. The snake fell limply to the ground but the priest remained airborne, in a meditating posture. "This mission against the Rikti, Mister Campbell, where shall we meet and when?"



Lunk calls over his shoulder, still punching at the now still servant. "Saterday....20... hundred.... hours.... Vangaurd.... outPOST."

He stands up, shaking his arms down "...try to be punctual."

The giant walks back calmly to the shadows.



As the oversized man withdrew into the shadowy mists, the Priest descends to the ground and faces the two dead snakes. With a single gesture of his hand, the snakes vanished, teleported to another dimension.




Monday 3rd, 3am

Footsteps and the clink of chains echoed through the streets surrounding the Cathedral. Edward Johnson aka Doctor Mechano, stood outside the Cathedral, his arms and legs bound in heavy chains, a precaution which he prefered. His chest wrapped in day old bandages, bullet wounds covered his back.

He slowly moved towards the open door of the Cathedral, stepping foot inside sent a pain shooting through his entire body, his knees went weak but he bit his lip, struggling forward still, closing his eyes as he tried to fight back the pain.

Kneeling infront of the altar he continued to keep his eyes closed and waited for the man he simply knew as 'The Priest'.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The Exorcism of Edward Johnson

A loud metallic clunk echoed through the nave of the Cathedral, as Sister Mary Stevens cocked her assault rifle. She poised it on the man at the alter, understanding that at any minute, things could go terribly wrong.

"Doctor Mechano. We meet at last" came the toneless voice of the masked priest. "Codename and I have actually been expecting you... but not this soon. Did you loose patience? You don't look too good."



He gave a smile, his body shaking.

"It's...alright..just a few bullet wounds and the pain of being on holy ground as for why I came so quickly...well the old saying the sooner the better..."

He remained in his kneeling position with his eyes closed and let out a soft sigh, "forgive me father for I have sinned...oh how I have sinned...I come to you seeking that which I know cannot be given...but I atleast want to try and earn it..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Am I to believe that a man so narrow-minded, so focused on sciences is here asking for God?" asked Priest.



He gave a chuckle and coughed, wincing, still recovering from the bullet wounds.

"Science cannot redeem a soul, it can create life, alter life and sometimes, just sometimes, enhance life but matters of the soul and faith are strictly your area...I have tried to use one beast to control the two beasts both seek to control me and I find myself slowly becoming a true beast...that which does not care or feel, they say I am evil, attacking heroes and robbing banks but what I would become if I lost control, that is true evil."

He paused.

"What I did to your young apprentice, what I said, was wrong, science and G..Go.." he remembered he could not say that name, "..and Him are not opposite ends of the spectrum, Science came from Him, most of those early scientists were indeed men that believed in Him...I should have not been so blind..."

He opened his eyes, " me find redemption."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!